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농촌마을 종합개발사업의 주민 만족도 영향 분석

농촌마을 종합개발사업의 주민 만족도 영향 분석
Other Titles
Analysis of Resident Satisfaction Degree in the Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project
Alternative Author(s)
An, Chung Ho
Issue Date
국 문 요 지 국내에서는 지역 주민의 삶의 질 향상과 국토의 균형발전을 고려한 농촌의 발전을 위하여 “농어업인의 삶의 질 향상 및 농산어촌지역 개발촉진에 관한 특별법”을 2004년 3월 5일에 제정 및 공포하였고, 이 법에 근거하여 농촌마을을 자족적 생산능력을 갖춘 농어촌 생활편익과 문화기반 및 안정된 소득이 구비된 마을로 조성함으로서 농촌주민의 삶의 질 확보와 농촌지역 활성화 등 침체된 농어촌에 활력을 불어넣고 농업·농촌에 대한 위기감을 극복하여 새로운 도약의 계기를 마련할 수 있도록 ‘농촌마을 종합개발사업’을 시행하였다. 농촌마을 종합개발사업에서는 기존의 사업과는 차별화된 농촌다움을 유지하며 농촌지역의 기초생활 인프라를 구축할 수 있는 복합적 특성의 농촌개발이기 때문에 예비계획 단계부터 주민이 참여하여 주도하는 상향식 농촌마을 개발사업을 지향하고 있어 관주도가 아니라 농촌지역 주민들의 참여역할이 매우 강조되고 있다. 이렇듯 농촌마을 종합개발사업이 기본적으로 주민 참여를 통해서 이루어지고 있지만 추진위원이나 지자체에 비해 일반주민의 참여 의지가 상대적으로 부족하다는 한계가 있으며 마을 및 주민 간 소통과 협력이 중요하지만 이해와 협력에 대한 경험의 부족이 문제를 발생시키고 있다. 지속가능한 농촌의 발전을 위해서는 농촌 지역에 필요한 시설의 개선 프로그램의 확충에 앞서 해당 지역 주민의 형식적 참여를 벗어나 소통과 협력적 참여를 유도해 낼 수 있는 방안이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 먼저 농촌마을 종합개발 사업 단계에서 발생할 수 있는 갈등이 무엇인지 파악해야 하며, 이러한 주민들의 갈등을 해결하기 위한 방안에 더욱 초점을 맞출 필요가 있다. 결국 농촌지역 인구 및 소득을 증가시키고, 마을의 커뮤니티를 활성화시키려는 농촌마을 종합개발사업의 목표를 원활히 달성하기 위해서는 사업 추진 및 운영과정에서 지역주민의 참여 유도, 사업지속성, 갈등 관리 등이 중요한 역할을 차지하고 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 농촌마을 종합개발사업의 성공을 위해서 지역주민의 역할이 보다 중요하다는 점에 착안하여, 갈등에 대한 문제점을 통해 지역주민의 종합적 만족도를 높일 수 있는 방안을 찾아내기 위한 목적으로 진행되었다. 이를 위해 사업이 성공적으로 추진된 지역과 그렇지 못한 지역 간 지역주민의 사업에 대한 인식조사를 진행하였고 주민의식이 지역 간 차이가 존재할 것이라는 연구가설을 세우고, 두 지역 간 지역주민의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 비교 분석하여 향후 농촌마을 종합개발사업에 정책적 시사점을 제시하였다. 본 연구에 대한 내용을 종합해보면 우선 주민인식조사결과를 토대로 하면 실제로 ‘주민참여’ 중 주민의 참여정도와 주민의사에 대한 피드백은 상대적으로 잘 이루어지고 있으나 ‘사업지속성’, ‘주민갈등’에 관한 변수들은 일부 부적절하거나 불만족스러운 요인이 존재하는 것으로 조사 되었다. 하지만 이러한 결과를 토대로 하면 상대적으로 우수한 권역에 대한 특징을 도출하기는 어렵기 때문에 영향요인 분석에 앞서 우수권역 및 부진권역에 따른 변수의 차이가 있는지 검증을 하였다. 그 결과 대부분의 지속성과 갈등에 대한 인식에서 권역 간 차이가 발생함을 알 수 있었다. 다음으로 정부의 농촌마을 종합개발사업 성과평가에서 우수권역으로 선정된 지역과 부진권역으로 선정된 지역들을 대상으로 각 권역별로 사업에 대한 주민만족도를 조사하고, 우수권역과 부진권역별로 지역주민의 사업 참여, 사업의 지속성, 갈등정도가 주민 만족도와 어떠한 영향관계를 갖는지 비교분석하였다. 분석결과를 종합해본 결과, 우수권역과 부진권역은 공통적으로 참여유도 요인과 사업관리 갈등요인, 소득 증가가 공통적으로 종합 만족도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 참여유도 요인과 경제적 지속성 요인이 공통적으로 소득 증가에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 여기서 중요하게 살펴볼 것은, 우수권역과 부진권역의 분석결과 중 우수권역에서는 중요하게 도출되었으나 부진권역에서는 유의하지 않게 도출된 요인을 주목할 필요가 있다. 이는 농촌마을 종합개발사업이 성공적으로 추진된 것으로 볼 수 있는 우수권역에서는 유의하게 도출된 요인이 부진권역에서는 도출되지 않았다는 것으로, 부진권역에는 해당 요인들에 대한 계획 및 운영‧관리가 미흡하였다는 것으로 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 따라서 이들 요인에 대한 관리가 이루어진다면 향후 농촌마을 종합개발사업이 성공적으로 추진되도록 유도할 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 향후 농촌마을 종합개발사업을 성공적으로 유도하기 위해서는 커뮤니티 활성화 측면에서는 사업운영 갈등요인, 사업관리 갈등요인을 해소할 방안이 필요하며, 지역주민의 사업에 대한 만족도를 높이기 위해서는 경제적 지속성 요인, 관리 및 운영 지속성 요인, 커뮤니티 활성화 요인, 사업운영 갈등 요인 등을 계획단계에서 부터 철저히 검증하고 관리할 필요가 있다. 주제어: 농촌마을 종합개발사업, 구조방정식, 주민 참여, 주민 갈등, 사업 지속성 |ABSTRACT Analysis of Resident Satisfaction Degree in the Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project An, Chung ‧ Ho Department of Urban Planning & Development Management Graduate School of Urban Studies Hanyang University Advised by Prof. Lee, Joo Hyung, Ph. D August, 2013 In Korea, in order to improve the quality of local residents’ lives and to make the rural development under consideration of the balanced development of the country, The Special Act was enacted and promulgated on March 5.2004 and this act involves the improvement of the agricultural and fishing men’s life-quality and facilitates the development of local fishing & agricultural areas. By this Special Act, in an attempt to get the production capacity of rural villages self-sufficient and make rural (farming and fishing) villages lead to stable income with life benefit & culture-base, “rural village development projects” was enforced to render rural villagers’ lives secure. to inspire stagnant rural villages activated. to overcome the crisis of farming fishing villages. and to take a new step to a broad opportunity. As it is, rural village development projects are called complex characteristic rural development. which is differentiated from existing business and which will maintain quality of rural life & build the basic infrastructure of rural areas. because of these, this projects extremely emphasizes the participation oriented by rural villagers from the beginning of the preliminary plan instead of the authorities’ initiative. Though “Rural Village Development Projects” has been done basically through villagers’ participation, general publics’ participation is relatively lacking compared with that of promotion committee & borough. So, Communication and cooperation between villagers may be important but the experiential lack of understanding and cooperation makes problems. We have to seek the way to induce communication collaborative participation, instead of formal participation of residents prior to the improvement