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1980년대 전반 한국과 중국 리얼리즘 영화에 대한 비교연구

1980년대 전반 한국과 중국 리얼리즘 영화에 대한 비교연구
Other Titles
A Comparative Study on Realism Films between Korea and China in Early 1980`s(Focusing on Realism Films from 1980 to 1984)
Alternative Author(s)
Wang, Tingliang
Issue Date
1980년대는 한국과 중국 양국에 있어 전환점이라 볼 수 있다. 한국은 오랜 군사 독재 체제에서 벗어나는 듯 했으나 또 다른 군사정권이 등장하였다. 그러나 자유민주화에 대한 국민적 기대와 요구는 사라지지 않고 본격화 되어 80년대 말 자유민주주의로 진입하게 되었다. 중국은 1960년대중반부터 10년동안의 문화대혁명을 거쳐 1970년대 말에 개혁개방 정책이 확립되었고 경제발전이 빠르게 진행하기 시작하였다. 양국의 복잡한 정치 상황과 경제의 발전은 양국의 생활양식과 가치관을 변화시켰고 각 예술 분야도 그러한 변화양상을 반영했다. 1980년대 양국의 영화, 특히 리얼리즘 영화의 부상은 바로 양국의 시대상을 반영하는 한 지표이다. 리얼리즘은 대상을 있는 그대로 복제하는 영화의 속성으로 영화 탄생부터 현실을 반영하는 주요 기능이었다. 현실을 반영하는 영화의 이 기능은 영화가 보여주는 세계가 객관적이고 사회적 문제에 관심을 더 기울이게 하는 특징을 나타낸다. 이 특징 때문에 리얼리즘 영화는 자주 정치적 문제에 연루되었다. 이것은 바로 1980년대 이전에 중국과 한국 영화에서 리얼리즘의 자취가 모두 사라졌던 이유이다. 그러나 80년대에 들어서서 새로운 사회 분위기에 힘입어 리얼리즘 영화가 재등장하였다. 본고에서 논의하고자 하는 내용은 바로 1980년대 전반, 즉 1980년부터 1984년까지 한국과 중국에서 동시에 나타난 리얼리즘 영화에 대한 비교연구이다. 리얼리즘 영화가 재등장하는 이유는 분명히 양국의 1980년대의 특수한 사회적 흐름과 깊은 관련성이 있다. 양국 모두 정치경제적으로 큰 변화가 일어나는 가운데 영화도 사회를 반영하는 한 매체로써 그 변화를 반영하였던 것이다. 그러므로 본고가 탐구하고자 하는 것은 바로 리얼리즘 영화의 기능성과 사회변화와의 상관관계이다. 각국의 주요 리얼리즘 영화(각 4편, 총 8편)의 분석을 통해 리얼리즘 영화가 시대적 환경의 변화를 어떻게 반영하고 있는지를 연구하고 양국의 영화를 상호 비교연구함으로써 리얼리즘이 갖는 보편적 기능과 사회적 변화와의 상호연관성을 파악하는 것이다. 동시에 구체적인 텍스트 분석을 통해 두 나라의 사회적, 정치적 배경의 차이가 양국의 리얼리즘 영화에 반영되는 차이를 면밀하게 검토하고자 한다. 그리고 이러한 차이는 무엇인지, 이러한 차이가 리얼리즘 영화에서는 어떻게 보여지고 있는지에 대한 분석도 본고의 연구대상이다. |In the 1980’s marked the watershed in the history of South Korea and China. It seemd that Korea became free from the long time of the military dictatorship, a military junta took control of the Korea again. But the national hopes and demands for freedom didn’t disappeared. It became the Library Democracy in the late 80’s. Chinese government started The Culture Revolution from 1966 through 1976 and with the settlement the reform and opening up sector in the late 1970’s, the economy grew quickly . The complicated political situation and the development of economy changed the modes of living and the traditional values in the two countries’. And the changeable aspects also can be reflected by art. In 1980’s, the film, especially the emerge of Realism Films was the sign which reflected the 80’s. With the properties of reproducing the films, realism performed an important function that can reflect the reality from the first. The function of film which reflected the reality has the feature that the world in the film was objective and the film cares for social issues. So the realism film is often implicated in political issues. For that reason in Chinese and Korean films in the early 80’s, all the realism traces had disappeared. But, after that time, with the new social atmosphere, realism film comes onto the art scene again. This research did the comparison between realism films of Korean and Chinese in the early 1980’s that was from 1980 to 1984. The reason why realism film appeared again was deeply related to the special social flows in 1980’s. As the political and economical changes in the two countries, the film also became the medium that reflected change of the society. Therefore, this research centered on the relationship of function and social change about the realism film. Through the analysis towards the typical realism films from the two countries(each country 4 films, totally 8 films), the task will be how did the realism film reflecting the environment of the times and grasping the interconnection between universal function and social change. At the same time, analyzing the detailed text, the reflection of the difference of social and political background in the two countries’ realism films will be examined thoroughly. Then it will solve the problems as follows, i.e. what these differences were and how did these differences be reflected in the films. |20世紀80年代對於韓國和中國都可以說是一個轉換時期。