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dc.description.abstract국문요지 본 연구는 초등학생을 대상으로 학교생활화(KSD)에 나타난 반응특성을 알아보고 아동·청소년 성격검사(K-CYP)에 나타난 반응간의 연관성을 알아보고자 한다. 연구 대상은 경기도 A시에 소재한 B초등학교에 재학 중인 남학생 142명, 여학생 128명, 총 270명을 대상으로 연구측정 도구로 학교생활화(Kinetic School Drawing : KSD)와 아동·청소년 성격검사(Korean Child and Youth Personality; K-CYP)를 사용하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, K-CYP의 반응성향 영역과 KSD그림평가 영역과의 연관성이 나타났다. KSD그림평가 영역에서 반응성향은 불일치, 방어, 과장, 타당도 순으로 연관성을 보여주었다. 불일치에서는 교우의 양육수준, 나의 몸, 교사/나의 그림위치, 교우의 자기도취수준, 교사의 자기학대수준, 교사의 상대방학대수준, 나의 필압 순으로 연관성을 보여주고 있고, 방어에서는 교우의 양육수준, 교사/나의 그림위치, 교사의 학대수준, 나의 활동수준 순으로 연관성을 보여주고 있다. 과장에서는 교우의 양육수준, 나의 활동수준 순으로 연관성을 보여주며 타당도에서는 나의 얼굴표정, 교우의 우월성, 교사의 팔길이 순으로 연관성을 보여주었다. 그 중에서 불일치 부분에서 가장 유의미한 결과를 보여주었다. 둘째, K-CYP의 성격특성 영역과 KSD그림평가 영역의 내면화 문제와 연관성이 나타났다. 내면화 문제에서는 사회적 위축, 심리적 불안정, 신체화 호소, 현실왜곡 순으로 연관성을 보여주었다. 사회적 위축에서는 교우의 양육수준, 교사의 눈, 나의 자기학대수준, 교우의 자기학대수준, 교우의 상대학대수준, 나의 상대학대수준, 나의 팔길이, 나의 눈 묘사, 교우의 눈 묘사 순으로 연관성을 보이고, 심리적 불안정에서는 나의 활동수준, 교우의 양육수준, 교사/교우의 장애물, 교사/나의 그림위치, 나의 팔길이 순으로 연관성을 보여주었다. 다음으로 신체화 호소에서는 교사의 협력수준, 교우의 몸, 교사/교우와의 거리, 나의 필압 순으로 연관성이 보이며, 현실왜곡에서는 교사/나와의 그림위치, 교사의 우월성, 교우의 팔길이에서 연관성을 보여주었다. 내면화 문제영역에서 사회적 위축과 심리적 불안정이 유의미한 결과를 보여주었다. 셋째, K-CYP의 성격특성 영역과 KSD그림평가 영역의 외현화 및 기타문제와 연관성이 나타났다. 외현화 및 기타 문제에서는 또래와의 고립가능성, 사회기술결함, 인지장애, 충동성 산만, 비행, 가족갈등, 오락중독가능성 순으로 연관성을 보여주었다. 또래와의 고립가능성에서는 교우의 활동수준, 교사의 자기학대, 나의 발, 교사의 활동수준 순으로 연관성을 보여주고 있고, 사회기술 결함에서는 교우의 양육수준, 나의 활동수준, 교사 상호작용수준 순으로 연관성을 보여주었다. 인지장애에서는 교우의 양육수준, 나의 팔길이, 나의 활동수준, 교사의 치아 순으로 연관성이 나타났으며 충동성 산만에서는 나의 협력수준, 나의 팔길이, 교사의 상대학대수준, 교우의 필압에서 연관성을 보여주었다. 다음으로 비행에서는 교사의 자기학대수준, 교사/나와의 그림위치, 나의 몸, 교사/나의 거리에서 연관성을 보여주며, 가족갈등에서는 교우의 양육수준, 나의 활동수준, 교우의 자기도취에서 연관성을 보여주었다. 마지막으로 오락중독 가능성에서는 교우의 자기도취 수준에서만 연관성이 보였고 그 결과도 미비한 것을 보아 오락중독 가능성에서는 연관성이 보이지 않았다. 외현화 및 기타 문제영역에서는 또래와의 고립가능성과 사회기술결함이 유의미한 연관성을 찾을 수 있었다. 위 결과를 종합하여 간편한 학교생활화(KSD)로 아동·청소년의 성격특성을 파악할 수 있는 가능성이 시사되었다. 간편한 학교생활화(KSD)를 통해 미술치료를 위한 평가의 도구로서 효용성을 높여 아동·청소년의 지각을 측정하는 투사기법의 역할을 할 뿐만 아니라 아동 청소년 상담과 심리치료에서 아동에 대한 정보를 얻는데 유용한 도움이 되며, 교사들이 아동들의 성격을 파악하여 학교 내에서 일어나는 많은 문제와 사건에 대해 미리 대처하여 조기예방치료에 유용하게 활용될 수 있다고 본다. |ABSTRACT A Study on the Relationship between Reactive Characteristics of Kinetic School Drawing(KSD) and Personality test to the Elementary Children Hwang, Ji Hye Dept. of Art Therapy The Graduate School of Innovation, Hanyang University This research has been carried out to figure out the findings from analysis on Kinetic School Drawing (KSD) of elementary school students and their relationship with reactions found from Korean Children and Youth Personality (K-CYP) test. To carry out this research, 270 students including 142 and 128 of male and female students, those who go to B elementary school in A-shi of Gyeonggi-do, have been selected respectively by using kinetic school drawing (KSD) and Korean child and youth personality (K-CYP). The results are as follows. Firstly, the reactions from K-CYP has been found to correlated to that of KSD drawing test. The results from KSD drawing test have been found to have relationship with inconsistency, defensiveness, dissimulation and validity respectively. In specific, the inconsistency has been found to be related to nurturing state, body, teacher/drawing’s location, peers’ narcissism level, teacher’s masochism level, teacher’s violence level, self drawing pressure respectively. Further, defensiveness has been found to related to nurturing level, teacher/drawing location, teacher’s abuse level and self activity level respectively. Moreover, dissimulation has been found to have relationship with peer’s nurturing state, self activity level while validity has been found to be related to peer’superiority and teacher’s arm length. The most significant result has been found from inconsistency. Secondly, there has been relationship between the personality found from K-CYP and internalization related problem of KSD drawing test. The internalization problem has been found to be related to withdrawal, psychological discomfort