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신조어를 통해 본 현대 중국 사회 변화

신조어를 통해 본 현대 중국 사회 변화
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A Study on Social Changesin Modern China through Neologisms : Focused on Period 2008-2012
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개혁개방 이후 중국 경제의 고속 성장과 함께 사회의 다방면에서 변화가 일어나자, 그 속에서 많은 신조어들이 생성되어 나온다. 이에 많은 중국의 학자들은 우후죽순으로 생겨나고 있는 신조어들에 대한 체계적인 정리와 분석이 필요하다는 것을 인지하고, 지금까지 신조어에 대한 연구를 꾸준히 진행해오고 있다. 중국 정부 또한 신조어의 중요성에 대한 인식을 바탕으로, 2006년부터 중국 교육부와 국가언어문자공작위원회(国家语言文字工作委员会)의 『중국언어생활현황보고서(中国语言生活状况报告)』를 통해 매년 신조어에 대한 연구현황 및 신조어 목록을 발표해오고 있다. 신조어의 중요성이 높아지고 있는데 반해, 한국 내 중국어 신조어 연구는 매우 부족한 실정이다. 중국 유학생이 쓴 두 편을 제외하고 한국인이 쓴 박사 논문은 한 편도 없으며, 중국과 한국 모두 사회언어학적 측면에서 중국어 신조어에 대한 깊이 있는 연구가 이루어지고 있지 않다. 그리고 사회언어학 연구에서 실질적인 데이터가 중요한데, 현재까지 신조어에 대한 실질적인 통계 데이터를 제공하는 계량 연구가 많이 부족한 상황이다. 이에, 본 논문은 중국어 신조어를 사회언어학적 측면에서 자세히 분석하여, 사회현상의 산물인 신조어를 통해 중국 사회의 모습과 변화추이를 살펴봄은 물론, 신조어 관련 데이터를 제공하여 추후 더 많은 연구가 이러질 수 있는 발판을 마련하고자 한다. 연구를 위해 사용한 이론적 기반은 언어와 사회가 서로 영향을 주고받으며 함께 변화한다는 사회언어학의 ‘공변론(共变论)’이다. 이에 기초하여 중국 교육부와 중국 국가언어문자공작위원회에서 발표한 2008년에서 2012년까지의 총 2433개 신조어를 대상으로 정량 분석과 정성 분석을 함께 진행한다. 분석 방법은 먼저 2008-2012년에 생성된 신조어 2433개를 각각 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화, 생활, 교육, 환경, 스포츠, 과학기술, 인터넷, 기타로 분류하고, 의미 분석을 통해 모든 신조어들의 주제어를 추출해낸다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 분야별·주제어별 신조어 도표를 작성하고 분석을 진행한다. 위 도표들과 신조어 의미 분석을 통해, 중국 사회에 어떤 변화가 있는지 살펴보았고, 이를 바탕으로 중국 사회의 주요 특징을 4가지로 정리 요약하였다. 첫째는 중국 정부의 농촌에 대한 관심도가 날로 높아지고 있다는 것이다. 중국 정부는 줄곧 정부 공작보고를 통해 삼농문제를 강조해왔지만, 비교적 적극적인 움직임을 보인 것은 2009년부터이다. 이 시기 농촌우대정책 관련 신조어들이 대거 등장한다. 그리고 경제적인 지원을 넘어서 지금은 농촌경제발전과 농촌민생문제에도 관심을 두고 있다. 앞으로도 중국 정부는 농민공을 비롯한 농촌 문제를 해결을 위해 힘쓸 것이며, 향후 발전 가능성이 큰 농촌 시장 개발을 위해 많은 정책들을 내놓을 것으로 보인다. 둘째는 잠재되어 있던 중국 국민들의 불만이 다양한 분야로 확대되어 가고 있다는 것이다. 2009년 被~, ~二代 형태의 신조어들을 통해 불안정하고 불공평한 사회 그리고 권력과 부를 중시하는 사회를 풍자하는 분위기가 형성된다. 이러한 불만은 중국 정부로 확대되며, 부패 공무원들에 대한 강한 비판으로 이어진다. 그리고 점점 부패 공직자 개인에 초점을 맞추어 직접적인 비판하고 있으며, 중국 정부도 부패 척결에 적극적인 모습을 보인다. 이러한 추세는 부패 공직자들 개인 하나하나를 향하고 있는 시진핑의 부패 척결의 날카로운 칼날로 이어진다. 이런 중국의 움직임이 국제 사회가 주목하고 있는 정치 개혁으로 이어질지 주목할 필요가 있다. 셋째는 중국 정부가 소프트파워 강화를 통해 국제 이미지 상승에 힘쓰고 있다는 것이다. 중국은 베이징 올림픽과 상하이 엑스포 등 각종 문화행사들을 주체하며, 세계 제2의 경제대국이라는 타이틀에 걸맞은 국제적 이미지를 구축하고자 노력한다. 이에 중국은 2008년 멜라민 파동을 비롯한 중국의 국제적 위상을 떨어트리고 있는 식품안전 문제를 해결하기 위해 수출입 규정을 강화하고 있다. 앞으로도 중국은 소프트파워를 강화하여 문화대국으로 부상하기 위해 노력할 것으로 보이며, 이는 중국 국민들에게 커다란 자부심과 성취감을 주는 것은 물론 수출증가와 관광산업 발전 등의 경제적 이익도 가져다 줄 수 있다. 넷째는 중국 젊은이들이 다양한 특성을 보이고 있다는 것이다. 그들의 특성은 ‘我一代’, ‘网一代’, ‘啃老族’, ‘高富帅’, ‘高富美’의 단어들로 요약할 수 있다. 이러한 분석과 요약을 통해, 중국 사회의 특징과 변화추이를 자세히 살펴볼 수 있었다. 앞으로도 중국은 끊임없이 변화와 발전을 거듭하며 수많은 신조어를 생성해 낼 것이다. 따라서 중국을 연구하는 학자들은 새로운 중국의 특성과 변화를 정확히 파악하고 향후 모습을 예측하기 위해, 신조어에 대한 연구를 꾸준히 진행해 나가야 할 필요가 있다.|Many neologisms were coined as various changes appear with high-rate growth of Chinese economy after Chinese economic reform. Many Chinese scholars saw the necessity of systematic arrangement and analysis about various neologisms, and have progressed a research about neologisms. Chinese government had also recognized its importance and have issued lists and research position of neologisms, through 『Chinese language life status report』of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, MOE and National Language Committee. Whereas the importance of neologisms increases, research about Chinese neologisms in Korea is very insufficiency. There is not even a Ph.D. thesis written by Korean, excluding 2 reports written by Chinese student, and no deep research is been progressing sociolinguistically in both China and Korea. Practical data is important in sociolinguistically research, but statistic study, providing actual statistics data about neologisms, is very insufficiency. Therefore this research analyze Chinese neologisms specifically from sociolinguistical perspectives, and examine the present situation and changes of Chinese society through neologism, which is a byproduct of social phenomenon, gain a foothold by providing a data for future research. This helps an accurate understanding and prediction of Chinese society for Chinese professionals in various fields, and helps students, who study China, for easy comprehension of Chinese society through neologisms. Chinese influence in international society is growing based on rapid economic growth and huge domestic market. As Korea is adjacent to China geographically and highly dependent on