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‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’이 유아의 정서능력 향상에 미치는 영향

‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’이 유아의 정서능력 향상에 미치는 영향
Other Titles
Effects of Mother-Infant Interaction Observation Program on the Emotional Development of Preschoolers
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Su Mi
이정숙 공동지도교수 안순영
Issue Date
국 문 초 록 ‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’ 이 유아의 정서능력 향상에 미치는 영향 이 연구에서는 유아의 정서능력 향상을 위한 정서교육 프로그램 일환으로 캐나다에서 현재 시행되고 있는 메리고든의 ‘공감의 뿌리’라는 프로그램의 일부를 변형 수정하여 ‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’을 유아에게 적용 실시하였다. 이 연구는 ‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’ 이 유아의 정서능력 향상에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 이에 이 연구에서는 다음과 같이 연구문제를 설정하였다. 1. ‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’ 을 실시하는 실험집단 과 기존의 정서교육 프로그램을 실시하는 비교집단은 서로 동일한가? 2. ‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’ 이 유아의 정서능력 향상에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 1) ‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’ 이 유아의 정서표현에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 2) ‘어머니-영아상호작용 관찰프로그램’ 이 유아의 자기정서인 식에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 3) ‘어머니 영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’ 이 유아의 타인정서 인식에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 4) '어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램' 이 유아의 감정이입에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 5) '어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램' 이 유아의 정서조절 에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 6) '어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램'이 유아의 정서어휘에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 3. 어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램을 실시하는 실험집단과 기존의 정서교육 프로그램을 실시하는 비교집단의 사후 동질 성 검사에 어떠한 차이가 있는가? 연구대상은 송파구에 소재한 G체육센터의 만4세 유아 44명을 대상으로 실시하였으며 실험집단A 22명과 비교집단B 22명으로 나누었다. 프로그램 사전, 사후에 우수경(2003)이 관계문헌(Saarni, 1999)을 토대로 작성한 ‘부모용 유아 정서지능 평정척도’를 부모에게 배부하여 작성하게 하였으며, 유아의 정서능력의 6가지 요인(정서표현, 자기정서인식, 타인정서인식, 감정이입, 정서조절, 정서어휘)을 실험집단과 비교집단의 변화를 분석하기 위해 독립표본 t검증과 대응표본 t검증을 실시하였다. 이 연구의 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘어머니-영아 상호작용관찰 프로그램’을 실시한 실험집단과 유치원교육과정의 기존의 정서교육 프로그램을 실시한 비교집단의 사전 동질성 검사에서 6가지 하위요소 정서표현, 자기정서인식, 타인정서인식, 감정이입, 정서조절, 정서어휘는 모두 유의미한 차이가 나타나지 않았으며 따라서 두 집단은 서로 동일한 집단이다. 둘째, 어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’을 실시한 비교집단은 정서능력의 6가지 하위요소 정서표현, 자기정서인식, 타인정서인식, 감정이입, 정서조절, 정서어휘에서 모두 유의미한 차이를 나타냈고 기존의 누리교육과정 정서교육 프로그램을 실시한 비교집단은 정서능력의 6가지 하위요소 중 타인정서인식, 감정이입, 정서조절 3가지 영역에서만 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 셋째, 사후 동질성 검사에서는 점서어휘에서만 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 이상의 결과에 의하면 ‘어머니-영아 상호작용 관찰프로그램’은 기존의 정서교육 프로그램에 비해 유아의 정서능력 향상에 효과적인 프로그램이라는 것을 알 수 있다. 또한 가정과 교육기관이 연계되어 자연스럽게 활동이 진행되었으며 영아와 영아어머니, 유아와 교사의 역동적인 협력학습이 이루어졌다. 더불어 유아들이 영아의 어머니가 영아와 의사소통 하는 과정을 지켜보면서 정서를 인식하고, 긍정적인 관계를 맺는 방법을 배우며 돌봄과 배려, 사랑이라는 가치를 직접 경험할 수 있는 시간이 되었다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다. 마지막으로 영아어머니는 반복된 육아로부터 새로움을 경험하며, 유아들의 관심과 돌봄, 배려를 통해 영아에 대한 사랑을 확인하는 계기가 되었으며 영아는 사랑을 받고, 낯선 환경이나 사람들로부터 좀 더 빨리 적응하는 계기가 되었다는 점에서도 그 의의가 있다. |ABSTRACT Effects of Mother-Infant Interaction Observation Program on the Emotional Development of Preschoolers Park, Su Mi Dept. of Early Childhood Education The Graduate School of Education Hanyang University The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a mother-infant interaction observation program on the emotional development of preschoolers. Mary Gorden's program titled "Roots of Empathy" was utilized in this study with some modifications. This program has been conducted in Canada as one of emotional education programs to step up the emotional development of preschoolers. The following research questions were posed: 1. What are the differences in homogeneity pretest and posttest results between an experimental group that participates in the mother-infant interaction observation program and a control group that participates in an existing emotional education program? 2. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional development of preschoolers? 2-1. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional display of preschoolers? 2-2. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional self-awareness of preschoolers? 2-3. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on preschoolers' awareness of others' emotion? 2-4. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the empathy of preschoolers? 2-5. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional regulation of preschoolers? 2-6. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional vocabulary of preschoolers? 3. What are the differences in homogeneity posttest results between the experimental group that participates in the mother-infant interaction observation program and the control group that participates in an existing emotional education program? The subjects in this study were 44 preschoolers at a gymnasium located in Songpa-gu, who were at the Western age of four. An experimental group and a control group were organized with 22 preschoolers each. The instrument used in this study was Woo Soo-kyung(2003)'s Preschooler Emotional Intelligence Rating Scale for Parents, which was based on relevant literature(Saarni, 1999). The parents of the preschoolers were asked to fill it out before and after the program, and independent-samples t-test and paired-samples t-test were utilized to see if the experimental group and the control group would undergo any changes in six factors of emotional competence(emotional display, emotional self-awareness, awareness of others' emotion, empathy, emotional regulation and emotional vocabulary). The major findings of the study were as follows: First, when a homogeneity pretest was conducted to look for any possible differences between the experimental group that was going to participate in the mother-infant interaction observation program and the control group that was going to participate in an existing emotional education program according to the kindergarten curriculum. As a result, there were no significant differences in all the six subfactors that were emotional display, emotional self-awareness, awareness of others' emotion, empathy, emotional regulation and emotional vocabulary. Therefore the two groups were homogeneous. In a homogeneity posttest, there was a significant difference only in emotional vocabulary. Second, the experimental group that participated in the mother-infant interaction observation program underwent significant changes in all the six subfactors