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김춘수 시에 나타난 감각에 관한 연구

김춘수 시에 나타난 감각에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A study on Sense in Kim Chunsu’s poems
Alternative Author(s)
Seo, An-Na
Issue Date
김춘수의 작품세계는 무의미시로 대표되는 후기시에서 급작스런 전회를 보이고 있다. 이 연구는 김춘수의 전기시와 후기시를 구분짓는 핵심개념을 ‘감각’으로 정의하고 이를 연구의 주제로 삼는다. 이 연구는 김춘수 시에서 감각과 수사법 간의 상관관계를 밝혀내어 감각의 변모양상을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 그 결과 김춘수의 전기시에서 후기시로의 변화과정이 근대적 매개개념으로써의 감각(시각)에서 탈근대적 감각(촉각/청각)으로의 지향임을 보여줄 것이다. 전통적 감각론에서 감각은 이성의 하위개념으로 폄하되고 시각중심의 감각의 위계화를 정립하였다. 이 연구는 전통적 감각론을 분석, 비판하고, 약화되었던 근본 감각인 촉각의 중요성을 강조하는데 목적이 있다. 현상학적 감각론을 비롯한 탈근대 감각론은 시각 중심주의에서 ‘촉각’의 복권을 주장한다. 이에 이 연구는 김춘수의 작품을 분석하는 이론적 틀로써 메를로-퐁티와 질 들뢰즈로 대표되는 현상학적 감각론을 다루고 있다. 현상학적 담론은 전통적인 객관주의/주관주의의 이분법을 지양하고, 인간중심주의에 의해 타자화한 세계(대상)를 다시 복권하려는 시도이다. 김춘수의 시가 ‘순수의식’을 추구하는 과정에서 ‘의미’를 무화시킨다는 점은 의미의 탈중심화를 추구하는 탈근대적 담론의 시도와 맥이 상통한다. 그리고 더 나아가 ‘고유한 신체’에서 ‘살’로 나아가는 메를로-퐁티의 감각이론과 관련이 있다. 이 연구는 기존 김춘수 작품 논의에서 연구되지 않았던 ‘감각’을 분석함으로써 새로운 시적 영역을 개척한다. 또한 이 연구는 김춘수의 후기시에 집중되었던 기존 논의와는 달리, 작품 전체 속에서 전기시와 후기시를 비교 분석한다는 차원에서 그의 작품연구의 외연 확대에 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 주제어: 감각, 감각의 전환, 시각, 청각, 촉각, 시각의 촉각화, 시각의 청각화, 현상적 장, 몸, 살, 메를로-퐁티, 질 들뢰즈 | A study on Sense in Kim Chunsu’s poems Seo An-Na Dept. of Korean Language and Literature Graduate School of Hanyang University Kim Chunsu’s literary world showed a sudden change in later poems represented by nonsense poems. This study define ‘Sense’ as core concept to differentiate between Kim Chunsu’s early poems and later poems, which becomes the theme of this study. This study reveals correlations between sense and rhetoric in his poems and aims at analysing aspects of change. As a result, I will show that courses of change from his early poems to his later poems are aim for post-modern sense(touch sensation/hearing) from sense(sight) as modern medium. Sense in traditional sensationalism was derogated to sub-concept of reason, then it established a hierarchic of sense centered by sight. This study aims at analysing and criticizing traditional sensationalism, then it emphasizes importance of touch sensation as a basic sense. The post-modern sensationalism including phenomenological sensationalism insists reinstatement of ‘touch sensation’ from sight-centrism. So, this study deals with phenomenological sensationalism represented by Merleau-Ponty and Gilles Deleuze as a theoretical tool analysing Kim Chunsu’s works. Phenomenological discourses sublate a dichotomous of traditional objectivism and subjectivism, and is a trial to be reinstated the world(object) became the other by human-centrism. The point which Kim Chunsu’s poems eliminate ‘meaning’ in the course of seeking for ‘pure consciousness’ has something to do with a trial of post-modern discourse looking for decentering of meaning. Then, by extension, it relates with Gilles Deleuze’s theory of sense-perception going further from ‘intrinsic body’ to ‘flesh’. This study trailblaze new poetic field with analysing ‘Sense’ not studied in existed discussion of Kim Chunsu’s poems until now. In addition, this study, otherwise existed discussions centered on his later poems, will contribute to denotation extension of research of his poems in the level which to compare and analyse his early poems and his later poems in his whole works. Key words : sense, switch of sensation, sight, hearing, touch sensation, antennectomizing of sight, auralizing of sight, phenomenological field, body, flesh, Merleau-Ponty, Gilles Deleuze; A study on Sense in Kim Chunsu’s poems Seo An-Na Dept. of Korean Language and Literature Graduate School of Hanyang University Kim Chunsu’s literary world showed a sudden change in later poems represented by nonsense poems. This study define ‘Sense’ as core concept to differentiate between Kim Chunsu’s early poems and later poems, which becomes the theme of this study. This study reveals correlations between sense and rhetoric in his poems and aims at analysing aspects of change. As a result, I will show that courses of change from his early poems to his later poems are aim for post-modern sense(touch sensation/hearing) from sense(sight) as modern medium. Sense in traditional sensationalism was derogated to sub-concept of reason, then it established a hierarchic of sense centered by sight. This study aims at analysing and criticizing traditional sensationalism, then it emphasizes importance of touch sensation as a basic sense. The post-modern sensationalism including phenomenological sensationalism insists reinstatement of ‘touch sensation’ from sight-centrism. So, this study deals with phenomenological sensationalism represented by Merleau-Ponty and Gilles Deleuze as a theoretical tool analysing Kim Chunsu’s works. Phenomenological discourses sublate a dichotomous of traditional objectivism and subjectivism, and is a trial to be reinstated the world(object) became the other by human-centrism. The point which Kim Chunsu’s poems eliminate ‘meaning’ in the course of seeking for ‘pure consciousness’ has something to do with a trial of post-modern discourse looking for decentering of meaning. Then, by extension, it relates with Gilles Deleuze’s theory of sense-perception going further from ‘intrinsic body’ to ‘flesh’. This study trailblaze new poetic field with analysing ‘Sense’ not studied in existed discussion of Kim Chunsu’s poems until now. In addition, this study, otherwise existed discussions centered on his later poems, will contribute to denotation extension of research of his poems in the level which to compare and analyse his early poems and his later poems in his whole works. Key words : sense, switch of sensation, sight, hearing, touch sensation, antennectomizing of sight, auralizing of sight, phenomenological field, body, flesh, Merleau-Ponty, Gilles Deleuze
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