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dc.description.abstract본 연구는 다양한 욕구를 가진 레저스포츠 소비자들에게 승마 활동에 대한 참여를 확대시켜 궁극적으로 승마산업을 활성화시키기 위해 어떠한 노력을 기울여야 하는지를 규명하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 승마산업 활성화에 어떠한 정책 또는 노력들이 필요한지를 규명하고, 승마산업 활성화를 위해 필요한 수많은 정책 중 우선순위는 무엇인지 등을 파악하여 승마산업을 활성화하기 위한 추진전략 수립을 위한 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적을 효율적으로 달성하기 위하여 승마산업 관련 선행연구와 관련 문헌 및 승마산업 관련 공무원, 학계, 공공연구기관, 승마산업 관련 기업, 승마산업 관련업체 등을 대상으로 3차에 걸쳐 델파이 분석 실시하여 AHP 분석을 위한 문항을 구성하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 승마산업 육성을 위한 정책 과제의 델파이 분석 실시 결과 대분류로 경영, 교육, 인프라, 법률, 기타일반으로 구성되었다. 중분류로는 경영은 마케팅, 영업, 시장 환경으로 교육은 시장동향, 사양관리, 전문기술로 인프라는 시설, 보험, 제도로 법률은 설계ㆍ건축, 인ㆍ허가, 사용승인(신고), 운영관련으로 기타일반은 보건, 승마 산업화, 대중인식, 학교체육으로 구성되었다. 소분류로는 경영은 민간승마장을 활용하는 승마활성화 마케팅 방안, 지자체 운영 승마장과 민간승마장의 명확한 정의, 지역특화 승마프로그램의 활성화, 개별 사업주 노하우 공유프로그램 마련, 승마장 이용요금 시장가격 형성, 지역적 특수성 활용한 승마 마케팅 개발로 구성되었다. 교육은 말산업 동향, 연간 승마사업 계획 등 사업주 대상, 지도법, 기술보수 등 교관 대상, 사양관리, 전염병예방 등 관리사 대상, 번식기술 등 생산농가 대상, 대중 승마강습 메뉴얼, 커리큘럼 등 교재 마련, 승용마 생산ㆍ육성 위한 전문기관 설립, 자격증 취득제도 정비, (응시-시행-발급 전반, 수준별/필요별 구분), 말수의사 양성 과정 운영 등 수의사ㆍ대학생 대상, 일반농가 전향 교육 제도, 말산업 육성 및 전반 교육 지자체 공무원 대상, 퇴역경주마 순치 프로그램 보급으로 구성되었다. 인프라는 민간승마장 외승코스 설계 기반, 승마장시설 증축 매뉴얼 구축, 승마장 보험 과잉 자부담률, 승마 보험사 경쟁체제 마련, 위험·비상대비 매뉴얼 확립, 축산자조금 지원 영역 확대 추진 (9개축종 말 추가), 말산업육성지원사업 보조 정책, 공공승마장 지역 거점화 기능 강화, 폐마처리 문제, 승용마 수매제도, 마장 및 마사관리 기계 수급 문제로 구성되었다. 법률은 일반적인 승마장 설치 절차, 승마장 준공과 인허가 절차, 승마장 법적 근거(농어촌형 승마시설, 체시법 승마장), 법적 근거별 승마장 지원 혜택, 행정기관 처분 등에 관한 협의, 토지 전용 문제(농지, 산지, 초지 등), 농지보전부담금, 대체산림자원조성비 등 개발 부담금, ‘말’의 가축지정 문제로 구성되었다. 기타일반은 백신, 예방접종 지원, 말산업 정보제공 및 질의응답을 위한 서버 구축, 학교 체육 승마 활성화 모색, 제도권 승마장 안전성 강화, 재활승마 보급 확대, 정부부처 융합 승마산업 활성화, 승용마거래 시장 양성화, 농촌 중심 승마체험마을 양성, 시도별 승마산업 관장 부서 일원화, 마분활용 방안으로 구성되었다. 이와 같이 델파이분석을 통해 추출된 승마산업 육성을 위한 정책 과제의 우선순위를 규명하기 위하여 AHP(analytic hierarchy process) 기법을 이용하여 승마산업 육성 정책 우선순위를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 승마산업 육성을 위한 정책 우선순위 결정을 위한 총괄 항목에 대한 상대적 중요도 및 우선순위 결과는 인프라, 교육, 경영, 법률, 기타일반 순으로 중요도 결과가 나타났다. 둘째, 인프라 항목의 상대적 가중치는 승마장 관련 제도가 가장 높은 가중치를 나타냈으며, 승마장 시설, 승마장 관련 보험 순으로 결과가 나타났다. 셋째, 교육 항목의 상대적 가중치는 승마관련 전문기술이 가장 높은 가중치를 나타냈으며, 사양관리, 승마 시장동향 순으로 중요도 결과가 나타났다. 넷째, 경영 항목의 상대적 가중치는 마케팅이 가장 높은 가중치를 나타냈으며, 승마관련 영업, 승마 시장 환경 순으로 중요도 결과가 나타났다. 다섯째, 법률 항목의 상대적 가중치는 승마장 인·허가가 가장 높은 가중치를 나타냈으며, 승마 사용신인(신고), 승마장 운영관련법, 승마장 선계·건축 순으로 중요도 결과가 나타났다. 여섯째, 기타일반 항목의 상대적 가중치는 승마의 학교체육이 가장 높은 가중치를 나타냈으며, 승마에 대한 대중인식, 승마산업화, 승마 관련 보건 순으로 중요도 결과가 나타났다. 일곱째, 복합가중치(상대적중요도)를 이용한 승마산업 육성을 위한 정책 우선순위 결정 항목 총 17개 하위 요인 중 승마장 관련제도가 가장 높은 가중치를 나타냈으며, 승마 관련 전문기술, 마케팅, 승마관련 영업, 사양관리, 승마장 시설, 승마 시장 환경, 승마장 관련 보험, 승마 시장동향, 승마장 인·허가, 승마 사용승인(신고), 승마의 학교체육, 승마장 설계·건축, 승마산업화, 승마에 대한 대중인식, 승마 관련 보건으로 나타났다.|The purpose of this study is to examine how to increase leisure sports consumers’ participation in horseback riding activity by meeting their needs and ultimately what need to be done to promote horseback riding industry. To attain the goal, this researcher intends to study what policy or effort is needed to promote horseback riding industry and also what policy should be preferred among many policies to promote horseback riding industry in order to draw implications to establish strategies for vitalizing horseback riding industry. To attain the goal efficiently, this researcher conducted Delphi analysis three times on the industry-related advanced researches and literatures as well as the industry-related civil servants, academic circles, public research institutes, enterprises, and companies to formulate questions for AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis. The results of this study are as below: According to the result of Delphi analysis on political tasks to promote horseback riding industry, they are largely classified into management, education, infrastructure, law, and others. In the medium classification, management is divided into marketing, sales, and market environment, education is classified into market trends, feeding and care, and expertise, infrastructure consists of facilities, insurance, and systems, law is composed of designㆍarchitecture, licensing, approval of use(report), and operation, and the others are classified into health, industrialization in horseback riding, awareness of the people, and physical education at school. In the minor classification, management consists of making marketing plans to promote