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고등학교 음악의 생활화 학습 지도 방안

고등학교 음악의 생활화 학습 지도 방안
Other Titles
Teaching methods to routinize music in high school
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Kyung min
Issue Date
본 연구의 목적은 고등학교 수업에서 활용할 수 있는 음악의 생활화를 위한 활동 영역별 지도 방안을 모색하는 것에 있다. 음악의 생활화란 학생이 평생을 살아가는 동안 자신이 속한 환경 속에서 음악을 즐기고 활용하는 것이다. 2007 개정 음악과 교육과정은 음악의 생활화를 강조하고 있으며, 고등학교 음악 교과서 또한 이를 적극적으로 반영하고 있다. 교육과정에서는 활동 영역을 노래 부르기, 악기 연주하기, 음악 만들기, 감상하기로 구분한다. 각 활동 영역별 지도 방안을 모색한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 노래 부르기 영역은 한국 예술가곡 <내 맘의 강물>을 통해 이루어진다. 예술가곡은 시와 음악이 결합된 장르이다. 가사와 음악 간의 관계를 이해하고 이를 창의적으로 표현해봄으로써 보다 깊이 있는 음악적 경험이 가능해진다. 더 나아가 학생들의 생활과 연계한 학습을 통하여 자신의 삶 속에서 가곡을 즐길 수 있는 태도를 가질 수 있게 된다. 둘째, 악기 연주하기 영역은 기타로 영화 음악 을 연주하기로 이루어진다. 주요 활동으로 기타 코드 운지와 주법을 익히고 다양한 연주곡 감상하기, 자신의 연주 발표하기, 연주 녹음하기 등을 제시한다. 자신이 직접 악기를 연주하고 친구나 전문가의 연주를 듣고 평하는 활동 등을 통하여 단순히 연주 기술에만 치중 하는 것이 아닌 반성적 사고를 통한 창의적 연주가 가능해지며, 이는 생활 속에서 질 높은 여가 생활로까지 확장될 수 있게 된다. 셋째, 음악 만들기 영역은 학생들이 비교적 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 악보 편집 소프트웨어인 ‘NoteWorthy Composer(NWC)’를 통하여 이루어진다. ‘NWC’의 기본 기능 익히기, 음악을 들으면서 한 도막 형식의 곡을 작곡해보기, 작곡한 곡을 발표하기, 음악 CD로 제작하기, 디지털 매체가 활용되는 음악 분야를 조사해보기 등의 활동을 통하여 전자 음악에 대한 폭넓은 이해뿐 만 아니라, 사회 속에서의 활용되는 여러 음악의 역할과 가치를 이해할 수 있게 된다. 넷째, 감상하기 영역은 대표적인 극음악인 뮤지컬을 통한 다른 예술과의 관련성 탐색하기 활동으로 이루어진다. 뮤지컬은 다양한 예술적 장르가 혼재되어 있는 종합 예술 음악극이다. 학생들은 대중적인 뮤지컬 ‘캣츠’의 대표적인 아리아인 <메모리>를 감상해봄으로써 뮤지컬의 특징과 구성요소를 이해하고, 우리나라의 창극과 비교해 봄으로써 극음악의 가치를 인식할 수 있게 된다. 또한 학교에서 배운 내용을 토대로 실제 뮤지컬 관람을 위한 계획을 세워봄으로써 실제 생활 속에서 음악 활동에 적극적으로 참여할 수 있는 태도를 기를 수 있게 된다. 교사는 학생들에게 다양한 음악적 활동과 배운 내용을 생활 속에서 적용할 수 있는 기회를 제공하고, 그들 스스로 음악을 향유할 수 있도록 지도해야 한다. 또한 학생들의 삶과 소통하는 실제적인 음악 교육이 실현되도록 노력해야 하며, 시대적 변화에 따른 다양한 교육 프로그램 및 방법 등을 계속적으로 연구해야 한다. 본 논문을 통하여 음악의 생활화를 위한 학습이 보다 다양하게 활성화되기를 바란다. |The purpose of this study was to examine feasible teaching methods for different sections of high school music education in a bid to have students enjoy music as part of their life. Students should be taught to enjoy music in daily life in their lifetime, and the revised 2007 music curriculum stresses it as well. The high school music textbooks also put emphasis on it. There are four different activity areas in the curriculum: singing, playing musical instruments, music making and appreciation. As a result of devising teaching methods for each activity area, the following findings were given: First, in the area of singing, a Korean art song titled “River water in my heart" was selected to teach singing. An art song is a genre that incorporates poetry and music. Students are able to gain profound musical experience when they understand the relationship between music and its words and express it in a creative way. Furthermore, they get to enjoy music in everyday life by utilizing art songs in diverse ways. Second, in the area of playing instruments, they play a film music "Falling slowly" on the guitar. The major activities in this stage are to acquire guitar fingering and execution, to appreciate various kinds of music, to give a performance and to record the performance. They come to do reflective thinking in the course of playing the instrument in person, listening the performance of their friends or of experts and evaluating it. This experience allows them to play the instrument in a creative way instead of merely acquiring performing skills, and then they will be able to lead a better leisure life. Third, in the area of music making, a music editing software "NoteWorthy Composer(NWC)" is employed, which is easy for students to use. The major activities in this stage are to acquire how to use the NWC, to compose music in one-part form, to give a presentation on the composed music, to make a CD of it, and to investigate the genres of music in which digital media is used. Those activities enable them to have an extensive understanding of electronic music and the roles and worth of different sorts of music. Fourth, The area of appreciation is composed of activities to search relation to other arts through the representative dramatic musical. Musical is a comprehensive arts play in harmony with various artistic genre. Students are able to understand