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dc.description.abstract국 문 요 지 본 연구는 20세기 말에 등장한 농 당스 작품 분석을 통해 현대 춤의 새로운 표현양식이 어떻게 변화, 진행되고 있는지를 탐색하고, 향후 한국의 안무가가 나아가야 할 방향성을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 현재 현대 춤은 ‘포스트 포스트모더니즘으로 갈 것인지?’, ‘모더니티로 돌아갈 것인지?’ 에 대한 논의가 끊임없이 이루어지고 있고, 더 나아가 농 당스 즉 ‘춤 없는 춤’이라는 장르까지 발현되고 있는 실정이다. 이런 오늘날의 사상적 개념들은 새로운 안무형태의 등장이기도 하지만 신체 메카니즘적 측면으로 보았을 때 무용의 위기라 말할 수 있으며, 연구자가 중요하게 생각하는 핵심적 아포리아 현상이라 할 수 있다. 이에 따라 일반적으로 해결 방안을 찾기 어려운 난관을 뜻하는 그리스의 단어 아포리아가 농 당스 작품에 어떻게 나타나고 있는지를 탐색하기에 앞서 현대 춤의 동향과 그 속에서 탄생한 농 당스의 개념과 등장 배경을 살펴보았다. 그리고, 아포리아의 개념과 문학, 연극, 미술에서 나타나고 있는 아포리아의 일반론적 경향을 살펴봄으로써 현대 예술이 다양한 아포리아를 거치며 발전되었음을 알 수 있었다. 또, 유럽 평론가들의 담론을 중심으로 현재 화두가 되고 있는 농 당스의 활동상을 조명해 봄으로써 현대 춤에서도 아포리아는 피해갈 수 없는 현상임을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 학술적 지식을 바탕으로 농 당스 계열 세 안무가의 대표 작품을 분석하였다. 현재 퍼포먼스 형식의 예술 분석 방식은 아브라모비치(Marina Abramovic)가 주장하는 새로운 미학의 방법론-에리카 피셔 리히테(Erika Fischer Lichte)의 ‘수행적인 것의 미학’으로서 매체성, 물질성, 기호성, 심미성 4가지 양상으로 구분하는-이 대두되고 있다. 하지만 연구자는 아포리아적 양상을 찾기 위해 농 당스의 작품을 무용작품으로 인식하여 ‘수행적인 미학의 관점(공연)’이 아닌 ‘작품’의 분석 관점으로 설정, 작가론에 입각하여 성장배경, 작품성향, 작품소개 및 전개, 구성요소별 분석 방식으로 작품 분석을 하였다. 작품 분석을 통해 얻어진 아포리아적 양상을 살펴보면 지나치게 평범한 일상 행위, 반라의 출연과 그 노출 범위 확장, 직해주의 방식의 표방, 과도한 미니멀리즘, 명령코드에 의한 모든 즉흥적 행위, 강의와 공연의 혼합체, 문화적 신체를 일상적 방법론에 관한 스토리텔링의 도구로 사용 등을 들 수 있다. 이를 바탕으로 현대 춤에 나타난 아포리아적 양상을 종합적으로 살펴보면 첫째, 지나친 일상성으로 인한 평범한 행위의 예술적 승화, 둘째, 응시자의 변환, 셋째, 누드의 출연과 과도한 미니멀리즘으로 인한 과잉노출과 움직임의 부재, 넷째, 이미지의 제시 혹은 대사의 사용으로 인한 주제의 과다한 노출, 다섯째, 연극성의 강조로 인한 장르의 파괴, 여섯째, 재료로써 작용하는 몸의 인식 변화라는 공통점을 도출할 수 있었다. 이처럼 현대 춤은 다양한 아포리아적 양상을 띠고 있어 자칫하면 무분별한 수용으로 인한 혼란을 야기 시킬 수 있다. 때문에 수많은 사상과 사조들이 등장한 가운데 현대 춤 안무가들은 새로운 현대 춤의 흐름과 그 발생학적 지식, 철학적 개념은 무엇이며, 그에 따른 아포리아적 양상들은 어떻게 일어나고 있는지 정확하게 인식하여야 한다. 이러한 아포리아 속에서 학문을 토대로 한 사상적 기반의 확립에 대한 본 연구는 주요한 과제이며 후대 안무가들에게 올바른 학문의 좌표로 또는 반성적 사고로 자리매김할 수 있길 바란다. 또 이 연구를 통해 2013년을 살아가는 안무가들에게 경각심을 불러일으켜 향후 한국의 무용계가 발전할 수 있는 사상적 논의가 되어 줄 것이라 사료되는 바이다. |ABSTRACT A Study on Aporia Aspects revealed in Contemporary Dance - Focused on the non danse Park, Jong-hyun Dept. of Dance The Graduate School HanYang University The purpose of this study is to analyze the non danse that appeared at the end of 20th century to examine how new expression style of contemporary dance is changing and progressing, as well as present a future direction for Korean choreographers. Currently, there is an endless discussion on contemporary dance of whether to 'return to post postmodernism?' or 'return to modernity?'. Furthermore, the current circumstance is that even non danse, namely 'dance without dance' genre is being revealed. Although such ideological concepts of today is an appearance of new form of choreography, it can be said as the crisis of dance from the aspect of physical mechanism, as well as the core aporia phenomenon considered importantly by the author. Accordingly, this study examined the trend of contemporary dance and the concept of non danse that appeared in its midst as well as the background of its appearance before examining how a Greek term aporia, which refers to a difficulty without solution, is appearing in non danse. In addition, it was found that contemporary art has been advancing through various aporia by examining the concept of aporia and general tendency of aporia being revealed in literature, drama and art. Additionally, it was found confirmed that aporia is an inevitable phenomenon also in contemporary dance by examining the aspects of activities of non danse that is becoming a topic currently focusing on the discussions of Europeans critics. Based on such academic knowledge, major works of three choreographers affiliated with non danse were analyzed. As for the current analysis method of performance type art, a new esthetic methodology asserted by Marina - to classify into four types of medium, material, symbol and aesthetic as 'performing esthetics' of Erika Fischer Lichte - is surfacing. For the purpose of finding aporia aspects, however, the author perceived non danse work as dance piece to establish it from analytical persepctive of 'work' instead of 'performing esthetics perspective (performance)' to analyze the work through the method of analyzing personal background, work tendency, introduction and development of work and components based on auterism. As for the aporia aspects obtained from work analysis, they include excessively ordinary everyday activity, topless appearance and expansion of its scope of exposure, advocacy of literalism method, excessive minimalism, every impromptu act from command code, mix of lecture and performance, cultural body as the tool for storytelling on ordinary methodology. Based on this, aporia aspects revealed in contemporary dance are, first, artistic sublimination of ordinary act through excessive ordinary nature, second, conversion of participant, third, appearance of nudity, excessive exposure from excessive minimalism and lack of movement, fourth, excessive exposure of theme from the presentation of image or use of lines, fifth, destruction of genre from the emphasis of theatrical nature, sixth, change in the perception of body that acts as