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dc.description.abstract국문초록 본 연구는 문화예술교육사 제도 도입에 따른 대학 무용(학)과 교과과정에 어떠한 변화가 있었는지 조사하고 문화예술교육사 제도의 필요성을 밝혀 대학 무용(학)과의 교과과정 개선 연구에 기초적인 자료를 제공하는데 본 연구목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기위해 문화예술교육사 교육과정을 조사하였으며, 서울·경기 지역 19개의 대학 중 문화예술교육사 교육 교과목이 개설되거나 인정교과목이 포함되어 있는 7개의 대학을 선정하여 교과과정을 조사하였다. 수집된 무용(학)과 교과과정 자료를 문화예술교육사 제도가 도입되기 전 2011년과 실행되기 시작한 2013년으로 나누어 비교분석하였으며, 문화예술교육사 교육과정을 참고하여 각 대학 무용(학)과 교육과정안에 문화예술교육사 교육 인정교과목의 실행 및 개설 여부를 확인하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 문화예술교육사 교과목이 개설되지는 않았지만 문화예술교육사 교육 과목과 동일하게 인정받은 교과목들이 단국대학교에선 2과목, 숙명여자대학교와 중앙대학교에서는 3과목, 상명대학교에서는 1과목, 용인대학교에서는 4과목, 국민대학교에서는 6과목이 인정되었으며, 이화여자대학교는 7과목이 인정되었다. 또, 성균관대학교에서는 5과목, 수원대학교는 4과목, 한양대학교(ERICA)에서는 1과목, 한양대학교(서울)에서는 2과목, 한성대학교에서는 1과목이 인정되어 교육되어지고 있다고 나타났다. 둘째, 2013년 문화예술교육사 제도 실행에 따른 대학 교과과정이 단국대학교에는 기존에 없었던 5개의 문화예술교육 인정 교과목들이 개설되었고, 숙명여자대학교에는 1개의 과목이 개설되었다. 한양대학교(ERICA)대학교에서는 가장 많은 9개의 과목이 개설되었으며, 한성대학교에서는 2개의 과목이 개설된 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 문화예술교육사 제도 도입에 따라 대학 무용(학)과의 교과과정이 변화되었으며, 대학에서의 무용교육에 있어서 전문인력 양성을 위한 문화예술교육사 교과과정 개설 및 인정교과목이 현재까지 미흡한 실정이라는 것이 밝혀졌다. 이러한 부족한 점을 해결하기 위한 대안으로는 첫째, 문화예술교육사 제도도입에 따른 무용(학)과의 교과과정 교과목들이 문화예술교육사 교육 무용분야에서 실행되고 있는 다양하고 체계적인 과목들을 대학 무용(학)과 교육과정과 조합하여 동일한 과목으로 추가 개설하여야 한다. 둘째, 문화예술교육사 전문인력 양성을 위해 문화예술교육사 자격이 취득가능한 교육기관을 대학 무용(학)과의 역량으로 인정하도록 함으로써 대학 무용(학)과 학생들이 졸업함과 동시에 자격증 취득이 가능하도록 하여 졸업 후 취업영역을 넓힐 수 있도록 해야 한다. 따라서 후속연구에서 문화예술교육사 자격 제도 도입에 따라 대학 무용(학)과의 교과과정이 문화예술교육사 교육과정 과목을 포함하여 변화함에 따라 졸업함과 동시에 자격증을 취득함으로써 졸업생들의 취업영역의 확대와 진로선택에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대한 연구가 추가적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다. |ABSTRACT A Study on Examination of Current College Dance Curriculum Compliant with Introduction of Art and Culture Instructor Policy Kim, Soo Jin Dept, of Dance The Graduate School Hanyang University This study is aimed at providing basic data for research on improvement of the college dance curriculum through looking into changes in the curriculum following introduction of a culture and arts instructor system and ascertaining a necessity of the system. For the purpose, a survey was conducted about education programs for culture and arts instructors after selecting seven colleges which have opened courses about those instructors or include certified courses out of 19 schools in the Metropolitan area. To compare and analyze collected data on the dance curriculum were divided into two groups, one about the year 2011 before the culture and arts instructor system was introduced and the other about the 2013 when the system began to be executed. Whether or not certified courses about culture and arts instructors were executed and whether or not those courses were established within the dance curriculum of each school were confirmed referring to the culture and arts instructor curriculum. The study produced following results. First, Dankook University had two courses that have been certified equally as courses for culture and arts instructors, Sookmyung Women's University and Chung Ang University have three each, Sangmyung University one, Yong In University four, Kookmin University six and Ewha Woman's University seven, even if those schools haven't opened programs for those instructors. In addition, Sungkyunkwan University had five courses, University of Suwon four, Hanyang University (ERICA) one, Hanyang University (Seoul) two and Hansung University one. Second, after the culture and arts instructor system was conducted in 2013, Dankook University newly opened five courses and Sookmyung Women's University one. Hanyang University (ERICA) opened the largest nine courses and Hansung University two. Based on such results, it was found that the college dance curriculum has changed following introduction of the culture and arts instructor system and the reality of opening of the culture and arts instructor courses to cultivate professionals in college dance education and certified programs still is not satisfactory. There are alternatives to solve these problems. First, dance programs following introduction of the culture and arts instructor system should be additionally opened as same programs after uniting various systematic courses executed in dance of culture and arts instructor education with college dance programs. Second, educational institutions whose students can acquire culture and arts instructor licenses should be recognized as having the