and reality distortion respectively. The withdrawal has appeared to be related to peer’s nurturing state, teacher’s attention, peer’s masochism level, peers’violence, self masochism level, teacher/self drawing location and self arm length respectively. Furthermore, somaticism has been found to be related to teacher’s cooperation level, peer’s body, distance from teacher/peers, self drawing pressure while reality distortion has appeared to be related to teacher/drawing location, teacher’s superiority and peers’ arm length respectively. Accordingly, significant results have been found from withdrawal and psychological discomfort regarding internalization. Thirdly, there has been relationship between personality found from K-CYP and externalization problem found from KSD drawing test. In addition, externalization and other problems have been found to be related to the possibility for isolation from peer, social skill deficiency, cognitive impairment, attention deficit hyperactivity, delinquency, family conflict and possibility for computer preference respectively. The possibility for isolation from peer has been found to be related to activity level, teacher’s masochism level, foot, teacher’s activity level while social skill deficiency has appeared to be relate to peer’s education level, self activity level, interaction with teacher. Regarding cognitive impairment, there has been relationship with peer’s nurturing level, arm length, activity level, teacher’s teeth state while attention deficit hyperactivity has appeared to be related to cooperation level, arm length, teacher’s violence and peer’s drawing pressure. Furthermore, delinquency has bee found to be related to teacher’s masochism level, teacher/ drawing location, body and teacher/self distance. In addition, family conflict has been found to be related to peer’s nurturing state, self activity level and peer’s narcissism. Finally, the possibility for game preference has appeared to be related to peer’s narcissism level only and the figure has not been significant and this indicates no relationship with game preference. Accordingly, externalization and other problems do not seem to have relationship with possibility for isolation from peers and social skill deficiency. The results from this article implies the possibility for figuring out personality of children and adolescents by simply using Kinetic School Drawing (KSD). Such method is a evaluation method for art therapy through KSD therefore enhances efficiency in evaluation. In this light, such method can play a role as projective techniques for measuring perception of children and adolescents as well as help obtaining information on children for psychological therapy on them. Finally, this method can be useful for preventing problems and accidents which can occur in school through teacher’s figuring out on personality children.; ABSTRACT A Study on the Relationship between Reactive Characteristics of Kinetic School Drawing(KSD) and Personality test to the Elementary Children Hwang, Ji Hye Dept. of Art Therapy The Graduate School of Innovation, Hanyang University This research has been carried out to figure out the findings from analysis on Kinetic School Drawing (KSD) of elementary school students and their relationship with reactions found from Korean Children and Youth Personality (K-CYP) test. To carry out this research, 270 students including 142 and 128 of male and female students, those who go to B elementary school in A-shi of Gyeonggi-do, have been selected respectively by using kinetic school drawing (KSD) and Korean child and youth personality (K-CYP). The results are as follows. Firstly, the reactions from K-CYP has been found to correlated to that of KSD drawing test. The results from KSD drawing test have been found to have relationship with inconsistency, defensiveness, dissimulation and validity respectively. In specific, the inconsistency has been found to be related to nurturing state, body, teacher/drawing’s