programs of necessary facilities, in order to make sustainable rural development. On this point, We have to figure out the conflicts brought about at the first step of rural village development and have to focus on the solution to the conflicts of these villagers. Eventually “Rural Village Development Projects” has the target at increasing rural population and income and at activating village community. It is required that the projects should get business continuity and make conflict management under residents’ participation for business progress and operation. The purpose of this study has it that nothing is more important than residents’ roles to achieve rural village development projects and also the purpose of this study seeks the method to solving conflicts and getting up residents’comprehensive satisfaction. For this purpose, the perception-survey was conducted about residents’ business between the successful area and the unsuccessful area. Under the hypothesis of the difference in residents’ perception between areas, the factors influencing satisfaction between two areas were compared and analysed. Hereby, the study presents the suggestion of the policy for rural village development projects. Totally according to the study based on residents’ preliminary survey results, in reality the feedback for residents’ participation frequency and residents’ consciousness may be well achieved but the survey shows that the variables of business continuity and residents’ conflict have a certain portion of inappropriate and dissatisfactory factors. On the base of these results It was so difficult to make out special features about the excellent region relatively, that we had to verify if there were the differences of the variables between the excellent area and inferior region prior to the analysis of the influential factors. As a result, It was revealed that there occurred regional distinctions in recognition of most of the continuity and conflict. In the next step, We surveyed the residents’ satisfaction for the excellent region and inferior region selected by the performance evaluation of the governmental rural village development projects and we compared the excellent region with the inferior region to see if there were any influential relations with residents’business participation, the sustenance of the business and residents’ satisfaction in spite of their conflicts. As the total analytic result, participation induction factors, conflict factors of business management and the increase of income have commonly influenced the overall satisfaction of residents. and participation induction factors and economic sustainable factors have influenced the increase of income in common. What we have to look for is that according to the results of excellent region and inferior region, the result of excellent region is apparently explicit but the result of inferior region comes out vaguely. The excellent region which is regarded as successful in performing rural village development projects, has important factors but the same factors in inferior region are not elicited. And so the plan as to factors and operating administration was accepted as insufficient. Therefore if administration about the factors is achieved, we can encourage the successful promotion of rural village development projects. Subsequently to make the induction of rural village development projects sucessful, at the aspect of the community, It is necessary to work out the factors of business management conflicts. To raise the satisfaction of residents, economic continuity factors, administration & operating continuity factors, community activation factors and operation conflict factors are all at the planning stage, necessarily considered, verified and administrated. key words : Rural Village Development Projects, Structural Equation, citizen participation, social conflict, business continuity; ABSTRACT Analysis of Resident Satisfaction Degree in the Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project An, Chung ‧ Ho Department of Urban Planning & Development Management Graduate School of Urban Studies Hanyang University Advised by Prof. Lee, Joo Hyung, Ph. D August, 2013 In Korea, in order to improve the quality of local residents’ lives and to make the rural development under consideration of the balanced development of the country, The Special Act was enacted and promulgated on March 5.2004 and this act involves the improvement of the agricultural and fishing men’s life-quality and facilitates the development of local fishing & agricultural areas. By this Special Act, in an attempt to get the production capacity of rural villages self-sufficient and make rural (farming and fishing) villages lead to stable income with life benefit & culture-base, “rural village development projects” was enforced to render rural villagers’ lives secure. to inspire stagnant rural villages activated. to overcome the crisis of