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창의적인 업무환경을 위한 코워킹(Co-working) 스페이스 특성 연구

창의적인 업무환경을 위한 코워킹(Co-working) 스페이스 특성 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Characteristics of 'Co-working space' for Creative working environment
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Eun Seok
Issue Date
한양대학교 대학원
우리나라 청년들의 취업률은 매년 하락하고 있는 동시에 40, 50대의 정년퇴직, 명예퇴직 등 퇴직자들의 나이는 점점 줄어들고 있는 실정이다. 그로인해 청년들의 경우 취업보다는 창업, 베이비부머 세대를 포함한 40, 50대의 경우 생계형 창업의 수가 증가하고 있다. 현대의 IT시대와 정보화 사회로의 진입은 이들에게 맞는 광대한 통신환경을 사용하여 창업을 준비할 수 있는 업무공간을 생겨나게 하고 있는 추세이다. 거대한 조직구조에서의 단체 능력보다는 독립된 소규모 조직이나 개인의 능력이 중요시되어 프리랜서나 1인 기업, 예비창업자, 창업자들의 이상적인 공간 옵션으로서 코워킹(Co-working) 스페이스는 창의성을 증진 시킬 수 있는 업무공간의 새로운 패러다임으로 떠오르고 있다. 창업을 위한 기업이나 1인 기업과 같은 실질적인 수요가 증가하고 있음으로 협업을 위해 공유할 수 있는 공간이나 코워킹(Co-working) 스페이스와 같은 비슷한 부류의 업무공간 공급이 늘어날 것으로 예상되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 일반적인 오피스 업무환경에서 벗어나 휴식, 사색, 자기개발, 취미생활을 공유하고 개인의 창의성을 필요로 하는 창의적인 업무환경을 위한 코워킹(Co-working) 스페이스의 특성을 파악하는데 목적을 두었다. 최근에 이르러 점차적으로 코워킹 스페이스가 공급되는 추세이나 현재까지 코워킹 스페이스에 관한 전반적인 연구는 다소 부족한 실정이기에 코워킹 스페이스 공간 계획 시 창의적인 업무환경의 특성을 나타내는 방향을 제시할 필요성이 있다고 생각한다. 연구자는 창의적인 업무환경을 위한 코워킹 스페이스의 특성을 연구하기위해 일반적인 오피스 공간에서의 공간구성을 업무 형태 4가지와 공간 유형 4가지로 분류 및 정리할 수 있었고, 선행연구와 참고문헌을 통해 업무공간에서의 창의적인 업무환경을 위한 특성 4가지와 각 특성에 따른 특성요소 5가지(총 20가지)를 도출하여 평가항목으로 선정할 수 있었다. 서울에 위치한 사례공간으로 코워킹 스페이스 8곳을 선정할 수 있었으며 사례조사와 관찰조사, 관계자와의 인터뷰를 바탕으로 창의적인 업무환경의 특성과 특성요소의 평가항목, 코워킹 스페이스를 실질적으로 이용하는 사용자로부터 만족도와 선호도의 설문조사를 통해 연구결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 1. 코워킹 스페이스는 불특정 다수의 사람들과 함께하는 협업공간을 통해 지식을 공유하는 공간으로 활용된다. 따라서 공간구성의 업무 형태로는 개인들의 반복적으로 이루어지는 회의나 프로젝트 과정 시 협동적으로 공유된 환경에서 해결하고 수행 할 수 있는 Den의 형태나 개인과 팀 간의 필요에 의해 정해지고 자신의 이익 창출을 위해 돌아다니며 공간을 사용하는 Club의 형태가 되어야 할 것이다. 2. 사례공간 8곳에서 나타난 공간 유형으로는 한정된 범위 안에서 공간을 능동적으로 사용할 수 있는 직선형이 5곳, 최소 단위의 구조로 사용 가능한 격자형이 2곳, 공간 컨셉에 따른 원형이 1곳으로 나타났으나 공간의 규모나 구조, 현장 상황에 따른 적절한 공간의 유형으로 계획되어야 할 것이다. 3. 코워킹 스페이스 8곳의 사례분석으로 팀의 의식향상 특성의 특성요소에 따라 약간은 소란스럽지만 사람들로부터 동기부여가 되는 개방형 구조의 중앙 Open plan 구조를 갖되 낮은(눈높이)의 파티션이나 (반)투명한 유리 파티션의 사용은 공간을 이용하는 사용자들에게 최소한의 프라이버시를 보호 할 수 있는 방법이기에 간과해서는 안 될 부분이다. 그리고 많은 사용자들에게 공간을 할당할 수 있도록 개인의 공간은 최소화하고, 가구의 이동과 배치, 회의실과 미팅 룸, 라운지와 같은 그룹의 협동공간을 조성할 수 있도록 구성되어야 한다. 4. 코워킹 스페이스 8곳의 사례분석으로 정보 및 시설공유 특성의 특성요소에 따라 건물 출입구, 칠판, 책장, 셀프 바 등 게시판 공간을 만들어 특강이나 세미나 등 참석 가능한 프로그램의 제목과 내용, 장소 등을 게시 할 수 있도록 다양한 홍보 수단을 제공 할 수 있어야한다. 우연한 만남을 위한 유기적인 동선보다는 정보 교류를 위한 만남으로 유기적 동선을 대체할 수 있는 수단이 필요하다. 책장이나 열린 서재를 통해 도서의 이용과 동시에 휴식까지 겸할 수 있는 공간이나 일반적인 휴식을 위한 공간, 우연만 만남 이후 의사소통이 가능한 공간으로 셀프 바나 미니 바, 나눔 부엌과 같은 다양한 기능이 가능한 공간계획이 되어야 할 것이다. 5. 코워킹 스페이스 8곳의 사례분석으로 공동체 공간 특성의 특성요소에 따라 자연친화적인 환경을 조성하거나 자연 친화적인 재료를 활용하여 공동의 쾌적함을 줄 수 있는 것이 필요하며, 원활한 프로젝트를 위해 다양한 인원이 사용가능한 회의 공간구성이 필요하고, 회의 공간의 수가 상대적으로 적거나 없는 경우 회의 공간으로 구성 할 수 있도록 적절한 가구의 배치가 필요하다. 또한 멤버십 회원제로 운영되는 코워킹 스페이스의 경우 자유로운 출입이 제한되기에 입구부분의 잉여공간을 사회적인 접촉 가능한 공간으로 테이블과 의자, 셀프 바 등을 구획하여 다양한 접촉의 공간으로 활용하는 것이 중요하다. 6. 코워킹 스페이스 8곳의 사례분석으로 이동의 용이 특성의 특성요소에 따라 코워킹 스페이스를 이용하는 사용자들은 공간의 이동이 자유롭고 회의나 협업을 위한 자리로의 변경 시 기기 사용의 편리함을 줄 수 있도록 테이블이나 바닥, 벽, 천정 등에 매입 콘센트와 같은 전기설비가 적절하게 구성되어야 한다. 다목적 공간으로 사용하기 위한 회의 공간 또는 비공개 협업을 위한 공간으로 변경 시 폴딩 도어(folding Door) 나 슬라이딩 도어(Sliding Door)와 같은 공간 개폐시설을 활용한다거나 공간을 다양하게 사용할 수 있도록 변형 가능한 가구를 사용하는 것이 중요하다. 개인 공간을 최소로 활용하여 공간을 계획 하였을 경우 적절한 이동 동선의 구획이 필요하며, 개인의 노트북을 활용하지 않고 불특정 다수에게 제공할 수 있는 워크스테이션이 구획된 공간의 경우 사용하는 시간도 고려되어야 할 것이다. 본 연구에서는 창업을 위한 기업이나 1인 기업, 프리랜서와 같은 실질적인 수요가 증가함으로 협업을 위해 공유할 수 있는 공간이나 코워킹(Co-working) 스페이스와 같은 비슷한 부류의 업무공간 공급이 늘어날 것으로 예상되고 있어 창의적인 업무환경을 위한 코워킹 스페이스의 특성을 파악하는 기초 연구로서 진행되었으며, 향후 연구자가 진행하지 않은 특성과 세분화된 특성요소로 코워킹 스페이스를 이용하는 사용자의 요구에 부합하는 코워킹 스페이스에 관한 지속적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. |While an employment rate of Korean youths has been dropping yearly, age of mandatory retirement of 40-50yrs old and age of the early(honorable) retirement has been shortening gradually. So in case of youths starting an enterprise compared to choose employment is increasing, in case of 40-50yrs including baby-boomers the number of starting an enterprise as a means of living is increasing. Modern IT and an information society gives them a working space to be able preparing the foundation of enterprise