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dc.contributor.advisor이 훈-
dc.description.abstract주 5일제 실행으로 인한 여가시간의 증가와 소득의 증대 등은 다양한 욕구를 만족시킬 수 있는 여가활동공간으로 관심을 갖게 하였고, 여가문화생활의 즐길 수 있는 새로운 개념의 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰이 등장하고 있다. 1인당 국민소득 2만 불 시대에 따라 소비 트랜드가 달라지면서 소비와 여가를 함께 누리려는 성향이 강해졌으며 몰링(Malling)족이 확산되었다. 몰링이란 복합 쇼핑몰에서 쇼핑뿐만 아니라 오락 등 다양한 여가활동을 즐기는 소비행위를 일컫는다. 이러한 시대적 변화와 함께 쇼핑, 문화, 여가를 즐길 수 있는 쇼핑몰이 대세로 자리 잡고 있는 가운데 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰에 대한 연구가 필요하다 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰의 하나의 여가활동공간으로 보고 방문객의 라이프스타일을 군집화하여 특성을 알아보고 여가동기와 만족도의 차이를 파악함으로써 마케팅적 관점에서 개선, 보완 가능한 시사점을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰, 라이프스타일, 여가동기, 만족도에 대한 이론적 고찰을 실시하였으며, 여가동기의 경우 선행연구와 더불어 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰 이용경험자를 대상으로 한 사전인터뷰를 통해 동기항목을 추가·보완하였다. 이러한 이론적 고찰을 바탕으로 연구가설을 설정하였으며 검증을 위해서 구성된 설문지는 영등포에 위치한 타임스퀘어 방문객을 대상으로 실증조사 하였으며, 실증분석에 따른 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰 방문객의 라이프스타일 군집유형에 따른 여가동기간의 차이를 검증한 결과, 여가동기 중 시설편의성, 흥미유희성, 휴식화합성 요인이 집단 간 유의한 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났으며 대안 장소성과 복합 편리성에 대해서는 네 집단 모두 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 가족형·유행지향형 집단은 여가동기 요인 중 시설편의성에 비해 흥미유희성과 휴식 화합성을 중시하는 것으로 나타났다. 적극적 여가체험형 집단은 휴식화합성을 가장 중요시하고 흥미 유희성에 대해 낮은 성향을 보였다. 자기개발중심형은 여가동기에 있어서 낮은 분포를 보이는 집단으로 흥미유희성을 제외한 시설편의성, 휴식 화합성은 다른 집단에 비해 전반적으로 낮은 성향을 보였다. 활동적 개성추구형은 시설편의성, 흥미유희성을 중요시 하는 것으로 나타났고 휴식화합성은 이에 비해 낮은 성향을 보였다. 둘째, 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰 방문객의 라이프스타일 군집유형에 따른 만족도간의 차이를 검증한 결과 활동적개성추구형이 적극적 여가체험형 비해 가장 높은 만족도를 보이고 있었고, 가족형·유행지향형과 자기개발중심형과도 집단 간에 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 분석 결과를 통해 얻을 수 있는 시사점은 라이프스타일 군집 유형별로 세분화된 프로그램의 개발과 맞춤형 마케팅 전략이 필요하다는 것이다. 가족형·유행지향형은 가족과 동반자, 대인관계의 교류를 중요하게 생각하며 자신의 외모와 유행에 민감하여 새로운 것에 관심이 많은 집단이라 할 수 있다. 가족과 친구와 함께 시간을 보내는 것 자체에 즐거움을 느끼며 이는 일상생활에서 벗어나 스트레스를 해소하는데 도움을 준다고 볼 수 있으며 쇼핑몰의 흥미로운 이벤트와 공연 참여, 새로운 것에 대한 체험 등이 여가동기로 작용하고 있는 것으로 분석된다. 이들이 20대 젊은 여성비율이 높은 것을 고려해 가족, 친구들과 함께 쉴 수 있는 휴식 공간과 최신 유행과 흐름을 반영하는 이벤트와 프로그램을 보완하여야 할 것이다. 적극적 여가체험형은 가족을 중요시하며 적극적 여가 생활과 체험적 취미활동을 통해 삶을 즐기는 집단이라 할 수 있다. 40대 이상의 비중이 높으며 20대와 30대 비율은 비슷하게 나타났는데, 가족 중심여가 문화가 확산되면서 가족과 함께 하는 패밀리형 몰링족이라 할 수 있다. 이들은 가족 간의 화합과 결속을 중요시 하는데 만족도를 높이기 위해서는 온가족이 참여하여 다양한 재미를 느낄 수 있는 프로그램을 개발, 운영하는 등 적극적인 마케팅을 펼쳐야 할 것이다. 자기개발중심형은 자기중심적 생활을 좋아하고, 외향적 취미활동을 즐기는 편으로 외모나 유행에 관심이 많으며 대인관계에 능동적이나 적극적 여가활동과 가족에 대한 관심은 적은 집단이라 할 수 있다. 주로 남성의 비율이 높으며 20̃ ̃ ~30대 분포가 많은 편으로 동반자는 연인과 함께 오는 비율이 높았다. 지속적인 방문을 이끌기 위해서는 남성들만의 휴식공간이나 남성용 제품이 판매되는 공간을 마련하고 그들이 관심을 가질만한 공연 및 이벤트를 개발하여야 할 것이다. 활동적개성추구형은 자신의 삶을 중요하게 생각하기 때문에 여가 및 체험활동에 적극적이고 인간관계에 능동적이며, 외모나 유행에 관심이 많은 집단이라 할 수 있다. 이들은 20대의 미혼자의 비율이 가장 높으며 소득 수준이 높은 편으로 구성되어있다. 이들의 변화하는 다양한 욕구를 충족시켜주기 위해서는 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰의 시설물의 정기적인 개·보수와 확충 및 직접적인 체험과 흥미성을 유발하는 이벤트와 프로그램을 통해 지속적인 방문이 계속될 수 있도록 고객의 눈높이와 욕구에 맞는 양질의 서비스가 제공되어야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 사회, 경제적 변화에 따라 등장한 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰을 하나의 여가활동공간으로 보고 방문객들의 라이프스타일을 군집화하여 특성을 알아보고 여가동기와 만족도를 연구하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 또한 여가동기에 대해 추진(Push)-유인(Pull)이론을 적용하여 동기를 추출하고 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰 이용경험자 사전조사인터뷰를 통해 동기를 보완하여 도출함으로써 마케팅적 관점에서 여가목적지 선택을 설명하고, 시설 관리측면에서 직접적이고 물리적으로 개선, 보완 가능한 시사점을 찾는다는 점에서 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 연구를 통해서 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰 개발 및 마케팅 담당자들은 방문객의 참여를 이끌고 방문을 유도하는 차별이고 효과적인 마케팅 방안을 제시할 수 있을 것이며 고정 고객확보와 집객효과를 올리는데 도움이 될 것이라 생각한다. 주제어: 복합 엔터테인먼트 쇼핑몰, 여가활동공간, 몰링(Malling), 라이프스타일, 여가동기, 만족도 |The complex entertainment shopping mall is emerging with a new concept of enjoying a leisure culture life, as the increase of leisure time and income by the introduction of the five-days a week brought attention to the leisure activity space which satisfies various needs. According to the era of 20 thousand dollars' per capita national income, the consumption trend was changed to strengthen a propensity of enjoying both the consumption and leisure, resulting in the proliferation of malling people. The term, malling means a consumption behaviour of enjoying various leisure activities like an entertainment as well as a shopping in the complex shopping mall. As the general trend is a shopping mall where can enjoy a shopping, culture, leisure with this historical changes, it is required to have a study on the complex entertainment shopping mall. This study