same capacity as college dance departments to cultivate culture and arts instructor professionals. In this way, students of college dance departments will be able to acquire licenses immediately after their graduation to have more employment opportunities. Therefore, follow-up studies should be conducted about effects of acquisition of licenses immediately after graduation on expansion of graduates' employment opportunities and their choice of course after the college dance curriculum changes after including courses about culture and arts instructors following introduction of the culture and arts instructor license system.; ABSTRACT A Study on Examination of Current College Dance Curriculum Compliant with Introduction of Art and Culture Instructor Policy Kim, Soo Jin Dept, of Dance The Graduate School Hanyang University This study is aimed at providing basic data for research on improvement of the college dance curriculum through looking into changes in the curriculum following introduction of a culture and arts instructor system and ascertaining a necessity of the system. For the purpose, a survey was conducted about education programs for culture and arts instructors after selecting seven colleges which have opened courses about those instructors or include certified courses out of 19 schools in the Metropolitan area. To compare and analyze collected data on the dance curriculum were divided into two groups, one about the year 2011 before the culture and arts instructor system was introduced and the other about the 2013 when the system began to be executed. Whether or not certified courses about culture and arts instructors were executed and whether or not those courses were established within the dance curriculum of each school were confirmed referring to the culture and arts instructor curriculum. The study produced following results. First, Dankook University had two courses that have been certified equally as courses for culture and arts instructors, Sookmyung Women's University and Chung Ang University have three each, Sangmyung University one, Yong In University four, Kookmin University six and Ewha Woman's University seven, even if those schools haven't opened programs for those instructors. In addition, Sungkyunkwan University had five courses, University of Suwon four, Hanyang University (ERICA) one, Hanyang University (Seoul) two and Hansung University one. Second, after the culture and arts instructor system was conducted in 2013, Dankook University newly opened five courses and Sookmyung Women's University one. Hanyang University (ERICA) opened the largest nine courses and Hansung University two. Based on such results, it was found that the college dance curriculum has changed following introduction of the culture and arts instructor system and the reality of opening of the culture and arts instructor courses to cultivate professionals in college dance education and certified programs still is not satisfactory. There are alternatives to solve these problems. First, dance programs following introduction of the culture and arts instructor system should be additionally opened as same programs after uniting various systematic courses executed in dance of culture and arts instructor education with college dance programs. Second, educational institutions whose students can acquire culture and arts instructor licenses should be recognized as having the same capacity as college dance departments to cultivate culture and arts instructor professionals. In this way, students of college dance departments will be able to acquire licenses immediately after their graduation to have more employment opportunities. Therefore, follow-up studies should be conducted about effects of acquisition of licenses immediately after graduation on expansion of graduates' employment opportunities and their choice of course after the college dance curriculum changes after including courses about culture and arts instructors following introduction of the culture and arts instructor license system.-
dc.title문화예술교육사 제도도입에 따른 대학 무용(학)과 교과현황 조사 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Examination of Current College Dance Curriculum Compliant with Introduction of Art and Culture Instructor Policy-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorkim, su jin-
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > DEPARTMENT OF DANCE & WELL-BEING(생활무용예술학과) > Theses (Master)
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