인지특성에 따른 캐릭터 디자인 가치평가 모형 연구

인지특성에 따른 캐릭터 디자인 가치평가 모형 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Character Design Value Evaluation Model about Characteristic of the Recognition
Alternative Author(s)
Yi, Jung Hee
Issue Date
사회는 기업 경쟁력의 중요한 원천으로 디자인, 콘텐츠 등 무형자산의 비중이 점차 높아지고 있다. 2009년 콘텐츠산업에 대한 투자활성화를 위하여 문화산업진흥기본법에 문화상품 및 문화기술 가치평가기관의 지정과 평가기관 및 평가수수료에 대한 지원을 규정하고 있다. 더불어 향후 국내 캐릭터 디자인의 잠재 및 미래가치를 정확하게 평가할 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 본 연구 목적은 캐릭터 디자인의 가치평가를 위한 평가요인을 제시하고 정량화할 지표를 추출하여 그 유효성을 검증하는 것이다. 연구방식은 선행 연구, 문헌조사, 실증사례분석과 설문조사 및 기술통계방식을 도입하였다. 이론적 고찰은 인지심리학의 감성적 소비자 인지특성과 경영학의 소비자태도 변화 등을 기본 근간으로 하였는데 주변학문과의 학제적 협력연구 방법이 보다 신뢰도를 높일 수 있는 방식이라 생각하여 선행연구 범주를 확장하였다. 인간의 인지와 디자인 인지구조에 따른 조형요소를 통한 효과적 캐릭터 디자인에 대해 탐색하고, 캐릭터 조형과 시지각적 보편성에 따르는 이미지에 대해 고찰하였다. 또한 디자인 가치평가에 대한 선행연구와 대한민국 슈퍼캐릭터 100(2010년), 캐릭터 브랜드 가치평가(2008년), 캐릭터 평가척도개발연구(2006년)등의 캐릭터 가치측정평가의 선행연구를 비롯한 기타 연구를 토대로 각 평가방법의 장단점 및 한계점을 분석하였다. 효과적인 캐릭터 디자인 구축을 위한 연구의 범위는 본인이 새롭게 제시하는 평가요인인 형태 조형 요인, 디자인 태도 요인으로 한정하여 진행하였다. 캐릭터 디자인 가치평가가 이미지, 디자인, 소비자 행동전반에 걸쳐 진행되는 만큼, 본 연구에서는 연구의 카테고리를 확장시켜 소비자와 캐릭터 디자인의 관계성을 도출할 수 있도록 하였다. 연구결과, 조형요소를 통한 효과적인 캐릭터 디자인 연구에 있어서 캐릭터의 기본 조형요소와 형태인지를 위한 시지각 에 대한 이해를 바탕으로, 캐릭터의 조형과 시지각적 보편성에 따른 이미지에는 형태의 귀여움으로 인한 호감, 비례가 주는 친근함, 원형의 단순성으로 인한 주목성을 들 수 있었다. 캐릭터 디자인 가치 평가 선행연구 고찰에서 캐릭터의 디자인 가치 속성요인으로 가장 빈도수가 높은 척도항목은 선호도, 인지도, 이미지, 시장성, 구입율 순이며, 캐릭터 디자인의 가치평가는 소비자의 모든 유형인 인지와 태도, 구매 등 모든 것에 대한 평가로 진행됨을 알 수 있었다. 의미미분법(SD법)을 통한 캐릭터 이미지요인 측정에서는 14종의 캐릭터를 통해 유쾌한, 독특한, 따뜻한, 사랑스러운, 새로운, 귀여운, 역동적인, 희망적인, 환상적인, 순수한의 10가지 평가어를 추출하여 측정하였다. 캐릭터의 조형 형태와 비례의 선호도 상관연구에서는 상위권 6개 캐릭터의 얼굴: 몸, 몸 가로: 세로 비율 중 총 41%가 √2비(1:1.414)에서 √3(1: 1.732)인 근사 황금율에 해당하였다. 선호도가 높은 캐릭터 형태들은 그렇지 못한 캐릭터들보다 원형의 형태를 이루고 있었다. 캐릭터에 있어서 호감과 주목성은 이미지 속에서 소구를 위한 충동과 명료성 추구라는 두 가지 특징으로 작용하며 캐릭터의 조형 비례를 결정하는 주요 원천이 되는 것으로 정리해 볼 수 있었다. 캐릭터의 디자인 가치평가를 위한 핵심요인 연구에서는 캐릭터의 디자인 가치평가를 산출하기 위한 형태 조형요인은 10가지의 평가요인 즉 조형성, 독창성, 공감성, 스토리텔링, 친숙성, 시대적 감각, 단순성, 적용성, 다양성, 통일성을 평가항목으로 도출하였다. 디자인 태도 요인에 대한 평가는 인지도, 소유욕구, 선호도, 개성, 흥미, 친근감, 호감의 7가지 항목으로 도출되어, 최종 캐릭터브랜드 디자인 가치를 평가하기 위한 평가요인으로 위의 형태 조형 요인, 디자인 태도 요인을 구조화하였다. 캐릭터 디자인의 가치평가 모형에 관한 연구를 함에 있어서 두 가지로 구성하여 진행되었는데 먼저 캐릭터전문가 그룹의 델파이기법으로 측정 항목에 대한 세부항목을 추출하여 본 연구의 기초를 마련하였다. 그리고 AHP기법을 적용하여 한 쌍의 목표들을 하나하나씩 체계적으로 비교하여 상대적으로 어떠한 목표가 더 중요한지를 평가하여 상대적인 가중치를 부여하였다. 그 가중치를 토대로 최종점수를 계산하는 캐릭터 디자인 가치평가 지수(Character Design Valuation Index: CDVI)를 산출하여 캐릭터 디자인 가치평가 모형을 구축하였다. 캐릭터 디자인 가치평가요소의 중요 가중치연구에서는 학계와 산업계의 전문가집단으로 구분하여 캐릭터 디자인 가치평가 지표를 추출했으며 실제 캐릭터 15종을 대상으로 하여 캐릭터 디자인 평가척도의 실증적 검증 연구를 진행하였다. 연구문제에 따른 실증분석 및 평가를 통한 타당성 조사로 관계성을 입증하였다. 이 지수의 결과로 각각의 캐릭터 디자인의 세부 속성별 강약점을 파악할 수 있었고 개선전략을 수립할 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 제안된 평가항목에 대한 평가지수는 기준별 중요도 평가와 평가 전문가의 샘플 선정 및 조사방법 따라서 다소 편차가 발생할 수 있으며, 캐릭터의 PLC(Product Life Cycle)에 따라서 순위의 변동이 가능하므로 현재의 평가시점에서는 유효할 수 있어도 시간이 흐름에 따라 그 순위는 변동될 수 있음을 예상할 수 있으므로, 보다 많은 평가 전문가의 참여를 통하여 평가지표를 보완하고 개선할 여지가 있다. 이러한 한계점에도 불구하고 과학적인 측정과 분석 방법을 통해 캐릭터의 디자인가치를 정량적으로 평가하고, 캐릭터디자인의 세부적인 개선전략을 제시하여 신속하게 고객이 원하는 고객 지향적 디자인 대응을 할 수 있게 하였으므로, 본 연구가 기업 내 캐릭터디자인 개발에 도움이 되리라 사료된다.|Currently, importance of intangible asset including design and contents has been growing as the important source of corporate competitiveness in our society. To vitalize the investment of contents developing industry, the fundamental law of cultural industry promotion prescribes designating an organization to evaluate the value of cultural products and technique in 2009. It also prescribes the support of the value evaluation organization and appraisal fees. Therefore, the potential value of domestic characters needs to precisely evaluated for the future national character design. This research put its purpose on presenting key valuating factor for evaluation of character design and verifying the