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지역문화자원을 활용한 도시상징조형물의 관람자 인식요인에 관한 연구

지역문화자원을 활용한 도시상징조형물의 관람자 인식요인에 관한 연구
Other Titles
Study on perception of audience on symbolic sculpture of a city utilizing local cultural resources. :Based on objectives of city marketing and image strategies
Alternative Author(s)
Ho, Keum Ok
Issue Date
도시상징조형물은 도시의 과거, 현재, 미래 등을 투영함으로서 지역민에게는 애향심과 자부심을, 타 지역민에게는 그 지역의 흥미와 관심을 불러 일으켜 궁극적으로는 발전적 방향에서 도시를 활성화하고자 한다. 이러한 도시상징조형물의 소재로 지역문화자원은 매우 효과적인 테마로 인식되고 있으며, 많은 도시에서 지역문화자원을 소재로 한 도시상징조형물이 설치되고 있다. 하지만 현재 지역문화자원을 활용한 도시상징조형물이 도시마케팅 활성화에 큰 기여를 하고 있는가를 살펴볼 때 오히려 많은 작품에서 조잡하고, 관람하는 사람들에게 의미 없으며, 예산 낭비적이라는 비판을 받고 있다. 이러한 도시상징조형물의 실패 사례의 원인으로 본 논문이 주목하고 있는 것은 디자인 관계공무원 및 조형(설치)가가 반드시 작품을 설치단계 이전에 고려해야 할 사전적 관람자 인식수준에 대한 이해부족과 이에 따른 작품에의 충분한 반영 부족을 들 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 도시마케팅, 공공디자인, 지역문화자원, 도시상징조형물 관련 관람자의 사전인식수준을 살펴보았다. 더 나아가 도시마케팅 목적유형인 도시경제활성화, 사회통합, 도시문화활성화에 초점을 맞추어 도시마케팅을 진행해야 한다는 관람자와 도시마케팅 이미지전략방향인 도시이미지 강화, 전환, 창출에 초점을 맞추어 도시이미지를 바꾸어야 한다는 관람자군별 사전인식수준을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 선행연구를 통하여 도시마케팅, 공공디자인, 지역문화자원, 도시상징조형물의 특징을 살펴보고 상호관련성에 대한 가능성을 살펴보았다. 그러나 도시상징조형물 관련 관람자인식과 관련한 기존 연구의 미흡으로 말미암아 본 연구에서는 기존 연구를 바탕으로 한 확증적인 연구보다 탐색적인 연구에 중점을 두고 도시마케팅 측면에서 도시상징조형물에 지역문화자원을 활용하는 것에 대한 인식과 도시상징조형물에 대한 평가인식을 실증적으로 조사분석하였다. 그리하여 디자인 관계공무원과 조형(설치)가가 도시상징조형물 제작에 있어 사전 자료로 활용할 수 있는 도구개발과, 이를 활용하여 도시마케팅 목적유형과 이미지 개발전략유형별 관람자 인식차이를 살펴봄으로 향후 도시상징조형물을 개발함에 있어 적은 비용과 시간으로 도시구성원 대다수가 희망하는 도시상징조형물의 개발방향을 파악하는데 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 연구의 진행은 선행연구를 통하여 문헌조사와 함께 이를 바탕으로 설문문항을 개발, 본조사인 실증조사 과정을 통해 이루어졌다. 연구를 위한 분석방법으로는 요인분석을 통하여 지역문화자원 활용인식의 요인을 추출하였고, 도시상징조형물 평가인식으로 유사한 항목을 5가지로 묶어 신뢰도 검정을 통하여 자료사용여부를 검토하였다. 또한 전체적인 인식을 파악하기 위하여 평균분석을 통하여 사전 관람자인식 문항의 순위를 살펴보았고, 도시마케팅 목적유형 및 이미지전략방향별 차이를 분석하기 위하여 분산분석, 상관관계분석 등의 통계방법을 활용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지역문화자원 활용인식은 요인분석을 통해 4가지 요인을 추출하고 실용적 가치, 이해와 기대, 사전적 고려, 역할요인으로 명명하였다. 도시상징조형물의 평가인식을 측정하는 도구로 32개 도시상징조형물 평가척도어의 유사한 변수들을 5개의 요인으로 나누어 목적적합성, 사용용이성, 표현적정성, 기능적합성, 심미적조형성으로 명명하였다. 둘째, 도시마케팅 수단으로 공공디자인 중요성 및 도시마케팅을 위해 도시상징조형물에 지역문화자원을 소재로 활용하는 것에 대한 필요성에 대해 응답자는 중요성과 필요성에 대한 인식이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 도시마케팅 목적유형별 도시상징조형물에 지역문화자원 활용 필요성은 지역문화활성화군이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났고, 도시마케팅 수단으로 공공디자인 중요성은 새로운이미지창출군이 가장 높았다. 셋째, 지역문화자원 활용인식수준에서 도시상징조형물을 제작함에 있어 ‘지역문화자원에 대한 특징과 성격을 충분히 이해하고 반영하도록 해야 한다’, ‘도시상징조형물의 중요한 소재로 지속적인 발굴 노력이 필요하다’는 인식이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 도시상징조형물 평가인식에서‘적절한 위치’, ‘위험요소 제거’, ‘공공디자인물과의 조화’가 높은 점수를 받았다. 넷째, 도시마케팅 목적별 지역문화자원 활용인식수준에서 ‘지역문화자원은 도시상징조형물의 중요한 소재다’, '조형(설치)가는 도시상징조형물을 제작할 때 지역문화자원에 대한 이해가 필요하다'는 항목에서 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 있었다, 도시마케팅 목적별 지역문화자원 평가인식수준에서 ‘다른 도시상징조형물과 확연히 식별이 가능한지를 고려해야 한다’, '시선을 집중시키는가를 고려해야 한다', '간단하고 깔끔한가를 고려해야 한다', '알려지는 기능이 분명한가를 고려해야 한다', '목적이 잘 전달되는가를 고려해야 한다', '조화롭고 주위의 공공디자인물과 친화적인가를 고려해야 한다'는 항목에서 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 있었다. 다섯째, 도시마케팅 이미지전략방향별 지역문화자원 활용인식수준은 ‘지역문화자원을 활용한 도시상징조형물에 예산을 충분히 지원해야한다’, '지역문화자원을 활용한 도시상징조형물은 지역경제에 도움이 될 것이다' , '도시상징조형물에 지역문화자원을 활용해야 도시 이미지를 강화시킬 수 있다'는 항목에서 평균의 차이를 발견할 수 있었다. 도시마케팅 이미지전략방향별 지역문화자원 평가 인식수준은 ‘간단하고 깔끔한가를 고려해야 한다’ , '의도하는 방향이 잘 표현 되었는가를 고려해야 한다'는 항목에서 평균의 차이를 발견할 수 있었다. 여섯째, 도시상징조형물 평가인식 중 ‘다른 도시상징조형물과 확연히 식별이 가능한지를 고려해야 한다’, ‘시선을 집중시키는가를 고려해야 한다’, ‘간단하고 깔끔한가를 고려해야 한다’, ‘알려지는 기능이 분명한가를 고려해야 한다’, ‘목적이 잘 전달되는가를 고려해야 한다’, ‘조화롭고 주위의 공공디자인물과 친화적인가를 고려해야 한다’ 항목에서 도시마케팅 목적별 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 요인별로는 ’표현적절성‘이 차이가 있었다. 도시상징조형물 평가인식 중‘간단하고 깔끔한가를 고려해야 한다’, ‘의도하는 방향이 잘 표현 되었는가를 고려해야 한다’항목에서 이미지전략방향별 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 요인별로는 ‘심미적조형성’에 차이가 있었다. 일곱째, 도시상징조형물 평가인식과 지역문화자원 활용인식요인과의 관계를 살펴보기 위하여 중회귀분석(Multiple Regression Analysis)을 실시한 결과 사용용이성은 사전고려가, 표현적정성은 이해와 기대, 사전고려가, 기능적합성은 이해와 기대, 사전고려가 심미적조형성은 실용적가치와 사전고려요인이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 여덟째, 도시마케팅 목적유형과 이미지 전략방향유형별 총 9개 집단으로 분류하여 지역문화자원 활용인식과 도시상징조형물평가인식 수준을 살펴본 결과 지역경제활성화와 이미지전략방향별 인식수준에서 지역문화자원 활용은 이미지전략방향별 차이가 없었고, 도시상징조형물 평가요인수준에서 이미지강화는 목적적합성, 전환과 창출은 사용용이성이 주요한 인식요인으로 분석되었다. 사회통합과 이미지전략방향별 인식수준에서 사전적고려는 이미지강화와 창출에서 높았고, 이미지 전환은 실용적가치 요인에서 높았으며, 도시상징조형물평가요인은 이미지강화와 사용용이성, 이미지전환은 기능적합성, 이미지창출은 목적적합성의 인식수준이 높았다. 