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不動産仲介業者의 社會的 認識調査와 轉換方案에 관한 硏究

不動産仲介業者의 社會的 認識調査와 轉換方案에 관한 硏究
Other Titles
Real Estate Agent and the conversion of the social study on perception
Alternative Author(s)
Yun, Seon Hee
Issue Date
이 논문은 부동산중개업자의 사회적 인식을 조사하고 분석하여 향후 전환방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 전라북도 지역주민 300명을 대상으로 설문조사를 수행하였고 SPSS 통계 패키지 분석을 활용하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 중개업자의 업무능력에 따른 신뢰성이 저하된 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 부정적인 견해에는 대부분의 중개업자는 단순 업무에 치우쳐 있는 것과, 무자격자들에 대한 중개활동 단속의 미흡으로 피해를 입고 있다는 것이 하나의 이유로 작용하였다. 사실 무자격자에 대한 단속규정은 있지만 실제 단속하기는 어렵고, 자격증양도나 대여를 받아 영업을 하고 있어 부동산시장의 불법영업 근절은 매우 힘들다 하겠다. 둘째, 중개서비스에 따른 수수료에 불만족 한 것으로 나타났다. 부동산 거래 경험을 했던 지역주민들은 중개수수료가 고가라는 인식과 공정하지 못하다는 생각을 하고 있었으며, 별도의 수수료를 만들고 있다는 불만의 목소리다. 이러한 견해는 지역주민들 자신들이 받은 중개서비스에 대한 수수료의 가치를 낮게 평가하고 있다는 것이다. 셋째, 공인중개사자격제도 미흡에 대한 불만이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 부동산중개업을 영위하기 위한 개설등록 절차 중 42시간의 실무교육시간과 등록 후 추가적인 실무교육에 대한 강행 규정이 없다. 이러한 실무경험이 미숙한 중개업자를 통해 거래를 하게 되면 거래사고에 대한 피해는 지역주민들이 감당해야 한다는 불만이 나왔다. 우리나라는 1960년대부터 부동산시장이 무질서해지고 불투명하기 시작하였다. 이에 거래안전에 대한 대응책으로 법률을 만들었고, 시대에 흐름에 따라 여러 차례 변천과정을 거치면서 안전하고 투명한 부동산시장을 확립하고자했다. 그러나 이러한 제도적인 노력에도 불구하고 현재에도 많은 문제들이 야기되고 있다. 또한 부동산산업의 범위가 늘어나면서 다양하고 더욱더 지능적인 사건이 발생되고 있는 실정이다. 이렇듯 부동산거래사고를 사전에 방지하기 위하여 부동산거래에 있어 중개업자에게 주어진 책임과 의무를 이행하는 구체적인 규정과 처벌에 대한 사항을 두어야 할 것이며 부동산중개업자의 전문인으로서의 자질향상을 위한 자격제도와 중개사무소를 개설등록시 부동산 실무경험이 있는 자로 제한적 제도를 마련해야 할 것이다. 부동산거래질서를 확립하고 국민들의 재산을 안전하게 보호하며 국민경제에 이바지해야하는 중대한 임무를 가진 부동산중개업자라면 부동산에 관한 정확한 지식과 풍부한경험이 필요하며 책임성 있는 직업윤리의식이 있어야 하는 자이다. 즉 전문성, 책임성, 공익성이 있어야 한다는 것이다. 부동산시장개방과 선진화시대를 맞이하여, 현시대에 발맞춰 소비자에게 신뢰받을 수 있고, 복잡하고 다양한 정보의 현대를 살아가는 우리 모두는 부정적인 요인들을 해석하고 분석하여 보다 더 나은 규제와 합리적인 방법을 통해 지속적 발전을 위한 제안으로 부동산중개업의 전문성과 법적안정성을 추구하여 긍정적인 답을 도출해 나가는 것에 노력해야 할 것이다. 이러한 노력을 통해 변화가 된다면 우리나라의 공인중개사들은 국민들에게 보다 더 신뢰받고, 전문인으로서 존경받는 직업인으로 거듭날 것이며 경쟁력 있는 중개업을 영위할 수 있을 것이다. 더 나아가 국민들의 재산을 안전하게 지켜줄 수 있는 존경받는 중개사로 거듭날 것이다. |This study analysed the social perception of the real asset agents and suggested the conversion alternatives for it in future. For doing it, 300 persons residing in Jeonbuk area were surveyed and treated the results of it with SPSS package analysis. The results are as follow. First, the people' trust for the real asset agents was low in social perception. This negative result was coming out by leaning too much of profit in their business and the destitutions of regulations for the unqualified agents. In fact, It is difficult to control and root out the illegal business of the unqualified agents even though there are regulation rules to the illegal certificate remise or granting the use of it Second, the service fee to the brokage was represented as uncontent. The respondents who have experienced the service perceived that the fee was too expensive and unfair and also complained for the extra fee in comparison to the service which is evaluated low. Third, the people who are the object of survey have also a lot of complaints to the certificate institution of real asset agents. There are no any enforcing rule to receive a practical education for 42hours per year and supplementary education for securing a confidence from consumers. The brokage formed by unmature agents who are deficient of practical experience induces to consumer' complaints and then need to reform the system of education for better brokage. In our country, The real asset market was in disorder and untransparent from 1960s. The Government regulated it with the related laws for response it. and made an effort to put things right the safety and transparent real asset market through several times of transforming process. but In spite of many times of reformation endeavors, A lot of problems have existed. Also In accordance with the enlargement of the scope of the real asset industry, various and intelligent events have happened if comparing it before. The items for the concrete rules and punishment will be made to prevent any kind of transaction accidents from agents who should comply to their duties and obligations given to them. and also need to a new institution of limitation for the real asset certificate issued only for the agents who equip enough practical experiences as a professional in their real estate business. If the real asset agents have the duty to keep firmly the transaction oder and protect people' assets safely and also attain a role to dedicate the national economy, they have to secure the exact knowledges and enough experiences and also equip a responsible consciousness of vocational ethics, what