터널 유지관리 단계의 생애주기비용분석 적용

터널 유지관리 단계의 생애주기비용분석 적용
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지난 10년간 국내 터널 개소 및 연장의 급격한 증가에도 불구하고 우리나라의 터널 유지관리 체계는 현재까지 일회성 점검 및 진단 결과에 따라 이루어지고 있는 실정이다. 급격히 증가한 터널을 효율적이고 체계적으로 관리하기 위해서는 새로운 유지관리 방안의 도입이 필요하다. 또한 단기간동안의 터널 개소의 급격한 증가는 향후 터널 노후화로 인한 보수·보강 또는 폐기가 동시에 발생하는 문제를 일으킬 수 있다. 이를 방지하기 위해서는 예방적인 유지관리를 통해서 터널 구조물의 수명 예측 및 장수명화를 이루어야 한다. 선진국에서는 이를 위해 20세기 말부터 생애주기비용분석의 개념을 터널 유지관리 단계에 도입하여 경제적인 관리 및 예방적 유지관리가 가능하게 하였다. 또한 21세기에 들어서는 네트워크 차원의 유지관리를 위한 연구도 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 국내에서도 시설안전공단에서 개발한 터널 생애주기관리시스템인 T-LCC가 있다. 그러나 T-LCC에서 고려하는 비용항목은 균열과 누수 두 항목에만 국한되어 있어 해당 시스템을 통해 산정된 생애주기비용을 활용하여 유지관리 대안을 선정하는 것은 타당성이 부족하다. 본 논문에서는 국내외의 터널 유지관리 단계 생애주기비용분석 적용 관련 선행연구분석을 통해 기존 국내 연구가 구조물의 생애주기 중 설계와 시공단계에 집중하였음을 밝히고. 국내에서도 선진국에서 도입한 생애주기비용분석의 적용을 통해 터널 유지관리의 효율성을 높여야 함을 기술하였다. 또한 생애주기비용분석 적용의 효율성에 대한 정성적 검토를 실시하였다. 기존 생애주기비용분석 모델에 대한 분석 결과, 터널 유지관리 단계에서 발생하는 모든 비용항목을 고려하지 않거나 항목만 제시할 뿐 실제 소요 비용 데이터를 제시하지 않았다. 따라서 본 논문은 터널 유지관리 단계에 특화된 비용분류체계를 제시하였다. 국내의 어느 기관에서도 터널 유지관리 단계에서 발생하는 실제 비용 데이터를 체계적으로 관리 및 확보하고 있지 않았으며 유지관리 업체에서도 해당 정보의 공개를 꺼린다. 따라서 비용데이터 확보 단계 별로 수행 가능한 생애주기비용분석 수준을 정의하여 데이터 확보의 중요성을 강조하였으며, 향후 데이터 확보 각 단계별 생애주기비용분석 적용에 도움이 되도록 하였다.| Despite a sharp increase of the total number of domestic tunnel and that length past 10 years in Korea, tunnel management methods and maintenance systems is still undeveloped state. It is made based on the results of one-time inspection and diagnosis. To perform the efficient and systematic management, an introduction of a new maintenance plan is needed. Also, a sharp increase of the tunnel for a short time can cause problems that tunnel repair, reinforcement or disposed due to the aging tunnel arise at the same time. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to be slightly greater life expectancy and a longer life of the tunnel through the preventative maintenance. In developed countries, on the other hand, the concept of life cycle cost analysis is applied to the maintenance of the tunnel for cost-efficiency and preventative maintenance at the 20th century. In addition, in the 21th century, life cycle management system of infrastructure, including tunnel, at the network level has been researched actively. In Korea, Facilities Safety Authority has developed the T-LCC which is life-cycle management system of the tunnel. However, T-LCC cost items are limited to two items, cracks and leaks. It is lack of feasibility to determine an alternative selection using these system. In this paper, previous research related to life cycle cost analysis in tunnel maintenance are analyzed to prove that existing domestic research are focused on the design and construction phase. By analysis of previous research, application of life cycle cost analysis to tunnel maintenance and management that increase the efficiency maintenance is described. In addition, the effectiveness of the application of life cycle cost analysis was conducted a qualitative review. As a result of consideration in existing models for life cycle cost analysis, they does not consider all costs incurred in the maintenance phase or present only the items, but did not provide actual cost data. Therefore, in this paper, the cost classification system specially for tunnel maintenance stage is presented. In which domestic institutions tunnel maintenance phase that occurs in the actual cost data was not systematically managed or secured and maintenance companies are reluctant to disclose this information. Thus, the cost data acquisition life cycle cost analysis can be performed step by step and the level stressed the importance of securing your data is defined. In addition, the next data acquisition life cycle cost analysis for each step to help you have applied.; Despite a sharp increase of the total number of domestic tunnel and that length past 10 years in Korea, tunnel management methods and maintenance systems is still undeveloped state. It is made based on the results of one-time inspection and diagnosis. To perform the efficient and systematic management, an introduction of a new maintenance plan is needed. Also, a sharp increase of the tunnel for a short time can cause problems that tunnel repair, reinforcement or disposed due to the aging tunnel arise at the same time. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to be slightly greater life expectancy and a longer life of the tunnel through the preventative maintenance. In developed countries, on the other hand, the concept of life cycle cost analysis is applied to the maintenance of the tunnel for cost-efficiency and preventative maintenance at the 20th century. In addition, in the 21th century, life cycle management system of infrastructure, including tunnel, at the network level has been researched actively. In Korea, Facilities Safety Authority has developed the T-LCC which is life-cycle management system of the tunnel. However, T-LCC cost items are limited to two items, cracks and leaks. It is lack of feasibility to determine an alternative selection using these system. In this paper, previous research related to life cycle cost analysis in tunnel maintenance are analyzed to prove that existing domestic research are focused on the design and construction phase. By analysis of previous research, application of life cycle cost analysis to tunnel maintenance and management that increase the efficiency maintenance is described. In addition, the effectiveness of the application of life cycle cost analysis was conducted a qualitative review. As a result of consideration in existing models for life cycle cost analysis, they does not consider all costs incurred in the maintenance phase or present only the items, but did not provide actual cost data. Therefore, in this paper, the cost classification system specially for tunnel maintenance stage is presented. In which domestic institutions tunnel maintenance phase that occurs in the actual cost data was not systematically managed or secured and maintenance companies are reluctant to disclose this information. Thus, the cost data acquisition life cycle cost analysis can be performed step by step and the level stressed the importance of securing your data is defined. In addition, the next data acquisition life cycle cost analysis for each step to help you have applied.
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