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주방용오물분쇄기 파쇄 음식물의 유하 특성

주방용오물분쇄기 파쇄 음식물의 유하 특성
Other Titles
Flow characteristics of crushed food wastes
Alternative Author(s)
Youngsik Park
Issue Date
국 문 요 지 오래전부터 우리나라는 음식문화 특성상 수분이 80% 정도 함유된 음식물쓰레기가 발생하며, 매년 음식물쓰레기의 처리문제가 대두되고 있다. 음식물쓰레기 처리의 주된 수단이 되고 있는 퇴비화 및 사료화에서도 제조된 퇴비의 품질이 나쁘고, 계절적인 요인에 의해 함수율의 차이 때문에 많은 문제점이 늘어나고 있다. 음식물쓰레기의 효율적인 처리방법인 주방용오물분쇄기를 사용하여, 이와 같은 문제를 해결이 가능하다. 또한 가정에서 음식물쓰레기를 밖으로 나가서 배출할 필요 없이 배관으로 바로 배출하면서 악취문제를 저감할 수 있다고 판단한다. 가정에서 주방용오물분쇄기를 사용하기 위한 옥내배관의 최적설계를 도출하였다. 경기도 남양주시에서 음식물쓰레기를 수거하여 총 5가지의 성상으로 나누었다. 배출된 쓰레기 중 음식물쓰레기의 비율이 90% 정도였다. 채소류와 과일류가 배출된 음식물쓰레기 중 약 80%의 비율을 차지하였다. 음식물쓰레기의 성상 분석을 통해 비율이 높은 음식물쓰레기(생쌀, 귤껍질)와 주방용오물분쇄기 이용 시 문제가 될 수 있는 일반쓰레기(계란껍질, 생선뼈)를 기준으로 밀도를 분석하였다. 밀도가 높은 순으로 나열하면, 계란껍질(내피포함, 1.93 g/cm3), 계란껍질(내피제거, 1.85 g/cm3), 밥알(1.54 g/cm3), 생쌀(1.44 g/cm3), 생선뼈(1.31 g/cm3), 귤껍질(1.02 g/cm3)이다. 총 4가지의 음식물쓰레기(생쌀, 계란껍질, 생선뼈, 귤껍질)의 분쇄물 유하 특성을 분석하였다. 배수수평주관(100 mm)일 경우 배관 내 계란껍질의 퇴적을 방지하기 위하여 배관의 직경을 125 mm, 최소 구배 1/125로 설계를 해야 하며, 배수수평주관(125 mm)일 경우 또한 계란껍질의 퇴적을 방지하기 위하여 배관의 직경을 125 mm, 최소 구배 1/125로 설계를 해야 한다. 배수수평주관(150 mm)일 경우 계란껍질의 퇴적을 방지하기 위하여 최소 구배 1/150으로 설계를 해야 한다. 또한 배수수평주관에서의 구배가 1/100일 경우 생쌀과 계란의 입경이 0.45 mm 이하인 입자들이 더 큰 입자를 가진 분쇄물보다 이송이 잘 되는 것으로 관찰되었다. 구배가 0일 경우 같은 입경을 가진 분쇄물의 이송율이 구배가 1/100일 때보다는 작았지만 대체적으로 0.45 mm 이하인 입자들이 이송이 잘 되는 것으로 관찰되었다. 입도 분석을 통해 음식물쓰레기를 더 작게 분쇄할 수 있는 주방용오물분쇄기를 설계하는 것도 이송율에 지대한 영향을 줄 것이라 판단된다. |ABSTRACT Flow characteristics of crushed food wastes from a garbage disposer by Youngsik Park Master of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering The Graduate School, Hanyang University, 2013 Advisor : Professor Wookeun Bae, Ph.D. On characteristic of Korea's food culture, food waste which contains 80% of water is formed. So disposal of food waste comes to the fore every year for a long time. Many problems increase because of difference of the percentage of water content which causes by seasonal factor and bad quality of composting which is manufactured by main disposal method of food waste are composting and feed production. We can solve this problem by using garbage disposer which is effective disposal of food waste. Also household doesn't need to discharge food waste out side, but can discharge by plumbing so it can reduce odor problem. Optimum design of pipe is drawn for using garbage disposer in household. food waste was collected from Gyeonggi-do Namyangju-si and divided 5 types. Food waste occupies 90% of excreted wastes. and vegetables and fruits occupies 80% of them. By analyzing characteristic of food waste, food waste(rice, orange peel) which has high discharge rate and general waste(egg shell, fish bone) which has the possibility of problem from a garbage disposer were analyzed. Arrange those things in order of density, egg shell(involved membrane, 1.93 g/cm3) egg shell(not involved membrane, 1.85 g/cm3), cooked rice(1.54 g/cm3), rice(1.44 g/cm3), fish bone(1.31 g/cm3), orange peel(1.02 g/cm3). Also flow characteristics of crushed food wastes(rice, egg shell, fish bone, orange peel) were analyzed. In case of 100 mm main pipe, pipe has to be designed with 125 mm main pipe and minimum slope has to be designed 