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체험형 전시디자인을 위한 전시물 체험성 제고에 관한 연구

체험형 전시디자인을 위한 전시물 체험성 제고에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A study on Improving Exhibit Experience for Hands-on Exhibition Design
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Sooyoung
Issue Date
현대의 전시는 정보전달에 있어 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 특히 기업홍보관 전시는 관람자와 전시물 사이의 정보 전달자 역할을 충실히 수행하는 데서 나아가 기업의 이미지를 알리고 브랜드에 대한 충성도를 높이며 잠재적인 고객층을 확보하는 등 마케팅의 중요한 도구로 자리 잡게 되었다. 또한 효과적인 정보의 전달을 늘 고민하는 디자인 분야에서는 새로운 소통의 도구로 전시디자인의 진화를 주목하고 있다. 그 중에서도 특별히 체험전시 분야에서는 전시의 궁극적 목적인 정보전달이 관람객과 전시물의 소통으로 이루어진다는 사실을 기반으로 전시물과 관람객의 커뮤니케이션이 체험적인 이해가 될 수 있으며, 다른 매체의 일방적인 전달 방식에 비해 관람객의 적극적인 행동을 유발하여 참여로 이어지게 함으로써 더욱 원활할 소통을 이룰 수 있다고 보고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 전시물의 체험성을 높이는 것이 관람객의 참여도를 높일 수 있는 방법이라고 판단하여, 관람객의 참여도가 높아진다는 것은 연출자가 의도한 정보가 관람객에게 효과적으로 전달될 수 있다는 것이고, 그것이 바로 전시디자인의 궁극적인 목적이라는 사실에 주목하여 전시물의 체험성을 측정하는 방법에 대해 연구하였다. 이는 체험형 전시디자인 분야에서의 노력임은 물론이거니와 ‘기업홍보관’이라는 특수한 체험형 전시공간에서 마케팅 분야의 전략을 고려했을 때에도 매우 유용한 결과를 가져올 것이라 기대된다. 즉 전시물의 체험성이 향상됨으로 인해 관람객들은 전시 자체의 체험성이 뛰어나다고 느끼게 될 것이며 적극적으로 상호작용했던 체험전시관을 경험함으로써 기업의 이미지가 인상 깊게 남아 긍정적인 태도를 형성하고 해당 브랜드를 각인시킴으로서 관람객을 잠재적인 고객으로 만들어 구매 및 추천 등의 또 다른 소비자 행동을 유발하는 효과로 나타나게 될 것이다. 체험형 전시를 기획하는데 있어 전시물의 체험성 제고를 위한 체험성 측정도구를 추출하기 위해 전시의 의미와 유형의 변화에 대해 조사하고 기업홍보관의 체험전시 및 전시디자인 구성요소인 전시물(Object)·공간(Space)·관람객(Person)·시간(Time)에 대해 선행 연구를 고찰하여 기업홍보관이라는 전시공간의 특수성을 고려한 체험마케팅 이론의 체험성에 대한 개념을 정립하는 것으로 연구의 방향을 설정한다. 이어서 Schmitt의 전략적 체험 모듈(SEMs)에서 체험마케팅 유형 5가지와 Pine & Gilmore의 체험영역을 구성하는 4요소를 교차시켜 새로운 체험유형을 만들어 각 유형별 특성을 원론의 체험속성을 기반으로 면밀히 파악하고, 체험성 제고의 의미에 대해 정리하여 체험성 측정 항목을 추출한다. 앞서 재구성된 체험유형은 전문가 그룹을 대상으로 조사하여 체험유형의 타당성을 알아보고, 응답의 신뢰성과 비교분석하여 유용한 체험유형만을 추출한다. 또한 체험전시가 본격화되기 시작한 2000년대 이후에 개설된 서울지역의 ‘체험형 기업홍보관’을 대상지로 선정하여 체험성 측정 항목과 재구성된 체험유형, 전시구성요소에 따른 체험전시 매체를 파악하여 각 전시물의 체험성에 대해 분석하였다. 체험형 전시공간인 기업홍보관의 전시물에 대한 체험성을 측정하는 도구를 체험마케팅 이론에서 추출하는 것에 대해서는 앞서 언급한 것처럼 기업홍보관의 전시효과가 체험마케팅이 기대하는 효과와 궁극적으로 같기 때문이다. 한편, 본 연구의 핵심내용인 전시물의 체험성 측정 도구에 대해 체험마케팅 이론에서는 ‘체험성이 높다’는 것을 다음과 같이 설명하고 있는데, Pine & Gilmore(1998)의 ‘체험의 네 가지 영역(엔터테인먼트, 교육, 가치몰입, 이탈)’에 의하면 네 가지 체험영역을 모두 포함하고 있는 ‘이상적인 위치(sweet spot)’에서 풍부한 체험이 제공되므로 체험영역을 서로 조합할 필요가 있다고 하였고, Schmitt의 전략적 체험모듈(SEMs)에서도 체험은 2개 이상의 체험속성 혼합물로 이루어져 있을 때, 시너지 효과를 발산한다고 하였다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 전시물의 체험유형을 파악하고 해당 전시물에 내포된 체험속성의 개수를 집계하여 체험마케팅 이론의 관점에서 전시물의 체험성에 관해 측정하였다. 본 연구의 성과는 먼저 체험형 전시물의 체험성 측정 항목으로 전시물에 내포된 체험속성의 개수, 체험속성의 산포도, 체험유형에 따른 체험가중치에 대해 정리하여 추출한 점, 그에 따라 실제 사례지의 전시물에 적용하여 전시디자인 구성요소와 체험전시 매체에 따라 체험성을 측정하고 전시디자인 요소에따라 분류한 점, 전시물 체험성 제고에 대한 가능성을 제시하고, 체험형 전시디자인에 있어 전시물 체험성에 대한 연구의 의의와 관련한 향후 연구 방향에 대해 가능성을 제시한 것이다.|In the modern society, exhibitions play an important role in the information delivery. Especially exhibitions at the corporate promotion halls act faithfully as the messenger between the spectators and objects. Furthermore, they became an important tool in marketing by promoting the images of enterprises, increasing brand loyalty and securing potential customer base. In addition, the design industry, which always contemplates the effective delivery of information, keeps an eye on the evolution of exhibition design as a new tool of communication. Most of all, based on the fact that information delivery, an ultimate goal of exhibition, is achieved through the communication between the spectators and objects, the field of hands-on exhibition believes this communication can be seen as experimental understanding. Exhibition is believed to achieve more smooth communication by inducing more enthusiastic behaviors and making the spectators to participate as compared to unilateral delivery methods of other media. This study considered increasing the experientiality of objects as a method to increase the participation from the spectators. If more spectators experience the objects, intended information by the producers would deliver to the spectators more effectively. By focusing on this ultimate goal of exhibition design, we examined the methods to measure the experientiality of objects in this study. It is expected to produce very useful result when the strategies of marketing at ‘the corporate promotion hall’, the special hands-on exhibition space, were considered as well as the effort of the hands-on exhibition design field. In other words, as the experientiality of objects increases, the spectators would think the exhibition as a whole has an excellent experientiality and by participating in actively interactive activities at the hands-on exhibitions, the images of enterprises would be remained deeply impressed in the minds of spectators. Then the spectators would become potential consumers by forming enthusiastic attitude toward the