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Analysis of Residential Environment Improvement Programs and Strategies with Resident Voluntary Participation Approach

Analysis of Residential Environment Improvement Programs and Strategies with Resident Voluntary Participation Approach
Other Titles
슬럼지역 주민의 자발적 참여를 위한 주거환경개선 전략 및 프로그램 선호도 분석: 인도네시아 센트럴 스마랑 지역을 중심으로
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이주형 교수
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Urban and its problem is the one unity that cannot be separated especially if we talk about developed country in relation with urban problems. Those problems are the things that challenge the country itself to develop more. But those problems are not the problems that we cannot solve everything in a blink of an eye. There are many methods that actually can be applied to solve the urban problems according to various urban planning theories but the most important actor to solve the problems is actually the citizen. The biggest problem faced by big cities in developing country around the world is to control the population. The fact of this population boom is actually related with the poverty which if not handled properly will bring another problem such as poor community in the big city and this case is not the new thing in the urban world. As the main island in Indonesia, Java is a home for 60% population from the whole country population. Many people move from rural area to big city to get a job in industrial and service sector in urban area and hope to get better quality of life. The unequal development in Indonesia is the phenomenon, the problems grows even bigger with increasing gap between big cities in Java. In the coming years, the urban areas will be under the pressure to provide housing for their residents. Indonesia as the big developing country with many of urban problems in it tried to solve the slum problems in the cities with many method initiatives by the government, which started after the post-independence era of the country and still continuing until now, but it seems that the problem of slum in the city is the problem that cannot be solved easily. In this context, this research aims to analyze the slum area residential condition and their needs in order to improve their living area with participatory in urban planning base approach through observing their perspectives based on their preference using conjoint analysis. Moreover, in relations with urban policies in Indonesia and the regional law about the urban field in the studied area, the result of this research will be more like a suggestion to supplement the current policy and regional law in the city. Also this research result, drawn from the sample of Central Semarang district as the studied area, hoped to be used as the reference of the urban planning activity in the city in terms of improving the housing and environment in slum area. This research content was supported by the survey method with the residents of the studied area and the urban experts. The survey conducted twice with different content. The first is the satisfaction survey which was the step of figuring the performance of location in housing and environment aspects based on the resident opinions. The next step was the preference survey which analyzed using conjoint method which was the step to figuring the preference of residents by offering the combination of strategies and program suggestions in order to improve the slum area in the studied areas. Based on the observation, survey and interview the resident of slum area on the studied area living in the bad condition and the satisfaction rate of their living place showed the dissatisfaction in some aspect of their living place like sewage system, drainage system, and health. From the categories that we offered to them, which are the access to infrastructure and basic service, social needs, and housing policy, the result showed the unfavorable living condition of the area. This research demanded the surveyees to choose the most preferred strategies for each prepared categories, which are as following: • Access to infrastructure and basic service category: Sanitation for public bathroom program • Social needs category: Environmental education and open school for toddlers programs • Housing policy: Housing finance with housing loan and government welfare programs All of their preference above about what they need and they want to improve their living area was not only about the idea of the resident, but also need the participation from the third party to help them and educate them in terms of improving their living area voluntarily. |도시와 도시문제는 전세계적으로 서로 밀접한 관계를 가지며 개발도상국의 경우 이러한 밀접한 관계를 이해하여 도시발전에 기여할 수 있다. 그러한 도시문제는 도시 확산/개발과정에 있어서 두드러지는 경향을 보이며 단기간 동안 모든 문제들을 해결할 수 없다. 단, 현재 그러한 도시문제들을 해결하기 위해 다수의 도시계획이론들이 존재하나, 제일 중요한 방법은 도시민들의 참여를 요구하게 된다. 개발도상국 내 주요 대도시들의 제일 심각한 도시문제는 인구통제에 관한 것이다. 과거 이러한 대도시들은 빠르게 증가를 하였으며 통제수단이 부적절 한 경우 일부 사회에 빈곤층이 생성되는 계기가 된다. 문제는 이러한 사회 빈곤층이 일정 구역에 집결되어 그들만의 저소득층의 커뮤니티를 형성하게 되며 결과적으로 도시 빈민가 (slum area)를 조성하게 된다. 자바 섬은 인도네시아 국토 중 제일 큰 면적을 차지하며 전체 인구의 60%가 현재 거주하고 있다. 많은 사람들은 일반적으로 대도시 내 산업, 서비스 분야의 직업의 구직을 통해 더 낳은 삶의 질을 목적으로 지방에서 도시로 이주하게 된다. 인도네시아의 불균형적 개발은 진행되고 있으며 이는 도시간 더 큰 격차를 야기하는 문제들이 생기기 시작하였다. 한편, 발전이 집중되는 도심부의 경우 향후 거주자들을 위한 주거공급에 있어 차질이 예상된다. 