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송희연 作 창작의 실제

송희연 作 창작의 실제
Other Titles
Production Thesis on ˂LOVE˃ written by Song, Hee Yeon
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Hee Yeon
최형인, 권용
Issue Date
연극이 무대 위에서 인간의 삶을 모방함으로써 새로운 삶을 창조할 수 있는 이유는 우리의 삶이 인간애를 근본으로 한다는 것에 대한 공감대를 형성하고 이러한 인식을 더욱 널리 펼쳐주기 때문이다. 한 편의 연극이 공연되기 위해서는 이러한 연극 예술의 기본적인 목적을 품은 희곡을 기초로 연출가와 배우, 기타 분야의 작업자들이 모여 작품에 대한 공통된 이해와 분석을 바탕으로 공연을 위한 각 단계의 작업을 수행하여야 한다. 본 논문은 한양대학교 대학원 연극실기석사 졸업작품 이하 로 표기 의 창작과정과 낭독공연의 성과를 살펴보는 것을 통해 희곡의 창작에서 공연으로 이어지는 과정에 대한 이해를 도모하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 의 집필과정에 대하여 상세히 밝히고 낭독공연을 위해 배우들과 수행한 작품분석을 논하였으며 낭독공연 후의 비평을 정리하였다. 서론에서는 의 창작 의도에 대해 상세히 밝힐 것이다. 창작과정에서는 일반적인 희곡의 분석 방법을 사용하여 먼저 주어진 상황(given circumstance) 캘 프리트너, 스코트 E. 월터스. 「희곡 분석 입문」, 이동훈 옮김, 코에티 프레스, 57쪽. 주어진 상황의 세부 항목은 이 책의 내용을 참고하였다. 을 밝히고 발단, 전개, 위기, 절정, 결말로 나누어 분석함으로써 극적 구조에 대해 논하고 등장인물과 주요 갈등에 대해 분석하며 집필과정에서 이러한 구성을 사용한 이유를 밝힐 것이다. 낭독공연은 필자의 지도교수 최형인을 포함하여 한양대학교 대학원 연극실기석사과정에 재학 중인 배우들을 위주로 캐스팅하였으며 2014년 12월 17일 오후 5시, 한양대학교 정보통신관 스튜디오씨어터에서 공연하였다. 관람평으로는 열린 결말로 인해 갈등이 해소되고 사건이 완결되었다는 느낌이 없다는 의견도 있었으나 극의 정서가 전반적으로 따뜻하며 소재와 내용이 많은 사람이 공감할 수 있는 부분이어서 좋았다는 의견도 다수 있었다.| The reason that a play can create a new life through imitating human lives on stage is because of its power that can form sympathy that our lives are based on human love and also can expand and share such understanding. In order for a play to be performed, directors, actors and other contributors shall come together on common understanding and analysis on the work based on a play that contains this basic purpose of theatre art. This study is to understand the process of creation and performance of a play by examining the creation process and the results of performance of , Hereafter called a play composed and performed as a graduate work of Hanyang University Graduate School of Fine Art Theatre Practice. For this purpose, I have conducted a detailed investigation on the writing process of , discussed with the actors to analyze their previous performances and organized reviews after the performance. In introduction, I will specify the purpose of writing . In first, creating process, determine the given circumstance, using the general analysis method of a play, and its dramatic structure will be discussed, and analyzed by splitting introduction, development, crisis, climax and conclusion of the play. Then I will analyze the characters and main conflicts. Finally I will give the reasons for using this structure in writing process. The performance was conducted with actors enrolled in the Theatre Practice course at Hanyang University Graduate School of Fine Art together with my academic advisor professor Hyugin Choi on December 17th, 2014 at 5 pm in Hanyang University Information Community Complex Studio Theatre. Some of the reviews criticized that the open-ended conclusion took away the feeling of resolution and completion of conflicts and situations but, many others expressed favorable impression on overall heartwarming atmosphere of the play and the plot that many can sympathize with.; The reason that a play can create a new life through imitating human lives on stage is because of its power that can form sympathy that our lives are based on human love and also can expand and share such understanding. In order for a play to be performed, directors, actors and other contributors shall come together on common understanding and analysis on the work based on a play that contains this basic purpose of theatre art. This study is to understand the process of creation and performance of a play by examining the creation process and the results of performance of , Hereafter called a play composed and performed as a graduate work of Hanyang University Graduate School of Fine Art Theatre Practice. For this purpose, I have conducted a detailed investigation on the writing process of , discussed with the actors to analyze their previous performances and organized reviews after the performance. In introduction, I will specify the purpose of writing . In first, creating process, determine the given circumstance, using the general analysis method of a play, and its dramatic structure will be discussed, and analyzed by splitting introduction, development, crisis, climax and conclusion of the play. Then I will analyze the characters and main conflicts. Finally I will give the reasons for using this structure in writing process. The performance was conducted with actors enrolled in the Theatre Practice course at Hanyang University Graduate School of Fine Art together with my academic advisor professor Hyugin Choi on December 17th, 2014 at 5 pm in Hanyang University Information Community Complex Studio Theatre. Some of the reviews criticized that the open-ended conclusion took away the feeling of resolution and completion of conflicts and situations but, many others expressed favorable impression on overall heartwarming atmosphere of the play and the plot that many can sympathize with.
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