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국내 발전사의 아세아 화력발전 플랜트 시장 진출 전략

국내 발전사의 아세아 화력발전 플랜트 시장 진출 전략
Other Titles
A Strategy to Enter Asian Market of Thermal Power Plant for Domestic Power Company
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Chang Hyun
Issue Date
국내 발전 산업은 급속한 경제발전과 함께 괄목할 만한 양적, 질적 성장을 거두어 왔으나 이제 선진국 대열에 들어선 만큼 더 이상 과거와 같은 고도의 성장을 기대하기 어렵다. 따라서 국내 화력발전사는 내수시장 확대를 통한 성장의 한계에 도달하였으며 세계적인 전력산업 시장개방 추세와 기후변화협약에 따른 화석연료 사용자제, 정부의 전기요금제도 규제 등 어려운 환경 속에서 무한 경쟁이 요구되는 실정이다. 한편 해외시장의 경우 중국을 중심으로 신흥개발도상국의 경제발전에 힘입어 전력인프라 구축이 한창이며 발전 산업 민영화로 시장규제가 완화되는 등 해외시장 진출을 위한 우호적인 환경이 조성되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 국내 화력 발전사들의 발전플랜트 건설 및 운영현황과 기술경쟁력을 분석하고, 대내외 환경요인과 발전사 역량을 중심으로 해외사업을 통한 지속성장을 전제로 수행능력 분석을 시행하여 대안을 모색하였다. 또한 전력산업 구조개편과 화석연료 고갈, 기후변화협약 등 발전 산업을 둘러싼 시장동향을 파악하고 지역별, 발전원별 시장전망을 토대로 우선 진출지역을 아세아로 선정하고 아세아 발전플랜트 시장 진출 시 가능한 분야, 국가별 특성에 맞는 진출방안 그리고 발전사가 해외시장 진출 초기단계인 만큼 성공적인 진입을 위한 단기 전략으로 업체간 컨소시엄, 현지기업과의 전략적 제휴, 지분투자 등의 방법을 제시하였다.| The domestic power industry has been improving both qualitatively and quantitatively along with Korea's rapid economic growth known as the miracle of the Han River. As a matter of the fact, South Korea became one of the most advanced countries in the world meaning that we could not expect that much of higher economic growth anymore. The power plant companies also reached the culmination for growth in the domestic market as well. Besides, we have faced many challenges such as an electricity opening market trend for overseas, banning the use of coal due to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the meticulous attention regarding the government's electricity charge plan. On the other hand, the overseas business has been a critical issue since China and many other developing countries expanded their projects abroad. Another factor is that power plant industry is being privatized, and it led a market regulation a bit loose. Thus, it became favorable toward those companies which planned many overseas businesses. In this research, I analyzed the power plant company's current condition for construction and operation as well as its and technical competitiveness, and made an alternative plan using SWOT analysis for entering an oversea market. It dealt with both internal and external factors. Also, I grasped the current situation under the power plant industry dealing with restructure for electric industry, lack of fossil fuel, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. From the research, I suggested many successful strategies to enter the overseas business by using the market trend I researched.; The domestic power industry has been improving both qualitatively and quantitatively along with Korea's rapid economic growth known as the miracle of the Han River. As a matter of the fact, South Korea became one of the most advanced countries in the world meaning that we could not expect that much of higher economic growth anymore. The power plant companies also reached the culmination for growth in the domestic market as well. Besides, we have faced many challenges such as an electricity opening market trend for overseas, banning the use of coal due to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the meticulous attention regarding the government's electricity charge plan. On the other hand, the overseas business has been a critical issue since China and many other developing countries expanded their projects abroad. Another factor is that power plant industry is being privatized, and it led a market regulation a bit loose. Thus, it became favorable toward those companies which planned many overseas businesses. In this research, I analyzed the power plant company's current condition for construction and operation as well as its and technical competitiveness, and made an alternative plan using SWOT analysis for entering an oversea market. It dealt with both internal and external factors. Also, I grasped the current situation under the power plant industry dealing with restructure for electric industry, lack of fossil fuel, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. From the research, I suggested many successful strategies to enter the overseas business by using the market trend I researched.
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