the characteristics and components of a musical when they appreciate an aria "Memory," one of the leading arias of musical "Cats" that has gained popularity. It will allow them to be aware of the worth of dramatic music by comparing it with our country's traditional opera. They may view a musical in person and get used to enjoying music in daily life. Teachers should provide an opportunity for students to engage in various music activities and put what they have learned in practice, and teach them to experience the joy of music. At the same time, they should try to offer authentic music education that could soak into their life, and make a sustained effort to prepare various educational programs and methods in line with social changes. This study is expected to step up the revitalization of authentic music education to have students enjoy music as part of their life.; The purpose of this study was to examine feasible teaching methods for different sections of high school music education in a bid to have students enjoy music as part of their life. Students should be taught to enjoy music in daily life in their lifetime, and the revised 2007 music curriculum stresses it as well. The high school music textbooks also put emphasis on it. There are four different activity areas in the curriculum: singing, playing musical instruments, music making and appreciation. As a result of devising teaching methods for each activity area, the following findings were given: First, in the area of singing, a Korean art song titled “River water in my heart" was selected to teach singing. An art song is a genre that incorporates poetry and music. Students are able to gain profound musical experience when they understand the relationship between music and its words and express it in a creative way. Furthermore, they get to enjoy music in everyday life by utilizing art songs in diverse ways. Second, in the area of playing instruments, they play a film music "Falling slowly" on the guitar. The major activities in this stage are to acquire guitar fingering and execution, to appreciate various kinds of music, to give a performance and to record the performance. They come to do reflective thinking in the course of playing the instrument in person, listening the performance of their friends or of experts and evaluating it. This experience allows them to play the instrument in a creative way instead of merely acquiring performing skills, and then they will be able to lead a better leisure life. Third, in the area of music making, a music editing software "NoteWorthy Composer(NWC)" is employed, which is easy for students to use. The major activities in this stage are to acquire how to use the NWC, to compose music in one-part form, to give a presentation on the composed music, to make a CD of it, and to investigate the genres of music in which digital media is used. Those activities enable them to have an extensive understanding of electronic music and the roles and worth of different sorts of music. Fourth, The area of appreciation is composed of activities to search relation to other arts through the representative dramatic musical. Musical is a comprehensive arts play in harmony with various artistic genre. Students are able to understand the characteristics and components of a musical when they appreciate an aria "Memory," one of the leading arias of musical "Cats" that has gained popularity. It will allow them to be aware of the worth of dramatic music by comparing it with our country's traditional opera. They may view a musical in person and get used to enjoying music in daily life. Teachers should provide an opportunity for students to engage in various music activities and put what they have learned in practice, and teach them to experience the joy of music. At the same time, they should try to offer authentic music education that could soak into their life, and make a sustained effort to prepare various educational programs and methods in line with social changes. This study is expected to step up the revitalization of authentic music education to have students enjoy music as part of their life.
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