enterprises and imprinting the brands on their minds. These potential consumers then could induce other consumer behaviors and result in purchases and recommendations. When planning an hands-on exhibition, the meaning of the exhibition and the changes in types to derive measuring devices for the enhancement of objects’ experientiality are studied and the preceding researches on the components of hands-on exhibition and exhibition design of the corporate promotion hall such as object, space, person and time are reviewed. Then the direction of research is set to define the concept on experientiality of experiential marketing theory which considered the special characteristics of exhibition space called the corporate promotion hall. Next, five types of experiential marketing in Schmitt’s strategic experience modules (SEMs) and four components consisting experiential realms of Pine & Gilmore are crossed to create new types of experiences. Characteristics of each type are then examined closely on the basis of experience attributes of the principle and experientiality measuring criteria are suggested by summarizing the meaning of experientiality enhancement. For the previously reconstituted experience types, they are examined targeting the group of professionals to look into the validity of them. Then the useful experience types are deriveed by compare and analyze the validity and the reliability of responses. Furthermore, ‘hands-on corporate promotion halls’ in Seoul, established after 2000 when the hands-on exhibitions hit their stride, are selected as the targets and experientiality of each object is analyzed by identifying experientiality measuring criteria, reconstituted experience types and hands-on exhibition media based on the exhibition components. The reason the tools to measure experientiality of objects in the corporate promotion hall, an example of hands-on exhibition space, are derived from the experiential marketing principle is that the exhibition effect at the corporate promotion hall is basically same as the expected effect of experiential marketing as mentioned above. Meanwhile, experiential marketing principle on the measuring tools for the experientiality of objects, the core content of this study, explains the meaning of ‘high experientiality’ as following. According to ‘The Four Realms (Education, Esthetics, Escapism and Entertainment) of Experiences’ by Pine & Gilmore(1998), the sweet spot including all four experiential realms provides abundant experience and so it is necessary to combine the realms. Even Schmitt mentioned in SEMs (strategic experience modules) that an experience consisted of more than two experiential attributes produce synergy effect. Therefore, this study looked into experiential types of objects, accumulated the number of experiential attributes contained in an object and measured the experientiality from the view of experiential marketing principle. The accomplishments of this study include creating the measuring criteria for experientiality of hands-on objects, summarizing and deriving the number of experiential attributes in objects, dispersion of the attributes and weighted value based on the experiential types. Experientiality of objects have been measured depend on the component factors of exhibition design and hands-on exhibition media after applying the measuring criteria to the objects at the actual site and classified according to the exhibition design factors. The study also suggested the possibility of enhancement of objects’ experientiality and directions of future research related to the significance of the study on the object experientiality with regard to hands-on exhibition design.; In the modern society, exhibitions play an important role in the information delivery. Especially exhibitions at the corporate promotion halls act faithfully as the messenger between the spectators and objects. Furthermore, they became an important tool in marketing by promoting the images of enterprises, increasing brand loyalty and securing potential customer base. In addition, the design industry, which always contemplates the effective delivery of information, keeps an eye on the evolution of exhibition design as a new tool of communication. Most of all, based on the fact that information delivery, an ultimate goal of exhibition, is achieved through the communication between the spectators and objects, the field of hands-on exhibition believes this communication can be seen as experimental understanding. Exhibition is believed to achieve more smooth communication by inducing more enthusiastic behaviors and making the spectators to participate as compared to unilateral delivery methods of other media. This study considered increasing the