조선시대 인골에 나타나는 척추뼈 골관절염에 관한 연구

조선시대 인골에 나타나는 척추뼈 골관절염에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study of Vertebral Osteoarthritis of Human Skeletal Remains from the Joseon Dynasty
Alternative Author(s)
Oh, Seung Rae
Issue Date
본 연구에서는 한반도 경기지역 18개 유적에서 출토된 척추뼈가 존재하는 인골 96개체를 연구대상으로 조선시대 인골의 척추뼈에서 관찰되는 골관절염의 양상을 파악하고, 이를 성별·연령·묘제 별로 분석하여 척추뼈의 골관절염 척도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 확인하였다. 성별·연령·묘제의 기준을 설정하는데 있어서 연령은 20년 단위로 구분하여 청소년, 청년, 장년, 노년 4개의 범주로 분류하였고, 묘제는 크게 토광묘와 회곽묘 2개의 범주로 분류하여 구분하였다. 연구를 진행하는데 있어서 먼저 조선시대 인골의 척추뼈 골관절염을 척도 0~3의 4단계로 식별하고 분류할 수 있는 기준안을 제시하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 조선시대 인골의 척추뼈 출토 양상 및 골관절염 양상을 분석하였다. 또한 그 결과를 검증하고 보완하기 위해 조선시대 인골의 척추뼈에 관한 선행연구와 비교 분석하였다. 이러한 분석 결과는 통계 프로그램을 이용하여 95% 신뢰수준에서 통계적 유의성을 검정하였다. 척추뼈 출토 양상을 정리하면 성별의 경우 남성의 비율(58.3%)이 여성의 비율(37.5%)에 비해 조금 더 높다. 연령의 경우 청소년의 비율(5.2%)과 청년의 비율(13.5%)이 낮고 장년의 비율(49%)과 노년의 비율(29.2%)이 높으며 특히 장년의 출토 비율이 가장 높다. 묘제의 경우 토광묘의 비율(29.2%)에 비해 회곽묘의 비율(70.8%)이 명확하게 높다. 척추뼈 골관절염 척도의 평균을 비교하면 성별의 경우 남성의 평균(1.223)이 여성의 평균(1.181) 보다 높기는 하지만, 실제 남성과 여성의 골관절염 척도의 평균은 차이가 거의 나지 않는다. 연령의 경우 청년의 평균(0.431)이 장년의 평균(1.383)과 노년의 평균(1.473) 보다 명확하게 낮으며, 장년과 노년 간에는 노년의 평균이 더 높지만 차이가 미약한 편이다. 묘제는 토광묘의 평균(1.328)이 회곽묘의 평균(1.130) 보다 다소 높다. 골관절염 척도의 평균을 기준으로 척추뼈 간의 순서를 살펴보면 허리뼈>엉치뼈>목뼈>등뼈의 순으로 높다. 허리뼈의 평균(2.161)이 가장 높고 목뼈의 평균(1.727)과 등뼈의 평균(1.710)이 낮으며, 엉치뼈의 평균(1.977)은 중간에 해당한다. 목뼈와 등뼈를 비교하면 목뼈의 평균이 높기는 하지만, 실제로는 거의 차이나지 않는다. 척추뼈 골관절염의 요인을 분석하기 위하여 성별, 연령, 묘제를 기준으로 독립표본 t-검정과 일원분산분석을 실시한 결과 성별과 묘제는 척추뼈 골관절염의 직접적인 요인이 아니며, 청년과 장년 범주의 경계를 기준으로 연령에 따른 유의미한 차이점을 가지고 있으므로 연령은 척추뼈 골관절염의 직접적인 요인이라는 결론을 얻을 수 있다. 조선시대 인골의 척추뼈 골관절염에 관하여 이상의 연구 결과로 연령만이 척추뼈 골관절염의 척도에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 독립적인 요인이라는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 또한 이러한 결론에 관하여 선행연구와의 비교 분석을 통해 검증하고 보완하였다. 더불어 조선시대 인골의 척추뼈 골관절염을 분석한 결과를 성별과 연령을 기준으로 현대 한국인의 척추증 유병률과 비교함으로써 성별에 따른 척추뼈 골관절염의 유병률이 유사한 편인 조선시대 거주민과는 달리 현대의 한국인은 장년 이후로 여성의 유병률이 높으며, 조선시대 거주민과 비교하여 현대 한국인이 연령 범주 별로 척추뼈 골관절염 유병률이 명확하게 차이가 난다는 경향성을 확인할 수 있다. 또한 척추뼈 골관절염을 통해 조선시대 묘제와 신분제도의 비교 분석을 실시하였다. 일반적으로 토광묘는 일반 백성들의 묘제로, 회곽묘는 지배층의 묘제로 인식이 되는데 통계학적으로 유의미하지 않음에도 불구하고 토광묘 출토 인골의 척추뼈 골관절염 평균이 회곽묘 출토 인골의 평균 보다 높게 나타난 것은, 신분의 차이와 노동의 강도가 조선시대의 사회상으로 반영되어 나타난 결과라고 추정할 수 있다. 다만 조선시대 중·후기에는 신분질서의 혼란으로 인해 토광묘와 회곽묘의 묘제 차이가 절대적으로 피장자의 사회적 신분을 반영한다고 판단하기는 어렵다는 것도 고려가 되어야 한다.| In this study, we have examined the conditions of vertebral osteoarthritis from the 96 human skeletal remains, with vertebrae, out of the excavations from 18 different archaeological sites from Joseon Dynasty across the entire Gyeonggi Province in the Korean Peninsula. The human skeletal remains were categorized into groups by sex, age, and burial type and analyzed to determine the causing factors by which these groups had on the clinical scales of vertebral osteoarthritis. In order to establish criterion for each group, age was sub-categorized into 4 groups, Adolescence (13~20 years), Young-Adulthood (21~40 years), Middle-Adulthood (41~60 years), and Old-Adulthood (over 60 years). Burial type was sub-categorized into earth-pit burial type and lime-mortar burial type. A standard for clinical scale of vertebral osteoarthritis was proposed to which we could identify and categorize into 4 stages, i.e. scores from 0 to 3, and based on this 4 stages, the conditions of vertebral osteoarthritis was analysed. Furthermore, to substantiate and supplement the results, we made comparative analysis with prior researches conducted in regards to vertebrae of human skeletal remains from the same period. Using software, statistical significance of the results were tested with 95% confidence level. As for the proportions of the excavated vertebrae samples in terms of our categories, for sex, male (58.3%) was higher compared to female (37.5%). Comparing the results of age groups, Middle-Adulthood (49%) and Old-Adulthood (29.2%) were higher compared to Adolescence (5.2%) and Young-Adulthood (13.5%). Comparing burial types, lime-mortar burial type (70.8%) was much