horseback riding using private riding clubs, clearly defining local government's public clubs and private clubs, promote regionally special riding programs, developing programs to share the knowhow of individual owners, fixing the market price to use riding facilities, and developing marketing strategy using regional specialty. Education consists of education for owners about the trends of riding industry and annual plans for horseback riding business, education for instructors about technique and maintenance, education for grooms(=stablehand) about feeding, healthcare, and prevention of infectious diseases , education for horse breeders about breeding, developing teaching materials like manual or curriculum, building specialized institutions to breed and train riding horses, establishing a system for licensing (taking an exam-implementing-issuing in general, dividing by level/need), education for veterinarians and undergraduates about the operation of a course to raise equine veterinarians, education systems for those wanting to be horse farm, promoting riding industry and general local government civil servants, and retraining programs for retired racing horses. Infrastructure consists of outdoor course design infrastructure for private riding clubs, making applicable manuals to extend riding club facilities, the high rate of one's share of insurance excess for riding clubs , building competitive systems for insurance companies, making a manual to cope with danger or emergency, increasing support with stockbreeding funds (adding horse into nine livestocks), making auxiliary policy to support and cultivate riding industry, reinforcing public riding clubs’ function to be the base of a region, issues related to treating retired horses, trading systems for equestrian horses, footing and stable management machines. Law consists of the general procedure to install riding facilities, procedure for the construction and licensing of riding facilities, legal grounds for riding facilities(agricultural and fishery area riding facilities, horseback riding facilities on the Act of Installment and Use of Sports Facilities), supportive benefits for riding clubs according to legal grounds, discussion on the disposals of administrative agencies, issues regarding exclusive use of land(farmland, mountain area, grassland, etc.), soil and water conservation share, development share to build alternative mountain resources, and issues regarding designating ‘horses’as livestock. The others consist of support for vaccines and preventive vaccinations, building an IT server for offering horse industry information and Q&A, activating educational horseback riding at school, enhancing safety in institutional or legal riding facilities, expanding horseback riding for rehabilitation, vitalizing horse riding industry through the convergence of government branches, legalizing markets to trade riding horses, promoting horseback riding in rural villages, unifying divisions in charge of horseback riding in each city and province, and plans to use horse manure. By using AHP to decide the priorities of political tasks for cultivating horse riding industry extracted through Delphi analysis in order, the findings are gained as below: First, according to the result of relative importance and priority of general items to determine the order of policies to cultivate horseback riding industry, higher priorites is placed on infrastructure, education, management, law, and others in order. Second, in terms of the relative weight of infrastructure items, systems for riding courses indicate the highest weight, and higher weight is placed on riding facilities and riding-related insurance in order. Third, in terms of the relative weight of education items, riding-related expertise shows the highest weight, and higher importance is placed on feeding and the trends of horse riding markets in order. Fourth, in terms of the relative weight of management items, marketing indicates the highest weight, and higher importance is placed on horseback riding-related business and horseback riding market environment in order. Fifth, in terms of the relative weight of law items, registering or licensing for horse riding facilities indicates the highest weight, and higher importance is placed on approval of use for horse riding(report), law related to operating