effectiveness of quantificational index extraction. The theoretical contemplation through an advanced and literature research makes the root of this research based on sensuous consumer�s Cognitive Characteristics in Cognitive Psychology and changing of Consumer Sentiment in Business Administration. The category of an advanced research has been extended to Multidisciplinary cooperative study with the surrounding studies for better reliability. The effective character design by modeling the element of the human perception and design population has been searched, and the character shape and the image of visual perception universality has been considered. The pros and cons of each evaluation method and its threshold have been analyzed from various researches including the advanced research about design valuation and character value measurement valuation including Korea Super Character 100 (2010), Character Brand Valuation (2008), Character Rating Scale Development Research (2006). The research scope of effective character design building limits on key factors of shape model and design attitude, presented newly on this research. For that the design valuation proceeds through image, design and consumer behavior in general, the category of this research extends to draw a conclusion from the relationship between a consumer and a character design. According to the result based on understanding of visual perception for character�s fundamental modeling element and shape recognition at the effective character design research thru modeling element, the images of character�s shape and visual perception universality are comprised of the adorable impression from cuteness, friendliness of proportion, and attention from simplicity of circle. The highest frequency criteria of character�s design value attribution factors, in advanced research contemplation of character design valuation, are in order of preference, awareness, image, marketability, and rate of purchase. Also, evaluation of character design proceeds thru valuation of everything of recognition, attitude, purchase, etc. In the measurement of character image factor by Semantic Differential Method, ten valuation basis - pleasant, unique, warm, lovely, new, cute, dynamic, hopeful, fantastic, pure � are used to measure fourteen characters. In the correlation research of preference of character�s model shape and proportion, forty-one percent of top six characters� ratio of face to body, body height to width matches the ratio of the approximate golden rule which is between the root of 2 (1:1.414) and the root of 3 (1:1.732). The favorable characters� shape closes to circle than unfavorable characters� one. Favorable impression and attractiveness on character play roles of impulse for possession and pursuit for clarity in image and become major source deciding character�s shape proportion. In the research of major factors of characters design evaluation, ten evaluation points to measure characters design valuation � formativeness, creativity, sympathy, storytelling, familiarity, periodical sense, simplicity, applicability, diversity, unity - are drawn a conclusion. Valuation of design attitude factors � awareness, possessiveness, preference, personality, interest, friendliness, favorable impression - are drawn a conclusion of seven points, therefore shape model factors and design attitude factors are structured for valuating final character brand design value. In the research of modeling character design valuation, two different ways composed. The detailed items extracted from measurement items by Delphi Method of character expert group become fundamental basis of this research. Also relative weighted value is assigned to the important one after comparing a pair objective each by each