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12주간 발레수업이 노인여성의 낙상관련 신체 운동기능 향상과 골밀도에 미치는 효과

12주간 발레수업이 노인여성의 낙상관련 신체 운동기능 향상과 골밀도에 미치는 효과
Other Titles
The Effects Of 12Weeks Of Ballet Session On Elderly Women In Improving Bone Density And Enhancing Bodily Functions To Prevent From Falling
Alternative Author(s)
Moon, El Lin
Issue Date
국문초록 본 연구는 12주간의 발레 수업이 노인 여성의 낙상 위험요인인 근력, 유연성, 평형성 및 골밀도에 미치는 효과를 분석하기 위하여 4가지 가설을 설정하였다. 가설1) 12주간의 발레 수업은 수련기간에 따라 노인여성의 근력변화에 유효하게 작용할 것이다. 가설2) 12주간의 발레 수업은 수련기간에 따라 노인여성의 유연성변화에 유효하게 작용할 것이다. 가설 3) 12주간의 발레 수업은 수련기간에 따라 노인여성의 평형성변화에 유효하게 작용할 것이다. 가설 4) 12주간의 발레 수업은 수련기간에 따라 노인여성의 골밀도변화에 유효하게 작용할 것이다. 이를 위하여 최근 1년 이상 규칙적인 신체활동에 참여한 경험이 없는 S시에 거주하는 60세 이상의 노인 여성 16명을 통제집단과 실험집단 각각 8명씩 무선배정 하였으며 두 집단간 등분산 가정이 총족되어 실시하였다. 발레수업은 총12주 매주3회씩 실시하였으며, 준비운동과 정리운동 본 운동 등 총 60분으로 구성하였다. 측정은 InBody, Cybex, Stop watch, Flexion-D, Sonost를 사용하여 신체조성, 근력, 유연성, 평형성, 골밀도를 실험 전, 6주후, 12주후 각각 개인별 측정하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS 17.0 Ver, 이원변량 반복측정으로 집단과 시기에 따른 비교분석을 하였으며 일원변량 분석으로 사후검증을 실시하였다. 유의수준은 α<.05로 하였다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 12주간의 발레 수업이 수련기간에 따라 노인여성의 근력에 두 집단간 유의한 차이가 나타남으로 가설 1)은 지지되었다. 둘째, 12주간의 발레 수업이 수련기간에 따라 노인여성의 유연성에 두 집단간 유의한 차이가 나타남으로 가설 2)는 지지 되었다. 셋째, 12주간의 발레 수업이 수련기간에 따라 노인여성의 평형성에 두 집단간 유의한 차이가 나타남으로 가설3)은 지지되었다. 넷째, 12주간의 발레 수업이 수련기간에 따라 노인여성의 골밀도에 두 집단간 유의한 차이가 나타남으로 가설4)는 지지 되었다. |ABSTRACT 12주간 발레수업이 노인여성의 낙상관련 신체운동기능 향상과 골밀도에 미치는 효과 The Effects Of 12Weeks Of Ballet Session On Elderly Women In Improving Bone Density And Enhancing Bodily Functions To Prevent From Falling Moon, el-lin Department of Dance The Graduate School Hanyang University The study framed four hypotheses to see how a 12 week of ballet class affects elderly women's fall risk factors muscular strength, flexibility, balance and bone density. Hypothesis 1) The 12 week of ballet class will have an efficient influence on changes in muscular strength of the elderly women depending on training period. Hypothesis 2) The 12 week of ballet class will work for flexibility of the elderly women efficiently depending on training period. Hypothesis 3) The 12 week of ballet class will have a positive effect on the balance of the elderly women depending on training period. Hypothesis 4) The 12 week of ballet class will work for the bone density of the elderly women efficiently depending on training period. With the four hypotheses formulated the above, the study provided a ballet class to a total of 16 elderly women over the age of 60 residing in S City who have not been involved in any regular physical activities for more than one year recently. The research participants were randomly divided into two groups of eight, a control group and an experiment group, and the research was begun as an equal variance was fulfilled between the two groups. The ballet class was conducted three days a week for 12 weeks and ran for 60 minutes including warming-up and cooling-down. Body composition, muscular strength, flexibility, balance and bone density of each participant were measured by InBody, Cybex, Stop watch, Flexion-D and Sonost before the experiment and on Week 6 and Week 12 of the experiment. SPSS 17.0 Ver. and two-way AVOVA were used to analyze data gained from the experiment individually by group and period. Post verification was conducted by one-way AVOVA with α<.05 of significance level. The results of the research are presented as follows. First, Hypothesis 1 was proved right as the 12 week of ballet class was observed to have a significant difference between the two groups regarding the muscular strength of the elderly women depending on training period. Second, Hypothesis 2 was also proved to be true as the 12 week of ballet class appeared to cause a significant difference between the both groups towards the flexibility of the elderly women depending on training period. Third, with regard to the balance of the elderly women, Hypothesis 3 was also supported as the 12 week of ballet class caused a meaningful difference between the two groups depending on training period. Fourth, Hypothesis 4 was confirmed as the 12 week of ballet class had a different influence on each group towards the elderly women's bone density depending on training period.; ABSTRACT 12주간 발레수업이 노인여성의 낙상관련 신체운동기능 향상과 골밀도에 미치는 효과 The Effects Of 12Weeks Of Ballet Session On Elderly Women In Improving Bone Density And Enhancing Bodily Functions To Prevent From Falling Moon, el-lin Department of Dance The Graduate School Hanyang University The study framed four hypotheses to see how a 12 week of ballet class affects elderly women's fall risk factors muscular strength, flexibility, balance and bone density. Hypothesis 1) The 12 week of ballet class will have an efficient influence on changes in muscular strength of the elderly women depending on training period. Hypothesis 2) The 12 week of ballet class will work for flexibility of the elderly women efficiently depending on training period. Hypothesis 3) The 12 week of ballet class will have a positive effect on the balance of the elderly women depending on training period. Hypothesis 4) The 12 week of ballet class will work for the bone density of the elderly women efficiently depending on training period. With the four hypotheses formulated the above, the study provided a ballet class to a total of 16 elderly women over the age of 60 residing in S City who have not been involved in any regular physical activities for more than one year recently. The research participants were randomly divided into two groups of eight, a control group and an experiment group, and the research was begun as an equal variance was fulfilled between the two groups. The ballet class was conducted three days a week for 12 weeks and ran for 60 minutes including warming-up and cooling-down. Body composition, muscular strength, flexibility, balance and bone density of each participant were measured by InBody, Cybex, Stop watch, Flexion-D and Sonost before the experiment and on Week 6 and Week 12 of the experiment. SPSS 17.0 Ver. and two-way AVOVA were used to analyze data gained from the experiment individually by group and period. Post verification was conducted by one-way AVOVA with α<.05 of significance level. The results of the research are presented as follows. First, Hypothesis 1 was proved right as the 12 week of ballet class was observed to have a significant difference between the two groups regarding the muscular strength of the elderly women depending on training period. Second, Hypothesis 2 was also proved to be true as the 12 week of ballet class appeared to cause a significant difference between the both groups towards the flexibility of the elderly women depending on training period. Third, with regard to the balance of the elderly women, Hypothesis 3 was also supported as the 12 week of ballet class caused a meaningful difference between the two groups depending on training period. Fourth, Hypothesis 4 was confirmed as the 12 week of ballet class had a different influence on each group towards the elderly women's bone density depending on training period.
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > DEPARTMENT OF DANCE & WELL-BEING(생활무용예술학과) > Theses (Master)
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