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의약품 약가 인하가 국내 제약 산업에 미치는 영향 및 관련 업체별 발전 전략에 대한 연구

의약품 약가 인하가 국내 제약 산업에 미치는 영향 및 관련 업체별 발전 전략에 대한 연구
Other Titles
Research on the effect of medicine price reduction on Korean pharmaceutical industry and strategies to cope with to the policy change.
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Kwan Wook
Issue Date
The objective of this study is to check strategies to cope with medicine price reduction by doing research on general and special effects which occur in pharmaceutical industry due to medicine price reduction by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and it is done based on high rank sales companies. Korea pharmaceutical industry is divided into prescription drug and over the counter drug. I found out that prescription drug takes up 90% in the market and the sales of global pharmaceutical companies occupy over 65% of prescription drug. Since the sales of the company are directly related to prescription drug which is given by doctors and pharmacists, many companies do business through rebate. The Ministry Health and Welfare is trying to exterminate the rebate through medicine price reduction and encourage pharmaceutical companies to invest in new medicine and research and development to make advanced pharmaceutical industry. According to the analysis, instability of employment is the general effect in all companies as the sales went down in the pharmaceutical industry. After the notice of medicine price reduction by government, global pharmaceutical companies which have patent medicine seem to have withdrawal plans for expired patent medicine and domestic pharmaceutical companies seem to set a different price on advertisement. So, global pharmaceutical companies took actions for medicine price reduction through restructuring marketing and cooperating with CSO companies and domestic pharmaceutical companies increased sales through choice and focus on some genetic medicine or implemented a strategy to accelerate a new medicine. Also, I checked they not only sold medicines but also expanded business and restructured logistics team to export medicines. Lastly, pharmaceutical distribution companies tried to avoid bankruptcy through regional M&A and strategic alliance with pharmaceutical companies. I hope that the effort which lots of companies made in the pharmaceutical industry to cope with this medicine price reduction wisely could be helpful to make advanced pharmaceutical industry.|본 연구는 보건복지부의 의약품 약가 인하를 통해 발생되는 제약 산업 내 일반적인 영향과 특별한 영향에 따른 전략에 관해 다뤘으며, 상위 매출을 보이고 있는 업체를 기준으로 조사하였다. 한국의 제약 산업은 전문의약품과 일반의약품으로 구분되어 있으며, 제약 규모 중 전문의약품의 비중이 90%이상을 차지함을 확인하였다. 또한 다국적 제약회사들의 매출 금액은 전문의약품 중 65%이상을 차지함도 조사되었다. 제약 산업 특성상 의사와 약사가 처방하는 의약품이 회사의 매출과 직결됨에 따라, 많은 업체들은 의사와 약사에게 리베이트를 통한 영업을 진행하였다. 보건복지부는 의약품 약가 인하를 통해 리베이트의 관행을 없애고 제약회사들이 신약과 연구개발에 투자를 하여 선진화된 제약 산업을 만들려는 목적이 있다. 분석 결과 제약 산업 내 업체들 모두 매출의 감소에 따른 고용의 불안정이 일반적인 영향으로 나타났다. 약가 인하조치 후 특허 의약품을 보유한 다국적 제약회사는 특허가 만료된 의약품을 철수하려는 움직임을 보였으며, 국내 제약회사는 광고비를 다시 책정하는 양상을 보이고 있다. 그에 따라서 다국적 제약업체들은 영업조직를 재정비함과 동시에 CSO업체들과의 협업을 통하여 이번 약가 인하 조치를 대응하는 모습을 보였다. 또한 맣은 제네릭 의약품을 보유한 국내 제약회사들은 선택과 집중을 통하여 매출을 증대시키거나 신약의 출시를 가속화 히는 전략을 진행하는 것을 확인 하였다. 국내 제약회사들은 의약품의 판매만이 아닌 CMO 사업으로도 확장하는 모습을 확인하였으며, 의약품의 수출을 위하여 물류팀을 재정비하는 모습도 확인 할 수 있었다. 마지막으로 의약품 유통 업체들은 지역별 인수 합병을 통하여 부도의 상황에서 벗어나려는 모습을 보였으며, 제약회사들과의 전략적 업무 제휴를 통하여 약가 인하를 대응하는 모습을 보였다. 이번 약가 인하를 현명하게 대처하기위한 제약 산업 내 많은 업체들의 노력이 향후 선진화된 제약 산업으로 발전하는데 일조하는 기회가 되었으면 한다.; The objective of this study is to check strategies to cope with medicine price reduction by doing research on general and special effects which occur in pharmaceutical industry due to medicine price reduction by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and it is done based on high rank sales companies. Korea pharmaceutical industry is divided into prescription drug and over the counter drug. I found out that prescription drug takes up 90% in the market and the sales of global pharmaceutical companies occupy over 65% of prescription drug. Since the sales of the company are directly related to prescription drug which is given by doctors and pharmacists, many companies do business through rebate. The Ministry Health and Welfare is trying to exterminate the rebate through medicine price reduction and encourage pharmaceutical companies to invest in new medicine and research and development to make advanced pharmaceutical industry. According to the analysis, instability of employment is the general effect in all companies as the sales went down in the pharmaceutical industry. After the notice of medicine price reduction by government, global pharmaceutical companies which have patent medicine seem to have withdrawal plans for expired patent medicine and domestic pharmaceutical companies seem to set a different price on advertisement. So, global pharmaceutical companies took actions for medicine price reduction through restructuring marketing and cooperating with CSO companies and domestic pharmaceutical companies increased sales through choice and focus on some genetic medicine or implemented a strategy to accelerate a new medicine. Also, I checked they not only sold medicines but also expanded business and restructured logistics team to export medicines. Lastly, pharmaceutical distribution companies tried to avoid bankruptcy through regional M&A and strategic alliance with pharmaceutical companies. I hope that the effort which lots of companies made in the pharmaceutical industry to cope with this medicine price reduction wisely could be helpful to make advanced pharmaceutical industry.
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