methodically in Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Character Design Valuation Index (CDVI), calculated final score arising from the weighted value, structures the character design valuation model. In major weighted research of character design valuation factor, Character Design Valuation Index calculated from actual fifteen characters by separated expert groups of academic and industrial is proceeded an empirical study of character design rating scale. The Empirical analysis of the subject for inquiry and validity check by assessment proves the relationship. With the result of the index, the detailed strength and weakness of each character design are figured and strategy for improvement is able to be established. The valuation index for valuation factor proposed by this research might vary due to the difference of importance evaluation of criteria, sample selection and enumeration method by valuation expert. Also, more number of valuation experts need to be involved to supplement and improve the valuation index because the raking is only currently valid currently due to the changeable raking through the character�s Product Life Cycle (PLC). Though the limitation, this research contributes to character design development in a corporation by valuating character design value quantitatively thru scientific measurement, analysis, and suggesting detailed improvement strategy of character design so that the corporation can respond to customers rapidly with customer oriented design.; Currently, importance of intangible asset including design and contents has been growing as the important source of corporate competitiveness in our society. To vitalize the investment of contents developing industry, the fundamental law of cultural industry promotion prescribes designating an organization to evaluate the value of cultural products and technique in 2009. It also prescribes the support of the value evaluation organization and appraisal fees. Therefore, the potential value of domestic characters needs to precisely evaluated for the future national character design. This research put its purpose on presenting key valuating factor for evaluation of character design and verifying the effectiveness of quantificational index extraction. The theoretical contemplation through an advanced and literature research makes the root of this research based on sensuous consumer�s Cognitive Characteristics in Cognitive Psychology and changing of Consumer Sentiment in Business Administration. The category of an advanced research has been extended to Multidisciplinary cooperative study with the surrounding studies for better reliability. The effective character design by modeling the element of the human perception and design population has been searched, and the character shape and the image of visual perception universality has been considered. The pros and cons of each evaluation method and its threshold have been analyzed from various researches including the advanced research about design valuation and character value measurement valuation including Korea Super Character 100 (2010), Character Brand Valuation (2008), Character Rating Scale Development Research (2006). The research scope of effective character design building limits on key factors of shape model and design attitude, presented newly on this research. For that the design valuation proceeds through image, design and consumer behavior in general, the category of this research extends to draw a conclusion from the relationship between a consumer and a character design. According to the result based on understanding of visual perception for character�s fundamental modeling element and shape recognition at the effective character design research thru modeling element, the images