지역문화활성화와 이미지전략방향별 지역문화자원 활용인식에서 사전적고려는 이미지강화와 이미지창출, 역할은 이미지전환의 인식수준이 높았다. 도시상징조형물은 목적적합성이 이미지강화와 이미지 전환에서 높았고 이미지창출은 기능적합성이 높았다. 그러므로 이러한 마케팅 목적유형과 이미지 전략방향 별 사전점검인식차이는 향후 도시상징조형물 개발에 있어 기초자료로 활용될 수 있다. 본 연구 결과는 관람자의 사전인식 점검요인은 도시마케팅 목적유형별, 이미지전략방향별 차이를 체계적인 연구방법으로 제시하고 있다. 그러므로 디자인관계공무원과 조형(설치)가는 도시상징조형물을 개발함에 있어 관람자중심 개발을 수행할 수 있는 자료로 활용되어질 수 있다. 또한 도시상징조형물을 개발함에 있어서 각 도시에서 개발에 필요한 관람자의 수요와 인식을 많은 비용이 드는 조사를 수행함이 없이 경제적으로 간단하게 관람자의 도시마케팅 목적유형과 이미지전략방향을 조사하는 것만으로 도시상징조형물 관람자수요를 유추할 수 있는 자료로 활용가능하다는 점에서 연구의 의의를 갖는다. |Symbolic sculpture in a city is to activate the city, toward its development, giving pride to local people by reflection of past, present, and future of the city and interesting other people in the city. Local cultural resources have been regarded as very effective objects for a symbolic sculpture of a city and many symbolic sculptures about local cultural resources have been established in many cities. Considering these symbolic sculptures, utilizing local cultural resources, have contributed to activation of city marketing, they are criticized as a squandering of budget because they are poorly made and meaningless to audiences Causes of these failures to which this study pays attention are poor understanding on perceptual level of audience, which a public employee concerned and a artist should have considered before installation, and poor reflection of it. Therefore, this study has reviewed level of prior perception of audiences on city marketing, public design, local cultural resources, and symbolic sculpture. It also has further reviewed prior perceptual level of audiences who focus on economical activation of a city, social integration, and cultural activation of a city as an objective of city marketing and other audiences who focus on strengthen, switch, and creation of city image as an image strategy. By preceding studies, I have reviewed features of city marketing, public design, symbolic sculpture and possibility of correlations of them. This study has positively investigated and analyzed perception on utilization of local cultural resources to symbolic sculptures as a city marketing and assessment perception of the symbolic sculptures rather than confirmatory research based on existing reports since they are not sufficient about perception of audiences related to symbolic sculptures of a city. Therefore this study is to provide basic data to figure out developing direction of the symbolic sculptures for the majority in a city by less costs and time in developing tools, as a pre-data, to use for manufacturing symbolic sculptures by public employees and artists and symbolic sculptures based on review of perceptual difference of audiences of both objectives of city marketing and image strategies. This study conducted documentation research through preceding studies, created questionnaires based on it and conducted confirmatory investigation process. This study selected factors of perception of utilization of local cultural resources and 5 factors of perception of assessment of symbolic sculptures by factor analysis and then reviewed whether to use them through credit verification. This study has reviewed ranks of questionnaires on perception of audiences through average analysis to see comprehensive perception and utilized statistics such as dispersion and correlation analyses to analyze differences between objectives of city marketing and image strategies. Results of this study are as follows. First, this study selected 4 factors of perception of utilization of local cultural resources which were practical value, understanding and expectation, pre-consideration, and roles. As tools to measure assessment perception of symbolic sculptures, 32 measurements to assess perception of symbolic sculptures in a city were grouped in 5 different factors which were objective compliance, convenience, appropriateness of expression, appropriateness of function, and aesthetics. Second, it was indicated that people are highly aware of importance of public design and necessity of utilization of local cultural resources for symbolic sculptures as a city-marketing. It was showed that activation of local cultures was most important reason for necessity of utilization of local cultural resources in objectives of city-marketing