1/125 for preventing sedimentation of egg shell in pipe. In case of 125 mm main pipe, pipe also has to be designed with 125 mm main pipe and 1/125 minimum slope for same reason. In case of 150 mm main pipe, pipe has to be designed with 150 mm main pipe and minimum slope has to be designed 1/150 for preventing sedimentation of egg shell in pipe. In case of 100 mm main pipe and 1/100 slope, crushed food waste which has same grain size is transferred worse than slope is 1/100, in principle under 0.45 mm diameter of crushed food waste were transferred better. Designing garbage disposer which can pulverize food waste smaller by size analysis will have a decisive effect on transfer rate.; ABSTRACT Flow characteristics of crushed food wastes from a garbage disposer by Youngsik Park Master of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering The Graduate School, Hanyang University, 2013 Advisor : Professor Wookeun Bae, Ph.D. On characteristic of Korea's food culture, food waste which contains 80% of water is formed. So disposal of food waste comes to the fore every year for a long time. Many problems increase because of difference of the percentage of water content which causes by seasonal factor and bad quality of composting which is manufactured by main disposal method of food waste are composting and feed production. We can solve this problem by using garbage disposer which is effective disposal of food waste. Also household doesn't need to discharge food waste out side, but can discharge by plumbing so it can reduce odor problem. Optimum design of pipe is drawn for using garbage disposer in household. food waste was collected from Gyeonggi-do Namyangju-si and divided 5 types. Food waste occupies 90% of excreted wastes. and vegetables and fruits occupies 80% of them. By analyzing characteristic of food waste, food waste(rice, orange peel) which has high discharge rate and general waste(egg shell, fish bone) which has the possibility of problem from a garbage disposer were analyzed. Arrange those things in order of density, egg shell(involved membrane, 1.93 g/cm3) egg shell(not involved membrane, 1.85 g/cm3), cooked rice(1.54 g/cm3), rice(1.44 g/cm3), fish bone(1.31 g/cm3), orange peel(1.02 g/cm3). Also flow characteristics of crushed food wastes(rice, egg shell, fish bone, orange peel) were analyzed. In case of 100 mm main pipe, pipe has to be designed with 125 mm main pipe and minimum slope has to be designed 1/125 for preventing sedimentation of egg shell in pipe. In case of 125 mm main pipe, pipe also has to be designed with 125 mm main pipe and 1/125 minimum slope for same reason. In case of 150 mm main pipe, pipe has to be designed with 150 mm main pipe and minimum slope has to be designed 1/150 for preventing sedimentation of egg shell in pipe. In case of 100 mm main pipe and 1/100 slope, crushed food waste which has same grain size is transferred worse than slope is 1/100, in principle under 0.45 mm diameter of crushed food waste were transferred better. Designing garbage disposer which can pulverize food waste smaller by size analysis will have a decisive effect on transfer rate.
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