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핵심역량 함양을 위한 중학교 미술비평 교수-학습 방안 연구

핵심역량 함양을 위한 중학교 미술비평 교수-학습 방안 연구
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A Study on the Teaching-Learning Plan in Middle School Art Critic for the Cultivation of Core Competencies
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우리가 살아가는 현대사회는 21세기 세계화 지식기반 사회이다. 사람들은 여러 종류의 매체를 통해 세계의 다양한 문화와 가치를 경험하게 되고, 많은 양의 지식을 접하게 된다. 급속한 사회의 변화는 지식의 습득만을 강조하던 사회의 흐름을 변화시켰다. 많은 양의 지식을 습득하는 것 보다 생활 속에서 습득한 지식을 활용하여 성공적으로 개인의 직무를 수행할 수 있는 능력의 발달이 요구되고 있다. 이에 따라 사회적 요구의 반영과 미래사회의 준비를 위하여 역량을 기르기 위한 교육이 주목받게 되었다. 세계 여러 나라들은 역량을 중심으로 하는 교육에 대하여 연구하고 있으며, 최근의 국제적인 흐름에 따라 우리나라에서도 미래사회를 대비하기 위한 역량중심교육을 연구하기 시작하였다. 국내외에서 역량을 기를 수 있는 교육을 주목하는 가운데 미술교과를 통한 역량을 기를 수 있는 방안의 모색이 필요하게 되었다. 학생들에게 필요한 역량을 기르기 위해 문화로서 미술은 유용하며, 현대 사회의 다양한 문화에 대하여 미술은 세상을 보는 시각과 태도를 길러줄 수 있고 이것은 미술비평교육을 통해 가능하다. 미술비평교육은 개인의 표현보다는 사회적·문화적인 접근을 통해 의미를 읽고 새롭게 재해석함으로써 학생들에게 능력과 실천적인 태도를 기를 수 있게 해준다는 점에서 역량중심교육의 가능성을 보여준다. 이에 따라 본 연구자는 핵심역량을 기르기 위한 중학교 미술비평 교수-학습 방안을 연구하였다. 제1장 서론에서는 사회의 변화에 따라 등장하게 된 핵심역량이 미술비평교육에서 이루어져야 하는 필요성과 연구의 내용 및 방법을 정리하였다. 그리고 역량중심교육에 대하여 이루어진 선행연구에 대하여 고찰하였다. 제2장에서는 역량의 개념과 특징에 대하여 이해하고, 미래사회 준비를 위해 오늘날 필요로 하는 핵심역량과 그에 대한 개념 및 내용에 대하여 알아보았다. 그리고 역량을 중심으로 하는 교육과 기존의 교육의 차이점을 비교해봄으로써 역량중심교육의 필요성을 알아보고, 역량중심교육에 대한 방안을 모색하기 위하여 역량기반 교육과정의 특징을 살펴보았다. 미술비평교육을 통해 핵심역량을 기를 수 있는 방안을 찾기 위하여 미술비평의 개념과 유형, 비평교수법의 종류에 대하여 살펴보고 미술비평의 교육적 의의를 고찰하였다. 고찰한 내용을 바탕으로 오늘날 학생들에게 필요한 핵심역량인 ‘의사소통능력’과 ‘문제해결능력’이 미술비평과 어떠한 연관성이 있는지 탐구하였다. 제3장에서는 현재 교육과정에서 역량이 어떻게 반영되어 있는지 알아보기 위하여 역량과 관련하여 2009 개정 교육과정을 살펴보았다. 그리고 2007 개정 미술과 교육과정과 2009 개정 미술과 교육과정에서 역량의 반영여부에 대해 분석하고, 미술비평과 관련된 영역인 감상영역을 역량을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 미술교과 내 핵심역량의 반영정도에 대하여 알아보기 위하여 현대 사회에서 학생들에게 필요로 하는 역량인 의사소통능력과 문제해결능력의 하위요소를 중심으로 현행 중학교 미술교과서 10종의 감상영역 내 목표, 내용, 활동, 평가 영역을 분석하고 그에 대한 결과를 논의하였다. 제4장에서는 고찰한 이론적 내용과 분석을 바탕으로 미술비평 활동 내에서 핵심역량을 활용할 수 있는 방안에 대하여 모색하고 핵심역량 함양을 위한 미술비평 수업을 설계하였다. 핵심역량을 중심으로 하는 미술비평 교수-학습 방안은 의사소통능력과 문제해결능력을 학습활동의 주제로 삼고 이를 중심으로 미술비평과의 유기적인 결합을 추구하였다. 핵심역량 함양을 위한 미술비평 교수-학습 지도안은 중학교 3학년을 대상으로 계획되었으며, 의사소통능력과 문제해결능력의 하위요소들의 특징을 고려하여 미술비평단계에 따라 활동을 구성하였다. 의사소통능력 기르기 단원에서는 상징성을 읽어 낼 수 있는 미술작품을 제시하고, 비교감상이 가능하도록 하였으며, 문제해결능력 기르기 단원에서는 미술작품을 탐구하는 과정을 통해 학생들이 사회문제에 대하여 인식하고 해결방안을 삶으로 확장시켜 생각해 볼 수 있도록 하였다. 제5장에서는 본 연구의 내용과 결과를 요약 정리하여 종합적인 결론을 내렸다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 중학교 미술비평 교수-학습방안이 미술교과 내에서 역량을 기를 수 있는 방향성을 모색하는데 도움이 되어 앞으로 미술교과를 통해 학생들이 역량을 기를 수 있는 교수-학습 방안들이 개발되기를 기대해 본다.| Today, we are living in the knowledge-based society in the 21st century. People experience diverse cultures and values through various kinds of different media along with vast amount of knowledge. The rapid social changes have transformed social flow which has only emphasized knowledge acquirement. Rather than acquiring a great deal of knowledge, modern people are required to apply their daily knowledge to own individual tasks for a successful performance. Accordingly, education has changed to cultivate capacity in line with the social demand and for preparation for a future society. Countries over the world have been researching capacity building-oriented education. In step with the recent global trend, South Korea has also begun its research on capacity-centered education in preparation for a future society. Amid internal and external attention on capacity building education, the need to build up capacity necessary for students through art subjects has emerged. Regarding the diverse kinds of cultures in the modern society, art learning and critical education on art can help people broaden their horizon and attitude towards the world. This critical art education helps student further their capacity and practical attitude by reading the meaning inside and re-interpret it in a fresh manner through sociocultural approach rather than individual expressions. Based on this understanding, the researcher has examined a study on the teaching-learning plan in middle school art critic for the cultivation of core competencies. In Chapter 1, Introduction, we will look