aims to suggest the implications which can be improved and supplemented in terms of marketing by identifying the difference between the leisure motivation and satisfaction through a cluster of visitor's lifestyle for its characterization, regarding the complex entertainment shopping mall as a leisure activity space. To achieve the objective of this study, a theoretical review was made on the complex entertainment shopping mall, lifestyle, leisure motivation, leisure satisfaction, and in case of the leisure motivation, the pre-interview which targeted users of the complex entertainment shopping mall was conducted with the preceding study to complement the item. Based on this theoretical review, the study hypothesis was designed, and the questionnaire for the verification contained an empirical study targeting visitors of Times square in Yeongdeungpo, and the study findings by such analysis are as follows. First, as a result of verifying the difference among the leisure motivations by the cluster type of visitor's lifestyle of the complex entertainment shopping mall, it turned out to have a significant difference between groups in the factors of facility convenience, interest amusement, rest harmony, and in the factors of alternative place, complex convenience, it showed no difference in the four groups. In case of the family and trend oriented type, they turned out to focus on the rest harmony and interest amusement rather than the facility convenience. In case of the active leisure experiencing type, it turned out to focus on the rest harmony showing a lower propensity for the interest amusement. In case of the self-development centered type, it showed a lower propensity than other groups in the factors of facility convenience, rest harmony except the interest amusement, as it has a low distribution in the leisure motivation. In case of the active stylist type, it turned out to focus on the facility convenience, interest amusement, and show a low propensity in the rest harmony. Second, as a result of verifying the difference among the leisure satisfaction by the cluster type of visitor's lifestyle of the complex entertainment shopping mall, it turned out that the active stylist had the highest satisfaction compared with the active leisure experiencing type, and there was also a significant difference in the family oriented, trend oriented and self-development centered type. The implications through the result of this analysis is that it needs a customized marketing strategy and a development of the program subdivided by lifestyle cluster types. The family oriented and trend oriented type focus on the exchange among family, companion, and personal relationship, being also sensitive about their appearance and trend to show great interest in something new. They feel pleasure just in spending time with family and friends, which can be analyzed that it helps them to release stresses out of daily routine, acting as the leisure motivation to participate in the interesting event, performance, and experience for something new of the shopping mall. As the young females in their 20s occupy a high ratio of such types, it is required to supplement the event and program which reflect up-to-date trend along with the resting place where they can take rest with family and friends. The active leisure experiencing type focuses on the family, and it is a group that enjoys life through an active leisure life and experiential hobby activity. This type has a high ratio of those in their 40s or more, and similar ratio in those in their 30s and 20s, that is, the family type malling people who goes together with family, as the family oriented leisure culture was spread. As they focus on the harmony and unity of family, it needs to engage in an active marketing by developing or running the program which makes various pleasures through the participation of all family to enhance the satisfaction. The self-development centered type likes a self-centered life, and enjoys an extroverted hobby activity, being a lot interested in one's appearance or trend, active in personal relationship but having a low interest in the active leisure activity and family. This type has a high ratio of males, showing a large distribution in their 20s-30s, with a high ratio of a lover as a companion. To encourage a constant visit, it is required to prepare for the resting place only for males or the place for selling products for males, developing any events or performances that can bring their interest. As the active stylist type