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브람스의 <하이든 주제에 의한 변주곡> Op. 56a 에 대한 분석연구

브람스의 <하이든 주제에 의한 변주곡> Op. 56a 에 대한 분석연구
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국 문 요 지 요하네스 브람스(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)는 19세기 서양 음악사에서 소위 과거의 전통을 계승한 ‘역사주의’ 작곡가의 대표주자로 간주된다. 이는 그의 수많은 작품들을 통해서 그 진가를 드러내는데, 특히 본 논문에서는 그 중에 <하이든 주제에 의한 변주곡>(Variationen ü ber ein Thema von Haydn Op. 56a)이라는 작품을 집중 분석 및 연구함으로써 브람스의 이러한 면모를 밝혀내는데 목적을 둔다. 먼저 이 작품은 하이든의 디베르티멘토 <펠트파르티엔>(Feldpartien)의 6곡 중 B♭장조인 2번째 곡을 주제의 기원으로 삼고 있으며, 브람스는 이를 토대로 주제를 창안하였다. 변주의 세부적인 전개를 보면, 구조적인 면에서는 작품이 가진 기본적인 틀을 유지하였으며, 악기의 편성에서도 베토벤의 2관편성을 계승하는 면모를 보인다. 음악적 재료 역시 주제에서 따온 것을 기반으로 악곡을 전개해나간다. 작곡기법적 측면에서는 긴장과 이완의 음악적 균형을 이루면서 호모포니와 폴리포니가 서로 공존하는 기법을 구사하고 있으며, 파사칼리아와 같은 전통적 변주기법을 활용하기도 하였다. 더 나아가 ‘변주 안의 변주’를 구현함으로써, 브람스만의 독창성을 발현하며 총 9회에 이르는 변주를 이루어낸다. 이로 미루어보아 브람스는 <하이든 주제에 의한 변주곡> op.56a를 통하여 기존의 주제를 과거의 전통에 기대어 변주를 전개해나감과 동시에 당대의 낭만적 성향을 결합한 작품을 창작함으로써, 전통적 낭만주의자의 전형을 보여준다. | ABSTRACT Analytical study on op. 56a of Johannes Brahms Lee, Hyunseok Dept. of 2012. 08 The Graduate School Hanyang University In the history of Western music, Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) is regarded as a representative Historicism composer who inherited the past tradition. It is possible to see the true value of Brahms in his many music pieces. The purpose of this study is to explore the music of Brahms by analyzing and studying his particular music piece, the op. 56a. First, this piece took the second piece (B♭ major) of six pieces in the , which is the divertimento of Haydn, as the origin of the theme. Brahms created the theme for op. 56a based on Haydn’s theme. Regarding the detail development of variation, op. 56 kept the basic frame of original piece in its structure and the instrumental orchestration succeeded the 2 wind-instrument orchestration of Beethoven. The music material is also developed based on the material taken from the theme. In the aspect of composing technique, tension and relaxation keep musical balance, while homophony and polyphony exist together. A traditional variation technique such as passacaglia is also used. Further, Brahms demonstrated his creativity by creating nine times of variation by making “a variation in another variation”. As seen above, Brahms developed variation of existing theme using past tradition and created a piece combined of contemporary romantic propensity in the op. 56a, which became a prototype piece of traditional Romanticism.; ABSTRACT Analytical study on op. 56a of Johannes Brahms Lee, Hyunseok Dept. of 2012. 08 The Graduate School Hanyang University In the history of Western music, Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) is regarded as a representative Historicism composer who inherited the past tradition. It is possible to see the true value of Brahms in his many music pieces. The purpose of this study is to explore the music of Brahms by analyzing and studying his particular music piece, the op. 56a. First, this piece took the second piece (B♭ major) of six pieces in the , which is the divertimento of Haydn, as the origin of the theme. Brahms created the theme for op. 56a based on Haydn’s theme. Regarding the detail development of variation, op. 56 kept the basic frame of original piece in its structure and the instrumental orchestration succeeded the 2 wind-instrument orchestration of Beethoven. The music material is also developed based on the material taken from the theme. In the aspect of composing technique, tension and relaxation keep musical balance, while homophony and polyphony exist together. A traditional variation technique such as passacaglia is also used. Further, Brahms demonstrated his creativity by creating nine times of variation by making “a variation in another variation”. As seen above, Brahms developed variation of existing theme using past tradition and created a piece combined of contemporary romantic propensity in the op. 56a, which became a prototype piece of traditional Romanticism.
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