韓國看似脫離了長期以來的軍事獨裁統治,新的軍事政權卻 又再次登場。但是韓國人民對於自由民主化的期待和要求並 沒有因此消失,於是到了80年代末經過不懈的努力,終於真 正走上了民主主義的道路。而中國則是從60年代中半開始到70年代經歷了文化大革命的十年浩劫,直到70年代末改革開放的政策確立,經濟才得以飛速發展。 兩國複雜的政治背景和經濟發展狀況使得兩國國民的生活方式和價值 觀有了重大的改變,這種改變也反映在各藝術領域裏。80年代兩國的電影,特別是現實主義電影的出現就正是反映當時時代特徵的一個重要標誌。 從電影誕生之初開始,現實主義將對象原樣複製的特徵便作為 電影反映現實的一個重要要素出現。這個要素決定了這類電影展示給人們的世界是客觀的,並 且更傾向於關注社會問題的。也因為 如此,現實主義電影常常因為 政治原因而被打壓。這也是80年代之前中國和韓國現實主義傳統全部消失的原因。但是進入80年代,社會氛 圍的改觀使得現實主義電影得以再次登場。 本文中想要探討的內容正是對1980年代前半期,即 對1980年到1984年間在韓國和中國同時出現的現實主義電影進行一個比較研 究。現實主義電影再次出現的原因分明和兩國80年代特殊的社會背景有著緊密的聯繫— — 兩國在政治經濟上發生巨變的同時,電影作為 一個反映社會的媒體也反映出了社會層面的變化。因此本文中研 究的內容正是現實主義電影的特徵和社會變化的相互關係。文中選取了兩國最具代表性的現實主義電影(各4部,共8部),通過分析來研 究現實主義電影究竟如何反應時代背景,并 通過比較兩國的電影,找 出現實主義的普遍性特徵以及這些特徵和社會變化之間的關係。同時通過更詳細的電影文本分析,來研 究同樣的現實主義電影是如何反應有著不同的社會政治背景的兩個國家,以及因為 社會政治背景的不同,這兩個國家的現實主義電影又有著怎 樣的區別。; In the 1980’s marked the watershed in the history of South Korea and China. It seemd that Korea became free from the long time of the military dictatorship, a military junta took control of the Korea again. But the national hopes and demands for freedom didn’t disappeared. It became the Library Democracy in the late 80’s. Chinese government started The Culture Revolution from 1966 through 1976 and with the settlement the reform and opening up sector in the late 1970’s, the economy grew quickly . The complicated political situation and the development of economy changed the modes of living and the traditional values in the two countries’. And the changeable aspects also can be reflected by art. In 1980’s, the film, especially the emerge of Realism Films was the sign which reflected the 80’s. With the properties of reproducing the films, realism performed an important function that can reflect the reality from the first. The function of film which reflected the reality has the feature that the world in the film was objective and the film cares for social issues. So the realism film is often implicated in political issues. For that reason in Chinese and Korean films in the early 80’s, all the realism traces had disappeared. But, after that time, with the new social atmosphere, realism film comes onto the art scene again. This research did the comparison between realism films of Korean and Chinese in the early 1980’s that was from 1980 to 1984. The reason why realism film appeared again was deeply related to the special social flows in 1980’s. As the political and economical changes in the two countries, the film also became the medium that reflected change of the society. Therefore, this research centered on the relationship of function and social change about the realism film. Through the analysis towards the typical realism films from the two countries(each country 4 films, totally 8 films), the task will be how did the realism film reflecting the environment of the times and grasping the interconnection between universal function and social change. At the same time, analyzing the detailed text, the reflection of the difference of social and political background in the two countries’ realism films will be examined thoroughly. Then it will solve the problems as follows, i.e. what these differences were and how did these differences be reflected in the films.
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > THEATER & FILM(연극영화학과) > Theses (Master)
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