exports to China, Chinese society needs to be monitored all the time. Therefore this research selects neologisms, which represent Chinese society as a research object, and study various changes occurring in Chinese society. A theoretical framework for the research is The Theory of Covariance, saying that language and society affect each other and change. Quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were progressed for 2433 neologisms, from 2008 to 2012, which were issued from MOE and Chinese National Language Committee. Neologisms, produced from 2008 to 2012, had classified to various categories such as politic, economy, society, culture, lifestyle, education, environment, sports, science technology, Internet, etc., and the key words had extracted from all the neologisms. Neologism chart was written and analysis was progressed by categories and key words based on this. The main features of Chinese society can be arranged to 4 subjects based on the research of society change through semantic analysis of neologisms. First one is Chinese government's increasing interest at rural communities. Chinese government had emphasized issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers through government report, but relatively active movement have been appeared since 2009. Many neologisms related to rural empowerment policy had appeared sharply. Now rural economic development and rural public welfare have receiving attention, not only economical support. Chinese government will try to solve rural problems and announce many policies for rural market development with high possibility. Second is that potential dissatisfaction of Chinese people is expanding to various fields. An atmosphere of social satire, for unstable, unfair which only emphasizes power and wealth had formed through the neologisms such as 被~, ~二代 in 2009. This dissatisfaction expands to Chinese government and continues to strong criticism, targeting corrupt public officials. This dissatisfaction now directly criticizes the corrupt public officials personally, and Chinese government also insists actively on exposing corruption. This trends continue to sharp blade of Xi Jinping, targeting each corrupt officials. This movement of China needs to be focused whether it continues to political administrative reform or not. Third is that Chinese government is trying to increase its international image through empowerment of soft power. China holds various cultural events such as the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai Expo and trys to construct an international image for the 2nd largest economic power. China intensified a regulation in exportation and importation to solve food safety issues such as melamine scandal in 2008. China will keep empower its soft power and try to be emerged as a cultural country, and this will increase exportation and tourist industry, as well as huge pride and achievement to Chinese citizens. Fourth is that Chinese youths are showing various characteristics. Their characteristics can be summarized to 'My generation’, ‘Network generation’, ‘Kangaroo’, ‘Gao Fushuai(tall rich handsome man)’, ‘Gao Fumei(tall, rich and beautiful women)'. The features and changes of Chinese society can be examined carefully through these analyses and summaries. China will keep produce many neologisms along with continuous changes and developments. Therefore researches about neologisms required to be continued to predict and understand the features and changes of future China.; Many neologisms were coined as various changes appear with high-rate growth of Chinese economy after Chinese economic reform. Many Chinese scholars saw the necessity of systematic arrangement and analysis about various neologisms, and have progressed a research about neologisms. Chinese government had also recognized its importance and have issued lists and research position of neologisms, through 『Chinese language life status report』of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, MOE and National Language Committee. Whereas the importance of neologisms increases, research about Chinese neologisms in Korea is very insufficiency. There is not even a Ph.D. thesis written by Korean, excluding 2 reports written by Chinese student, and no deep research is been progressing sociolinguistically in both China and Korea. Practical data is important