무행동 관성(Inaction inertia)이 구매의도에 미치는 영향 – 대안의 쾌락적ㆍ실용적 속성을 조절변수로

무행동 관성(Inaction inertia)이 구매의도에 미치는 영향 – 대안의 쾌락적ㆍ실용적 속성을 조절변수로
Other Titles
The Effects of Inaction Inertia on Purchase Intentions - Moderating Role of Hedonic and Utilitarian Attributes of Alternatives
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Seung Hwa
Issue Date
본 연구는 무행동 관성 효과가 구매의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 대안의 쾌락적인 속성과 실용적인 속성을 조절변수로 하여 알아보았다. 선행연구를 통하여 무행동 관성이 나타나는 원인과 그 결과에 대하여 알아보았다. 대조효과, 자기지각, 인지부조화 등으로 초기 할인가격과 현재 할인가격 간 차이가 큰 조건에서 구매의도가 낮아지는 현상을 설명하려 하였다. 하지만 어떠한 이론으로도 이러한 현상의 원인을 밝힐 수 없었으며, 이에 무행동 관성 효과라는 명칭을 부여하였다. 연구자들은 현재의 구매 기회를 손실로 바라보느냐 이익으로 바라보느냐에 따라 구매의도에 변화가 있을 수 있다 가정하여, 소비자들이 현재 구매 기회를 손실로 받아들일 때 무행동 관성 효과가 더욱 크게 나타남을 증명하였다. 무행동 관성이 구매의도에 주는 영향을 대안의 속성을 바탕으로 하여 쾌락적 제품과 실용적 제품으로 나누어 알아보았다. 쾌락적인 제품은 소비자에게 감각적인 즐거움과 만족을 제공하지만, 소비에 있어서 죄책감을 불러일으킨다. 따라서 실용적인 제품과 달리 소비를 정당화할 필요성을 느끼게 된다. 본 연구에서는 아로마 마사지와 메디컬 마사지를 자극물로 선정하여 무행동 관성 효과에 의해 구매의도가 어떻게 나타나는 지를 알아보았다. 연구 결과, 실용적인 제품의 경우에는 할인가격 차이 조건에 관계 없이 비슷한 구매의도를 보였으나, 쾌락적인 제품일 때에는 할인가격 차이가 큰 조건에서 구매의도가 낮아지는 현상을 발견하였다. 따라서 제품을 할인 판매할 때에는 그 속성에 따라 신중하게 할인 가격의 폭을 결정해야 함을 시사하고 있다.| This research examines how inaction inertia affects purchase intentions especially focusing on the attributes of alternatives whether it is hedonic or utilitarian. There is a literature that illustrates the consequences of inaction inertia and tries to find out the underlying phenomenon. Some of the prior research investigated the alternative explanations for the inaction inertia with contrast effect, self-perception, and cognitive dissonance. None of these theoretical explanations support the results so that they named this effect as an inaction inertia. Researchers propose that framing the opportunity either loss or gain results in different consequences. Consumers who accept the opportunity as a loss tend to forgo the present opportunity. Therefore, participants in the loss condition showed greater inaction inertia when they confront the large difference in price. In this research, we focused on the attributes of alternatives. Though hedonic product provides the experiential pleasure and gratification, it also induces consumers to feel guilty. As a hedonic product, we used aroma massage and as a utilitarian product, medical massage was used to examine the influence of inaction inertia on the purchase intentions. As a result, in the case of utilitarian, there was no significant effect between the large difference and small difference condition. But there was a significant effect in the large difference condition when it was a hedonic product. This research has an implication for marketing managers that they should have a deliberate consideration on the choice of the loss leader and the price strategy when it is a relatively hedonic product.; This research examines how inaction inertia affects purchase intentions especially focusing on the attributes of alternatives whether it is hedonic or utilitarian. There is a literature that illustrates the consequences of inaction inertia and tries to find out the underlying phenomenon. Some of the prior research investigated the alternative explanations for the inaction inertia with contrast effect, self-perception, and cognitive dissonance. None of these theoretical explanations support the results so that they named this effect as an inaction inertia. Researchers propose that framing the opportunity either loss or gain results in different consequences. Consumers who accept the opportunity as a loss tend to forgo the present opportunity. Therefore, participants in the loss condition showed greater inaction inertia when they confront the large difference in price. In this research, we focused on the attributes of alternatives. Though hedonic product provides the experiential pleasure and gratification, it also induces consumers to feel guilty. As a hedonic product, we used aroma massage and as a utilitarian product, medical massage was used to examine the influence of inaction inertia on the purchase intentions. As a result, in the case of utilitarian, there was no significant effect between the large difference and small difference condition. But there was a significant effect in the large difference condition when it was a hedonic product. This research has an implication for marketing managers that they should have a deliberate consideration on the choice of the loss leader and the price strategy when it is a relatively hedonic product.
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