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도시 낙후지역의 가로경관이 여성 성범죄불안감에 미치는 영향 분석

도시 낙후지역의 가로경관이 여성 성범죄불안감에 미치는 영향 분석
Other Titles
Analysis of the Effects of Streetscape in Urban Underdevelopment Region on the Female’s Fear of Sexual Crimes: Focused on Hwanghak-dong Market in Seoul, Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Yi, Han Nah
Issue Date
본 연구의 목적은 낙후지역 가로경관에서 여성이 느끼는 성범죄불안감에 영향을 미치는 요인을 밝혀내고, 성범죄불안감 정도와 가로경관 요소의 영향 관계를 분석하는 것이다. 연구의 공간적 범위는 기반시설의 노후화, 사회 투자의 유휴화, 도심공동화 현상, 도시 활력 저하 등 범죄에 취약한 서울 구도심 낙후지역인 황학동시장 일대(주방거리 벼룩시장 및 가구단지)이다. 이에 낙후지역 가로경관, 범죄예방환경설계(CPTED), 범죄불안감, 성범죄 관련 이론을 통해 여성의 성범죄불안감과 가로경관의 관련성을 고찰하였다. 또한 가로경관 구성요소, 범죄불안감, 범죄예방환경설계(CPTED) 지침 관련 선행연구와 현장조사를 통한 분석지표를 종합하였다. 이어서 황학동시장의 여성 이용객 및 상점주를 대상으로 사전 개별면접조사를 실시, 검증단계를 거쳐 성범죄취약지역을 선정하고 최종 분석지표를 도출하였다. 이론고찰 내용과 현장조사 및 개별면접을 통해 도출된 최종 분석지표를 바탕으로 성범죄불안감과 가로경관 구성요소의 영향 관계를 알아보기 위해 요인분석을 실시, 성범죄불안감 정도를 종속변수로, 각 요인들을 독립변수로 한 다중회귀분석을 실시하여 가로경관 요인별 성범죄불안감에 미치는 영향력 정도를 분석하였다. 최종적으로 정량적인 분석을 통해 도출된 공통요인들을 사전 개별면접조사에서 도출한 성범죄취약지역에서 실증 분석하여 성범죄불안감을 유발하는 가로경관 특성을 정성적으로 평가, 향후 개선 방향을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 분석 결과를 종합하면 다음과 같은 의미를 도출할 수 있다. 첫째, 요인분석(Factor Analysis) 결과 가로경관 구성요소 중 물리적 요소(18개)와 비물리적 요소(13개)를 포함한 총 31개 분석항목 중 총 9개의 요인이 도출되었다. 추출된 공통요인은 각각 물리적 요소와 비물리적 요소가 혼합된 요인과 물리적 요소, 비물리적 요소만 있는 요인 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 다중회귀분석(Multiple Regression Analysis) 결과 요인 9개 중에서도‘가로 분위기’, ‘감시 가능 건물’, ‘심리적 불안감’순으로 회귀계수가 높게 나와 성범죄불안감에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. ‘가로 분위기’의 구성요소로는‘가로 형태’, ‘가로 폭’, ‘시간(주야간)’의 순서로, ‘감시 가능 건물’의 구성요소로는 ‘창 면적(감시 가능)’, ‘출입구’, ‘상점운영시간’의 순서로, ‘심리적 불안감’의 구성요소로는 ‘낯선 사람(남성)’, ‘주위 소음’, ‘주변범죄소문’, ‘범죄피해경험’, ‘활성화’, ‘가로 조명’의 순서로 성범죄불안감에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결국 가로경관 구성요소 중 성범죄불안감에 영향을 미치는 요인은 가로 형태, 가로 폭, 창 면적, 출입구 등 물리적인 경관 요소만이 아닌 낯선 사람의 유무, 경찰 활동, 익숙함 등 심리적인 경관 요소가 같이 인지되는 것임을 알 수 있었다. 이는 여성이 느끼는 성범죄불안감이 지역사회의 물리적인 요소 뿐 아니라 심리적인 인식에 의해 유발되는 것이라 할 수 있다. 셋째, 황학동 성범죄취약지역에서 성범죄불안감에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요인의 개선 방향은 다음과 같다. ‘가로 분위기’의 경우 가로에 진열된 제품 등 장애물을 제거하여 가로의 폭을 유지하며 상점 앞 차양시설을 제거하여 낮에도 채광을 받을 수 있도록 하며, 야간에 조명 간격을 일정하게 유지하여 전반적인 가로경관이 인지될 수 있도록 해야 한다.‘감시 가능 건물’의 경우 건물의 창 면적을 넓게 하고 투과성이 높은 재료를 사용하여 출입구 인지, 시선의 연결 및 가시성을 증대시킬 필요가 있다.‘심리적 불안감’의 경우 심리적으로 불안하다고 느끼는 경관에 대해 안전한 환경으로의 인식전환이 필요하다. 먼저 물리적인 측면에서는 밝고 시야가 확보될 수 있는 공간 계획이 필요하며 비물리적 측면에서는 환경미화나 가구 전시회, 가구단지 일대 환경디자인 공모를 통해 이용객 및 지역주민들에게 가로경관에 대한 관심을 갖게 하는 방안이 필요하다. 본 연구는 낙후지역 가로경관이 여성 성범죄불안감에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 기존의 범죄예방을 위한 물리적인 환경 개선 접근방식이 아닌 물리적, 비물리적 요소를 통합한 가로경관에서 여성이 느끼는 성범죄불안감 정도에 대해 실증 분석을 하였다. 이는 새로운 분석적 측면에서 의의를 갖는다. 향후 여성의 성범죄불안감을 감소시키기 위해서는 물리적인 환경만의 개선이 아니라 경관에서 여성이 느낄 수 있는 심리적인 반응에 대한 비물리적 요소에 대한 고려가 필요하며, 앞으로 범죄예방을 위한 환경설계 방안에 대입이 필요하다.| The purpose of this study is to understand the factors of the influences which streetscape of urban underdevelopment region have on female’s fear of sexual crimes and analyze the influencing relationship between streetscape factors and the level of fear of sexual crimes. The spatial extent of the study is limited to the area around Hwanghak-dong market(kitchen street and housing complex), the area vulnerable to the crime with deterioration of infrastructure, idleness of social investment, doughnut pattern. The relationship between female’s fear of sexual crimes and the streetscape had been studied through the theories related to sexual crimes, fear of crime, CPTED and streetscape of underdevelopment region. Analysis index had been summarized through the research and field survey in regards to streetscape, fear of crime and CPTED. In addition to that, interview investigation had been conducted on female customers and store owners of Hwanghak-dong market, and the final analysis index had been carried out by designating the vulnerable area to the sexual crimes. Based on the final analysis index drawn out from the theoretical consideration, fields study and individual interview, factorial analysis had been conducted in order to study the influencing relationship of the fear of crime and component of streetscape. The level of influence on fear of sexual crimes for each factors of streetscape had been studied through performing multiple regression analysis with having each factor as independent variables and having the level of fear of sexual crimes as dependent variable. The characteristics of streetscape which may be the cause of fear of sexual crimes had been qualitatively evaluated and the future plan had been suggested by analyzing the actual proof of prior individual interview investigation and the common factors drawn out from the final quantitative analysis. The following had been concluded by summarizing the result of the research. First, the