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dc.description.abstract한국 전통춤은 유구(悠久)한 역사 속에 전승되어 온 우리 민족의 정체성(正體性)이 담긴 문화유산이다. 전통춤이 문화유산으로 인정받는 이유는 우리문화의 정통성을 계승하는 실체로서 전통문화의 근간(根幹)이며, 전통춤 그 자체가 지닌 가치로 인해 당위성을 인정받았기 때문이다. 이러한 이유로 전통춤을 계승, 발전시키려는 일련의 노력들이 이루어지고 있지만 그 본연의 가치를 인정받지 못하여 대중들에게 외면당하고 있는 실정이다. 그동안 전통춤은 무용전공자들의 전유물로 인식되며 대중들에게서 점차 멀어지게 되었고, 이러한 사회적 흐름 속에서 새로운 대안을 찾고자 본 연구를 시작하였다. 본 연구는 현시대의 흐름과 같이 법고창신(法古創新)의 정신에 입각하여, 프로젝션 맵핑(Projection Mapping)을 활용한 한국 전통춤의 활성화 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 최근 학제간의 융합연구가 성행하여 그 빛을 발하듯이, 프로젝션 맵핑 기술을 전통춤과 융합시킴으로써 전통춤의 활성화 측면에서 시너지 효과를 기대하였다. 이와 같이 전통춤과 현대기술의 조화를 통해 대중들이 전통춤을 쉽게 즐기며 향유할 수 있도록 하고, 전통춤 원형보존을 바탕으로 프로젝션 맵핑을 활용한 연구모형을 설계하고 활성화 방안을 제시하였다. 연구모형 설계에 앞서 프로젝션 맵핑의 개념과 그 활용사례를 분석하였고, 사례분석 결과 교육적 활용사례가 드문 점과 교육에 적용시의 효용가치를 고려하여 무용교육 측면을 중심으로 연구모형을 구성하였다. 연구모형은 연구 Sketch와 3D Mock-up, 가상 Key visual image로 설계하였다. 연구 Sketch는 전통춤 영상이 투사될 오브제의 이미지를 모델링한 것이며, 3D Mock-up은 연구 Sketch를 입체감 있게 실제 오브제와 가까운 모형으로 설계한 것이다. 그리고 가상 Key visual image는 설계된 모형에 전통춤 영상이 투사되는 모습을 실제 보여지는 것과 가깝게 제시한 것이다. 연구모형에 적용된 콘텐츠는 전통춤 관련 사진과 그림이며 제1장‘사진으로 보는 전통춤’과 제2장‘그림으로 보는 전통춤’으로 구성하였다. 연구 모형에 이어 전통춤 활성화 방안은 무용교육, 무용치료, 공연예술 측면으로 분류하여 설정하였고, 각각의 측면을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫 번째로 무용교육 측면에서 프로젝션 맵핑은 학생들의 교보재로서 인지적, 정서적 측면의 수업에서 활용이 가능하다. 또한, 학생들이 직접 오브제를 만들고 완성된 오브제에 투사되는 전통춤 이미지를 감상한 후, 그에 대한 느낀 점을 표현하고 발표함으로써 자발적, 창의적 수업이 이루어질 수 있다. 두 번째는 무용치료 측면으로, 치료과정 중 가장 고려해야 할 요인인 환자의 심리적 안정과 그에 따른 치료공간의 전환을 중심으로 방안을 제시하였다. 치료공간의 벽면에 영상을 투사하는 방법으로, 공간의 전환을 통해 환자의 심신 안정을 도움으로써 치료 프로그램의 집중도와 효과를 높일 수 있다. 마지막으로 공연예술 측면은 프로젝션 맵핑을 활용하여 무대공간과 무용수의 움직임을 확장시켜, 작품에 대한 관객의 몰입감을 증대시킬 수 있다. 실제 진행되는 공연과 조화되는 가상의 이미지로 관객에게 환영성을 부여하여, 공간 혹은 무용수의 신체가 확장되었다는 착각과 그 공간에 함께 있다는 체험을 통해 작품의 몰입이 가능한 것이다. 그리고 관객이 작품의 내용과 흐름을 이해하기 쉽게 도와주는 스토리텔링의 기능 역시 가능하다. 본 연구의 결과를 종합해보면, 프로젝션 맵핑을 활용한 한국 전통춤의 다각적인 활성화 방안을 제시하였으며, 특히 수용자의 시각적 측면을 고려했을 때, 몰입감과 집중도에 초점을 맞추어 연구를 진행하였다. 이처럼 전통춤을 중심으로 학제간의 연구가 지속적으로 이루어진다면 머지않아 한국 전통춤이 활성화되어 대중들과 함께 소통하고 향유할 수 있는 날이 올 것으로 사료된다. 그와 더불어 대중들이 우리나라 전통춤 고유의 가치와 의미를 재조명할 수 있기를 기대한다.|Korean Traditional dance is the cultural heritage which includes identity our nations through the ages. The reason that Korean traditional dances are recognised as cultural heritage is as follows: It is the foundation of traditional culture as a content inheriting authenticity of Korean traditional heritage, and at the same time, the value of the traditional dances itself has been acknowledged. For these reasons, there have been tremendous efforts to develop and inherit those traditional dances. However, they have been considered as the preserve of specific groups in the narrow dance society with being ignored by general public's attention despite the value. Under this circumstance, this research intends to suggest alternatives with an aim at improving current situation. To be more specific, based on the spirit of 'Bup-Go-Chang-Shin(法古創新)', which has the meaning of reviewing the old and learning the new, this study is going to explore revitalization ways for the Korean traditional dance using Projection Mapping. In other words, expecting to create synergy effects on the revitalization of traditional dance, this research attempts to integrate Projection Mapping Technology into the Korean traditional dance. Then, the designed research model using Projection Mapping will be suggested focusing on the preservation of the original form of Korean traditional dance. In doing so, we can anticipate making public enjoy traditional dance in an easier way through utilizing such up-to-date technology. Prior to mapping out the study model, the concept of Projection Mapping and cases of application were analyzed, and the model was drawn concentrating on the dance education, considering the rare uses of educational aspect of Projection Mapping and the effective value when it is applied in the education. The research model is developed by using study sketch, 3D Mock-up, and virtual key visual image. First of all, study sketch is to do modelling of an objet on which the traditional dance image will be projected, and 3D Mock-up, as the second, is three dimensionally designed mockup. Lastly, the virtual key visual image is to present the appearance of the traditional dance image projected on the designed mockup similarly to what is seen actually. Contents applied to the research model are photographs and pictures relevant to the traditional dances, which are comprised of 'Traditional Dances Looked through photographs', the first chapter, and 'Traditional Dances Looked through pictures', the second chapter. Following the study model, the plan for revitalizing traditional dance is categorized as three aspects: Dance education, Dance therapy, and Performance Arts. First of all, in the aspect of dance education, projection mapping can be used as training aids for cognitive, emotional classes. Also, after making an object by students themselves, students can express and present how they felt regarding the image of traditional dance projected on the objet, and through this process, voluntary and creative classes can be