at the necessity to incorporate capacity building which has emerged according to social changes in the critical art education along with this research scope and method. In Chapter 2, we will deal with the idea and characteristics of capacity and the core competencies required for today and their ideas and details. By comparing the conventional education with capacity-centered education, we will examine the need for the latter and, to explore appropriate methods for capacity building education, look at the characteristics of capacity building educational courses. In order to find a way to enhance core competencies through critical art education, this thesis investigates the idea and type of critical art education, kinds of critical teaching methods and the significance of critical art education. Based on this research analysis, a possible relationship between communication skill and problem solving skill was explored herein, one of the core competencies required for today’s students. In Chapter 3, to identify how competencies building has been reflected in the current educational curriculums in South Korea, the 2009 amendment of national educational curriculum was investigated. The 2007 amendment of national art educational curriculum and the 2009 amendment were analyzed herein for any reflection on competencies by centering on the area of appreciation related to art criticism. To understand how much core competencies were reflected in art courses, the researcher examined 10 current middle school art textbooks for their study goals, contents, activities and areas of evaluation, centering on the sub-factors of communication skill and problem solving skill which are required most for modern society students and discussed the result accordingly. In Chapter 4, based on the analysis and theoretical contents, this research explored ways to further apply core competencies in the field of art criticism and designed art criticism classes for cultivation of core competencies. The art criticism teaching-learning method centering on core competencies was structured by focusing of communication skill and problem solving ability as the theme of study activities with a view to achieving a well-knitted integration with art criticism. The art criticism teaching-learning plan for cultivation of core competencies was designed for the 3rd grade students of middle school and structured with activities according to art criticism phases in consideration of the sub factors of communication skill and problem solving ability. In the unit of communication skill improvement, works of art were presented for students to read symbolic meaning inside and compare and appreciate. In the unit of problem solving ability improvement, students were instructed to explore works of art so that they can recognize social problems and expand their resolution methods into their daily lives. In Chapter 5, this research contents and findings were summarized to reach a comprehensive conclusion. The middle school critical art teaching-learning method presented in the research is expected to contribute to exploring how to improve capacities in the fine art curriculum and facilitating more dynamic teaching-learning method development in the field for students’ capacity building.; Today, we are living in the knowledge-based society in the 21st century. People experience diverse cultures and values through various kinds of different media along with vast amount of knowledge. The rapid social changes have transformed social flow which has only emphasized knowledge acquirement. Rather than acquiring a great deal of knowledge, modern people are required to apply their daily knowledge to own individual tasks for a successful performance. Accordingly, education has changed to cultivate capacity in line with the social demand and for preparation for a future society. Countries over the world have been researching capacity building-oriented education. In step with the recent global trend, South Korea has also begun its research on capacity-centered education in preparation for a future