factor analysis presented that a total of 9 factors had been drawn out from the 31 analysis items which are composed of 18 physical factors and 13 non-physical factors among the components of the streetscape. The common factors which are drawn out were in the order of the integrated factors of physical factors and non-physical factors, physical factors only and non-physical factors only. Second, among the 9 factors from the multiple regression analysis, it had been found that ‘atmosphere of streetscape’, ‘surveillance buildings’, ‘psychological anxiety’ had the great impact on fear of sexual crimes. It had the greatest impact on the fear of sexual crimes in the order of ‘type of streetscape’, ‘width of streetscape’, ‘time(day or night)’ for the components of ‘atmosphere of streetscape’, and ‘width of window(surveillance)’, ‘exit’, ‘store hours’ for the components of ‘surveillance buildings’, and ‘stranger(male)’, ‘surrounding noise’, ‘rumors on crime on the area’, ‘experience of being a victim’, ‘police activity’, ‘street lamps’ for the components of ‘psychological anxiety’. Therefore, the factors which influence the fear of sexual crimes are not only the physical factors including type of streetscape, width of streetscape, width of window, exit, but also the non-physical factors including strangers, police activity, familiarity. The result presents that the fear of sex crime that women have can be caused from the psychological recognition as well as the physical factors of the local community. Third, the improvement measures can be taken for the ‘atmosphere of streetscape’, ‘surveillance building’, ‘psychological anxiety’ which are the biggest factors for the fear of sexual crimes in Hwanghak-dong area. For ‘atmosphere of streetscape’, the obstructions on the street can be removed to maintain the width of the streetscape and to have it well-lighted by removing the awning of the stores. The distance between street lamps can be set to specific distance so that the overall scenery of the street can be recognized at once. For ‘surveillance building’, the width of windows can be enlarged and windows can be replaced with highly transparent materials which would improve the recognition of the exit, connecting the eye sights and enhancing visibility. For ‘psychological anxiety’, change of recognition is necessary to regard the landscape of anxiety to a safer environment. In the physical aspect, a bright and open floor plan should be considered. In non-physical aspect, street cleaning contest or furniture exhibitions can be conducted in order to promote the visitors or local residents to have interest in the streetscape. In this research, analysis of actual proof had been conducted on the fear of sexual crimes that female have in streetscape, by integrating physical and non-physical factors, rather than studying the existing environment improving approach, in order to study the impact that the streetscape of underdevelopment region may have on female’s fear of sexual crimes. This can be considered meaningful in the new analytic aspect. It has been concluded that there should be a comprehensive plan which binds both physical factors and non-physical factors when planning a design for safer streetscape in consideration of possible fear of sexual crimes. In order to reduce female’s fear of sexual crimes, there should be improvements on physical environment as well as consideration for non-physical factors in regards to the psychological responses that female may have, and these should be reflected to the design of the environment in order to prevent the possible crimes. Keywords: streetscape, sexual crimes, fear of crime, fear of sexual crime, CPTED(Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design); The purpose of this study is to understand the factors of the influences which streetscape of urban underdevelopment region have on female’s fear of sexual crimes and analyze the influencing relationship between streetscape factors and the level of fear of sexual crimes. The spatial extent of the study is limited to the area around Hwanghak-dong market(kitchen street and housing complex), the area vulnerable to the crime with deterioration of infrastructure, idleness of social investment, doughnut pattern. The relationship between female’s fear of sexual crimes and the streetscape had been studied through the theories related to sexual crimes, fear of crime, CPTED and streetscape of underdevelopment region. Analysis index had been summarized through the research and field survey in regards to streetscape, fear of crime and CPTED. In addition to that, interview investigation had been conducted on female customers and store owners of Hwanghak-dong market, and the final analysis index had been