액티브실버세대의 미각 및 건강증진용 편이식 최적모델 개발과 품질관리 연구

액티브실버세대의 미각 및 건강증진용 편이식 최적모델 개발과 품질관리 연구
Other Titles
Development of Convenience Food Models for Elderly Consumers and their Quality Assessment
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Ji Eun
Issue Date
It is a point of time that study on improving quality of the old people’s life according to aging society is emerging as an important issue. With increase of aging population among the whole population, in characteristics of the old family in the country, nuclear family-type families account for 40.1% of the whole family type, the highest rate, and seniors who live alone account for 39.7%, and immediate families account for 14.9%. In order to prolong the health life cycle of the old, taking appropriate nutrition is one of very important factors. In the aging society, it is not an issue to live long, but to improve quality of healthy and happy life, and as for one of such efforts, it is essential to take nutrition reasonably. However, the old people’s nutritional status was the worst among all age groups, and they generally show undernourished conditions Also the proportion of silver market has been higher in the market demand structure of Korea and therefore, the companies are growing more and more interested in this. For these reasons, the elderly food market is becoming larger, and the study on the health and diet of the elderly is increasing. For this, we should select the nutritious foods considering physical aging of the elderly, provide familiar menu for them, and establish the marketing strategy to popularize it. This study was conducted to model dietary menus for the old in order to promote their health. First, it developed dietary food based on food having many nutrients which the old usually want to eat. As for the way to cook food, based on the result of taste acceptance of sweet taste and salty taste targeting the old and the young conducted before conducting this study, it adjusted the amount of sugar and salt. The study modeled total 24 kinds of dietary menus for the old, including 12 regular dietary menus for the healthy old people, 12 dietary menus for those having diabetes and 12 dietary menus for those having high blood pressure. The menus are composed of steamed rice and side dishes, porridge and side dishes, rice served with toppings and side dishes and Bibimbap and side dishes. As result of analysis of nutrition, weight and calorie of the menus were similar to those of convenience food for promoting the old people’s health, and when comparing with nutrients of lunch boxes delivered by the Senior Welfare Center, they contained more nutrients than the lunch boxes. For quality management to storage test conducted for quality evaluation of 24 kinds of convenience food for the old, it confirmed physiochemical and micro-organic changes according to the storage temperature and time. As a result of measuring pH, a physiochemical analysis, it was generally consistent, but it tended to decrease of storage hours at use temperature. As a result of measuring the growth of bacteria according to storage hours and temperature of general bacteria, coliform bacillus and staphylococcus aureus, it complied with the standard of recommended period of circulation notified by the Korean Food Standards Codex. To find the effect of food selection according to usual life factor of Korean elderly people, we approached by the qualitative method rather than the quantitative method. In Means-end Chain method, we could find various factors affect food selection by setting the reason as the value, and the background of selection by selecting specific food as the attribute. And to satisfy the value, it is useful way to show which attribute should be emphasized in diet and usual life pattern. In selecting foods for elderly, cohabitant and life pattern affected more than economic factor. There was no participant having difficulty in purchasing foods because most of them had their own home. But the way of purchasing foods and the reason of food selection depend on the cohabitant. Most of the participants lived with their spouse, therefore, purchased foods for husband. But, when they purchase fast food, they chose their favorite. It is testifying that they are eating foods for themselves in some degree. They considered their health during selecting foods for elderly. They chose the food materials or cooking methods which is helpful to their disease. It is testifying that they are considering their health. The interviewers who had a job have the strong tendency of this. When we asked to the interviewer the reason of selecting foods for elderly which is applied to this study, the interviewees choose the foods they have tried or the foods they have not tried. It is testifying that the experiences affect food selection.
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > FOOD & NUTRITION(식품영양학과) > Theses (Master)
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