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국립무용단 공연활동 분석을 통한 안무프로그램 운영 방안에 관한 연구

국립무용단 공연활동 분석을 통한 안무프로그램 운영 방안에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Operation of Choreography Programs by Analyzing the Performances of the National Dance Company of Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Cho,Jae Hyuk
Issue Date
본 연구 문제는 국립무용단의 공연활동을 분석하여 안무가를 육성할 수 있는 공연 프로그램의 유무와 함께 공연프로그램의 질을 분석하여 향후 국립무용단에서 지향해야할 안무프로그램을 제시하는데 연구의 목적을 두고 있다. 따라서 본 연구를 진행하는데 있어서 국립무용단의 지방공연, 해외공연을 제외한 정기공연과 안무가 육성프로그램에 관련된 공연활동만을 분석 대상으로 하고 있다. 또한 공연활동 분석 후 국립무용단체를 수용하여 국립안무센터운영을 통해 세계적인 안무가를 배출하고 있는 프랑스의 사례를 조사하여 국립무용단이 지향해야할 안무프로그램을 제시하는 방식으로 연구를 진행하였다. 그 결과 국립무용단의 안무가 육성을 위한 공연은 안무가의 세대, 공연장소, 창작방식에 따라 정기공연과 자체기획공연의 차별성을 발견하였다. 그러나 이러한 공연활동은 현재 지속성을 상실하고 있으며, 안무가 선정이나 공연프로그램의 구성, 공연위주의 프로그램 운영 등과 같은 측면의 개선할 점을 가지고 있었다. 이상과 같은 안무가 육성을 위한 기획 프로그램의 특성을 토대로 국립무용단의 안무프로그램의 필요성을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 국립무용단이 갖는 한국을 대표한다는 대표성과 한국춤의 세계화를 위한 임무를 수행하기 위해서는 다양한 창작의 경향성과 세계화를 위한 안무프로그램 개발이 시급하다고 사료된다. 둘째, 국립무용단 안무프로그램 개발을 위해서는 한국성을 기반으로 하는 안무프로그램 개발이 시급하다. 셋째, 국립무용단의 안무프로그램 운영을 위해서 국립무용단이라는 공인 단체의 안무프로그램 운영에 있어서 안무가 선정을 위한 공개 프로세서의 개발이 필요하다. 넷째, 공연위주로 수행되어온 국립무용단의 안무프로그램 운영을 보다 다양하게 세분화할 필요성이 있다. 이러한 환경을 개선하기 위해서 한국 무용문화를 선도하는 국립무용단에서 안무프로그램을 운영하는데 있어서 공연활동 이외에 변화무쌍한 공연환경에서 보다 참신하고 예술적 가치가 높은 창작작품을 안무할 수 있는 안무 교육프로그램과 함께 다양한 실험을 할 수 있는 워크샵과 같은 안무프로그램의 다양화를 위한 노력이 필요하다. 다섯째, 국립무용단의 안무프로그램을 개발하기 위해서는 국립무용단에서 세계화를 시킬 수 있는 국립무용단의 우수한 레퍼토리 구축을 위한 장기간의 안무프로그램 기획이 필요하다. 여섯째, 국립무용단의 안무프로그램운영을 위해서는 보다 다양하고 보다 참신한 국립무용단의 안무 레퍼토리를 구축하기 위해서 공연과 교육, 워크샵(실험성)을 모두 포괄할 수 있는 안무프로그램의 개발이 필요하다. 이와 같이 본 연구는 국립무용단의 안무 프로그램의 필요성을 제시하였다. 따라서 국립무용단의 원활한 안무프로그램 운영을 위한 환경조성이 필요하다. 따라서 국립무용단의 안무프로그램 운영을 위해서 창작의 측면에서 국립안무센터 건립과 운영, 기획의 측면, 재정조성의 측면으로 나누어 환경조성을 제시하였다. 국립무용단은 한국을 대표하는 단체로서 그 동안 한국의 전통춤의 세계화 및 창작문화를 선도한 단체이다. 따라서 국립무용단은 한국춤의 대표성을 내포하고 있는 단체라 할 수 있다. 현재 한국무용계는 문화경쟁력이 국가 경쟁력을 평가하는 시대에 한국춤의 세계화 및 한류를 유도해야만 하는 현실에 처해있다. 이와 같은 시대적인 요구를 해결하기 위해서는 한국창작춤의 예술성을 확보할 수 있는 우수한 안무가 발굴이 선행되어야한다. 이와 같은 문제의식에서 2000년대 이후 국립무용단에서는 국립무용단원만을 위한 기획프로그램이 아닌 외부에서 활동하고 있는 우수한 안무가들을 발굴하여 한국 창작춤의 활성화를 유도하고 우수한 레퍼토리를 구축할 수 있는 기획프로그램을 운영한 바 있다. 그러나 2015년 현재 이와 같은 실험성 있는 안무가 발굴 프로그램은 단절된 상태이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 한국춤 문화를 대표하는 국립무용단이 미래지향적인 관점에서 안무가를 발굴하기 위한 프로그램 개발을 유도하기 위한 방향 모색이 필요하다는 관점에서 연구를 시작 하였으며, 안무프로그램 개발의 필요성과 환경조성 방안을 제시하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 국립무용단이 향후 지향해야할 방향설정의 필요성에 대한 제시를 통해 향후 국립무용단의 우수한 안무가 발굴과 스타 안무가 육성을 위한 방안을 구축하는데 활용될 수 있을 것이다.| With analyzing performance activities of the National Dance Company based on this research problem, it intends to provide a choreography program to be pursued by the National Dance Company in the future by analyzing the performance program's quality along with an available performance program to cultivate choreographers. Therefore, in carrying out this study, it would like to analyze only the National Dance Company's regular performances except its provincial and overseas performances and the performance activities related to choreographer development programs. In addition, this study was carried out with the method of examining the case of France, where accepts national dancing groups after analyzing their performance activities to produce world-class choreographers by operating the national choreography center, to present a choreography program to be pursued by the National Dance Company. As a result, it was found that there is a difference between regular performances and its own planning performances for the National Dance Company's performances to cultivate choreographers according to the choreographer's generation, performance places and creation methods. However, these performance activities are currently losing continuity, and have what needs improving in the aspect such as selecting a choreographer, organizing a performance program or operating a program focused on performances. Based on the characteristics of the above planning programs for cultivating choreographers, the need for the National Dance Company's choreography program is suggested as follows. 1. To accomplish representation of the National Dance Company's representing Korea and a mission for Korean dance's globalization, it is considered that a choreography program should be urgently developed for various tendencies of creation and globalization. 2. It is urgent to develop a choreography program based on Korean identity for developing the National Dance Company's choreography program. 3. It is needed to develop a public processor to select a choreographer in operating a choreography program of the official organization called the National Dance Company for operating the National Dance Company's choreography program. 4. There is a need to further subdivide the National Dance Company's choreography program operation which has been carried out mainly with performance. To improve such an environment, more effort is required for diversifying choreography programs such as a workshop, which could conduct various experiments, along with a choreography program, which could choreography creative works of more original and greater artistic merit in an ever-changing performance environment in addition to performance activities for the National Dance Company, which leads Korea's dance culture, to operate its choreography programs. 