society. Amid internal and external attention on capacity building education, the need to build up capacity necessary for students through art subjects has emerged. Regarding the diverse kinds of cultures in the modern society, art learning and critical education on art can help people broaden their horizon and attitude towards the world. This critical art education helps student further their capacity and practical attitude by reading the meaning inside and re-interpret it in a fresh manner through sociocultural approach rather than individual expressions. Based on this understanding, the researcher has examined a study on the teaching-learning plan in middle school art critic for the cultivation of core competencies. In Chapter 1, Introduction, we will look at the necessity to incorporate capacity building which has emerged according to social changes in the critical art education along with this research scope and method. In Chapter 2, we will deal with the idea and characteristics of capacity and the core competencies required for today and their ideas and details. By comparing the conventional education with capacity-centered education, we will examine the need for the latter and, to explore appropriate methods for capacity building education, look at the characteristics of capacity building educational courses. In order to find a way to enhance core competencies through critical art education, this thesis investigates the idea and type of critical art education, kinds of critical teaching methods and the significance of critical art education. Based on this research analysis, a possible relationship between communication skill and problem solving skill was explored herein, one of the core competencies required for today’s students. In Chapter 3, to identify how competencies building has been reflected in the current educational curriculums in South Korea, the 2009 amendment of national educational curriculum was investigated. The 2007 amendment of national art educational curriculum and the 2009 amendment were analyzed herein for any reflection on competencies by centering on the area of appreciation related to art criticism. To understand how much core competencies were reflected in art courses, the researcher examined 10 current middle school art textbooks for their study goals, contents, activities and areas of evaluation, centering on the sub-factors of communication skill and problem solving skill which are required most for modern society students and discussed the result accordingly. In Chapter 4, based on the analysis and theoretical contents, this research explored ways to further apply core competencies in the field of art criticism and designed art criticism classes for cultivation of core competencies. The art criticism teaching-learning method centering on core competencies was structured by focusing of communication skill and problem solving ability as the theme of study activities with a view to achieving a well-knitted integration with art criticism. The art criticism teaching-learning plan for cultivation of core competencies was designed for the 3rd grade students of middle school and structured with activities according to art criticism phases in consideration of the sub factors of communication skill and problem solving ability. In the unit of communication skill improvement, works of art were presented for students to read symbolic meaning inside and compare and appreciate. In the unit of problem solving ability improvement, students were instructed to explore works of art so that they can recognize social problems and expand their resolution methods into their daily lives. In Chapter 5, this research contents and findings were summarized to reach a comprehensive conclusion. The middle school critical art teaching-learning method presented in the research is expected to contribute to exploring how to improve capacities in the fine art curriculum and facilitating more dynamic teaching-learning method development in the field for students’ capacity building.
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