of character�s shape and visual perception universality are comprised of the adorable impression from cuteness, friendliness of proportion, and attention from simplicity of circle. The highest frequency criteria of character�s design value attribution factors, in advanced research contemplation of character design valuation, are in order of preference, awareness, image, marketability, and rate of purchase. Also, evaluation of character design proceeds thru valuation of everything of recognition, attitude, purchase, etc. In the measurement of character image factor by Semantic Differential Method, ten valuation basis - pleasant, unique, warm, lovely, new, cute, dynamic, hopeful, fantastic, pure � are used to measure fourteen characters. In the correlation research of preference of character�s model shape and proportion, forty-one percent of top six characters� ratio of face to body, body height to width matches the ratio of the approximate golden rule which is between the root of 2 (1:1.414) and the root of 3 (1:1.732). The favorable characters� shape closes to circle than unfavorable characters� one. Favorable impression and attractiveness on character play roles of impulse for possession and pursuit for clarity in image and become major source deciding character�s shape proportion. In the research of major factors of characters design evaluation, ten evaluation points to measure characters design valuation � formativeness, creativity, sympathy, storytelling, familiarity, periodical sense, simplicity, applicability, diversity, unity - are drawn a conclusion. Valuation of design attitude factors � awareness, possessiveness, preference, personality, interest, friendliness, favorable impression - are drawn a conclusion of seven points, therefore shape model factors and design attitude factors are structured for valuating final character brand design value. In the research of modeling character design valuation, two different ways composed. The detailed items extracted from measurement items by Delphi Method of character expert group become fundamental basis of this research. Also relative weighted value is assigned to the important one after comparing a pair objective each by each methodically in Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Character Design Valuation Index (CDVI), calculated final score arising from the weighted value, structures the character design valuation model. In major weighted research of character design valuation factor, Character Design Valuation Index calculated from actual fifteen characters by separated expert groups of academic and industrial is proceeded an empirical study of character design rating scale. The Empirical analysis of the subject for inquiry and validity check by assessment proves the relationship. With the result of the index, the detailed strength and weakness of each character design are figured and strategy for improvement is able to be established. The valuation index for valuation factor proposed by this research might vary due to the difference of importance evaluation of criteria, sample selection and enumeration method by valuation expert. Also, more number of valuation experts need to be involved to supplement and improve the valuation index because the raking is only currently valid currently due to the changeable raking through the character�s Product Life Cycle (PLC). Though the limitation, this research contributes to character design development in a corporation by valuating character design value quantitatively thru scientific measurement, analysis, and suggesting detailed improvement strategy of character design so that the corporation can respond to customers rapidly with customer oriented design.
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