expected. The second is the aspect of dance therapy. At this stage, suggestions are presented focussing on the patients' psychological stability, which is believed to be the most significant factor in processes of therapy, and the change of the therapy place. To sum up, this study draws on research to find out alternatives in order to propose diversified ways to revitalize Korean traditional dance using Projection Mapping, and particularly, concentrates on the receivers' immersion and concentrativeness in the light of the visual aspect. As this trend of interdisciplinary researches on Korean traditional dance continues, Korean dances can be expected to gradually revive and communicate more with public in the near future. Furthermore, we can anticipate that the public would be able to acknowledge the intrinsic value and meanings of our traditional dances.; Korean Traditional dance is the cultural heritage which includes identity our nations through the ages. The reason that Korean traditional dances are recognised as cultural heritage is as follows: It is the foundation of traditional culture as a content inheriting authenticity of Korean traditional heritage, and at the same time, the value of the traditional dances itself has been acknowledged. For these reasons, there have been tremendous efforts to develop and inherit those traditional dances. However, they have been considered as the preserve of specific groups in the narrow dance society with being ignored by general public's attention despite the value. Under this circumstance, this research intends to suggest alternatives with an aim at improving current situation. To be more specific, based on the spirit of 'Bup-Go-Chang-Shin(法古創新)', which has the meaning of reviewing the old and learning the new, this study is going to explore revitalization ways for the Korean traditional dance using Projection Mapping. In other words, expecting to create synergy effects on the revitalization of traditional dance, this research attempts to integrate Projection Mapping Technology into the Korean traditional dance. Then, the designed research model using Projection Mapping will be suggested focusing on the preservation of the original form of Korean traditional dance. In doing so, we can anticipate making public enjoy traditional dance in an easier way through utilizing such up-to-date technology. Prior to mapping out the study model, the concept of Projection Mapping and cases of application were analyzed, and the model was drawn concentrating on the dance education, considering the rare uses of educational aspect of Projection Mapping and the effective value when it is applied in the education. The research model is developed by using study sketch, 3D Mock-up, and virtual key visual image. First of all, study sketch is to do modelling of an objet on which the traditional dance image will be projected, and 3D Mock-up, as the second, is three dimensionally designed mockup. Lastly, the virtual key visual image is to present the appearance of the traditional dance image projected on the designed mockup similarly to what is seen actually. Contents applied to the research model are photographs and pictures relevant to the traditional dances, which are comprised of 'Traditional Dances Looked through photographs', the first chapter, and 'Traditional Dances Looked through pictures', the second chapter. Following the study model, the plan for revitalizing traditional dance is categorized as three aspects: Dance education, Dance therapy, and Performance Arts. First of all, in the aspect of dance education, projection mapping can be used as training aids for cognitive, emotional classes. Also, after making an object by students themselves, students can express and present how they felt regarding the image of traditional dance projected on the objet, and through this process, voluntary and creative classes can be expected. The second is the aspect of dance therapy. At this stage, suggestions are presented focussing on the patients' psychological stability, which is believed to be the most significant factor in processes of therapy, and the change of the therapy place. To sum up, this study draws on research to find out alternatives in order to propose diversified ways to revitalize Korean traditional dance using Projection Mapping, and particularly, concentrates on the receivers' immersion and concentrativeness in the light of the visual aspect. As this trend of interdisciplinary researches on Korean traditional dance continues, Korean dances can be expected to gradually revive and communicate more with public in the near future. Furthermore, we can anticipate that the public would be able to acknowledge the intrinsic value and meanings of our traditional dances.-
dc.title프로젝션 맵핑을 활용한 한국 전통춤의 활성화 방안-
dc.title.alternativeA study on the revitalization of Korean traditional dance using projection mapping-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorPark, Jin Young-
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > DANCE(무용학과) > Theses (Master)
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