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이종구 작곡 가야금과 쟁을 위한 2중주 <현의 노래> 분석연구

이종구 작곡 가야금과 쟁을 위한 2중주 <현의 노래> 분석연구
Other Titles
An Analysis of for Gayageum and Zheng duet Composed by Yi, zong-gu
Alternative Author(s)
Son jeong hwa
Issue Date
와 동기Ⓑ 가 가야금과 쟁에서 반복되면서 전개된다. Ⅶ부분은 총 8마디로 속도는 ♩=56이고 박자는 4/4박자로 Ⅰ부분과 동일하게 진행된다. Ⅶ부분은 Ⅰ부분의 리듬(제 16~21마디)과 선율(제 1~4마디)이 다시 등장하여 Ⅰ부분의 요소가 반복된다. Ⅷ부분은 총 16마디로 속도는 ♩.=90이고 박자는 6/8박자로 변화 하여 Ⅵ부분과 흡사하나 조금 더 빠르게 진행 된다. Ⅶ부분에서 느린 템포로 연주되었다가 Ⅷ부분에서 갑자기 빠르게 연주하는 것이 극적인 효과를 주며 동일한 음형을 반복하여 확실하게 종지한다. 이상과 같이 「현의 노래」는 가야금과 쟁의 2중주곡으로, 다양한 템포 변화와 여러 형태의 선율로 구성되어 있는 8곡을 모아놓은 모음곡 형태를 가지고 있으며 가야금과 쟁의 음색적인 대비가 잘 나타나 있다. |This theses is researched for 「Song of the strings」 composed by Yi zong-gu who used two kinds of instrument 12 stringed zither of Gayaguem for elegant music and Chinese 21stringed zither of Zheng. It consists of 300 Phrases. There is no section of movement but each part has a different tempo and theme. According to his interview, this thesis is divided into 8parts and analyzed by tempo. The result is like as below. The part Ⅰ is composed of 48 phrases with ♩=56 of tempo and four-four time. It is divided into two sections by character of melody. InⅠ-① part, there is decrease of the main melody which shows this music's mood and tonal structure. Ⅰ-② has two phrases pattern. There is an exchange pattern of Gayaguem and Zheng playing when Zheng receives after Gayaguem playing the melody. The part Ⅱ is composed of 24 phrases. Tempo is ♩=136 with four-four time and this part is playing most fast tempo in this music. This part is also divided into two section. In partⅡ-①, solo of Zheng makes rhythm pattern to broken chord. It shows this music's mood. In part Ⅱ-②, Gayaguem plays repetitive melody and rhythm() on the Zheng's rhythm pattern. This has an overall rhythmical progression. The part Ⅲ is composed of 9 phrases with ♩=56 of tempo and four-four time. This part is in contrast with partⅡ tempo. It takes a role to join the part Ⅱ and the part Ⅳ by combining it's parts of descending melody of Gayaguem with the rhythm () in the last movement of the ⅠpartⅠ. The part Ⅳ is composed by 54 phrases with ♩=66 of tempo and four-four time. Playing on the basis of Gayaguem main melody, then Zheng accompany with chromatic scale. It is divided into three part by melody character. Ⅳ-① is connect phrase of A and B, Ⅳ-② is B-C, and Ⅳ-③ is consisted of A-B-C'. The part Ⅴ is composed by 53 phrases with ♩=80 of tempo and four-four time. In this part, Gayaguem plays four-four time with basic rhythm (♩♩♩♩) while Zheng playing 3groups of notes(). So they fill up their empty beats each other. The part Ⅵ is composed by 86 phrases with ♩=80 of tempo and six-eight time. This beats appeared for the first time. It is divided into two parts by character of melody. If the former Ⅵ-① changes the composition tone and mood sounds form① and sounds form② are repeatedly performed by Gayaguem and Zheng at Ⅵ-②. The part Ⅶ is composed by 8 phrases with ♩=56 of tempo and four-four time. It is same with part Ⅰ. This part are appears rhythm (16~21phrases), melody (1~4 phrases) of part Ⅰ and it's repeating. The part Ⅷ is composed by 16 phrases with ♩=90 of tempo. Rhythm is changes six-eight time and almost same with part Ⅵ. but it's more faster than part Ⅵ. Sudden performance change by from slow tempo in the part Ⅶ to fast tempo in part Ⅶ gives us dramatic effect and surely terminates performance with repetition of same sounds form. As mentioned above, 「Song of the strings」 is Gayaguem and Zheng duet. It has a variety of tempo transition, rhythm transition and is composed by diverse form of melody. This eight suites shows contrast of tone between Gayaguem and Zheng well.; This theses is researched for 「Song of the strings」 composed by Yi zong-gu who used two kinds of instrument 12 stringed zither of Gayaguem for elegant music and Chinese 21stringed zither of Zheng. It consists of 300 Phrases. There is no section of movement but each part has a