of emotional competence which were emotional display, emotional self-awareness, awareness of others' emotion, empathy, emotional regulation and emotional vocabulary. The control group that participated in the existing emotional education program of the Nuri curriculum underwent significant changes only in three subfactors of emotional competence which were awareness of others' emotion, empathy and emotional regulation. The above-mentioned findings suggest that the mother-infant interaction observation program is more effective at boosting the emotional competence of preschoolers than the existing emotional education program. As the program was conducted in collaboration with the families of the infants, they engaged in the activities of the program in a natural way, and dynamic cooperative learning took place between the infants and their mothers and between the preschoolers and their teachers. This study is of significance in that the preschoolers became aware of emotion in the course of observing the process of communication between the infants and their mothers, learned how to build friendly relationships and experienced the value of caring, consideration and love in person. Finally, this study is also of significance in that the mothers of the infants experienced something new about repeated child rearing and confirmed the love of the preschoolers for their infants while they observed how they took care of them, and that the infants had an opportunity to be loved and adapt themselves to strange environments or strangers faster than before.; ABSTRACT Effects of Mother-Infant Interaction Observation Program on the Emotional Development of Preschoolers Park, Su Mi Dept. of Early Childhood Education The Graduate School of Education Hanyang University The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a mother-infant interaction observation program on the emotional development of preschoolers. Mary Gorden's program titled "Roots of Empathy" was utilized in this study with some modifications. This program has been conducted in Canada as one of emotional education programs to step up the emotional development of preschoolers. The following research questions were posed: 1. What are the differences in homogeneity pretest and posttest results between an experimental group that participates in the mother-infant interaction observation program and a control group that participates in an existing emotional education program? 2. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional development of preschoolers? 2-1. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional display of preschoolers? 2-2. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional self-awareness of preschoolers? 2-3. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on preschoolers' awareness of others' emotion? 2-4. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the empathy of preschoolers? 2-5. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional regulation of preschoolers? 2-6. What influence does the mother-infant interaction observation program exert on the emotional vocabulary of preschoolers? 3. What are the differences in homogeneity posttest results between the experimental group that participates in the mother-infant interaction observation program and the control group that participates in an existing emotional education program? The subjects in this study were 44 preschoolers at a gymnasium located in Songpa-gu, who were at the Western age of four. An experimental group and a control group were organized with 22 preschoolers each. The instrument used in this study was Woo Soo-kyung(2003)'s Preschooler Emotional Intelligence Rating Scale for Parents, which was based on relevant literature(Saarni, 1999). The parents of the preschoolers were asked to fill it out before and after the program, and independent-samples t-test and paired-samples t-test were utilized to see if the experimental group and the control group would undergo any changes in six factors of emotional competence(emotional display, emotional self-awareness, awareness of others' emotion, empathy, emotional regulation and emotional vocabulary). The major findings of the study were as follows: First, when a homogeneity pretest was conducted to look for any possible differences between the experimental group that was going to participate in the mother-infant interaction observation program and the control group that was going to participate in an existing emotional education program according to the kindergarten curriculum. As a result, there were no significant differences in all the six subfactors that were emotional display, emotional self-awareness, awareness of others' emotion, empathy, emotional regulation and emotional vocabulary. Therefore the two groups were homogeneous. In a homogeneity posttest, there was a significant difference only in emotional vocabulary. Second, the experimental group that participated in the mother-infant interaction observation program underwent significant changes in all the six subfactors of emotional competence which were emotional display, emotional self-awareness, awareness of others' emotion, empathy, emotional regulation and emotional vocabulary. The control group that participated in the existing emotional education program of the Nuri curriculum underwent significant changes only in three subfactors of emotional competence which were awareness of others' emotion, empathy and emotional regulation. The above-mentioned findings suggest that the mother-infant interaction observation program is more effective at boosting the emotional competence of preschoolers than the existing emotional education program. As the program was conducted in collaboration with the families of the infants, they engaged in the activities of the program in a natural way, and dynamic cooperative learning took place between the infants and their mothers and between the preschoolers and their teachers. This study is of significance in that the preschoolers became aware of emotion in the course of observing the process of communication between the infants and their mothers, learned how to build friendly relationships and experienced the value of caring, consideration and love in person. Finally, this study is also of significance in that the mothers of the infants experienced something new about repeated child rearing and confirmed the love of the preschoolers for their infants while they observed how they took care of them, and that the infants had an opportunity to be loved and adapt themselves to strange environments or strangers faster than before.
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