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dc.description.abstract여성들의 미에 대한 관심이 지속적으로 증가되면서 비타민C, 알부틴 등 다양한 화장품 미백 소재들이 개발되어 상용화 되고 있으나 기 상용화된 소재들은 안정성이 높으면 효능이 떨어지고 효능이 높으면 공기 중에 산화되어 지속적인 사용이 어려워 소비자들에게 만족감을 주지 못하고 있다. 이에 안정하면서 뛰어난 미백 효과를 가지는 화합물의 합성, 천연물로부터의 추출, 안정한 비타민C 유도체 개발 등의 노력들이 지속되고 있고 현재 대량 생산이 가능하면서도 글로벌화한 소재인 비타민 C(ascorbic acid)가 가장 뛰어난 미백 효과를 가지는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 아토피, 여드름 피부에 적합한 기능성화장품의 원료로써 미백, 노화방지에 효과적인 아스코르빈산(Vit-C)과 니코틴산(Vit-B3)을 도입하여 합성 기술에 관한 연구와 그에 관련한 특성을 알아보았다. 아스코르빈산의 5번 하이드록실기 위치에 니코틴산을 도입하여 에스터화 반응을 통해 빛과 열에 민감한 아스코르빈산을 안전하게 보관하고 기능성 화장품 원료로 사용할 수 있도록 연구하였다. NMR, FT-IR을 이용한 구조 분석과 HPLC 등을 이용한 순도 분석을 통해 결과물(Vit-CB3)이 생성되었음을 확인하였고, 최적화 반응 조건을 도출하였다.|In this study, the coupling reaction of ascorbic acid(Vit-C) and nicotinic acid(Vit-B3) has been investigated. Recently, vitamin C has been developed and commercialized extensively, because it has great use in whitening cosmetics. But commercially available materials do not possess reliability and are highly susceptible to air oxidation which do not give satisfaction to consumers. A lot of research is going on to synthesis stable and excellent products originated from natural compounds, which has good tendency to develop whitening effect. The use of vitamin C derivatives in these cosmetics has attracted many researchers attention. Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is known to have excellent whitening effect and has enough potential for mass production of customized materials. The functional cosmetics synthesized from ascorbic acid(Vit-C) and nicotinic acid(Vit-B3) have good whitening effect and anti-aging tendency. Further, it is found that these compounds can resist dermatitis and acre-prone skin. 5-position of ascorbic acid was exposed to nicotinic acid in the presence of light and heat for esterification reaction to synthesis safe and functional cosmetic ingredients. The structural analysis of the final product(Vit-CB3) was carried out by using NMR and FT-IR techniques. The products purity was measured by using HPLC, and the reaction conditions were optimized.; In this study, the coupling reaction of ascorbic acid(Vit-C) and nicotinic acid(Vit-B3) has been investigated. Recently, vitamin C has been developed and commercialized extensively, because it has great use in whitening cosmetics. But commercially available materials do not possess reliability and are highly susceptible to air oxidation which do not give satisfaction to consumers. A lot of research is going on to synthesis stable and excellent products originated from natural compounds, which has good tendency to develop whitening effect. The use of vitamin C derivatives in these cosmetics has attracted many researchers attention. Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is known to have excellent whitening effect and has enough potential for mass production of customized materials. The functional cosmetics synthesized from ascorbic acid(Vit-C) and nicotinic acid(Vit-B3) have good whitening effect and anti-aging tendency. Further, it is found that these compounds can resist dermatitis and acre-prone skin. 5-position of ascorbic acid was exposed to nicotinic acid in the presence of light and heat for esterification reaction to synthesis safe and functional cosmetic ingredients. The structural analysis of the final product(Vit-CB3) was carried out by using NMR and FT-IR techniques. The products purity was measured by using HPLC, and the reaction conditions were optimized.-
dc.title기능성 화장품 원료인 아스코르빈산(Vit-C)과 니코틴산(Vit-B3)의 결합체 합성에 관한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA study on the coupling reaction of ascorbic acid(Vit-C) and nicotinic acid(Vit-B3)-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorKim, Ka Young-
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