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전문편성 라디오방송의 발전적 편성전략에 관한 연구

전문편성 라디오방송의 발전적 편성전략에 관한 연구
Other Titles
Suggestions and Recommendations for the Programming Strategies for the Specialized Programming Radio Stations : Implications from the Comparative Analysis between the Specialized Programming Radio Stations and Comprehensive Programming Radio Station
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이 연구는 우리나라 전문편성 라디오방송들의 편성 실태를 분석하여 전문편성 라디오방송들이 종합편성 체제를 지향하고 있음을 실증적으로 확인하였다. 전문편성 라디오방송들의 편성 실태를 분석하기 위해 본 연구는 각 방송사의 프로그램을 장르별로 분류한 다음 이 통계자료를 비교 분석하였다. 그리고 이 연구결과를 바탕으로 우리나라 전문편성 라디오방송의 위기를 극복하기 위한 방안으로 발전적인 편성모델에 대하여 제언을 하였다. 구체적인 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 프로그램 장르별 편성 현황은 어떠한가? 둘째, 일일 시간대와 주간 단위 편성 현황은 어떠한가? 셋째, 채널별 ‘편성 전문화 정도’는 어떠한가? 넷째, 프로그램의 중복편성 현황은 어떠한가? 본 연구를 위해 우리나라의 대표적인 전문편성 라디오방송인 기독교방송 AM(CBS), 불교방송(BBS), 서울교통방송(TBS), 인천교통방송(TBN)과 종합편성 방송인 서울방송 AM(SBS 러브FM) 등 5개 방송을 연구 대상으로 선정하여 한 주 동안의 방송내용을 분석하였다. 본 연구를 위해 라디오 프로그램을 11개의 장르로 구분한 분류기준을 사용하였고, 일일 방송시간대를 7개 시간대로 구분하였다. 프로그램 전문화 정도를 측정하기 위하여 허핀달 지수(Herfindahl Index)를 적용하였고 프로그램 중복률을 산정하기 위하여 독자적인 산출방법을 적용하였다. 연구 결과, 위에서 언급한대로 우리나라 전문편성 라디오 방송들이 종합편성 경향을 강하게 띠고 있음을 확인하였다. 전문편성 라디오 방송들은 뉴스, 시사정보, 쇼ㆍ토크쇼 프로그램 등 인기 프로그램을 종합편성 방송과 비슷한 수준으로 편성하고 있었으며, 생활정보, 교양, 교육, 드라마 등 비인기 프로그램은 종합편성 방송과 동일하게 미미하게 편성하고 있었다. 선교, 포교, 교통정보 등 ‘주된 방송분야’는 60% 이상을 편성해야함에도 불구하고 방송법에서 규정하는 의무방송시간을 채운 방송사는 없었다. 또 대부분의 방송사가 쇼ㆍ토크쇼 장르의 프로그램을 50%에 근접하는 과다한 분량으로 편성하고 있었다. 일일 시간대별로 비교했을 때 출ㆍ퇴근 시간대에는 뉴스, 시사정보 프로그램을, 오전시간대에는 쇼ㆍ토크쇼 프로그램과 생활정보 프로그램을, 오후 시간대에는 쇼ㆍ토크쇼 프로그램을 종합편성과 동일한 방식으로 중점적으로 편성하고 있었다. 선교, 포교 등 종교방송의 ‘주된 방송분야’의 프로그램은 주로 밤이나 새벽에, 그리고 주말에 집중적으로 편성하고 있었다. 허핀달 지수를 적용한 ‘편성 전문화 정도’ 분석에서는 전문방송들은 낮은 전문화의 정도를 보였다. 전문편성 방송의 허핀달지수는 인천교통방송이 특정 장르의 프로그램을 집중 편성하여 전문화를 추구한 정도가 가장 높았지만 종합편성 방송인 서울방송 AM에는 미치지 못하는 수치를 보여주었다. 시간대별로 2개, 3개 채널별로 비교한 중복률 분석에서도 전문편성 라디오 채널들은 종합편성 방송인 서울방송 AM과 높은 중복률을 보였다. 이상의 연구결과가 제시하는 바와 같이, 우리나라 전문편성 라디오방송들은 종합편성 체제를 지향함으로 인해 전문편성 방송 나름의 정체성과 차별성을 확립하지 못하고 있었다. 이런 편성 관행은 지난 10여년간 전문편성 라디오방송들의 청취율 하락 등 전반적인 위상 약화의 한 원인으로 작용해왔다고 사료된다. 다매체, 다채널 시대를 맞아 더욱 치열해지는 경쟁 환경에서 본 연구는 전문편성 라디오방송의 발전적인 편성전략으로 전문포맷 방송(Single Format Station)으로 채널의 전문화를 지향할 것을 제언하였다. 키워드 : 전문편성 라디오방송, 종합편성 라디오방송, 라디오편성, 허핀달 지수. | Through the analysis of the programming, the present study empirically verified that the specialized programming radio stations in Korea are oriented toward the comprehensive programming. To analyze the programming of the specialized programming radio stations, the study classified the stations' programming according to the genres, and made comparison among the radio stations. On the basis of the findings, the study suggested suitable programming models for the specialized programming radio stations. The research questions that the study proposed are as follows. Research question 1. How the genres of the programs are scheduled? Research question 2. How the programs are scheduled on the daily and weekly basis? Research question 3. What are the degrees of programming specialization? Research question 4. Are there any differences of programming among the stations during the same time slots? For this study, the programming of the five radio stations, CBS AM, BBS, TBS, TBN, SBS AM were analyzed. The radio programs were classified into eleven genres, and the time slots were classified into seven time slots. To measure the degree of specialization, Herfindahl Index were used. Overlapping of the programs during the same time slots were measured by the index created by the author. As mentioned above, the study confirmed that the specialized programming radio stations in Korea had a tendency toward the comprehensive programming. The analysis revealed that the specialized programming stations scheduled the popular programs such as the news, current affairs and information, and talk shows as much as the comprehensive programming radio station. Non-popular programs such as daily living information, culture and education were scheduled insignificantly. Although the specialized programming radio stations are required to schedule specialized programs such as missionary programs and traffic information more than 60%, no specialized programming radio stations fulfilled the requirement. Most of the specialized programming radio stations scheduled almost 50% of the programs with talk shows. AM and PM drive times were filled with news and current information programs, morning day time was filled with talk shows and daily living information programs, and afternoon daytime was filled with talk shows. This programming strategy is similar with that of comprehensive programming radio stations. Religious radio stations' missionary programs were concentrated in the late night and early morning. When measured with the Herfindahl Index, the programming of the specialized programming radio stations revealed low degree