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J. Brahms의 Klavierstücke, Op.118에 관한 분석 및 연구

J. Brahms의 Klavierstücke, Op.118에 관한 분석 및 연구
Other Titles
A Study on J. Brahms’s Klavierstücke, Op.118
Alternative Author(s)
Han, Ji Hye
Issue Date
브람스(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)는 19세기 후기 낭만주의 대표적 작곡가로서 독주곡, 협주곡, 교향곡, 실내악, 가곡 등 오페라를 제외한 모든 장르에 걸쳐 활발히 작품 활동을 하였다. 브람스는 그의 마지막 생애 20년 동안 소품을 많이 작곡하였는데, 「Klavierstücke, Op.118」도 그 중 하나이다. 그의 대표적인 소품 모음집 가운데 하나인 「Klavierstücke, Op.118」은 브람스의 인생 말년에 대한 고뇌와 내면적인 모습이 나타나는 곡으로 6개의 소품으로 엮어진 모음곡이다. 당시 낭만주의 시대의 일반적인 성격소곡(Chracter Pieces)들은 표제를 사용하여 작품을 완성하였지만 브람스는 고전적 형식을 계승하면서 표제를 사용하지 않았으며 단순한 제목을 붙여 작곡하였다. 브람스는 대표적인 신고전주의 작곡가로 평가 받고 있지만, 이 곡에서 사용되었던 주선율과 부선율, 화성진행에 있어서 종지감의 미약함 등 브람스의 진보적인 작곡 요소들이 후에 20세기 현대음악에서 쇤베르크를 중심으로 연구, 작곡되고 있는 것을 보면 브람스가 고전과 낭만 그리고 현대음악에 큰 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있다. 각 곡은 순환 2부 형식, 복합 3부 형식, 3부 형식의 단순한 형식을 가지며 이곡들을 모음곡으로 묶어 하나의 큰 작품으로 만들었다. 다양한 화성의 색채감, 선율의 모방진행, 성부교환, 다양한 리듬의 사용이 특징적이다. 본 논문에서는 브람스의 생애와 「Klavierstücke Op.118」의 선율, 리듬, 화성 그리고 프레이즈와 구조 등 이 작품에서 나타난 브람스 후기 피아노 음악 요소들을 분석 및 연구하고자 한다.| Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) is a representative leading composer of the late 19th century Romanticism. The range of his works covers all genres such as solo, concerto, symphony, chamber music and songs, with the exception of opera. After 1890, during the latter part of his life, Brahms composed numerous Character Pieces including 「Klavierstücke, Op.118」. 「Klavierstücke, Op.118」, a representative of his work, is composed of 6 short pieces and it depicts the agony and internal reflection of Brahms’ latter years. Character Pieces during the period of romanticism were generally composed using titles. However Brahms succeeded classical form yet used simple classical names such as intermezzo for composition instead of titles. Each work has simple formations of rounded binary form, compound ternary form and ternary form. Then the pieces were collected as one major piece. It is characterized by color of various harmonics, imitation of melody, voice exchange and various rhythms. Though Brahms is regarded as a representative neo-classicism composer, Brahms affected not only neo-classicism but also classicism, romanticism and contemporary music. This is evident in active researches and compositions - made by various composers concerning 20th century contemporary music - on his progressive elements such as Thema and counterpoint, and weak end of harmonic sequence. In the present study, Brahms' piano mucis and the latter musical components such as melody, rhythm, harmony, phrase and structure shown in 「Klavierstücke Op.118」 are analyzed and researched.; Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) is a representative leading composer of the late 19th century Romanticism. The range of his works covers all genres such as solo, concerto, symphony, chamber music and songs, with the exception of opera. After 1890, during the latter part of his life, Brahms composed numerous Character Pieces including 「Klavierstücke, Op.118」. 「Klavierstücke, Op.118」, a representative of his work, is composed of 6 short pieces and it depicts the agony and internal reflection of Brahms’ latter years. Character Pieces during the period of romanticism were generally composed using titles. However Brahms succeeded classical form yet used simple classical names such as intermezzo for composition instead of titles. Each work has simple formations of rounded binary form, compound ternary form and ternary form. Then the pieces were collected as one major piece. It is characterized by color of various harmonics, imitation of melody, voice exchange and various rhythms. Though Brahms is regarded as a representative neo-classicism composer, Brahms affected not only neo-classicism but also classicism, romanticism and contemporary music. This is evident in active researches and compositions - made by various composers concerning 20th century contemporary music - on his progressive elements such as Thema and counterpoint, and weak end of harmonic sequence. In the present study, Brahms' piano mucis and the latter musical components such as melody, rhythm, harmony, phrase and structure shown in 「Klavierstücke Op.118」 are analyzed and researched.
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