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dc.description.abstract국문 초록 치성은 우리나라 성곽의 대표적인 특징으로 중국동북지역과 한반도에서 확인되는 삼국시대 성곽의 치성은 총 115개소였으며, 그 중 치성의 여러 가지 특징들을 객관적으로 비교할 수 있는 34개소였다. 치성은 지금까지 제대로 연구된 바가 없어 치성을 지칭하는 명칭에서부터 연구자마다 달리 사용하고 있었으며, 치성의 개념도 조금씩 달라 연구자들로 하여금 혼란을 일으키게 하는 경우도 발생하였다. 이에 본 연구에 앞서 치성을 지칭하는 용어들을 정리하여 용어의 의미와 개념을 분명히 하였으며, 치성의 구조적 특성을 평면형태 및 규모, 입지양상의 변화, 치성의 편년, 치성의 축조방법 등으로 구분하여 분석을 실시하였다. 치성 평면형태는ⅠA式(정방형), ⅠBa式(종장방형),ⅠBb式(횡장방형), ⅡA式(반원형), ⅡB式(타원형)으로 구분하고 규모를 분석해 본 결과, ⅠBa式과 ⅡA式 및 ⅡB式이 대형에 속하며, ⅠA式과 ⅠBb式이 중소형에 속하는 것으로 파악되었다. 지역적인 분포 역시 고구려와 신라의 초기 성곽이 집중되는 지역에서 ⅠBa式과 ⅡA式 및 ⅡB式의 치성이 많이 확인되고 있으며, 삼국의 격전지였던 한반도 중부지역에서는 ⅠA式과 ⅠBb式의 소규모 치성의 분포가 많다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 치성의 편년은 방형계통의 치성은 ⅠBa式이 4C무렵부터 확인되고 국내성에서 ⅠBb式이 나타났으나, 5C무렵부터 ⅠA式이 등장하면서 전형적인 치성의 형태로 자리잡게 되었다. 한편, 신라에서는 5C후반 반원형의 곡치성이 등장하였으나 6C무렵부터는 ⅠBb式이 신라성곽에서 일반화되기 시작하는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 초기의 치성은 고구려 산성에서 확인되고 있으며, 고구려 초기 성곽의 입지양상에 따라 산정식의 험지에 입지하면서 주로 각대로 시설되었다. 이후 동천왕 시기에 수도가 함락되는 과정을 겪으면서 치성의 역할도 옹성과 차단성으로 기능이 확장되어 왔다고 판단된다. 국내성으로 천도하면서 외세의 침입에 대비해 성곽의 방어력 증강에 노력을 기울였으며, 그에 따른 결과로 국내성에 성벽치성이 많이 설치되면서 고구려 치성의 설치 기준이 확립되었다고 판단된다. 이후 고구려의 치성은 평양천도와 함께 절정을 이루었는데, 이 시기에 요동지역의 전선을 이루는 성곽과 도성 방어체계를 이루는 성곽들에 치성이 설치되었다. 고구려의 치성은 5C 무렵 형성된 신라와의 우호관계 속에서 한반도 이남지역으로 확산되었다고 판단된다. 5C이전까지 신라는 토성 중심의 운영체제를 이루고 있었지만, 5C후반 신라에서 석성이 본격적으로 등장하게 되었고 이와 함께 곡치성이 등장하게 되었다. 이는 5C이후부터 신라와 고구려는 점차 대립관계가 되고 급기야 나제동맹을 통한 신라와 백제의 반발로 인하여 고구려는 한강 이북으로 철수하게 되었는데, 바로 이시기에 석축성곽으로 전환하면서 고구려의 치성을 받아들인 것으로 판단된다. 신라에서 나타난 곡치성은 토성이나 목책의 치성에서 형태적 특징을 차용한 것으로 추정되는데, 신라가 한강유역으로 진출하는 과정에서 곡치성은 점차 신라성곽의 특성과 잘 부합하는 횡장방형의 형태로 변화된 것으로 추정된다. 신라 성곽의 대표적인 특성으로 문지를 공략이 어려운 險地에 위치시키거나 현문식 성문을 설치하고 바깥에 옹성이나 적대 대신 내옹성을 두는 것으로 특별히 성문 근처에 치성을 설치할 필요가 없었다. 따라서 신라는 산 능선 및 계곡과 같은 좁은 지형에 횡장방형의 치성을 설치하여 적의 공간을 빼앗으면서 접근을 차단하는 기능으로 최적화를 이루게 하였다고 생각된다. 한편, 일본고대산성에서 신라의 횡장방형 각치성의 특성과 유사한 치성이 金田城과 鬼ノ城에서 확인되고 있는데, 이는 백촌강전투의 패배로 인해 나ㆍ당연합군의 침공을 우려해서 百濟망명세력 중 고관의 지도아래 성곽을 축조하였다는 조선식 산성과 기록되지 않은 신농석계 산성이다. 기록에 따르면 백제와 유사성이 많을 것 같지만 치성의 특성이나 다른 고고학적 증거들이 신라와의 연관성을 더욱 크게 나타내고 있다. 그러나 아직까지는 백제와 일본고대산성의 치성에 대한 연구자료가 미미하여 정확한 축조세력이나 시기를 가늠하기 어려운 실정이다. 우리나라에 치성이 설치되어 있는 성곽은 많다. 그러나 규모나, 형태, 연접양상 및 축조방법 등 중요한 정보가 확보되지 않고 있는 것이 대부분인 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 치성에 대한 여러 가지 자료들을 모아 기본적인 치성의 특징을 정리하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 통해 구전처럼 전해오던 치성의 변천과정을 비교적 객관적으로 살필 수 있게 되었다고 생각되며, 삼국시대의 치성이 일본까지 전해져 일본고대산성에 차용되고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 백제 치성에 대한 데이터가 미미하여 고대일본산성과의 연관성에 대해 제대로 접근해 보지 못했던 것이 아쉬움으로 남지만, 향후 치성에 대한 다양한 자료들이 확보되어 더 나은 치성 연구가 진행되길 기대해 본다.|ABSTRACT The study of Fortresses guard platform in Three Kingdoms period Cha, min ho Dept. of Cultural Anthropology The Graduate School Hanyang University Guard platform, the typical feature of fortresses of Korea, is found totally 115 in both Northeast region of China as well as Korea, among those only 34 can be examined on the base of various characters of Guard platform. Until today not many studies have been carried away, for instance its name itself has not yet been confirmed. Moreover, its concept is used differently, resulting confusion in other studies. Therefore, this paper sums up various terms used for Guard platform in order to clarify its meaning and concept, and analysed the structural features of Guard platform according to the classifications of the flat-form and size, structural change, chronology and construction method. The flat-form of Guard platform is classified