carried out by designating the vulnerable area to the sexual crimes. Based on the final analysis index drawn out from the theoretical consideration, fields study and individual interview, factorial analysis had been conducted in order to study the influencing relationship of the fear of crime and component of streetscape. The level of influence on fear of sexual crimes for each factors of streetscape had been studied through performing multiple regression analysis with having each factor as independent variables and having the level of fear of sexual crimes as dependent variable. The characteristics of streetscape which may be the cause of fear of sexual crimes had been qualitatively evaluated and the future plan had been suggested by analyzing the actual proof of prior individual interview investigation and the common factors drawn out from the final quantitative analysis. The following had been concluded by summarizing the result of the research. First, the factor analysis presented that a total of 9 factors had been drawn out from the 31 analysis items which are composed of 18 physical factors and 13 non-physical factors among the components of the streetscape. The common factors which are drawn out were in the order of the integrated factors of physical factors and non-physical factors, physical factors only and non-physical factors only. Second, among the 9 factors from the multiple regression analysis, it had been found that ‘atmosphere of streetscape’, ‘surveillance buildings’, ‘psychological anxiety’ had the great impact on fear of sexual crimes. It had the greatest impact on the fear of sexual crimes in the order of ‘type of streetscape’, ‘width of streetscape’, ‘time(day or night)’ for the components of ‘atmosphere of streetscape’, and ‘width of window(surveillance)’, ‘exit’, ‘store hours’ for the components of ‘surveillance buildings’, and ‘stranger(male)’, ‘surrounding noise’, ‘rumors on crime on the area’, ‘experience of being a victim’, ‘police activity’, ‘street lamps’ for the components of ‘psychological anxiety’. Therefore, the factors which influence the fear of sexual crimes are not only the physical factors including type of streetscape, width of streetscape, width of window, exit, but also the non-physical factors including strangers, police activity, familiarity. The result presents that the fear of sex crime that women have can be caused from the psychological recognition as well as the physical factors of the local community. Third, the improvement measures can be taken for the ‘atmosphere of streetscape’, ‘surveillance building’, ‘psychological anxiety’ which are the biggest factors for the fear of sexual crimes in Hwanghak-dong area. For ‘atmosphere of streetscape’, the obstructions on the street can be removed to maintain the width of the streetscape and to have it well-lighted by removing the awning of the stores. The distance between street lamps can be set to specific distance so that the overall scenery of the street can be recognized at once. For ‘surveillance building’, the width of windows can be enlarged and windows can be replaced with highly transparent materials which would improve the recognition of the exit, connecting the eye sights and enhancing visibility. For ‘psychological anxiety’, change of recognition is necessary to regard the landscape of anxiety to a safer environment. In the physical aspect, a bright and open floor plan should be considered. In non-physical aspect, street cleaning contest or furniture exhibitions can be conducted in order to promote the visitors or local residents to have interest in the streetscape. In this research, analysis of actual proof had been conducted on the fear of sexual crimes that female have in streetscape, by integrating physical and non-physical factors, rather than studying the existing environment improving approach, in order to study the impact that the streetscape of underdevelopment region may have on female’s fear of sexual crimes. This can be considered meaningful in the new analytic aspect. It has been concluded that there should be a comprehensive plan which binds both physical factors and non-physical factors when planning a design for safer streetscape in consideration of possible fear of sexual crimes. In order to reduce female’s fear of sexual crimes, there should be improvements on physical environment as well as consideration for non-physical factors in regards to the psychological responses that female may have, and these should be reflected to the design of the environment in order to prevent the possible crimes. Keywords: streetscape, sexual crimes, fear of crime, fear of sexual crime, CPTED(Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
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