location, peers’ narcissism level, teacher’s masochism level, teacher’s violence level, self drawing pressure respectively. Further, defensiveness has been found to related to nurturing level, teacher/drawing location, teacher’s abuse level and self activity level respectively. Moreover, dissimulation has been found to have relationship with peer’s nurturing state, self activity level while validity has been found to be related to peer’superiority and teacher’s arm length. The most significant result has been found from inconsistency. Secondly, there has been relationship between the personality found from K-CYP and internalization related problem of KSD drawing test. The internalization problem has been found to be related to withdrawal, psychological discomfort and reality distortion respectively. The withdrawal has appeared to be related to peer’s nurturing state, teacher’s attention, peer’s masochism level, peers’violence, self masochism level, teacher/self drawing location and self arm length respectively. Furthermore, somaticism has been found to be related to teacher’s cooperation level, peer’s body, distance from teacher/peers, self drawing pressure while reality distortion has appeared to be related to teacher/drawing location, teacher’s superiority and peers’ arm length respectively. Accordingly, significant results have been found from withdrawal and psychological discomfort regarding internalization. Thirdly, there has been relationship between personality found from K-CYP and externalization problem found from KSD drawing test. In addition, externalization and other problems have been found to be related to the possibility for isolation from peer, social skill deficiency, cognitive impairment, attention deficit hyperactivity, delinquency, family conflict and possibility for computer preference respectively. The possibility for isolation from peer has been found to be related to activity level, teacher’s masochism level, foot, teacher’s activity level while social skill deficiency has appeared to be relate to peer’s education level, self activity level, interaction with teacher. Regarding cognitive impairment, there has been relationship with peer’s nurturing level, arm length, activity level, teacher’s teeth state while attention deficit hyperactivity has appeared to be related to cooperation level, arm length, teacher’s violence and peer’s drawing pressure. Furthermore, delinquency has bee found to be related to teacher’s masochism level, teacher/ drawing location, body and teacher/self distance. In addition, family conflict has been found to be related to peer’s nurturing state, self activity level and peer’s narcissism. Finally, the possibility for game preference has appeared to be related to peer’s narcissism level only and the figure has not been significant and this indicates no relationship with game preference. Accordingly, externalization and other problems do not seem to have relationship with possibility for isolation from peers and social skill deficiency. The results from this article implies the possibility for figuring out personality of children and adolescents by simply using Kinetic School Drawing (KSD). Such method is a evaluation method for art therapy through KSD therefore enhances efficiency in evaluation. In this light, such method can play a role as projective techniques for measuring perception of children and adolescents as well as help obtaining information on children for psychological therapy on them. Finally, this method can be useful for preventing problems and accidents which can occur in school through teacher’s figuring out on personality children.-
dc.title초등학생의 학교생활화(KSD)에 나타난 반응 특성과 성격검사 관계 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the Relationship between Reactive Characteristics of Kinetic School Drawing(KSD) and Personality test to the Elementary Children-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorHwang, Ji Hye-
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