as ⅠA(正方形, Square), ⅠBa(縱長方形, Vertical rectangle), ⅠBb(橫長方形, Transverse rectangle), ⅡA(半圓形, semi-circle) and ⅡB(橢圓形, oval), and it is found as the ⅠBa, ⅡA and ⅡB, shapes are considered to be large size and other remaining ⅠA and ⅠBb shapes are considered as middle small size. Moreover, the regional distribution of Guard platform presented that the former large shapes, ⅠBa, ⅡA and ⅡB shapes, are often found in the region of Goguryeo and Shilla whereas the later middle small size ⅠA and ⅠBb shapes are found in the middle region of Korean Peninsula. The chronology of Guard platform shows that ⅠBa shape was found since 4th century , the ⅠBb shape was found at Guknaeseong(國內城), then since 5th century ⅠBb shape has been appeared. On the other hand, ⅡA shape appeared in Shilla in the end of 5C yet, from 6th century the ⅠBb shape was general model for Guard platform. Initial Guard platform is confirmed in Goguryeo's mountain fortresses, and located in the cliff at the peak of a mountain according to the terrain of the place. After the era of the King DongChun when the capital was fallen, the purpose of Guard platform was expanded to the functions of block and defend. When the capital of Goguryeo was altered to Guknaeseong(國內城), there are effort to improve the defensive power of bulwark, consequently, there was a considerable increase in the construction Guard platform and that event made a standard for Guard platform in Goguryeo. The golden age for Goguryeo's Guard platform was when the country moved its capital to Pyeogyang, and the time period showed the construction of Guard platform in every mountain fortresses in yodong region and capital defense system. It is understood that the Guard platform of Goguryeo spread to the south thanks to the friendly relations with Shilla. Until around 5th century, Shilla mainly built the earthen fortress, but by the late 5th century stone fortress appeared in Shilla, and with it Semicircular guard platform was also introduced. Since the late 5th century the relationship between Shilla and Goguryeo started to gradually worsen, and eventually Goguryeo was forced to retreat to the north side of the Han River because of the repel by Shilla and Baekje through Shilla-Baekje alliance(羅濟同盟). It is known that right about this period they accepted the Guard platform of Goguryeo. Semicircular guard platform which appeared in Shilla is presumed that they borrowed morphological characteristic from the earthen fortress or log cribs, and as Shilla marched toward the Han River the Semicircular guard platform slowly turned into I Bb system which matches well with the characteristics of Shilla fortresses. The representative traits of Shilla's fortresses include that the gates were located on the cliffs so that it was easy to defend against the enemy's attack and that Naeongseong(內甕城) was set up at the outside instead of Ongseong(甕城) or gate guard platform(敵臺), which made it unnecessary to create the gate guard platform near the gates. Therefore, it is understood that Shilla prevented the enemy's attack by building the I Bb-system Guard platform at the narrow regions such as the mountain ridge or the valley, not allowing the enemy to have enough space. On the other hand, it has been confirmed that the ancient Japanese castles as Kaneda fortress(金田城) and Kino fortress(鬼ノ城) have the structure that is similar to the I Bb-system Guard platform. These are Joseon(朝鮮)-style Fortress built by the order of a dignitary from Baekje who was worried about the attack from