and creation of new image was most in importance of public design as measures of city-marketing. Third, people were most perceptive on understanding and reflection of features and characters of local cultural resources and persistent endeavor to find new objects in perception of utilization of local cultural resources in manufacturing symbolic sculptures in terms of perception of utilization of local cultural resources. Appropriate location, removal of risk factors, and harmony with other public designs obtained high points in assessment perception of symbolic sculptures. Fourth, there was meaningful difference between “local cultural resources are important objects for symbolic sculptures” and “when manufacturing symbolic sculptures understanding of artists is needed” in perception of utilization of local cultural resources by objectives of city-marketing. Meaningful differences were found in “whether they are clearly distinguished from others”, “whether they are attracting people”, “whether they are simple and clean”, “whether their functions are clear”, “whether they have clear objectives”, and whether they are in harmony with other public designs” in assessment perception of local cultural resources by objectives of city-marketing. Fifth, there were average differences in “sufficient budget should be supported to symbolic sculptures using local cultural resources”, “symbolic sculptures using local cultural resources will benefit for local economy”, “they may strengthen city image by using local cultural resources to symbolic sculptures” in perception of utilization of local cultural resources by directions of image strategies of city-marketing. There was also average difference in “they are simple and clean” and “they have good expression which is intended ”in assessment perception of local cultural resources by directions of image strategies of city-marketing. Sixth, there were differences on objectives of city-marketing in “whether they are clearly distinguished from others”, “whether they are attracting people”, “whether they are simple and clean”, “whether their functions are clear”, “whether they have clear objectives”, and whether they are in harmony with other public designs” in assessment perception of symbolic sculptures. There was difference in “appropriateness of expression” in factors. There were differences of directions of image strategy in “whether they are simple and clean”, “whether they have clear message” in assessment perception of symbolic sculptures and there was difference in aesthetics in factors. Seventh, it was showed by multiple regression analysis to figure out relations between assessment perception of symbolic sculptures and perception of utilization of local cultural resources that convenience was influenced by pre-consideration, appropriateness of expression was influenced by understanding and expectation and pre-consideration, appropriateness of function was influenced by understanding and expectation and pre-consideration, and aesthetics was influenced by piratical values and pre-consideration. Eighth, there was no difference between activation of local economy in perception level of direction of image strategy and utilization of local cultural resources in direction of image strategy by result of review on level of perception of utilization of local cultural resources and assessment perception of symbolic sculptures by classification of 9 groups of objectives of city-marketing and directions of image strategies and it was analyzed that appropriate purpose was important factor to strengthening image and convenience was important factor to switch and creation of image in level of assessment factors of symbolic sculptures. Pre-consideration was highly aware in image strengthening and creation and image switch was high aware in practical values in social unity and perception level by directions of image strategy and appropriateness of function was highly aware in strengthening image, convenience, and image switch and appropriateness of purpose was high aware in creation of image in assessment factors of symbolic sculptures. Pre-consideration was highly aware in strengthening image and creation of image and roles were highly aware in image switch in perception of utilization of local cultural resources