riding facilities, and design·architecture for horseback riding facilities in order. Sixth, in terms of the relative weight of the others items, educational horse riding at school indicates the highest weight, and higher importance is placed on the awareness of people about horse riding, industrialization of horse riding, and health related to horseriding in order. Seventh, examining total 17 subfactors to determine the priority of policies to cultivate horse riding industry based on complex weight(relative importance), this researcher has found that systems related to horseback riding clubs indicate the highest weight, and higher importance is placed in order on expertise related to horse riding, marketing, horse riding business, feeding and care, horse riding facilities, horse riding market environment, insurance for horse riding courses, trends of horseback riding markets, registering or licensing for horse riding facilities , approval of use for horse riding (report), educational horse riding at school, design·architecture for horse riding courses, industrialization of horse riding, awareness of people about horseriding, and health related to horse riding in order.; The purpose of this study is to examine how to increase leisure sports consumers’ participation in horseback riding activity by meeting their needs and ultimately what need to be done to promote horseback riding industry. To attain the goal, this researcher intends to study what policy or effort is needed to promote horseback riding industry and also what policy should be preferred among many policies to promote horseback riding industry in order to draw implications to establish strategies for vitalizing horseback riding industry. To attain the goal efficiently, this researcher conducted Delphi analysis three times on the industry-related advanced researches and literatures as well as the industry-related civil servants, academic circles, public research institutes, enterprises, and companies to formulate questions for AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis. The results of this study are as below: According to the result of Delphi analysis on political tasks to promote horseback riding industry, they are largely classified into management, education, infrastructure, law, and others. In the medium classification, management is divided into marketing, sales, and market environment, education is classified into market trends, feeding and care, and expertise, infrastructure consists of facilities, insurance, and systems, law is composed of designㆍarchitecture, licensing, approval of use(report), and operation, and the others are classified into health, industrialization in horseback riding, awareness of the people, and physical education at school. In the minor classification, management consists of making marketing plans to promote horseback riding using private riding clubs, clearly defining local government's public clubs and private clubs, promote regionally special riding programs, developing programs to share the knowhow of individual owners, fixing the market price to use riding facilities, and developing marketing strategy using regional specialty. Education consists of education for owners about the trends of riding industry and annual plans for horseback riding business, education for instructors about technique and maintenance, education for grooms(=stablehand) about feeding, healthcare, and prevention of infectious diseases , education for horse breeders about breeding, developing teaching materials like manual or curriculum, building specialized institutions to breed and train riding horses, establishing a system for licensing (taking an exam-implementing-issuing in general, dividing by level/need), education for veterinarians and undergraduates about the operation of a course to raise equine veterinarians, education systems for those wanting to be horse farm, promoting riding industry and general local government civil servants, and retraining programs for retired racing horses. Infrastructure consists of outdoor course design infrastructure for private riding clubs, making applicable manuals to extend riding club facilities, the high rate of one's share of insurance excess for riding clubs , building competitive systems for insurance companies, making a manual to cope with danger or emergency, increasing