of specialization. Although the TBN showed the highest degree of specialization among the specialized programming radio station, that of the TBN was lower than that of the SBS AM which is a comprehensive programming sation. When the time slots were compared, the specialized programming radio stations' programmings were similar that of the SBS AM. As the findings suggest, the specialized programming radio stations in Korea show the tendency toward the comprehensive programming. Consequently, the specialized programming radio stations in Korea are not differentiated from the comprehensive programming radio stations. These programming practices of the specialized programming radio stations are deemed to be the cause of lower ratings of the stations. On the basis of the findings, the study recommend the specialized programming radio stations to employ the single format strategy to survive the competition in the multi-media and multi-channel environment. Keywords: specialized programming radio station, comprehensive programming radio station, radio programming, Herfindhal Index.; Through the analysis of the programming, the present study empirically verified that the specialized programming radio stations in Korea are oriented toward the comprehensive programming. To analyze the programming of the specialized programming radio stations, the study classified the stations' programming according to the genres, and made comparison among the radio stations. On the basis of the findings, the study suggested suitable programming models for the specialized programming radio stations. The research questions that the study proposed are as follows. Research question 1. How the genres of the programs are scheduled? Research question 2. How the programs are scheduled on the daily and weekly basis? Research question 3. What are the degrees of programming specialization? Research question 4. Are there any differences of programming among the stations during the same time slots? For this study, the programming of the five radio stations, CBS AM, BBS, TBS, TBN, SBS AM were analyzed. The radio programs were classified into eleven genres, and the time slots were classified into seven time slots. To measure the degree of specialization, Herfindahl Index were used. Overlapping of the programs during the same time slots were measured by the index created by the author. As mentioned above, the study confirmed that the specialized programming radio stations in Korea had a tendency toward the comprehensive programming. The analysis revealed that the specialized programming stations scheduled the popular programs such as the news, current affairs and information, and talk shows as much as the comprehensive programming radio station. Non-popular programs such as daily living information, culture and education were scheduled insignificantly. Although the specialized programming radio stations are required to schedule specialized programs such as missionary programs and traffic information more than 60%, no specialized programming radio stations fulfilled the requirement. Most of the specialized programming radio stations scheduled almost 50% of the programs with talk shows. AM and PM drive times were filled with news and current information programs, morning day time was filled with talk shows and daily living information programs, and afternoon daytime was filled with talk shows. This programming strategy is similar with that of comprehensive programming radio stations. Religious radio stations' missionary programs were concentrated in the late night and early morning. When measured with the Herfindahl Index, the programming of the specialized programming radio stations revealed low degree of specialization. Although the TBN showed the highest degree of specialization among the specialized programming radio station, that of the TBN was lower than that of the SBS AM which is a comprehensive programming sation. When the time slots were compared, the specialized programming radio stations' programmings were similar that of the SBS AM. As the findings suggest, the specialized programming radio stations in Korea show the tendency toward the comprehensive programming. Consequently, the specialized programming radio stations in Korea are not differentiated from the comprehensive programming radio stations. These programming practices of the specialized programming radio stations are deemed to be the cause of lower ratings of the stations. On the basis of the findings, the study recommend the specialized programming radio stations to employ the single format strategy to survive the competition in the multi-media and multi-channel environment. Keywords: specialized programming radio station, comprehensive programming radio station, radio programming, Herfindhal Index.
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