신입사원 육성모형 개발에 관한 연구

신입사원 육성모형 개발에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Development Model for New Employee: Based on Legitimate Peripheral Participation in the Respect of Organizational Socialization
Alternative Author(s)
Jichung Suk
Issue Date
기업은 변화하는 환경에 대응하고 생존하기 위해 끊임없이 기업경쟁력 강화 방안을 모색해야 한다. 이러한 경쟁력은 차별적 제품 및 서비스 가치를 창출하고 제공할 수 있는 역량에 의해 좌우되며 이것은 사람을 통해 확보할 수 있다. 기업은 신입사원을 채용하고 교육시키는 등의 조직사회화를 위한 노력을 아끼지 않고 있으며, 신입사원의 중요성은 소통과 협업으로 대표되는 현대사회에서 더욱 커지고 있다. 본 연구는 신입사원이 조직에 기여하는 역할과 가능성에 주목하여 그들이 조직 내에서 갖는 의미를 재조명하였다. 이를 바탕으로 기존의 조직사회화의 과정을 재개념화해보고 합법적 주변적 참여를 기반으로 신입사원 육성모형을 개발하였다. 신입사원은 조직에서 세 가지 측면의 중요성을 지닌다. 첫째, 신입사원은 기업이 사회를 올바로 이해하도록 매개하는 존재이다. 둘째, 신입사원은 기업 전통전승의 매개체이다. 셋째, 신입사원은 조직에 생명성을 제공하는 원천으로서 기업의 지속가능성을 매개하는 존재이다. 따라서 신입사원의 조직사회화는 조직에서 요구되는 문화, 기술, 규범 등을 습득하는 것만이 아니라 신입사원의 내적 창조를 바탕으로 조직에 외적 창조의 가능성을 부여하는 과정이 되어야 한다. 즉, 신입사원이 기업이 지닌 무형의 자산을 내면화하는 동시에 조직에 변화를 촉발할 수 있도록 하는 것이 앞으로 주목해야 할 조직사회화의 개념이다. 합법적 주변적 참여는 공동체에 입문한 주변인이 전통과 지식을 전수받고 공동체의 일원으로서 정체성을 형성하는 것으로써, 신입사원의 조직사회화를 가능하게 하는 데 적합한 이론이다. 합법적 주변적 참여의 개념을 신입사원의 조직사회화에 올바르게 적용하기 위해서는 기존 개념을 세 가지 측면에서 구체화될 필요가 있다. 첫째, 신입사원의 합법적 주변적 참여의 목적은 핵심그룹의 진입이 아닌 활동그룹으로의 진입이다. 둘째, 신입사원이 주변인 단계에서 활동그룹 단계로 성공적으로 안착하기 위해서는 조직에서 최소한 3년 정도의 시간을 투자해야 한다. 셋째, 신입사원은 합법적 주변적 참여의 중간적 위치로 이동하는 것뿐 아니라 공동체에 기여하는 역할을 한다. 이에 따라 주변인으로서 신입사원은 ‘흡수하기’, ‘질문하기’, ‘주관갖기’, 활동그룹 내 지도선배는 ‘공유하기’, ‘기회주기’, ‘수용하기’, 핵심그룹의 리더급은 ‘관심 갖기’, ‘비전제공’, ‘조정하기’를 핵심활동으로 수행하며 이를 육성모형으로 구체화하였다. 각 그룹 간의 핵심활동들은 상호 영향을 주고받으며 신입사원의 조직사회화를 더욱 활성화시킨다. 신입사원은 '의도적'으로 부여받은 '달성가능'하면서도 '도전적'인 과업을 해결해 나가며 전문성을 심화시키고, 동시에 조직 및 지도선배와 '포용성'과 '친밀함'을 바탕으로 '상호발전'해가는 관계를 확장시켜 나아감으로써 결과적으로 이것은 조직의 발전으로 이어질 수 있다. 본 연구의 결과는 신입사원, 조직사회화, 합법적 주변적 참여에 대한 새로운 시각을 제공하며, 조직의 지속가능한 발전을 위한 신입사원 육성전략 및 조직문화 수립에 대한 시사점을 제공한다.|The company shall continuously seek the company competitiveness intensification plan to meet the changed environment and to survive. Such competitiveness will lie in the capability to create and provide the differentiated product and service value, which can be acquired through the human. The company makes endeavors for the organizational socialization such as recruitment and education and etc. of the new employees, and the importance of the new employees is becoming bigger in the modern society being represented as the communication and cooperation. This research paid heed to the role and possibility that the new employees contribute to the organization and recast the light on the meaning that they own in the organization. On the basis of this, this research has reconceptualized the process of the existing organizational socialization and developed the development model for new employees on the basis of the legitimate peripheral participation, New employees contain three aspects of importance in the organization. Firstly, new employees are the media that let the company understand the society uprightly. Secondly, new employees are the media that transmit the company tradition. Thirdly, new employees are the existence that carries the sustainability of the company as the source providing the vitality to the company. Therefore, the organizational socialization of new employees not only is the one acquiring the culture, technology, norms and etc., which are required in the organization, but also shall become the process bestowing the possibility of the external creation to the organization on the basis of the internal creation of new employees. Namely, what lets new employees internalize the intangible asset contained by the company and also trigger the change in the organization, are the concept of the organizational socialization to be watched in future. The legitimate peripheral participation is to form the identity as a member of the community as the apprentice entering the community receives the tradition and knowledge, and it is the proper theory to make the organizational socialization possible. In order to adapt uprightly the concept of the legitimate peripheral participation to the organizational socialization of new employees, it will be necessary to concretize the existing concepts in three aspects. Firstly, the legitimate peripheral participation of new employees is purposed for the entrance as the journeyman but not the entrance as the master stage. Secondly, in order that new employees may successfully settle as the journeyman stage from the apprentice stage, the organization shall invest the time for minimum 3 years. Thirdly, new employees not only move to the middle position of the legitimate peripheral participation but also play the role for the contribution to the community. For this reason, new employees as the apprentice perform ‘Absorption’, ‘Enquiry’ and ‘Subjectivity holding’, and the leading seniors of the master stage perform ‘Co-ownership’, ‘Opportunity provision’ and ‘Embracement’, and the leaders of the master stage perform ‘Concerning’, ‘Provision of vision’ and ‘Adjustment’ as the core activities, and concretize these as the development model. The core activities of each group exchange mutual effects and activate the organizational socialization of new employees more. New employees solve the attainable and challenging task, which is intentionally bestowed, and deepen the expertness, and at the same time, expands the mutual development relations on the basis of the acceptability and intimacy with the organization and the leading seniors, which can be finally linked to the organizational development. The results of this research provide the new vision for new employees, organizational socialization and legitimate peripheral participation, and also provide the indication for the developing strategy of new employees and establishment of the organizational culture for the sustainability of the company.; The company shall continuously seek the company competitiveness intensification plan to meet the changed environment and to survive. Such competitiveness will lie in the capability to create and provide the differentiated product and service value, which can be acquired through the human. The company makes endeavors for the organizational socialization such as recruitment and education and etc. of the new employees, and the importance of the new employees is becoming bigger in the modern society being represented as the communication and cooperation. This research paid heed to the role and possibility that the new employees contribute to the organization and recast the light on the meaning that they own in the organization. On the basis of this, this research has reconceptualized the process of the existing organizational socialization and developed the development model for new employees on the basis of the legitimate peripheral participation, New employees contain three aspects of importance in the organization. Firstly, new employees are the media that let the company understand the society uprightly. Secondly, new employees are the media that transmit the company tradition. Thirdly, new employees are the existence that carries the sustainability of the company as the source providing the vitality to the company. Therefore, the organizational socialization of new employees not only is the one acquiring the culture, technology, norms and etc., which are required in the organization, but also shall become the process bestowing the possibility of the external creation to the organization on the basis of the internal creation of new employees. Namely, what lets new employees internalize the intangible asset contained by the company and also trigger the change in the organization, are the concept of the organizational socialization to be watched in future. The legitimate peripheral participation is to form the identity as a member of the community as the apprentice entering the community receives the tradition and knowledge, and it is the proper theory to make the organizational socialization possible. In order to adapt uprightly the concept of the legitimate peripheral participation to the organizational socialization of new employees, it will be necessary to concretize the existing concepts in three aspects. Firstly, the legitimate peripheral participation of new employees is purposed for the entrance as the journeyman but not the entrance as the master stage. Secondly, in order that new employees may successfully settle as the journeyman stage from the apprentice stage, the organization shall invest the time for minimum 3 years. Thirdly, new employees not only move to the middle position of the legitimate peripheral participation but also play the role for the contribution to the community. For this reason, new employees as the apprentice perform ‘Absorption’, ‘Enquiry’ and ‘Subjectivity holding’, and the leading seniors of the master stage perform ‘Co-ownership’, ‘Opportunity provision’ and ‘Embracement’, and the leaders of the master stage perform ‘Concerning’, ‘Provision of vision’ and ‘Adjustment’ as the core activities, and concretize these as the development model. The core activities of each group exchange mutual effects and activate the organizational socialization of new employees more. New employees solve the attainable and challenging task, which is intentionally bestowed, and deepen the expertness, and at the same time, expands the mutual development relations on the basis of the acceptability and intimacy with the organization and the leading seniors, which can be finally linked to the organizational development. The results of this research provide the new vision for new employees, organizational socialization and legitimate peripheral participation, and also provide the indication for the developing strategy of new employees and establishment of the organizational culture for the sustainability of the company.
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