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dc.description.abstract본 연구에서는 혼합연령집단인 분홍반 만 4세와 만 5세 유아의 놀이성 유형을 알아보고 이를 비교해보았다. 본 연구의 목적은 분홍반에서 보여주는 놀이성 유형이 무엇인지 살펴보고 그에 적합하게 놀이를 지도할 수 있도록 혼합연령집단의 교사들에게 실제적인 원리를 제공하고자 하는 것이다. 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 1. 만 4, 5세 혼합연령집단에서 만 4세 유아들이 자유놀이에서 보이는 놀이성은 어떻게 나타나는가? 2. 만 4, 5세 혼합연령집단에서 만 5세 유아들이 자유놀이에서 보이는 놀이성은 어떻게 나타나는가? 3. 만 4, 5세 혼합연령집단의 만 4세와 만 5세의 놀이성은 어떻게 비교되는가? 본 연구는 경기도에 위치한 A어린이집의 분홍반에서 이뤄졌다. 연구대상은 2명의 담임교사들과 26명의 유아들로서 이들이 속한 분홍반은 만 4세와 만 5세 유아들로 구성된 혼합연령집단이다. 연구 자료 수집을 위해서 2011년 5월 3일부터 2011년 9월 2일까지 21회의 참여관찰과 분홍반 담임교사와의 2회의 심층면담이 이뤄졌다. 또한, 연구자는 정확한 상황 설명을 얻기 위해서 유아 및 교사들과 비형식적 면담을 수시로 실시하였다. 혼합연령집단의 만 4세와 만 5세 유아들의 놀이성을 기록하기 위해서 분홍반에서 이뤄지는 자유선택활동시간 동안 참여관찰이 이뤄졌다. 연구자는 현장노트를 기록하고 비디오와 사진 촬영을 실시하였다. 연구자료 분석을 위해서 는 현장노트, 비디오 자료, 면담내용 기록 및 그 외 문서자료들을 분류, 조직 및 범주화하였다. 연구결과를 기술하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 혼합연령집단에서 분홍반 만 4세 유아들의 놀이성 유형은 놀이 주도하기, 협력 요청하기, 협력하기, 웃음 나누기, 놀이방법 공유하기, 새롭게 생각하기로 나타났다. 분홍반 만 4세 유아들은 주도적으로 놀이하였으며 놀이 시, 윗 연령 유아들의 간섭에도 불구하고 스스로 문제를 해결하였다. 또한, 교사역할놀이를 하면서 놀이에서 주도적인 모습을 보였다. 분홍반 만 4세 유아들은 스스로 놀이하는 것 보다 윗 연령 유아들과 놀이하기를 원했으며 동일한 연령일지라도 높은 인지능력을 가진 유아가 다른 친구들을 도와가며 놀이하였다. 함께 웃음을 공유하며 서로 활발하게 상호작용도 할 수 있었는데, 이러한 적극적인 상호작용을 통해서 분홍반 만 4세 유아들은 친밀감을 느낄 수 있었다. 또한, 동일한 놀이방법을 공유하고 의견을 교환하면서 문제를 해결할 수 있었으며 창의적으로 생각하여 놀이방법을 새롭게 창조할 수 있었다. 둘째, 혼합연령집단에서 분홍반 만 5세 유아들의 놀이성 유형은 협동하기, 사전경험 공유하기, 놀이약속 지키기, 긍정적 감정 표현하기로 나타났다. 분홍반 만 5세 유아들은 아래 연령 유아들의 의도를 이해하고 자신들의 능력을 자발적으로 공유할 수 있었으며, 함께 사전 경험을 공유하면서 오랜 시간 또래와 놀이할 수 있었다. 놀이약속을 지키기 위해서 노력하였고 긍정적인 감정도 자유롭게 표현하였다. 분홍반 만 5세 유아들은 놀이를 하는 동안 다양한 감정을 나타냈으며 긍정적인 감정을 공유하였기에 놀이시간도 증가하였다. 셋째, 분홍반 만 4세와 만 5세 유아들의 놀이성간에는 세밀한 차이가 있었다. 능동성, 사회적 상호작용, 놀잇감에 대한 관점이라는 4가지 공통된 범주가 있었다. 만 4세 유아들은 놀이에서 주도적인 역할을 하였고 만 5세 유아들은 만 4세 유아들의 놀이에 적극적으로 참여하였다. 만 4세 유아들이 자신의 능력을 또래에게 나눠주며 협력하였다면 만 5세 유아들은 타인의 마음을 읽어주고 자발적으로 도움을 줄 수 있었다. 또한, 만 5세 유아들은 정해진 놀이방법을 지키려고 하였으나 만 4세 유아들은 창의적으로 사물을 바라보며 놀이하였다. 이상과 같이, 만 4, 5세 혼합연령집단인 분홍반에서는 각 연령에 따라서 다른 놀이성을 보여주었으며, 두 연령의 유아들은 매일 서로 다른 놀이성을 경험하면서 발달하고 성장해 나갈 수 있었다. |This study was done to find out the patterns of playfulness and make a comparison for the six-year-old children and seven-year-old children in 'pink' class. The purpose of this study was to figure out what the patterns of playfulness carried out in 'pink' class were and to support teachers to offer practical assistance. The research questions are as follows: 1. What is the patterns of playfulness for six-year-old children in a mixed age group? 2. What is the patterns of playfulness for seven-year-old children in a mixed age group? 3. How can six-year-old children's playfulness is compared with seven-year-old children's playfulness in a mixed age group? This study has done in pink class of nursery located in Gyeonggi-do . The subjects of the study were composed of two teachers and twenty six children and pink class is mixed age group of children six and seven. From May 3th, 2011 to September 2th, 2011, data for research were collected by 21 participant observations, 2 in-depth interviews with pink class's teacher. Also, researcher carried out non-formal interviews with the children and teacher to obtain accurate explanation of situation. There was participated observation in the free play activities period for pink class to record six-year-old children and seven-year-old children's playfulness in a mixed age group. Researcher recorded a field note, made a video and took pictures. In order to analyze the data, there was classification, organization and categorizing of the field note, video datas, interviewed materials recordings, and other documents. The result of this research were as follows: First, the patterns of playfulness for six-year-old children in a mixed age group were initiating a play, asking collaboration, collaborating, sharing a laughter, sharing the same play method, thinking creative. Six-year-old children took the lead at a play and despite the fact that Seven-year-old children interfere in their play, they solved the problem themselves. Also, they played the role of a teacher, so they could perform an active role in their play. Six-year-old children wanted to play with older children than playing by themselves and even though they were same age, children who had high recognition ability helped other friends in playing situations. They shared a laughter together and could actively interacted with each other. Through active interaction they could have a sense of closeness. Also, they shared the same method of play and exchanged opinions, so they could solved the problem. They could think creatively, and invent a new method of play. Second, the patterns of playfulness for seven-year-old children in a mixed age group were cooperating, sharing a prior experience, following the rules of a play, expressing positive emotion. Seven-year-old children could understand six-year-old children's intention and share their ability spontaneously. They shared prior experience together, so they could play with peer for a long time. And they tried to follow the rules of a play and also expressed their positive emotion freely. Seven-year-old children's feeling expression during the playing situation was diverse and since they shared a positive feelings while playing, their playing time increased. Third, there was specific differences