5. To develop the National Dance Company's choreography programs,the National Dance Company needs to plan a long-term choreography program for building an outstanding repertory which could be globalized by the National Dance Company. 6. To operate the National Dance Company's choreography programs, it is needed to develop a choreography program, which could cover all the performances, education and workshops (experimental nature), for building more diverse and original choreography repertory of the National Dance Company. This study suggested the need of choreography programs for the National Dance Company in this way. Therefore, it is needed to create an environment for operating efficient choreography programs of the National Dance Company. Accordingly, to operate the National Dance Company's choreography program, it suggested to create the environment by dividing into the creation aspect including the establishment and operation of a national choreography center, planning, and finance raising aspects. The National Dance Company is an organization representing Korea, which has led Korea's traditional dance globalization and creative cultures so far.; With analyzing performance activities of the National Dance Company based on this research problem, it intends to provide a choreography program to be pursued by the National Dance Company in the future by analyzing the performance program's quality along with an available performance program to cultivate choreographers. Therefore, in carrying out this study, it would like to analyze only the National Dance Company's regular performances except its provincial and overseas performances and the performance activities related to choreographer development programs. In addition, this study was carried out with the method of examining the case of France, where accepts national dancing groups after analyzing their performance activities to produce world-class choreographers by operating the national choreography center, to present a choreography program to be pursued by the National Dance Company. As a result, it was found that there is a difference between regular performances and its own planning performances for the National Dance Company's performances to cultivate choreographers according to the choreographer's generation, performance places and creation methods. However, these performance activities are currently losing continuity, and have what needs improving in the aspect such as selecting a choreographer, organizing a performance program or operating a program focused on performances. Based on the characteristics of the above planning programs for cultivating choreographers, the need for the National Dance Company's choreography program is suggested as follows. 1. To accomplish representation of the National Dance Company's representing Korea and a mission for Korean dance's globalization, it is considered that a choreography program should be urgently developed for various tendencies of creation and globalization. 2. It is urgent to develop a choreography program based on Korean identity for developing the National Dance Company's choreography program. 3. It is needed to develop a public processor to select a choreographer in operating a choreography program of the official organization called the National Dance Company for operating the National Dance Company's choreography program. 4. There is a need to further subdivide the National Dance Company's choreography program operation which has been carried out mainly with performance. To improve such an environment, more effort is required for diversifying choreography programs such as a workshop, which could conduct various experiments, along with a choreography program, which could choreography creative works of more original and greater artistic merit in an ever-changing performance environment in addition to performance activities for the National Dance Company, which leads Korea's dance culture, to operate its choreography programs. 5. To develop the National Dance Company's choreography programs,the National Dance Company needs to plan a long-term choreography program for building an outstanding repertory which could be globalized by the National Dance Company. 6. To operate the National Dance Company's choreography programs, it is needed to develop a choreography program, which could cover all the performances, education and workshops (experimental nature), for building more diverse and original choreography repertory of the National Dance Company. This study suggested the need of choreography programs for the National Dance Company in this way. Therefore, it is needed to create an environment for operating efficient choreography programs of the National Dance Company. Accordingly, to operate the National Dance Company's choreography program, it suggested to create the environment by dividing into the creation aspect including the establishment and operation of a national choreography center, planning, and finance raising aspects. The National Dance Company is an organization representing Korea, which has led Korea's traditional dance globalization and creative cultures so far.
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