focuses on one's life, this type is active in the leisure or experience activity, human relationship, and has a high interest in one's appearance or trend. The unmarried in their 20s occupy the highest ratio of this type, which consist of generally a high income. To satisfy their various changing needs, it should be provided with a good quality service which meets customer's needs and level to promote a continuous visit through the event and program which induce a direct experience and interest, including a regular repair, remodelling, expansion of the facility goods in the complex entertainment shopping mall. This study has its implications in that it investigated the leisure motivation and satisfaction based on the characterization of a cluster of the visitor's lifestyle, regarding the complex entertainment shopping mall as a leisure activity space, which emerged under the social and economic changes. It is another implications that this study explains the selection of leisure destination in terms of marketing by extracting the motivation through the push-pull theory, along with the pre-interview to complement it, and then finds the implications which can be physically and directly improved or supplemented in terms of facility management. Through this study, it is expected that the managers in charge of the complex entertainment shopping mall development or marketing can suggest the distinctive and effective marketing plan which encourages visitor's participation or visit, and it helps to enhance the attraction effect and regular customers. * Key words: Complex Entertainment Shopping Mall, Leisure Activity Space, Malling, Lifestyle, Leisure Motivation, Satisfaction; The complex entertainment shopping mall is emerging with a new concept of enjoying a leisure culture life, as the increase of leisure time and income by the introduction of the five-days a week brought attention to the leisure activity space which satisfies various needs. According to the era of 20 thousand dollars' per capita national income, the consumption trend was changed to strengthen a propensity of enjoying both the consumption and leisure, resulting in the proliferation of malling people. The term, malling means a consumption behaviour of enjoying various leisure activities like an entertainment as well as a shopping in the complex shopping mall. As the general trend is a shopping mall where can enjoy a shopping, culture, leisure with this historical changes, it is required to have a study on the complex entertainment shopping mall. This study aims to suggest the implications which can be improved and supplemented in terms of marketing by identifying the difference between the leisure motivation and satisfaction through a cluster of visitor's lifestyle for its characterization, regarding the complex entertainment shopping mall as a leisure activity space. To achieve the objective of this study, a theoretical review was made on the complex entertainment shopping mall, lifestyle, leisure motivation, leisure satisfaction, and in case of the leisure motivation, the pre-interview which targeted users of the complex entertainment shopping mall was conducted with the preceding study to complement the item. Based on this theoretical review, the study hypothesis was designed, and the questionnaire for the verification contained an empirical study targeting visitors of Times square in Yeongdeungpo, and the study findings by such analysis are as follows. First, as a result of verifying the difference among the leisure motivations by the cluster type of visitor's lifestyle of the complex entertainment shopping mall, it turned out to have a significant difference between groups in the factors of facility convenience, interest amusement, rest harmony, and in the factors of alternative place, complex convenience, it showed no difference in the four groups. In case of the family and trend oriented type, they turned out to focus on the rest harmony and interest amusement rather than the facility convenience. In case of the active leisure experiencing type, it turned out to focus on the rest harmony showing a lower propensity for the interest amusement. In case of the self-development centered type, it showed a lower propensity than other groups in the factors of facility convenience, rest harmony except the interest amusement, as it has a low distribution in the leisure motivation. In case of the active stylist type, it turned out to focus on the facility convenience, interest amusement, and show a low propensity in the rest