farming fishing villages. and to take a new step to a broad opportunity. As it is, rural village development projects are called complex characteristic rural development. which is differentiated from existing business and which will maintain quality of rural life & build the basic infrastructure of rural areas. because of these, this projects extremely emphasizes the participation oriented by rural villagers from the beginning of the preliminary plan instead of the authorities’ initiative. Though “Rural Village Development Projects” has been done basically through villagers’ participation, general publics’ participation is relatively lacking compared with that of promotion committee & borough. So, Communication and cooperation between villagers may be important but the experiential lack of understanding and cooperation makes problems. We have to seek the way to induce communication collaborative participation, instead of formal participation of residents prior to the improvement programs of necessary facilities, in order to make sustainable rural development. On this point, We have to figure out the conflicts brought about at the first step of rural village development and have to focus on the solution to the conflicts of these villagers. Eventually “Rural Village Development Projects” has the target at increasing rural population and income and at activating village community. It is required that the projects should get business continuity and make conflict management under residents’ participation for business progress and operation. The purpose of this study has it that nothing is more important than residents’ roles to achieve rural village development projects and also the purpose of this study seeks the method to solving conflicts and getting up residents’comprehensive satisfaction. For this purpose, the perception-survey was conducted about residents’ business between the successful area and the unsuccessful area. Under the hypothesis of the difference in residents’ perception between areas, the factors influencing satisfaction between two areas were compared and analysed. Hereby, the study presents the suggestion of the policy for rural village development projects. Totally according to the study based on residents’ preliminary survey results, in reality the feedback for residents’ participation frequency and residents’ consciousness may be well achieved but the survey shows that the variables of business continuity and residents’ conflict have a certain portion of inappropriate and dissatisfactory factors. On the base of these results It was so difficult to make out special features about the excellent region relatively, that we had to verify if there were the differences of the variables between the excellent area and inferior region prior to the analysis of the influential factors. As a result, It was revealed that there occurred regional distinctions in recognition of most of the continuity and conflict. In the next step, We surveyed the residents’ satisfaction for the excellent region and inferior region selected by the performance evaluation of the governmental rural village development projects and we compared the excellent region with the inferior region to see if there were any influential relations with residents’business participation, the sustenance of the business and residents’ satisfaction in spite of their conflicts. As the total analytic result, participation induction factors, conflict factors of business management and the increase of income have commonly influenced the overall satisfaction of residents. and participation induction factors and economic sustainable factors have influenced the increase of income in common. What we have to look for is that according to the results of excellent region and inferior region, the result of excellent region is apparently explicit but the result of inferior region comes out vaguely. The excellent region which is regarded as successful in performing rural village development projects, has important factors but the same factors in inferior region are not elicited. And so the plan as to factors and operating administration was accepted as insufficient. Therefore if administration about the factors is achieved, we can encourage the successful promotion of rural village development projects. Subsequently to make the induction of rural village development projects sucessful, at the aspect of the community, It is necessary to work out the factors of business management conflicts. To raise the satisfaction of residents, economic continuity factors, administration & operating continuity factors, community activation factors and operation conflict factors are all at the planning stage, necessarily considered, verified and administrated. key words : Rural Village Development Projects, Structural Equation, citizen participation, social conflict, business continuity
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