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dc.description.abstract이 연구는 무용전공 고등학생들의 열정과 탈진의 관계를 분석하고, 이들 관계에서 기본 심리적 욕구가 어떠한 매개 역할을 하는지 그 효과를 규명하고자 하였고 영향력 있는 세부요인을 보다 구체적으로 제시하고자 하였다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 대전광역시 및 충남, 충북 지역에 소재한 예술 고등학교 소속 무용전공 학생 274명을 표집 하였으며 설문응답이 불성실하거나 일부 누락된 자료 24부를 제외하여 총 250부의 표본을 사용하여 분석하였고, 이 후 무작위로 10명을 추가 선정하여 개방형 설문을 통해 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론이 도출되었다. 첫째, 무용전공 고등학생의 배경적 특성에 따른 차이 검증에서 성별에 따른 열정, 기본 심리적 욕구, 탈진의 차이 검증 결과, 모든 요인에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 둘째, 무용전공 고등학생의 배경적 특성에 따른 차이 검증에서 연령(학년)에 따른 열정, 기본 심리적 욕구, 탈진의 차이 검증 결과, 기본 심리적 욕구의 하위변인 중 자율성의 경우에 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였고 탈진은 수행저하, 의구심, 의욕상실, 정서고갈 모두에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 반면 연령에 따른 열정의 차이 검증에서는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 셋째, 무용전공 고등학생의 배경적 특성에 따른 차이 검증에서 전공에 따른 열정, 기본 심리적 욕구, 탈진의 차이 검증 결과, 탈진의 하위변인 중 의구심과 의욕상실에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보인 반면에 열정과 기본 심리적 욕구의 모든 하위요인에서는 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 넷째, 무용전공 고등학생의 배경적 특성에 따른 차이 검증에서 경력에 따른 열정, 기본 심리적 욕구, 탈진의 차이 검증 결과, 모든 요인에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 다섯째, 무용전공 고등학생의 열정과 기본 심리적 욕구의 관계에서 통계적으로 유의한 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 무용전공 고등학생의 기본 심리적 욕구와 탈진의 관계에서 통계적으로 유의한 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 일곱째, 무용전공 고등학생의 열정과 탈진의 관계에서 기본 심리적 욕구의 매개검증 결과, 통계적으로 유의한 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 기본 심리적 욕구가 열정과 탈진의 관계에서 매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 여덟째, 무용전공 고등학생의 열정과 기본 심리적 욕구, 탈진 관계에 대한 질적 분석 결과, 지도자 및 동료와의 긍정적인 관계 속에서 지도자의 격려와 높은 관심이 열정과 기본 심리적 욕구를 증가시키고, 지도자 및 부모님, 동료 등 주변 사람들의 조언이나 상담을 통해 탈진을 예방하고 대처할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 다양한 무용 활동을 수행함에 있어서 열정과 기본 심리적 욕구는 개인의 강한 내재적 동기를 유발하고 긍정적 사고와 심리적 성장을 촉진시켜주는 요소로서 탈진 예방을 위한 중요한 변수로서 작용된다. 인간이 가진 심리적 욕구와 능력을 자신의 강한 열정을 통해 추구하는 목표달성을 위해 노력한다면 탈진을 예방하고 극복할 수 있을 것이다. 무용 활동 중 탈진 예방을 예측할 수 있는 다양한 요인들은 개인의 심리적 요인뿐만 아니라 사회적이나 환경적 측면에서도 영향을 미칠 수 있으며 탈진과 관련하여 지도자나 부모님의 역할 또는 무용 환경이나 동료와의 관계 등도 중요한 예측 변수로 작용된다.| This study tried to analyze the relationship of high school students majoring in dance between passion and exhaustion, the mediated effects of basic psychological need on the relationship between them, and suggest the detailed influential factors more concretely. Sampling of 274 students who major in dance in art high schools located in Daejeon, Chungnam, and Chungbuk was done to accomplish the purpose of the study. The analysis was done by using total 250 samples except 24 copies that the answers are insincere or there are partial omitted data. And in the result which analyzed the open survey by selecting 10 persons randomly and additionally, the conclusions were drawn as follow: First, verification of the differences according to background characteristics of high school students majoring in dance has found that there is no statistically significant difference in all the factors in the result which verified the differences among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion according to gender. Second, verification of the differences according to background characteristics of high school students majoring in dance has found that autonomy of the sub variables of psychological need showed statistically significant differences in the result which verified the differences among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion according to gender(grade) and exhaustion did statistically significant differences in poor performance, doubt, demotivation, and emotional exhaustion, while there is no statistically significant difference in verification of the differences of passion according to age. Third, verification of the differences according to background characteristics of high school students majoring in dance has found that doubt and demotivation of the sub variables of exhaustion showed statistically significant differences in the result which verified the differences among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion according to major, while there is no statistically significant difference in all the sub factors of passion and basic psychological need. Fourth, verification of the differences according to background characteristics of high school students majoring in dance has found that all the factors showed statistically significant differences in the result which verified the differences among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion according to career. Fifth, it has found to be the statistically significant positive effect in the relationship of high school students majoring in dance between passion and basic psychological need. Sixth, it has found to be the statistically significant negative effect in the relationship of high school students majoring in dance between basic psychological need and exhaustion. Seventh, as the result which verified the media of basic psychological need in the relationship of high school students majoring in dance between passion and exhaustion has found to be the statistically significant negative effect, it has found that basic psychological need plays the mediating role in the relationship between passion and exhaustion. Eighth, the result which qualitatively analyzed the relationship of high school students majoring in dance among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion has found that coaches’ encouragement and high interest in students increase passion and basic psychological need in the positive relationship between coaches and friends and exhaustion can be prevented and handled through advice or counseling of people around