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하이퍼텍스트로서의 비주얼 노블 연구

하이퍼텍스트로서의 비주얼 노블 연구
Other Titles
A Study of Visual Novel as a Hypertext
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, SoHee
Issue Date
비주얼 노블은 게임과 소설이 결합된 형태의 디지털 컨텐츠로 하이퍼텍스트의 성격을 가지고 있다. 또한 각종 이미지와 소리, 영상 등 다양한 매체를 포함한 하이퍼미디어라고도 볼 수 있다. 비주얼 노블은 게임의 수행성과 소설의 서사를 포함하고 있으며, 이로 인해 플레이어에게 독특한 형태의 읽기를 체험할 수 있도록 만든다. 본 논문에서는 비주얼 노블의 강점으로 게임에서 요구되는 수행성이 시나리오 안으로 들어올 수 있다는 점과 하이퍼텍스트성을 드러내는 서사 구조의 활용이 가능하다는 걸 꼽는다. 하이퍼텍스트성을 강조한 서사 구조로는 루프 이미지의 구현과 선택지를 통해 분기로 나뉘어 다양한 결말을 볼 수 있도록 설계된 멀티 시나리오에 주목한다. 비주얼 노블의 이러한 매체적·서사적 강점이 실제 어떻게 구성되고 표현되었는지 작품을 통해 분석한다. 정보통신과 매체의 발달로 장르의 경계가 무너지고 혼합되어 가는 현 상황에서, 본 연구를 통하여 비주얼 노블의 정의 및 발전 양상에 대해 이해하고, 나아가서는 매체의 형식에 적합한 스토리텔링이란 무엇인지 고찰하고자 한다.| Visual novel is the digital contents combined game with novel and it contains hypertext. Also Visual novel is realized as a kind of hypermedia which is included images, sounds, vision and other effects. Visual novel has performativity of game and description of novel and it causes very special reading process in players' recognition. Visual novel has two representative advantages over the other one-way description media. At first, performativity of game can come in scenario of visual novel. Also, in visual novel, description structure which emphasize the hypertext could be shown as a multi scenario, materialization of loop and choices in diverse situations. Through the scenario which is built for different ending, player can experience bringing to a settlement in their stories. In this paper, consideration about strength of visual novel and structure which contains hypertext description will be presented through analysis on characteristic of visual novel and work of visual novel. Nowadays, development of info-communication and media made collapse boundary of genre. The consideration on definition and development of visual novel will be a helping hand on understanding proper storytelling way for media method.|ビジュアルノベルはゲ?ムと小?が結合した形態のデジタルコンテンツでハイパ?テキストの特?を持つである。その上、各種のイメ?ジとサウンド、動?など??なメディアを含むハイパ?メディアでもある。ビジュアルノベルはゲ?ムの遂行性と小?の?事を持ち、それによってプレイヤ?に?特な形の「?み」??をさせる。 本?究はビジュアルノベルの?所としてゲ?ムに求められる遂行性がシナリオの中で入りこまれるどころと、ハイパ?テキスト性を示す?事構造の活用が可能であることをいう。ハイパ?テキスト性を示す?事構造としてはル?プ(Loop)イメ?ジの具現と選?肢により多?な結末を??出?るマルチシナリオに注目する。ビジュアルノベルのこのような特?がどんな方法で構成し、表現されたか、?際の作品の分析をもとにしてビジュアルノベルに?する理解を目指す。 本?究はビジュアルノベルの定義及び?展?相について理解し、さらにメディアの形式に適合なスト?リ?テリングは何なのか考察する。; Visual novel is the digital contents combined game with novel and it contains hypertext. Also Visual novel is realized as a kind of hypermedia which is included images, sounds, vision and other effects. Visual novel has performativity of game and description of novel and it causes very special reading process in players' recognition. Visual novel has two representative advantages over the other one-way description media. At first, performativity of game can come in scenario of visual novel. Also, in visual novel, description structure which emphasize the hypertext could be shown as a multi scenario, materialization of loop and choices in diverse situations. Through the scenario which is built for different ending, player can experience bringing to a settlement in their stories. In this paper, consideration about strength of visual novel and structure which contains hypertext description will be presented through analysis on characteristic of visual novel and work of visual novel. Nowadays, development of info-communication and media made collapse boundary of genre. The consideration on definition and development of visual novel will be a helping hand on understanding proper storytelling way for media method.
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