material. Accordingly, contemporary dance might cause confusion from indiscriminate acceptance because of its various aporia aspects. That is why contemporary dance choreographers need to accurately understand the flow of new contemporary dance and its embryological knowledge and philosophical concept, as well as according aporia aspects in the midst of current circumstance in which numerous ideas and trends have appeared. This study on the establishment of ideological foundation based on studies in the midst of such aporia is an important task with a hope that it can become a reflective idea or coordinate of correct study for future choreographers. In addition, this study could arouse sense of awakening for choreographers living in 2013 to become ideological discussion for advancing the dance circle of Korea in the future.; ABSTRACT A Study on Aporia Aspects revealed in Contemporary Dance - Focused on the non danse Park, Jong-hyun Dept. of Dance The Graduate School HanYang University The purpose of this study is to analyze the non danse that appeared at the end of 20th century to examine how new expression style of contemporary dance is changing and progressing, as well as present a future direction for Korean choreographers. Currently, there is an endless discussion on contemporary dance of whether to 'return to post postmodernism?' or 'return to modernity?'. Furthermore, the current circumstance is that even non danse, namely 'dance without dance' genre is being revealed. Although such ideological concepts of today is an appearance of new form of choreography, it can be said as the crisis of dance from the aspect of physical mechanism, as well as the core aporia phenomenon considered importantly by the author. Accordingly, this study examined the trend of contemporary dance and the concept of non danse that appeared in its midst as well as the background of its appearance before examining how a Greek term aporia, which refers to a difficulty without solution, is appearing in non danse. In addition, it was found that contemporary art has been advancing through various aporia by examining the concept of aporia and general tendency of aporia being revealed in literature, drama and art. Additionally, it was found confirmed that aporia is an inevitable phenomenon also in contemporary dance by examining the aspects of activities of non danse that is becoming a topic currently focusing on the discussions of Europeans critics. Based on such academic knowledge, major works of three choreographers affiliated with non danse were analyzed. As for the current analysis method of performance type art, a new esthetic methodology asserted by Marina - to classify into four types of medium, material, symbol and aesthetic as 'performing esthetics' of Erika Fischer Lichte - is surfacing. For the purpose of finding aporia aspects, however, the author perceived non danse work as dance piece to establish it from analytical persepctive of 'work' instead of 'performing esthetics perspective (performance)' to analyze the work through the method of analyzing personal background, work tendency, introduction and development of work and components based on auterism. As for the aporia aspects obtained from work analysis, they include excessively ordinary everyday activity, topless appearance and expansion of its scope of exposure, advocacy of literalism method, excessive minimalism, every impromptu act from command code, mix of lecture and performance, cultural body as the tool for storytelling on ordinary methodology. Based on this, aporia aspects revealed in contemporary dance are, first, artistic sublimination of ordinary act through excessive ordinary nature, second, conversion of participant, third, appearance of nudity, excessive exposure from excessive minimalism and lack of movement, fourth, excessive exposure of theme from the presentation of image or use of lines, fifth, destruction of genre from the emphasis of theatrical nature, sixth, change in the perception of body that acts as material. Accordingly, contemporary dance might cause confusion from indiscriminate acceptance because of its various aporia aspects. That is why contemporary dance choreographers need to accurately understand the flow of new contemporary dance and its embryological knowledge and philosophical concept, as well as according aporia aspects in the midst of current circumstance in which numerous ideas and trends have appeared. This study on the establishment of ideological foundation based on studies in the midst of such aporia is an important task with a hope that it can become a reflective idea or coordinate of correct study for future choreographers. In addition, this study could arouse sense of awakening for choreographers living in 2013 to become ideological discussion for advancing the dance circle of Korea in the future.-
dc.title현대 춤에 나타난 아포리아적 양상 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Aporia Aspects revealed in Contemporary Dance- Focused on the non danse-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorPark jong hyun-
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