experientiality of objects as a method to increase the participation from the spectators. If more spectators experience the objects, intended information by the producers would deliver to the spectators more effectively. By focusing on this ultimate goal of exhibition design, we examined the methods to measure the experientiality of objects in this study. It is expected to produce very useful result when the strategies of marketing at ‘the corporate promotion hall’, the special hands-on exhibition space, were considered as well as the effort of the hands-on exhibition design field. In other words, as the experientiality of objects increases, the spectators would think the exhibition as a whole has an excellent experientiality and by participating in actively interactive activities at the hands-on exhibitions, the images of enterprises would be remained deeply impressed in the minds of spectators. Then the spectators would become potential consumers by forming enthusiastic attitude toward the enterprises and imprinting the brands on their minds. These potential consumers then could induce other consumer behaviors and result in purchases and recommendations. When planning an hands-on exhibition, the meaning of the exhibition and the changes in types to derive measuring devices for the enhancement of objects’ experientiality are studied and the preceding researches on the components of hands-on exhibition and exhibition design of the corporate promotion hall such as object, space, person and time are reviewed. Then the direction of research is set to define the concept on experientiality of experiential marketing theory which considered the special characteristics of exhibition space called the corporate promotion hall. Next, five types of experiential marketing in Schmitt’s strategic experience modules (SEMs) and four components consisting experiential realms of Pine & Gilmore are crossed to create new types of experiences. Characteristics of each type are then examined closely on the basis of experience attributes of the principle and experientiality measuring criteria are suggested by summarizing the meaning of experientiality enhancement. For the previously reconstituted experience types, they are examined targeting the group of professionals to look into the validity of them. Then the useful experience types are deriveed by compare and analyze the validity and the reliability of responses. Furthermore, ‘hands-on corporate promotion halls’ in Seoul, established after 2000 when the hands-on exhibitions hit their stride, are selected as the targets and experientiality of each object is analyzed by identifying experientiality measuring criteria, reconstituted experience types and hands-on exhibition media based on the exhibition components. The reason the tools to measure experientiality of objects in the corporate promotion hall, an example of hands-on exhibition space, are derived from the experiential marketing principle is that the exhibition effect at the corporate promotion hall is basically same as the expected effect of experiential marketing as mentioned above. Meanwhile, experiential marketing principle on the measuring tools for the experientiality of objects, the core content of this study, explains the meaning of ‘high experientiality’ as following. According to ‘The Four Realms (Education, Esthetics, Escapism and Entertainment) of Experiences’ by Pine & Gilmore(1998), the sweet spot including all four experiential realms provides abundant experience and so it is necessary to combine the realms. Even Schmitt mentioned in SEMs (strategic experience modules) that an experience consisted of more than two experiential attributes produce synergy effect. Therefore, this study looked into experiential types of objects, accumulated the number of experiential attributes contained in an object and measured the experientiality from the view of experiential marketing principle. The accomplishments of this study include creating the measuring criteria for experientiality of hands-on objects, summarizing and deriving the number of experiential attributes in objects, dispersion of the attributes and weighted value based on the experiential types. Experientiality of objects have been measured depend on the component factors of exhibition design and hands-on exhibition media after applying the measuring criteria to the objects at the actual site and classified according to the exhibition design factors. The study also suggested the possibility of enhancement of objects’ experientiality and directions of future research related to the significance of the study on the object experientiality with regard to hands-on exhibition design.
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