through using the vast communication environment. Because in a vast structure of system a small independent system or personal ability is regarded as important compared to group ability, co-working space as an ideal space option to free-lancer, one-man enterprise, pre-founder and founder is rising as a new paradigm of working space to increase the creativity. In a trend of increasing of substantial demand of an enterprise for founding enterprise or one-man enterprise, it is expected to increase the supply of working space something like a space for co-operation or co-working space. In this situation this study has a goal to grasp the characteristics of co-working space for creative business environment to improve personal creativity and to make possible taking a rest, meditation, self-development, and a dilettante life escaping a general office working environment. There is a trend of supplying the co-working space gradually in recent years, but today an overall study about co-working space is more or less insufficient. So I think that it is necessary to present a direction showing a characteristics of creative working environment in time of planning a co-working space. For this study I can classify and arrange the space structure in a general office space as dividing 4 business forms and 4 space forms. Through previous researches and bibliographies I can also select as evaluation items of 4 characteristics for creative working environment and 5 featuring factors(total 20 factors) according to each characteristics. However, there is no exact statistics of showing or investigating the co-working spaces in scope of location or place. So as objects of study I can select 9 co-working spaces presented in 'Monthly Design Magazine'(2015) and Seoul 8 co-working spaces in publications titled 'co-working space'. I can get the study results through case investigations, an observational study, a creative working environment characteristics, evaluation items of featuring factors based on interview with the persons concerned. Also I can get the study results through question-answer papers about a feeling of satisfaction and preference from real users of co-working space. 1. Co-working space is used as a space to share knowledge through collaborative space together with an unspecified number of people. Therefore, as a spatial configuration business form it should be the form of Den that can solve and do business during the meeting made repeatedly of individuals or project processes cooperatively in a shared environment, or it should be the form of oozing Club to use the space for the creation of his interests and determined by the needs between individuals and teams. 2. In case of Seoul 8 co-working space form it shows '5 straight line form' enabling space use actively, '2 latticing form' enabling space use minimum unit, '1 organic form' using round module same as its concept. however Co-working space should be designed as a type of a suitable space according to the size of the space, structure, site conditions. 3. Co-working space with case analysis of eight places, depending on the nature of characteristics of the team awareness raising, it should have an open architecture structure Central Open plan that is motivated by people though a little turmoil, but the use of the lower (eye-level)partition and (half)transparent glass partition is a part that should not be overlooked because it is a way to protect the minimum privacy of the users. And private space should be minimized to be able to allocate the space for the large number of users, it should be configured for allowing to be able creating a collaborative space, such as to move the furniture and layout, conference room and meeting room, and a lounge. 