support with stockbreeding funds (adding horse into nine livestocks), making auxiliary policy to support and cultivate riding industry, reinforcing public riding clubs’ function to be the base of a region, issues related to treating retired horses, trading systems for equestrian horses, footing and stable management machines. Law consists of the general procedure to install riding facilities, procedure for the construction and licensing of riding facilities, legal grounds for riding facilities(agricultural and fishery area riding facilities, horseback riding facilities on the Act of Installment and Use of Sports Facilities), supportive benefits for riding clubs according to legal grounds, discussion on the disposals of administrative agencies, issues regarding exclusive use of land(farmland, mountain area, grassland, etc.), soil and water conservation share, development share to build alternative mountain resources, and issues regarding designating ‘horses’as livestock. The others consist of support for vaccines and preventive vaccinations, building an IT server for offering horse industry information and Q&A, activating educational horseback riding at school, enhancing safety in institutional or legal riding facilities, expanding horseback riding for rehabilitation, vitalizing horse riding industry through the convergence of government branches, legalizing markets to trade riding horses, promoting horseback riding in rural villages, unifying divisions in charge of horseback riding in each city and province, and plans to use horse manure. By using AHP to decide the priorities of political tasks for cultivating horse riding industry extracted through Delphi analysis in order, the findings are gained as below: First, according to the result of relative importance and priority of general items to determine the order of policies to cultivate horseback riding industry, higher priorites is placed on infrastructure, education, management, law, and others in order. Second, in terms of the relative weight of infrastructure items, systems for riding courses indicate the highest weight, and higher weight is placed on riding facilities and riding-related insurance in order. Third, in terms of the relative weight of education items, riding-related expertise shows the highest weight, and higher importance is placed on feeding and the trends of horse riding markets in order. Fourth, in terms of the relative weight of management items, marketing indicates the highest weight, and higher importance is placed on horseback riding-related business and horseback riding market environment in order. Fifth, in terms of the relative weight of law items, registering or licensing for horse riding facilities indicates the highest weight, and higher importance is placed on approval of use for horse riding(report), law related to operating riding facilities, and design·architecture for horseback riding facilities in order. Sixth, in terms of the relative weight of the others items, educational horse riding at school indicates the highest weight, and higher importance is placed on the awareness of people about horse riding, industrialization of horse riding, and health related to horseriding in order. Seventh, examining total 17 subfactors to determine the priority of policies to cultivate horse riding industry based on complex weight(relative importance), this researcher has found that systems related to horseback riding clubs indicate the highest weight, and higher importance is placed in order on expertise related to horse riding, marketing, horse riding business, feeding and care, horse riding facilities, horse riding market environment, insurance for horse riding courses, trends of horseback riding markets, registering or licensing for horse riding facilities , approval of use for horse riding (report), educational horse riding at school, design·architecture for horse riding courses, industrialization of horse riding, awareness of people about horseriding, and health related to horse riding in order.-
dc.title승마산업 육성을 위한 정책 우선순위 결정에 관한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Research on Determining Priorities of Policies to Promote Horse-Riding Industry-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorPark, Jin Kook-
dc.contributor.affiliation체육학 전공-
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