Na-Dang alliance(羅唐聯合軍) and Kogoishi(神籠石) type that is not recorded. From the record they seem to share many similarities with Baekje. but the traits of Guard platform and some other archeological evidences show the correlation with Shilla instead. However, it is still difficult to judge the exact period and the group that made them due to the lack of documents on Guard platform of Baekje and ancient Japanese castles. There are many Fortresses in Korea that have Guard platform. But the reality is that the important information such as its size, shape, and the way it was created is not yet attained. Thus, this research is intended to organize the basic traits of Guard platform from the various documents on Guard platform. As a result, I was able to look through the history of Guard platform relatively objectively and confirm that Guard platform from Three Kingdoms period spread to Japan and was used there. It is disappointing that I could not approach on the correlation with the ancient Japanese castles to the lack of data on Baekje Guard platform, but I hope that, in the future, various documents on Guard platform get revealed so that further research on Guard platform become possible.; ABSTRACT The study of Fortresses guard platform in Three Kingdoms period Cha, min ho Dept. of Cultural Anthropology The Graduate School Hanyang University Guard platform, the typical feature of fortresses of Korea, is found totally 115 in both Northeast region of China as well as Korea, among those only 34 can be examined on the base of various characters of Guard platform. Until today not many studies have been carried away, for instance its name itself has not yet been confirmed. Moreover, its concept is used differently, resulting confusion in other studies. Therefore, this paper sums up various terms used for Guard platform in order to clarify its meaning and concept, and analysed the structural features of Guard platform according to the classifications of the flat-form and size, structural change, chronology and construction method. The flat-form of Guard platform is classified as ⅠA(正方形, Square), ⅠBa(縱長方形, Vertical rectangle), ⅠBb(橫長方形, Transverse rectangle), ⅡA(半圓形, semi-circle) and ⅡB(橢圓形, oval), and it is found as the ⅠBa, ⅡA and ⅡB, shapes are considered to be large size and other remaining ⅠA and ⅠBb shapes are considered as middle small size. Moreover, the regional distribution of Guard platform presented that the former large shapes, ⅠBa, ⅡA and ⅡB shapes, are often found in the region of Goguryeo and Shilla whereas the later middle small size ⅠA and ⅠBb shapes are found in the middle region of Korean Peninsula. The chronology of Guard platform shows that ⅠBa shape was found since 4th century , the ⅠBb shape was found at Guknaeseong(國內城), then since 5th century ⅠBb shape has been appeared. On the other hand, ⅡA shape appeared in Shilla in the end of 5C yet, from 6th century the ⅠBb shape was general model for Guard platform. Initial Guard platform is confirmed in Goguryeo's mountain fortresses, and located in the cliff at the peak of a mountain according to the terrain of the place. After the era of the King DongChun when the capital was fallen, the purpose of Guard platform was expanded to the functions of block and defend. When the capital of Goguryeo was altered to Guknaeseong(國內城), there are effort to improve the defensive power of bulwark, consequently, there was a considerable increase in the construction Guard platform and that event made a standard for Guard platform