higher than earth-pit burial type (29.2%). As for comparison of average scores for each category, the average for males (score 1.223) came out to be a little higher compared to females (score 1.181) but, in fact, the averages are virtually the same. In terms of age groups, the averages for Middle-Adulthood (score 1.383) and Old-Adulthood (score 1.473) were certainly higher than that of Young-Adulthood (score 0.431). The average for Old-Adulthood was higher than that of Middle-Adulthood but no significant difference was found. For burial types, the average for earth-pit burial type (score 1.328) was somewhat higher compared to the average of lime-mortar burial type (score 1.130). Applying the same method of scoring to the segments of vertebrae, we were able to discover that the scores, in descending order, were lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, cervical vertebrae, and thoracic vertebrae. The average of lumbar vertebrae was the highest with score 2.161, sacrum at midpoint with score 1.977, and cervical and thoracic vertebrae were lowest at score 1.727 and score 1.710. The average of cervical vertebrae was a bit higher than that of thoracic vertebrae but the difference was insignificant. Independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were applied based on the categories of sex, age, and burial type in order to analyze the causing factors of vertebral osteoarthritis. According to the outcome, we determined that sex and burial type were not direct causing factors of vertebral osteoarthritis. Because of a significant difference between the line that segregated Young-Adulthood and Middle-Adulthood groups under age category, we determined that age was a direct causing factor of vertebral osteoarthritis. By means of examining the conditions of vertebral osteoarthritis on human skeletal remains from Joseon Dynasty, we were able to find out that age was the only causing factor of vertebral osteoarthritis. The result was substantiated and supplemented by conducting comparative analysis with prior researches with similar parameters. In addition, from comparing and analyzing the results on sex and age groups to the prevalence of spondylosis to modern Koreans categorized in the same manner, we were able to determine that, in modern days, the prevalence of vertebral osteoarthritis was higher for females after Middle-Adulthood compared to males, whereas, the dispersion was comparable between males and females in the Joseon Dynasty period. Finally, a comparative analysis was applied between burial types and social status system of Joseon Dynasty. It is generally acknowledged that earth-pit burials were widely used by ordinary men, whereas lime-mortar burials by the governing class. Even though it is not statistically significant, the average of earth-pit burial type being higher could be recognized as the reflection of the different levels of manual labor inflicted on the two social statuses. However, it must be considered that, toward the end of that time period, the boundary between social statuses were disordered, and the burial types do not definitively correspond to social status of the person of that time.; In this study, we have examined the conditions of vertebral osteoarthritis from the 96 human skeletal remains, with vertebrae, out of the excavations from 18 different archaeological sites from Joseon Dynasty across the entire Gyeonggi Province in the Korean Peninsula. The human skeletal remains were categorized into groups by sex, age, and burial type and analyzed to determine the causing factors by which these groups had on the clinical scales of vertebral osteoarthritis. In order to establish criterion for each group, age was sub-categorized into 4 groups, Adolescence (13~20 years), Young-Adulthood (21~40 years), Middle-Adulthood (41~60 years), and Old-Adulthood (over 60 years). Burial type was sub-categorized into earth-pit burial type and lime-mortar burial type. A standard for clinical scale of vertebral osteoarthritis was proposed to which we