them including coaches, parents, or friends. Passion and basic psychological need are the important factors to prevent exhaustion as the factors which motivate individuals to study hard immanently and promote positive thinking and psychological growth in execution of various dance activities. If men make efforts to accomplish the goals that they seek by using their psychological need and ability with their strong passion, exhaustion can be prevented and overcome. The various factors which can predict prevention of exhaustion in dance activities can affect the social and environmental aspects as well as individual psychological factors. And coaches or parents’ roles related to exhaustion, dance environment, or the relationship with friends are the important predictor variables. Key words: High school students majoring in dance, Passion, exhaustion, basic psychological need.; This study tried to analyze the relationship of high school students majoring in dance between passion and exhaustion, the mediated effects of basic psychological need on the relationship between them, and suggest the detailed influential factors more concretely. Sampling of 274 students who major in dance in art high schools located in Daejeon, Chungnam, and Chungbuk was done to accomplish the purpose of the study. The analysis was done by using total 250 samples except 24 copies that the answers are insincere or there are partial omitted data. And in the result which analyzed the open survey by selecting 10 persons randomly and additionally, the conclusions were drawn as follow: First, verification of the differences according to background characteristics of high school students majoring in dance has found that there is no statistically significant difference in all the factors in the result which verified the differences among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion according to gender. Second, verification of the differences according to background characteristics of high school students majoring in dance has found that autonomy of the sub variables of psychological need showed statistically significant differences in the result which verified the differences among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion according to gender(grade) and exhaustion did statistically significant differences in poor performance, doubt, demotivation, and emotional exhaustion, while there is no statistically significant difference in verification of the differences of passion according to age. Third, verification of the differences according to background characteristics of high school students majoring in dance has found that doubt and demotivation of the sub variables of exhaustion showed statistically significant differences in the result which verified the differences among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion according to major, while there is no statistically significant difference in all the sub factors of passion and basic psychological need. Fourth, verification of the differences according to background characteristics of high school students majoring in dance has found that all the factors showed statistically significant differences in the result which verified the differences among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion according to career. Fifth, it has found to be the statistically significant positive effect in the relationship of high school students majoring in dance between passion and basic psychological need. Sixth, it has found to be the statistically significant negative effect in the relationship of high school students majoring in dance between basic psychological need and exhaustion. Seventh, as the result which verified the media of basic psychological need in the relationship of high school students majoring in dance between passion and exhaustion has found to be the statistically significant negative effect, it has found that basic psychological need plays the mediating role in the relationship between passion and exhaustion. Eighth, the result which qualitatively analyzed the relationship of high school students majoring in dance among passion, basic psychological need, and exhaustion has found that coaches’ encouragement and high interest in students increase passion and basic psychological need in the positive relationship between coaches and friends and exhaustion can be prevented and handled through advice or counseling of people around them including coaches, parents, or friends. Passion and basic psychological need are the important factors to prevent exhaustion as the factors which motivate individuals to study hard immanently and promote positive thinking and psychological growth in execution of various dance activities. If men make efforts to accomplish the goals that they seek by using their psychological need and ability with their strong passion, exhaustion can be prevented and overcome. The various factors which can predict prevention of exhaustion in dance activities can affect the social and environmental aspects as well as individual psychological factors. And coaches or parents’ roles related to exhaustion, dance environment, or the relationship with friends are the important predictor variables. Key words: High school students majoring in dance, Passion, exhaustion, basic psychological need.-
dc.title무용전공자의 열정과 탈진의 관계에서 기본 심리적 욕구의 매개효과-
dc.title.alternativeMediation Effects of Basic Psychological needs on the Relationship Between passion and burnout in Majoring Dancers-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorWon, Hye Yeon-
dc.contributor.affiliation무용학 전공-
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > DANCE(무용학과) > Theses (Ph.D.)
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