by activation of local culture and directions of image strategies. Appropriateness of purpose was highly aware in strengthening image and image switch and appropriateness of function was highly aware in creation of image in symbolic sculptures.; Symbolic sculpture in a city is to activate the city, toward its development, giving pride to local people by reflection of past, present, and future of the city and interesting other people in the city. Local cultural resources have been regarded as very effective objects for a symbolic sculpture of a city and many symbolic sculptures about local cultural resources have been established in many cities. Considering these symbolic sculptures, utilizing local cultural resources, have contributed to activation of city marketing, they are criticized as a squandering of budget because they are poorly made and meaningless to audiences Causes of these failures to which this study pays attention are poor understanding on perceptual level of audience, which a public employee concerned and a artist should have considered before installation, and poor reflection of it. Therefore, this study has reviewed level of prior perception of audiences on city marketing, public design, local cultural resources, and symbolic sculpture. It also has further reviewed prior perceptual level of audiences who focus on economical activation of a city, social integration, and cultural activation of a city as an objective of city marketing and other audiences who focus on strengthen, switch, and creation of city image as an image strategy. By preceding studies, I have reviewed features of city marketing, public design, symbolic sculpture and possibility of correlations of them. This study has positively investigated and analyzed perception on utilization of local cultural resources to symbolic sculptures as a city marketing and assessment perception of the symbolic sculptures rather than confirmatory research based on existing reports since they are not sufficient about perception of audiences related to symbolic sculptures of a city. Therefore this study is to provide basic data to figure out developing direction of the symbolic sculptures for the majority in a city by less costs and time in developing tools, as a pre-data, to use for manufacturing symbolic sculptures by public employees and artists and symbolic sculptures based on review of perceptual difference of audiences of both objectives of city marketing and image strategies. This study conducted documentation research through preceding studies, created questionnaires based on it and conducted confirmatory investigation process. This study selected factors of perception of utilization of local cultural resources and 5 factors of perception of assessment of symbolic sculptures by factor analysis and then reviewed whether to use them through credit verification. This study has reviewed ranks of questionnaires on perception of audiences through average analysis to see comprehensive perception and utilized statistics such as dispersion and correlation analyses to analyze differences between objectives of city marketing and image strategies. Results of this study are as follows. First, this study selected 4 factors of perception of utilization of local cultural resources which were practical value, understanding and expectation, pre-consideration, and roles. As tools to measure assessment perception of symbolic sculptures, 32 measurements to assess perception of symbolic sculptures in a city were grouped in 5 different factors which were objective compliance, convenience, appropriateness of expression, appropriateness of function, and aesthetics. Second, it was indicated that people are highly aware of importance of public design and necessity of utilization of local cultural resources for symbolic sculptures as a city-marketing. It was showed that activation of local cultures was most important reason for necessity of utilization of local cultural resources in objectives of city-marketing and creation of new image was most in importance of public design as measures of city-marketing. Third, people were most perceptive on understanding and reflection of features and characters of local cultural resources and persistent endeavor to find new objects in perception of utilization