4. Co-working space with case analysis of eight places, depending on the nature of the characteristics of information and facilities shared, it should be able to provide a variety of promotional means enabling to publish the program's title, contents, location etc. available to attend the special lectures or seminars through a bulletin board space such as entrance, a blackboard, a bookcase, self bar. It is necessary a means to replace the organic line of flow for information exchange contact rather than the line of flow for the encounters. It should be a space planning available various functions such as using books and at the same time to take a break through a bookshelf or an open library, or a space for general relaxation, self-bar or mini-bar possible for communication place after encounters, or a space for sharing kitchen. 5. Co-working space with case analysis of eight places, depending on the nature of the characteristics of community space, it is necessary to be able to give a joint comfort by creating an eco-friendly environment, or utilizing the nature-friendly materials, and it is necessary a meeting space configuration available of various personnel for a smooth project, and it is necessary a proper placement of furniture that can configure a conference room if the number of the conference room is relatively few or no. And because it is limited a free access in case of co-working space being operated membership Members zero, it is important to utilize the surplus space in the entrance area as a space for a variety of contact equipped with tables, chairs and self-bars for social contact space. It has been expected to increase supplying working-spaces or co-working spaces or similar spaces enabling co-owned for co-operation due to growing substantial demand of enterprises for the foundation of enterprise, one-man enterprises, free-lancers. This study is a basic study to grasp the characteristics of co-working space for creative working environment. It is considered necessary a continuous research about co-working space accorded with users' demand to co-working space users through characteristics and detailed featuring factors not found anymore in this study.; While an employment rate of Korean youths has been dropping yearly, age of mandatory retirement of 40-50yrs old and age of the early(honorable) retirement has been shortening gradually. So in case of youths starting an enterprise compared to choose employment is increasing, in case of 40-50yrs including baby-boomers the number of starting an enterprise as a means of living is increasing. Modern IT and an information society gives them a working space to be able preparing the foundation of enterprise through using the vast communication environment. Because in a vast structure of system a small independent system or personal ability is regarded as important compared to group ability, co-working space as an ideal space option to free-lancer, one-man enterprise, pre-founder and founder is rising as a new paradigm of working space to increase the creativity. In a trend of increasing of substantial demand of an enterprise for founding enterprise or one-man enterprise, it is expected to increase the supply of working space something like a space for co-operation or co-working space. In this situation this study has a goal to grasp the characteristics of co-working space for creative business environment to improve personal creativity and to make possible taking a rest, meditation, self-development, and a dilettante life escaping a general office working environment. There is a trend of supplying the co-working space gradually in recent years, but today an overall study about co-working space is more or less insufficient. So I think that it is necessary to present a direction showing a characteristics of creative working environment in time of planning a co-working space. For this study I can classify and arrange the space structure in a general office space as dividing 4 business forms and 4 space forms. Through previous researches and bibliographies I can also select as evaluation items of 4 characteristics for creative working environment and 5 featuring factors(total 20 factors) according to each characteristics. However, there is no exact statistics of showing or investigating the co-working spaces in scope of location or place. So as objects of study I can select 9 co-working spaces presented in 'Monthly Design Magazine'(2015) and Seoul 8 co-working spaces in publications titled 'co-working space'. I can get the study results through case investigations, an observational study, a creative working environment characteristics, evaluation items of featuring factors based on interview with the persons concerned. Also I can get the study results through question-answer papers about a feeling of satisfaction and preference from real users of co-working space. 