여대생 음주동기와 문제음주 측정도구 개발

여대생 음주동기와 문제음주 측정도구 개발
Alternative Author(s)
Wie, Seoung Uk
Issue Date
여대생의 음주와 관련하여 원인과 결과를 함께 고찰할 수 있는 연구가 전무한 현실이다. 이에 여대생의 음주동기와 문제음주 정도를 함께 측정할 수 있는 도구를 개발하는 것이 이 연구의 목적이다. 이는 여대생 음주로 인한 실제 문제뿐만 아니라 잠재문제를 예방하고 관리하기 위한 중재 프로그램과 정책개발을 위한 기초자료로 기여할 수 있다. 2012년 6월 25일부터 2012년 9월 21일까지 G광역시 인근에 소재하는 2개의 대학교 여대생 397명을 대상으로 질적, 양적 연구를 수행하였다. PASW와 AMOS 18.0을 이용하여 탐색적 요인분석과 확인적 요인분석을 실시하였다. 개발된 도구는 구성타당도와 모형의 적합도가 수용할만하였다. 음주동기는 4개 영역에 16개 문항으로 구성할 수 있었다. 즉‘해소’(4문항),‘친교’(3문항),‘위로’(4문항),‘도피’(5문항)이었다. 문제음주는 3개 영역에 11개 문항으로 구성할 수 있었다. 즉 ‘조절상실’(4문항),‘건강위협’(4문항),‘성적위협’(3문항)이었다. 여대생의 음주동기와 문제음주에 전반적으로 영향을 미치는 변수는 ‘거주형태’와 ‘학과만족도’였다. 친교는 음주동기의 주요변수였으며, 건강위협은 문제음주의 주요변수였다. 그러므로 여대생에게는 폭음과 성문제 등을 예방하기 위한 학교건강증진사업의 도입이 바람직하다. 음주관련 자아효능감 증진과 의사소통기술 및 스트레스관리법 등의 역량을 기를 수 있는 프로그램을 마련할 것을 제언한다. |Abstract A Development of a Questionnaire about the Drinking Motives and Problematic Drinking of Female University Students Wie, Seoung Uk Department of Nursing The Graduate School Han Yang University Directed by Professor Moon-Hee Jung, RN, PhD Research contemplating the causes and consequences of the drinking in female college students is nearly non existent. The goal of this study is to develop a tool that can measure the motivations and level of problematic drinking in female college students. This will be used as basic material that will contribute to the development of intermediary programs and policies that deal not only with the actual drinking related problems, but the prevention of potential problems as well. From June 25th, 2012 to September 21st, 2012, a qualitative and quantitative study on this subject was carried out. 397 female college students from 2 universities in the vicinity of metropolitan city G were the subjects. PASW and AMOS 18.0 were used for exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The construct validity of the developed tool and the model fit were acceptable. Motivations for drinking was divided into 16 questions in 4 areas: 'relief' (4 questions), 'friendship' (3 questions), 'consolation' (4 questions), and 'escape' (5 questions). Problematic drinking was divided into 11 questions in 3 areas: 'loss of regulation' (4 questions), 'health hazards' (4 questions), and 'sexual hazards' (3 questions). Variables that generally affected motivations for drinking and problematic drinking were 'mode of living' and 'satisfaction in school life.' The main variable for motivation was friendship, and the main variable for problematic drinking was health hazards. It would be advisable to introduce a university health promotion plan to prevent binge drinking and sexual dangers for female college students. I propose that a program regarding drinking related self-esteem, communication skills, stress management, and other capability strengthening measures be prepared.; Abstract A Development of a Questionnaire about the Drinking Motives and Problematic Drinking of Female University Students Wie, Seoung Uk Department of Nursing The Graduate School Han Yang University Directed by Professor Moon-Hee Jung, RN, PhD Research contemplating the causes and consequences of the drinking in female college students is nearly non existent. The goal of this study is to develop a tool that can measure the motivations and level of problematic drinking in female college students. This will be used as basic material that will contribute to the development of intermediary programs and policies that deal not only with the actual drinking related problems, but the prevention of potential problems as well. From June 25th, 2012 to September 21st, 2012, a qualitative and quantitative study on this subject was carried out. 397 female college students from 2 universities in the vicinity of metropolitan city G were the subjects. PASW and AMOS 18.0 were used for exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The construct validity of the developed tool and the model fit were acceptable. Motivations for drinking was divided into 16 questions in 4 areas: 'relief' (4 questions), 'friendship' (3 questions), 'consolation' (4 questions), and 'escape' (5 questions). Problematic drinking was divided into 11 questions in 3 areas: 'loss of regulation' (4 questions), 'health hazards' (4 questions), and 'sexual hazards' (3 questions). Variables that generally affected motivations for drinking and problematic drinking were 'mode of living' and 'satisfaction in school life.' The main variable for motivation was friendship, and the main variable for problematic drinking was health hazards. It would be advisable to introduce a university health promotion plan to prevent binge drinking and sexual dangers for female college students. I propose that a program regarding drinking related self-esteem, communication skills, stress management, and other capability strengthening measures be prepared.
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