인도네시아 정부는 국가 독립 이후 도시 빈민 지역의 개선을 위하여 다수의 정책 및 계획을 실행해왔다. 그러나 이러한 빈민 지역의 개선은 결코 쉽게 해결되지 않았다. 이런한 상황 속에서, 본 연구는 빈민 지역의 주거실태와 지역 니즈(needs)를 파악하고 컨조인트 분석방법(Conjoint Analysis)를 통하여 최적의 주민주도형 도시계획 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 또한 본 연구의 결과 및 시사점을 통하여 현재 진행되고 있는 국가 정책과 지역 법규의 보완과 빈민 지역의 주거환경이 개선 되어질 수 있는 도시계획의 수립에 이바지하고자 한다. 본 연구는 지역 거주민 대상 설문조사를 통하여 분석을 실시하였으며 설문조사는 두 가지 상이한 주제를 가지고 실시되었다. 첫 번째 설문조사는 주거환경실태에 관한 주민 만족도였으며 두 번째 설문조사는 다수의 전략과 프로그램 제안들을 기반으로 주민들이 선호하는 방안마련을 목적으로 한 컨조인트 분석방법을 실행하였다. 분석결과, 빈민 지역 거주자들은 하수 및 배수 시설과 건강 측면에서 불만족스러운 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 제시한 카테고리는 사회기반시설의 접근성 및 기본 서비스, 사회적 요구도, 주택정책이며 분석 결과 거주여건은 매우 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 조사대상자에게 카테고리별로 제일 선호하는 전략을 선택하게 하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. • 사회기반시설의 접근성 및 기본 서비스: 공공화장실의 위생 • 사회적 요구도: 환경교육 및 공공 어린이집 • 주택정책: 주택융자 프로그램 및 복지정책 본 분석 결과를 참고 시, 향후 빈민지역의 효과적인 개선 정책수립을 시 위 거주민이 선호하는 사항들을 중심으로 우선적으로 수립되어야 할 것이다. 또한 제 3자(The third party) 주체는 지역 거주민들을 대상으로 관련 프로그램의 교육을 실시하여 주민주도를 통한 자체적 개선이 이루어지도록 노력하여야 할 것이다.; Urban and its problem is the one unity that cannot be separated especially if we talk about developed country in relation with urban problems. Those problems are the things that challenge the country itself to develop more. But those problems are not the problems that we cannot solve everything in a blink of an eye. There are many methods that actually can be applied to solve the urban problems according to various urban planning theories but the most important actor to solve the problems is actually the citizen. The biggest problem faced by big cities in developing country around the world is to control the population. The fact of this population boom is actually related with the poverty which if not handled properly will bring another problem such as poor community in the big city and this case is not the new thing in the urban world. As the main island in Indonesia, Java is a home for 60% population from the whole country population. Many people move from rural area to big city to get a job in industrial and service sector in urban area and hope to get better quality of life. The unequal development in Indonesia is the phenomenon, the problems grows even bigger with increasing gap between big cities in Java. In the coming years, the urban areas will be under the pressure to provide housing for their residents. Indonesia as the big developing country with many of urban problems in it tried to solve the slum problems in the cities with many method initiatives by the government, which started after the post-independence era of the country and still continuing until now, but it seems that the problem of slum in the city is the problem that cannot be solved easily. In this context, this research aims to analyze the slum area residential condition and their needs in order to improve their living area with participatory in urban planning base approach through observing their perspectives based on their preference using conjoint analysis. Moreover, in relations with urban policies in Indonesia and the regional law about the urban field in the studied area, the result of this research will be more like a suggestion to supplement the current policy and regional law in the city. Also this research result, drawn from the sample of Central Semarang district as the studied area, hoped to be used as the reference of the urban planning activity in the city in terms of improving the housing and environment in slum area. This research content was supported by the survey method with the residents of the studied area and the urban experts. The survey conducted twice with different content. The first is the satisfaction survey which was the step of figuring the performance of location in housing and environment aspects based on the resident opinions. The next step was the preference survey which analyzed using conjoint method which was the step to figuring the preference of residents by offering the combination of strategies and program suggestions in order to improve the slum area in the studied areas. Based on the observation, survey and interview the resident of slum area on the studied area living in the bad condition and the satisfaction rate of their living place showed the dissatisfaction in some aspect of their living place like sewage system, drainage system, and health. From the categories that we offered to them, which are the access to infrastructure and basic service, social needs, and housing policy, the result showed the unfavorable living condition of the area. This research demanded the surveyees to choose the most preferred strategies for each prepared categories, which are as following: • Access to infrastructure and basic service category: Sanitation for public bathroom program • Social needs category: Environmental education and open school for toddlers programs • Housing policy: Housing finance with housing loan and government welfare programs All of their preference above about what they need and they want to improve their living area was not only about the idea of the resident, but also need the participation from the third party to help them and educate them in terms of improving their living area voluntarily.
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