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무용작품에 나타난 시각적 효과 연구

무용작품에 나타난 시각적 효과 연구
Other Titles
A study of the visual effect appearing on work
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Ju Hyun
Issue Date
20세기 초부터 시작된 현대무용은 타 예술과 더불어 여러 이즘을 거치며 독립된 장르가 아닌 복합적인 예술의 한 장르로써 현대무용의 고유한 특성인 실험적 도전을 위하여 타 예술, 혹은 현재 본인이 살고 있는 시대의 문명들을 무대에 올리며 새로운 형태의 무용들로 실험되어지며 창조를 거듭하고 있다. 따라서 오늘날의 무용에서의 무대효과는 상징화 될 수밖에 없게 되었고 또한 다른 예술 분야와 마찬가지로 새로운 매체와 접촉함으로써 보다 점진적으로 다양한 안무기법과 안무 형식을 갖게 되었다. 이에 본 연구는 동양과 서양의 안무가를 선정하여 그 무용작품에 나타난 시각적 효과를 해석함으로써 그 중요성을 다시한번 인식하는데 그 목적이 있으며, 무용작품분석을 통해 변화된 무대 구성과 함께 자신들만의 시각적인 효과 활용에 대한 광범위한 분석과 재해석을 통해 새로운 무용연출의 영역을 확장시키는 기회가 될 것으로 사료된다. 그에 따른 방법으로는 연구 목적을 위해 국내 외 서적, 논문, 정기간행물, 전문서적을 통한 문헌연구와 국외 작품에서 시각적 효과를 활용한 작품을 선정하여 연구하였다. 또한 시각적 효과의 이해를 돕기 위하여 그 개념과 역할에 대해 정리하였다. 무용작품에 나타난 시각적 효과의 활용에 대해 분석하기 위해 동양과 서양의 무용단체를 선택하였다. 동양의 전통적인 요소를 활용함으로서 세계적인 명성을 얻은 클라우드게이트 무용단과 서양의 파격적이고 새로운 안무흐름을 주도하고 있는 DV8의 작품을 선택하여 시각적 효과(영상, 무대장치, 조명, 의상)를 중심으로 분석하였다. 본 연구를 진행해본 결과, 무용작품에서의 시각적 효과의 활용은 정형화된 무대, 그 뿐만이 아니라 무대라는 개념을 넓게 확장시키며 관객과 무용수 사이의 거리를 좁힐 수 있는 결과를 창출하여 표현성의 한계를 극복했다고 보여 진다. 또한 무대 위의 무용수와 스크린의 조화로 상호 유기적인 관계가 성립되어 졌으며 무대공간의 해방감 또한 시각적 효과 활용의 예로 보여 진다. 또한, 자국의 전통문화를 배경으로 서양의 형식을 혼합하여 동, 서양인 모두에게 절충된 스타일로 자국의 문화적 정서가 담긴 무용 작품을 만들면서 세계무대에서 관객들과 소통하고 있다고 보여 진다. 따라서 이러한 커뮤니케이션이 단순히 언어나 문자에 의해서만 전달되는 것이 아니라 몸짓 즉, 본능에서 시작되었듯이 인간이 가지고 있는 가장 원초적인 감각기관으로부터 통해져 전달된다는 점에서 보았을 때, 시각적 효과의 활용은 커뮤니케이션 기능의 확대를 통한 대중화에 효과적이라고 볼 수 있겠다. 그러므로 우리는 현 시점에서 시각적 효과의 활용을 긍정적인 시각으로 바라보고 다양한 매체를 통한 문화의 창조적 발전을 이루어야 할 것이다. | Contemporary dance, which started from the early twentieth century, experiences the repeated creation first by raising the civilizations of the era on the stage in which other areas of art or the present people live in oder for the experimental challenges, the unique traits of contemporary dance as not an independent genre that was formed through diverse isms along with other fields of art but a complex genre of art, and then by being experimented as new forms of dance. Stage effects of today's dance, thus, couldn't help being symbolized. Also, like other areas of art, dance has come to obtain a wide variety of choreographic techniques and formality more progressively by getting in touch with new media. This study, accordingly, aims to recognize the importance again by choosing oriental and occidental choreographers and interpreting the visual effects appearing on their works, and is considered to be the chance to expand the sphere of a new dancing direction via the reinterpretation and a vast range of analysis concerning the application of their own visual effects together with the changed stage form through the evaluation of the dance works. In order for the study to be effectively analyzed, national and international books, theses, weekly publications and specialty treatises were researched and the works among abroad ones which made use of the visual effects were selected and studied. In addition, the concept and the role were arranged so that the visual effects can be easily understood. The oriental and occidental dance groups were chosen to analyze the use of visual effects shown up on the dance works. One group, Cloud Gate; which acquired the worldwide reputation by applying the traditional elements of the East, and the other, DV8; which leads an unprecedented and new choreographic flow in the West, were chosen. Concentration upon the visual effects - images, stage settings, lighting and costumes among the works of those two groups - was carried out. At the end of the research, it is considered that the use of visual effects among dance performances has overcome the limitation of the expressivity by enlarging the concept of the stage as well as a standardized stage and therefore creating the result that could narrow the distance between audiences and a dancer. Moreover, an inter-organic relationship was established by the harmony between a dancer on the stage and the screen, and the sense of freedom of space on stage also seems like an example of the application of visual effects. Furthermore, it seems that there is a communication with audiences worldwidely by mixing the western form based on their own traditional culture, which appeals to both western and eastern people due to the creation of the compromised style that involved their cultural sentiments. Therefore, the utilization of the visual effects may be considered effective through the expansion of the functions of the communication in terms of the fact that such a communication is delivered not only by languages or letters but by the most basic sensory organs that human beings have as it was originated from the motion, an instinct. At this point, thus, the use of the visual effects should be observed positively and the creative development of the culture through various mass media ought to be achieved.; Contemporary dance, which started from the early twentieth century, experiences the repeated creation first by raising the civilizations of the era on the stage in which other areas of art or the present people live in oder for the experimental challenges, the unique traits of contemporary dance as not an independent genre that was formed through diverse isms along with other fields of art but a complex genre of art, and then by being experimented as new forms of dance. Stage effects of today's dance, thus, couldn't help being symbolized. Also, like other areas of art, dance has come to obtain a wide variety of choreographic techniques and formality more progressively by getting in touch with new media. This study, accordingly, aims to recognize the importance again by choosing oriental and occidental choreographers and interpreting the visual effects appearing on their works, and is considered to be the chance to expand the sphere of a new dancing direction via the reinterpretation and a vast range of analysis concerning the application of their own visual effects together with the changed stage form through the evaluation of the dance works. In order for the study to be effectively analyzed, national and international books, theses, weekly publications and specialty treatises were researched and the works among abroad ones which made use of the visual effects were selected and studied. In addition, the concept and the role were arranged so that the visual effects can be easily understood. The oriental and occidental dance groups were chosen to analyze the use of visual effects shown up on the dance works. One group, Cloud Gate
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