1. Co-working space is used as a space to share knowledge through collaborative space together with an unspecified number of people. Therefore, as a spatial configuration business form it should be the form of Den that can solve and do business during the meeting made repeatedly of individuals or project processes cooperatively in a shared environment, or it should be the form of oozing Club to use the space for the creation of his interests and determined by the needs between individuals and teams. 2. In case of Seoul 8 co-working space form it shows '5 straight line form' enabling space use actively, '2 latticing form' enabling space use minimum unit, '1 organic form' using round module same as its concept. however Co-working space should be designed as a type of a suitable space according to the size of the space, structure, site conditions. 3. Co-working space with case analysis of eight places, depending on the nature of characteristics of the team awareness raising, it should have an open architecture structure Central Open plan that is motivated by people though a little turmoil, but the use of the lower (eye-level)partition and (half)transparent glass partition is a part that should not be overlooked because it is a way to protect the minimum privacy of the users. And private space should be minimized to be able to allocate the space for the large number of users, it should be configured for allowing to be able creating a collaborative space, such as to move the furniture and layout, conference room and meeting room, and a lounge. 4. Co-working space with case analysis of eight places, depending on the nature of the characteristics of information and facilities shared, it should be able to provide a variety of promotional means enabling to publish the program's title, contents, location etc. available to attend the special lectures or seminars through a bulletin board space such as entrance, a blackboard, a bookcase, self bar. It is necessary a means to replace the organic line of flow for information exchange contact rather than the line of flow for the encounters. It should be a space planning available various functions such as using books and at the same time to take a break through a bookshelf or an open library, or a space for general relaxation, self-bar or mini-bar possible for communication place after encounters, or a space for sharing kitchen. 5. Co-working space with case analysis of eight places, depending on the nature of the characteristics of community space, it is necessary to be able to give a joint comfort by creating an eco-friendly environment, or utilizing the nature-friendly materials, and it is necessary a meeting space configuration available of various personnel for a smooth project, and it is necessary a proper placement of furniture that can configure a conference room if the number of the conference room is relatively few or no. And because it is limited a free access in case of co-working space being operated membership Members zero, it is important to utilize the surplus space in the entrance area as a space for a variety of contact equipped with tables, chairs and self-bars for social contact space. It has been expected to increase supplying working-spaces or co-working spaces or similar spaces enabling co-owned for co-operation due to growing substantial demand of enterprises for the foundation of enterprise, one-man enterprises, free-lancers. This study is a basic study to grasp the characteristics of co-working space for creative working environment. It is considered necessary a continuous research about co-working space accorded with users' demand to co-working space users through characteristics and detailed featuring factors not found anymore in this study.
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