could identify and categorize into 4 stages, i.e. scores from 0 to 3, and based on this 4 stages, the conditions of vertebral osteoarthritis was analysed. Furthermore, to substantiate and supplement the results, we made comparative analysis with prior researches conducted in regards to vertebrae of human skeletal remains from the same period. Using software, statistical significance of the results were tested with 95% confidence level. As for the proportions of the excavated vertebrae samples in terms of our categories, for sex, male (58.3%) was higher compared to female (37.5%). Comparing the results of age groups, Middle-Adulthood (49%) and Old-Adulthood (29.2%) were higher compared to Adolescence (5.2%) and Young-Adulthood (13.5%). Comparing burial types, lime-mortar burial type (70.8%) was much higher than earth-pit burial type (29.2%). As for comparison of average scores for each category, the average for males (score 1.223) came out to be a little higher compared to females (score 1.181) but, in fact, the averages are virtually the same. In terms of age groups, the averages for Middle-Adulthood (score 1.383) and Old-Adulthood (score 1.473) were certainly higher than that of Young-Adulthood (score 0.431). The average for Old-Adulthood was higher than that of Middle-Adulthood but no significant difference was found. For burial types, the average for earth-pit burial type (score 1.328) was somewhat higher compared to the average of lime-mortar burial type (score 1.130). Applying the same method of scoring to the segments of vertebrae, we were able to discover that the scores, in descending order, were lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, cervical vertebrae, and thoracic vertebrae. The average of lumbar vertebrae was the highest with score 2.161, sacrum at midpoint with score 1.977, and cervical and thoracic vertebrae were lowest at score 1.727 and score 1.710. The average of cervical vertebrae was a bit higher than that of thoracic vertebrae but the difference was insignificant. Independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were applied based on the categories of sex, age, and burial type in order to analyze the causing factors of vertebral osteoarthritis. According to the outcome, we determined that sex and burial type were not direct causing factors of vertebral osteoarthritis. Because of a significant difference between the line that segregated Young-Adulthood and Middle-Adulthood groups under age category, we determined that age was a direct causing factor of vertebral osteoarthritis. By means of examining the conditions of vertebral osteoarthritis on human skeletal remains from Joseon Dynasty, we were able to find out that age was the only causing factor of vertebral osteoarthritis. The result was substantiated and supplemented by conducting comparative analysis with prior researches with similar parameters. In addition, from comparing and analyzing the results on sex and age groups to the prevalence of spondylosis to modern Koreans categorized in the same manner, we were able to determine that, in modern days, the prevalence of vertebral osteoarthritis was higher for females after Middle-Adulthood compared to males, whereas, the dispersion was comparable between males and females in the Joseon Dynasty period. Finally, a comparative analysis was applied between burial types and social status system of Joseon Dynasty. It is generally acknowledged that earth-pit burials were widely used by ordinary men, whereas lime-mortar burials by the governing class. Even though it is not statistically significant, the average of earth-pit burial type being higher could be recognized as the reflection of the different levels of manual labor inflicted on the two social statuses. However, it must be considered that, toward the end of that time period, the boundary between social statuses were disordered, and the burial types do not definitively correspond to social status of the person of that time.
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