harmony. Second, as a result of verifying the difference among the leisure satisfaction by the cluster type of visitor's lifestyle of the complex entertainment shopping mall, it turned out that the active stylist had the highest satisfaction compared with the active leisure experiencing type, and there was also a significant difference in the family oriented, trend oriented and self-development centered type. The implications through the result of this analysis is that it needs a customized marketing strategy and a development of the program subdivided by lifestyle cluster types. The family oriented and trend oriented type focus on the exchange among family, companion, and personal relationship, being also sensitive about their appearance and trend to show great interest in something new. They feel pleasure just in spending time with family and friends, which can be analyzed that it helps them to release stresses out of daily routine, acting as the leisure motivation to participate in the interesting event, performance, and experience for something new of the shopping mall. As the young females in their 20s occupy a high ratio of such types, it is required to supplement the event and program which reflect up-to-date trend along with the resting place where they can take rest with family and friends. The active leisure experiencing type focuses on the family, and it is a group that enjoys life through an active leisure life and experiential hobby activity. This type has a high ratio of those in their 40s or more, and similar ratio in those in their 30s and 20s, that is, the family type malling people who goes together with family, as the family oriented leisure culture was spread. As they focus on the harmony and unity of family, it needs to engage in an active marketing by developing or running the program which makes various pleasures through the participation of all family to enhance the satisfaction. The self-development centered type likes a self-centered life, and enjoys an extroverted hobby activity, being a lot interested in one's appearance or trend, active in personal relationship but having a low interest in the active leisure activity and family. This type has a high ratio of males, showing a large distribution in their 20s-30s, with a high ratio of a lover as a companion. To encourage a constant visit, it is required to prepare for the resting place only for males or the place for selling products for males, developing any events or performances that can bring their interest. As the active stylist type focuses on one's life, this type is active in the leisure or experience activity, human relationship, and has a high interest in one's appearance or trend. The unmarried in their 20s occupy the highest ratio of this type, which consist of generally a high income. To satisfy their various changing needs, it should be provided with a good quality service which meets customer's needs and level to promote a continuous visit through the event and program which induce a direct experience and interest, including a regular repair, remodelling, expansion of the facility goods in the complex entertainment shopping mall. This study has its implications in that it investigated the leisure motivation and satisfaction based on the characterization of a cluster of the visitor's lifestyle, regarding the complex entertainment shopping mall as a leisure activity space, which emerged under the social and economic changes. It is another implications that this study explains the selection of leisure destination in terms of marketing by extracting the motivation through the push-pull theory, along with the pre-interview to complement it, and then finds the implications which can be physically and directly improved or supplemented in terms of facility management. Through this study, it is expected that the managers in charge of the complex entertainment shopping mall development or marketing can suggest the distinctive and effective marketing plan which encourages visitor's participation or visit, and it helps to enhance the attraction effect and regular customers. * Key words: Complex Entertainment Shopping Mall, Leisure Activity Space, Malling, Lifestyle, Leisure Motivation, Satisfaction-
dc.title라이프스타일에 따른 여가동기와 만족도 분석-
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis on the Leisure Motivation and Satisfaction by Lifestyles: Based on Complex Entertainment Shopping Mall-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorsim, se jin-
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