between six-year-old children's playfulness and seven-year-old children's playfulness in pink class. There was four categories of playfulness and it is activeness, social interaction and viewpoint on the toy. Six-year-old children took the lead in their play and seven-year-old children were actively participate in six-year-old children's play. Six-year-old children shared their ability and collaborated with friends. On the other hand, seven-year-old children could understand friend's mind and give a helping hand voluntarily. During their play time, they also tried to follow the toy's rules. But six-year-old children saw the things creatively. According to the age of mixed age group, six-year-old children and seven-year-old children showed differences of playfulness. Through everyday contact with different playfulness, six-year-old children and seven-year-old children could develop and grow.; This study was done to find out the patterns of playfulness and make a comparison for the six-year-old children and seven-year-old children in 'pink' class. The purpose of this study was to figure out what the patterns of playfulness carried out in 'pink' class were and to support teachers to offer practical assistance. The research questions are as follows: 1. What is the patterns of playfulness for six-year-old children in a mixed age group? 2. What is the patterns of playfulness for seven-year-old children in a mixed age group? 3. How can six-year-old children's playfulness is compared with seven-year-old children's playfulness in a mixed age group? This study has done in pink class of nursery located in Gyeonggi-do . The subjects of the study were composed of two teachers and twenty six children and pink class is mixed age group of children six and seven. From May 3th, 2011 to September 2th, 2011, data for research were collected by 21 participant observations, 2 in-depth interviews with pink class's teacher. Also, researcher carried out non-formal interviews with the children and teacher to obtain accurate explanation of situation. There was participated observation in the free play activities period for pink class to record six-year-old children and seven-year-old children's playfulness in a mixed age group. Researcher recorded a field note, made a video and took pictures. In order to analyze the data, there was classification, organization and categorizing of the field note, video datas, interviewed materials recordings, and other documents. The result of this research were as follows: First, the patterns of playfulness for six-year-old children in a mixed age group were initiating a play, asking collaboration, collaborating, sharing a laughter, sharing the same play method, thinking creative. Six-year-old children took the lead at a play and despite the fact that Seven-year-old children interfere in their play, they solved the problem themselves. Also, they played the role of a teacher, so they could perform an active role in their play. Six-year-old children wanted to play with older children than playing by themselves and even though they were same age, children who had high recognition ability helped other friends in playing situations. They shared a laughter together and could actively interacted with each other. Through active interaction they could have a sense of closeness. Also, they shared the same method of play and exchanged opinions, so they could solved the problem. They could think creatively, and invent a new method of play. Second, the patterns of playfulness for seven-year-old children in a mixed age group were cooperating, sharing a prior experience, following the rules of a play, expressing positive emotion. Seven-year-old children could understand six-year-old children's intention and share their ability spontaneously. They shared prior experience together, so they could play with peer for a long time. And they tried to follow the rules of a play and also expressed their positive emotion freely. Seven-year-old children's feeling expression during the playing situation was diverse and since they shared a positive feelings while playing, their playing time increased. Third, there was specific differences between six-year-old children's playfulness and seven-year-old children's playfulness in pink class. There was four categories of playfulness and it is activeness, social interaction and viewpoint on the toy. Six-year-old children took the lead in their play and seven-year-old children were actively participate in six-year-old children's play. Six-year-old children shared their ability and collaborated with friends. On the other hand, seven-year-old children could understand friend's mind and give a helping hand voluntarily. During their play time, they also tried to follow the toy's rules. But six-year-old children saw the things creatively. According to the age of mixed age group, six-year-old children and seven-year-old children showed differences of playfulness. Through everyday contact with different playfulness, six-year-old children and seven-year-old children could develop and grow.-
dc.title유아의 혼합연령집단에서 나타나는 놀이성에 관한 문화기술적 연구-
dc.title.alternativeAn Ethnographic Study about Children's Playfulness in Mixed Age Group-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorLee, Won Jung-
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