in sociolinguistically research, but statistic study, providing actual statistics data about neologisms, is very insufficiency. Therefore this research analyze Chinese neologisms specifically from sociolinguistical perspectives, and examine the present situation and changes of Chinese society through neologism, which is a byproduct of social phenomenon, gain a foothold by providing a data for future research. This helps an accurate understanding and prediction of Chinese society for Chinese professionals in various fields, and helps students, who study China, for easy comprehension of Chinese society through neologisms. Chinese influence in international society is growing based on rapid economic growth and huge domestic market. As Korea is adjacent to China geographically and highly dependent on exports to China, Chinese society needs to be monitored all the time. Therefore this research selects neologisms, which represent Chinese society as a research object, and study various changes occurring in Chinese society. A theoretical framework for the research is The Theory of Covariance, saying that language and society affect each other and change. Quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were progressed for 2433 neologisms, from 2008 to 2012, which were issued from MOE and Chinese National Language Committee. Neologisms, produced from 2008 to 2012, had classified to various categories such as politic, economy, society, culture, lifestyle, education, environment, sports, science technology, Internet, etc., and the key words had extracted from all the neologisms. Neologism chart was written and analysis was progressed by categories and key words based on this. The main features of Chinese society can be arranged to 4 subjects based on the research of society change through semantic analysis of neologisms. First one is Chinese government's increasing interest at rural communities. Chinese government had emphasized issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers through government report, but relatively active movement have been appeared since 2009. Many neologisms related to rural empowerment policy had appeared sharply. Now rural economic development and rural public welfare have receiving attention, not only economical support. Chinese government will try to solve rural problems and announce many policies for rural market development with high possibility. Second is that potential dissatisfaction of Chinese people is expanding to various fields. An atmosphere of social satire, for unstable, unfair which only emphasizes power and wealth had formed through the neologisms such as 被~, ~二代 in 2009. This dissatisfaction expands to Chinese government and continues to strong criticism, targeting corrupt public officials. This dissatisfaction now directly criticizes the corrupt public officials personally, and Chinese government also insists actively on exposing corruption. This trends continue to sharp blade of Xi Jinping, targeting each corrupt officials. This movement of China needs to be focused whether it continues to political administrative reform or not. Third is that Chinese government is trying to increase its international image through empowerment of soft power. China holds various cultural events such as the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai Expo and trys to construct an international image for the 2nd largest economic power. China intensified a regulation in exportation and importation to solve food safety issues such as melamine scandal in 2008. China will keep empower its soft power and try to be emerged as a cultural country, and this will increase exportation and tourist industry, as well as huge pride and achievement to Chinese citizens. Fourth is that Chinese youths are showing various characteristics. Their characteristics can be summarized to 'My generation’, ‘Network generation’, ‘Kangaroo’, ‘Gao Fushuai(tall rich handsome man)’, ‘Gao Fumei(tall, rich and beautiful women)'. The features and changes of Chinese society can be examined carefully through these analyses and summaries. China will keep produce many neologisms along with continuous changes and developments. Therefore researches about neologisms required to be continued to predict and understand the features and changes of future China.
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