of local cultural resources in manufacturing symbolic sculptures in terms of perception of utilization of local cultural resources. Appropriate location, removal of risk factors, and harmony with other public designs obtained high points in assessment perception of symbolic sculptures. Fourth, there was meaningful difference between “local cultural resources are important objects for symbolic sculptures” and “when manufacturing symbolic sculptures understanding of artists is needed” in perception of utilization of local cultural resources by objectives of city-marketing. Meaningful differences were found in “whether they are clearly distinguished from others”, “whether they are attracting people”, “whether they are simple and clean”, “whether their functions are clear”, “whether they have clear objectives”, and whether they are in harmony with other public designs” in assessment perception of local cultural resources by objectives of city-marketing. Fifth, there were average differences in “sufficient budget should be supported to symbolic sculptures using local cultural resources”, “symbolic sculptures using local cultural resources will benefit for local economy”, “they may strengthen city image by using local cultural resources to symbolic sculptures” in perception of utilization of local cultural resources by directions of image strategies of city-marketing. There was also average difference in “they are simple and clean” and “they have good expression which is intended ”in assessment perception of local cultural resources by directions of image strategies of city-marketing. Sixth, there were differences on objectives of city-marketing in “whether they are clearly distinguished from others”, “whether they are attracting people”, “whether they are simple and clean”, “whether their functions are clear”, “whether they have clear objectives”, and whether they are in harmony with other public designs” in assessment perception of symbolic sculptures. There was difference in “appropriateness of expression” in factors. There were differences of directions of image strategy in “whether they are simple and clean”, “whether they have clear message” in assessment perception of symbolic sculptures and there was difference in aesthetics in factors. Seventh, it was showed by multiple regression analysis to figure out relations between assessment perception of symbolic sculptures and perception of utilization of local cultural resources that convenience was influenced by pre-consideration, appropriateness of expression was influenced by understanding and expectation and pre-consideration, appropriateness of function was influenced by understanding and expectation and pre-consideration, and aesthetics was influenced by piratical values and pre-consideration. Eighth, there was no difference between activation of local economy in perception level of direction of image strategy and utilization of local cultural resources in direction of image strategy by result of review on level of perception of utilization of local cultural resources and assessment perception of symbolic sculptures by classification of 9 groups of objectives of city-marketing and directions of image strategies and it was analyzed that appropriate purpose was important factor to strengthening image and convenience was important factor to switch and creation of image in level of assessment factors of symbolic sculptures. Pre-consideration was highly aware in image strengthening and creation and image switch was high aware in practical values in social unity and perception level by directions of image strategy and appropriateness of function was highly aware in strengthening image, convenience, and image switch and appropriateness of purpose was high aware in creation of image in assessment factors of symbolic sculptures. Pre-consideration was highly aware in strengthening image and creation of image and roles were highly aware in image switch in perception of utilization of local cultural resources by activation of local culture and directions of image strategies. Appropriateness of purpose was highly aware in strengthening image and image switch and appropriateness of function was highly aware in creation of image in symbolic sculptures.
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