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거대과학시설에 대한 주민들의 입지저항 영향요인에 관한 분석

거대과학시설에 대한 주민들의 입지저항 영향요인에 관한 분석
Other Titles
An Analysis on the Factors Causing Civic Resistance in the Siting Process of Big Science Facilities: Focused on the PAL-XFEL Project
Alternative Author(s)
Mok, Ik Su
Issue Date
본 연구는 거대과학시설이 대표적인 선호시설로 여기짐에도 불구하고 지역적인 입지저항 발생된 포항시 4세대 방사광가속기 입지사례를 대상으로 이해관계자의 인터뷰, 공개민원, 언론보도를 통하여 도출된 입지저항 영향요인들이 실질적으로 주민들의 입지저항에 영향을 미쳤는지 설문조사를 바탕으로 분석하고 거대과학시설의 입지저항에 대한 관리방안을 제시함에 있다. 거대과학시설에 대한 입지저항 영향요인을 크게 인구통계학적 요인, 건설공사 중 피해우려, 시설의 안전성 우려, 경관변화와 같은 환경변화에 대한 우려, 절차적 합리성 요인, 경제적 효과요인으로 나누어 지역주민에게 5점 척도로 인식조사를 하였고, 요인에 대한 인식정도가 입지저항과의 관계가 상관성이 있는지 분석을 실시하였다. 거대과학시설의 입지저항의 주요 요인은 입지시설의 안전성 의심과 거대시설 입지로 인한 자연환경 훼손, 주민설명 부족과 같은 입지선정의 절차적 합리성 문제로 분석되었다. 또한, 유사시설 견학경험과 시설에 대한 정보 획득수단에 따라 시설의 이미지가 형성되고 이러한 이미지는 입지저항 형성에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 입지저항에 영향을 주는 요인들의 인식정도는 입지시설 인접주민과 기타 주변주민 사이에 대부분 차이가 발생되었고 이러한 차이가 입지반대 의사형성에 영향을 미친 것으로 분석되었다. 입지저항 관리방안은 거대과학시설 유치단계에서부터 주민홍보를 통한 시설입지의 당위성에 대한 공감대를 형성하고, 시설배치에 주민들의 의견을 충분히 반영하여 주변 환경변화를 최소화 하여야 한다. 이런 경우, 유치단계와 설계단계에서 주민들의 입지저항으로 사업추진이 지연될 수 있지만 이러한 과정을 생략할 경우 사업계획단계가 아닌 착공단계에서 주민저항이 생겨 더 큰 경제적, 시간적 손실을 볼 수 있다. 하지만 본 연구사례와 같이 착공단계에서 입지저항에 부딪혔을 경우는 사업시행자는 회피의 전략보다는 사업시행자 주최의 주민설명회와 함께 주민여론의 주도층을 갈등관리 협의체에 포함시켜 위험성에 대한 공동조사와 동일시설 견학 등을 통하여 입지시설의 안전성을 주민에게 자연스럽게 홍보시켜야 하고 지방자치의원과 같은 중재자도 갈등관리 협의체에 포함하는 것도 중요하다. 사업시행자는 시설에 대한 주민점검도 투명하게 실시할수록 허락하며 주민의 합의된 제안사항을 시설에 적극 반영할 자세가 필요하며, 입지시설의 긍정적인 면을 언론매체를 통하여 적극 홍보하여 여론을 형성하여야 한다. 또한, 본 연구사례와 같이 갈등이슈에 대한 지역주민 집단 간 인식의 차이, 집단 간 정보획득 수단이 다른 점은 사업시행자의 획일적인 홍보나 일방적인 설명회가 아닌 집단구분에 따른 유효한 홍보와 설득수단을 선별하여 접근하여야 함을 보여준다.| This research analyzed the influencing factors of the location conflict on the PAL-XFEL(Pohang accelerator laboratory X-ray free electron laser) facility which is one of the big science facilities. Although the big science facilities are regarded as typical PIMFY facilities, local residents who live nearby the facility opposed the siting of the PAL-XFEL facility because of various factors. This research drew the influencing factors of the civic resistance about the siting from interviews with the concerned persons such as the residents and the project operator, the civil affair documents and the media reports. The influencing factors were categorized within demographic factors, worries related to damages under the construction, the safety of the facility and the environmental change, factors of procedural rationality and economic factors. Each influencing factor is measured in the 5 point lickert scale by the neighboring residents. Correlation between the scale of each influencing factor and the scale of opposition related to location of the facility was analyzed. The main results of the analysis are as follows: First, main causes of the civic resistance are doubt about the safety of the facility and worry about the environmental change. Second, doubt about the safety of the facility is reduced by visit of the similar facility. Third, doubt about the safety is increased by uncertain information such as a wild rumor from neighbors. Many neighboring residents who live within 1km from the facility get the information of the facility from neighbors mainly. Fourth, neighboring residents recognize more negative about economic impact of the facility farther residents than others who live in 1km~3km from the facility. The residents who live in 1km~3km from the facility recognize positive about economic impact. Finally, the lack of procedural rationality such as citizen participation and public hearing arouses the civic resistance. In order to manage the civic resistance, follows are effective; visiting of the similar facilities and inspecting of the facility with residents’ representatives, negotiation and public relations using residents’ representatives, urban architecture and landscape architectural design for neighboring residents, abundant public hearing, public relations using mass media, the middle man role such as assemblymen of a city and province.; This research analyzed the influencing factors of the location conflict on the PAL-XFEL(Pohang accelerator laboratory X-ray free electron laser) facility which is one of the big science facilities. Although the big science facilities are regarded as typical PIMFY facilities, local residents who live nearby the facility opposed the siting of the PAL-XFEL facility because of various factors. This research drew the influencing factors of the civic resistance about the siting from interviews with the concerned persons such as the residents and the project operator, the civil affair documents and the media reports. The influencing factors were categorized within demographic factors, worries related to damages under the construction, the safety of the facility and the environmental change, factors of procedural rationality and economic factors. Each influencing factor is measured in the 5 point lickert scale by the neighboring residents. Correlation between the scale of each influencing factor and the scale of opposition related to location of the facility was analyzed. The main results of the analysis are as follows: First, main causes of the civic resistance are doubt about the safety of the facility and worry about the environmental change. Second, doubt about the safety of the facility is reduced by visit of the similar facility. Third, doubt about the safety is increased by uncertain information such as a wild rumor from neighbors. Many neighboring residents who live within 1km from the facility get the information of the facility from neighbors mainly. Fourth, neighboring residents recognize more negative about economic impact of the facility farther residents than others who live in 1km~3km from the facility. The residents who live in 1km~3km from the facility recognize positive about economic impact. Finally, the lack of procedural rationality such as citizen participation and public hearing arouses the civic resistance. In order to manage the civic resistance, follows are effective
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