is called, professionalism, responsibilities and public goods. In confronting a new age of the opening of real asset market and advancement in our society, The real asset agents have to follow and in some aspects to run parallel with the stream of new era with more professional knowledges and informations and make an effort to secure the trust from consumers for their successful business. They also have to remove the negative images lasted for a long time ago with better regulations and through rational method to serve to their customers. If the real asset agents have changed through these endeavors, They can get a certain confidence and reborn to be revered as professional and also have competitiveness in their real estate business. For the more they will be become the real asset agents who are respectable and keep peoples' assets well with their excellent professionalism.; This study analysed the social perception of the real asset agents and suggested the conversion alternatives for it in future. For doing it, 300 persons residing in Jeonbuk area were surveyed and treated the results of it with SPSS package analysis. The results are as follow. First, the people' trust for the real asset agents was low in social perception. This negative result was coming out by leaning too much of profit in their business and the destitutions of regulations for the unqualified agents. In fact, It is difficult to control and root out the illegal business of the unqualified agents even though there are regulation rules to the illegal certificate remise or granting the use of it Second, the service fee to the brokage was represented as uncontent. The respondents who have experienced the service perceived that the fee was too expensive and unfair and also complained for the extra fee in comparison to the service which is evaluated low. Third, the people who are the object of survey have also a lot of complaints to the certificate institution of real asset agents. There are no any enforcing rule to receive a practical education for 42hours per year and supplementary education for securing a confidence from consumers. The brokage formed by unmature agents who are deficient of practical experience induces to consumer' complaints and then need to reform the system of education for better brokage. In our country, The real asset market was in disorder and untransparent from 1960s. The Government regulated it with the related laws for response it. and made an effort to put things right the safety and transparent real asset market through several times of transforming process. but In spite of many times of reformation endeavors, A lot of problems have existed. Also In accordance with the enlargement of the scope of the real asset industry, various and intelligent events have happened if comparing it before. The items for the concrete rules and punishment will be made to prevent any kind of transaction accidents from agents who should comply to their duties and obligations given to them. and also need to a new institution of limitation for the real asset certificate issued only for the agents who equip enough practical experiences as a professional in their real estate business. If the real asset agents have the duty to keep firmly the transaction oder and protect people' assets safely and also attain a role to dedicate the national economy, they have to secure the exact knowledges and enough experiences and also equip a responsible consciousness of vocational ethics, what is called, professionalism, responsibilities and public goods. In confronting a new age of the opening of real asset market and advancement in our society, The real asset agents have to follow and in some aspects to run parallel with the stream of new era with more professional knowledges and informations and make an effort to secure the trust from consumers for their successful business. They also have to remove the negative images lasted for a long time ago with better regulations and through rational method to serve to their customers. If the real asset agents have changed through these endeavors, They can get a certain confidence and reborn to be revered as professional and also have competitiveness in their real estate business. For the more they will be become the real asset agents who are respectable and keep peoples' assets well with their excellent professionalism.
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GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY[S](공공정책대학원) > REAL ESTATE(부동산학과) > Theses(Master)
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