in Goguryeo. The golden age for Goguryeo's Guard platform was when the country moved its capital to Pyeogyang, and the time period showed the construction of Guard platform in every mountain fortresses in yodong region and capital defense system. It is understood that the Guard platform of Goguryeo spread to the south thanks to the friendly relations with Shilla. Until around 5th century, Shilla mainly built the earthen fortress, but by the late 5th century stone fortress appeared in Shilla, and with it Semicircular guard platform was also introduced. Since the late 5th century the relationship between Shilla and Goguryeo started to gradually worsen, and eventually Goguryeo was forced to retreat to the north side of the Han River because of the repel by Shilla and Baekje through Shilla-Baekje alliance(羅濟同盟). It is known that right about this period they accepted the Guard platform of Goguryeo. Semicircular guard platform which appeared in Shilla is presumed that they borrowed morphological characteristic from the earthen fortress or log cribs, and as Shilla marched toward the Han River the Semicircular guard platform slowly turned into I Bb system which matches well with the characteristics of Shilla fortresses. The representative traits of Shilla's fortresses include that the gates were located on the cliffs so that it was easy to defend against the enemy's attack and that Naeongseong(內甕城) was set up at the outside instead of Ongseong(甕城) or gate guard platform(敵臺), which made it unnecessary to create the gate guard platform near the gates. Therefore, it is understood that Shilla prevented the enemy's attack by building the I Bb-system Guard platform at the narrow regions such as the mountain ridge or the valley, not allowing the enemy to have enough space. On the other hand, it has been confirmed that the ancient Japanese castles as Kaneda fortress(金田城) and Kino fortress(鬼ノ城) have the structure that is similar to the I Bb-system Guard platform. These are Joseon(朝鮮)-style Fortress built by the order of a dignitary from Baekje who was worried about the attack from Na-Dang alliance(羅唐聯合軍) and Kogoishi(神籠石) type that is not recorded. From the record they seem to share many similarities with Baekje. but the traits of Guard platform and some other archeological evidences show the correlation with Shilla instead. However, it is still difficult to judge the exact period and the group that made them due to the lack of documents on Guard platform of Baekje and ancient Japanese castles. There are many Fortresses in Korea that have Guard platform. But the reality is that the important information such as its size, shape, and the way it was created is not yet attained. Thus, this research is intended to organize the basic traits of Guard platform from the various documents on Guard platform. As a result, I was able to look through the history of Guard platform relatively objectively and confirm that Guard platform from Three Kingdoms period spread to Japan and was used there. It is disappointing that I could not approach on the correlation with the ancient Japanese castles to the lack of data on Baekje Guard platform, but I hope that, in the future, various documents on Guard platform get revealed so that further research on Guard platform become possible.-
dc.title삼국시대 성곽의 치성연구-
dc.title.alternativeThe study of Fortresses guard platform in Three Kingdoms period-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorCha, Min Ho-
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