different tempo and theme. According to his interview, this thesis is divided into 8parts and analyzed by tempo. The result is like as below. The part Ⅰ is composed of 48 phrases with ♩=56 of tempo and four-four time. It is divided into two sections by character of melody. InⅠ-① part, there is decrease of the main melody which shows this music's mood and tonal structure. Ⅰ-② has two phrases pattern. There is an exchange pattern of Gayaguem and Zheng playing when Zheng receives after Gayaguem playing the melody. The part Ⅱ is composed of 24 phrases. Tempo is ♩=136 with four-four time and this part is playing most fast tempo in this music. This part is also divided into two section. In partⅡ-①, solo of Zheng makes rhythm pattern to broken chord. It shows this music's mood. In part Ⅱ-②, Gayaguem plays repetitive melody and rhythm() on the Zheng's rhythm pattern. This has an overall rhythmical progression. The part Ⅲ is composed of 9 phrases with ♩=56 of tempo and four-four time. This part is in contrast with partⅡ tempo. It takes a role to join the part Ⅱ and the part Ⅳ by combining it's parts of descending melody of Gayaguem with the rhythm () in the last movement of the ⅠpartⅠ. The part Ⅳ is composed by 54 phrases with ♩=66 of tempo and four-four time. Playing on the basis of Gayaguem main melody, then Zheng accompany with chromatic scale. It is divided into three part by melody character. Ⅳ-① is connect phrase of A and B, Ⅳ-② is B-C, and Ⅳ-③ is consisted of A-B-C'. The part Ⅴ is composed by 53 phrases with ♩=80 of tempo and four-four time. In this part, Gayaguem plays four-four time with basic rhythm (♩♩♩♩) while Zheng playing 3groups of notes(). So they fill up their empty beats each other. The part Ⅵ is composed by 86 phrases with ♩=80 of tempo and six-eight time. This beats appeared for the first time. It is divided into two parts by character of melody. If the former Ⅵ-① changes the composition tone and mood sounds form① and sounds form② are repeatedly performed by Gayaguem and Zheng at Ⅵ-②. The part Ⅶ is composed by 8 phrases with ♩=56 of tempo and four-four time. It is same with part Ⅰ. This part are appears rhythm (16~21phrases), melody (1~4 phrases) of part Ⅰ and it's repeating. The part Ⅷ is composed by 16 phrases with ♩=90 of tempo. Rhythm is changes six-eight time and almost same with part Ⅵ. but it's more faster than part Ⅵ. Sudden performance change by from slow tempo in the part Ⅶ to fast tempo in part Ⅶ gives us dramatic effect and surely terminates performance with repetition of same sounds form. As mentioned above, 「Song of the strings」 is Gayaguem and Zheng duet. It has a variety of tempo transition, rhythm transition and is composed by diverse form of melody. This eight suites shows contrast of tone between Gayaguem and Zheng well.; 본 논문은 12현 정악가야금과 중국의 21현 쟁을 사용하여 작곡한 이종구의 「현의 노래」를 분석 대상으로 연구하였다. 「현의 노래」는 총 300마디로 악장의 구분이 없으나, 각 부분 마다 다른 템포와 테마를 담고 있는 단편의 모음곡이라는 작곡자와의 인터뷰 내용에 근거하여 템포를 기준으로 Ⅰ부분~Ⅷ부분까지 8부분으로 나누어 분석하였는데 그 결과는 다음과 같다. Ⅰ부분은 총 48마디로 속도는 ♩=56이며 박자는 4/4박자이다. Ⅰ부분은 선율의 특징에 따라 다시 두 부분으로 나눌 수 있는데, Ⅰ-㉠은 주요 선율을 점차적으로 축소시키는 형태로 곡의 분위기와 구성음을 나타내주고, Ⅰ-㉡은 두 마디 패턴으로 가야금이 선율을 연주하면 쟁이 그 선율을 받아 연주하여 가야금과 쟁이 서로 응대하는 특징이 나타난다. Ⅱ부분은 총 24마디로 속도는 ♩=136으로 이 곡에서 가장 빠른 빠르기로 연주하며 박자는 4/4박자이다. Ⅱ부분 역시 선율에 특징에 따라 두 부분으로 나눌 수 있는데, Ⅱ-㉠은 쟁의 솔로가 분산화음 형태로 리듬패턴을 만들어 곡의 분위기를 나타내고, Ⅱ-㉡은 쟁의 리듬패턴 위에 가야금이 반복적인 선율과 리듬( )을 연주하면서 전체적으로 경쾌하게 진행된다. Ⅲ부분은 총 9마디로 속도는♩=56이고 박자는 4/4박자이다. 빠르고 경쾌했던 Ⅱ부분과 대조되는 느린 템포로 가야금의 선율이 점점 하행하는 부분과, Ⅰ부분의 마지막에 나타난 리듬()의 형태가 합쳐져 나타나면서 Ⅱ부분과 Ⅳ부분을 이어주는 연결구 역할을 한다. Ⅳ부분은 총 54마디로 속도는 ♩=66이고 박자는 4/4박자이다. 전체적으로 가야금의 주제선율에 쟁이 반음계적 진행으로 반주를 하며, 선율의 특징에 따라 세 부분으로 나누어 선율 구조를 살펴보면, Ⅳ-㉠은 A - B - 연결구이고, Ⅳ-㉡은 B - C, Ⅳ-㉢은 A' - B - C'로 이루어졌다. Ⅴ부분은 총 53마디로 속도는 ♩=90이며 박자는 4/4박자이다. 이 부분은 가야금이 4/4박자의 기본적인 리듬(♩♩♩♩)을 연주하면 쟁이 3연음부의 리듬형( )을 연주하여 서로의 빈 박을 채워주면서 리듬적인 요소가 돋보인다. Ⅵ부분은 총 86마디로 속도는 ♩.=80이고 박자는 6/8박자로 6/8박자가 처음 등장한다. Ⅵ부분은 선율의 특징에 따라 두 부분으로 나눌 수 있는데, 앞의 Ⅵ-㉠이 구성음과 분위기를 전환해주면 Ⅵ-㉡에서 동기Ⓐ
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