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증강현실기술을 활용한 체험형 디지털박물관 활성화 방안 연구

증강현실기술을 활용한 체험형 디지털박물관 활성화 방안 연구
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Jong Ki
Issue Date
한양대학교 문화산업대학원
본 연구는 오늘날 발전해가고 있는 디지털 미디어 기술에 대한 이해를 바탕으로, 문화적 특성이 융합된 디지털 박물관의 전시환경과 증강현실 기술의 체험적 요소를 반영해 관람객 등 이용자에게 효과적인 공감과 만족감을 제공하는 콘텐츠로 활용하기 위한 것이다. 본 연구의 대상 박물관을 우리나라 최초의 근현대사 국립박물관이자 최근에 개관한 대한민국역사박물관으로 선정하였다. 대한민국역사박물관은 역사·사회·문화·경제·국제적인 시각에서 다방면의 교육적인 의미를 가지고 있으며, 대한민국 역사문화 및 관광 등의 핵심적 문화공간으로 우리의 숭고하고 우수한 문화유산을 대내외적으로 널리 알리는 중요한 역할을 하고 있으며 국가의 위상을 드높이는 데에 기여가 크다는 점에서 근현대사 전시와 관련해 체험전시 적용 및 활성화 방안에 대한 연구의 대상으로 의미 있다고 하겠다. 대한민국역사박물관의 전반적인 디지털 전시현황에 대해 파악하였고, 현재의 전시환경이 관람객에게 전시에 대한 만족감을 주기에는 체험적 요소가 부족하다는 점을 알아냈다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위한 방안으로 증강현실의 체험요소를 적극적 활용할 것을 제시하였고, 증강현실 체험요소의 항목별로 특정 전시물에 적용해 구체적인 개선점을 찾아보았다. 이를 위하여 첨단 정보기술인 증강현실의 개념 및 특성을 소개하고 전시나 공연 등 다양한 콘텐츠로 응용되고 있는 분야에 대해서 파악하였다. 또한 박물관의 체험형 전시의 중요성과 반드시 필요한 이유는 선행연구 및 이론적 고찰을 등을 근거로 하였다. 그리고 디지털 기술을 적용한 디지털 박물관이 전시에 대한 정보 전달이나 전시해설 등을 어떤 방식으로 제공하는 지에 대해서 알아보았고, 유형별로 가상박물관, 사이버박물관, 체험형 박물관 등으로 분류하였다. 최근 증강현실 기술에 관한 관심이 날로 증대되고 있으며, 문화적 활동이나 일상생활에서 그 활용범위가 점차적으로 확대되고 있다. 특히, 박물관에서의 증강현실 기술은 디지털 미디어에 익숙해 져 있는 관람객 등 대중들에게 친근하게 다가가 전시물에 대한 이해를 돕고 효과적으로 정보를 전달하는 중요한 매체로서의 역할을 하게 된다. 증강현실 기술을 통해 주요 유물이나 문화재에 대해 보다 능률적이고 효과적으로 정보를 전달하는 서비스를 제공할 것을 제안한다. 이는 증강현실이 갖고 있는 체험적 요소가 반영된 결과로, 전시물과 연계된 증강현실을 경험하는 관람객들은 능동적으로 행동하고 적극적으로 참여하게 되는 동기를 유발한다. 증강현실 체험요소는 사실적 감각체험, 참여적 행동체험, 감성적 몰입체험, 유희적 체험, 지각적 체험, 인터랙티브 체험 등 6 가지로 새롭게 정의하였고, 이 체험요소들을 디지털 박물관 사례분석틀의 도구로 적용하여 추후 대한민국역사박물관의 체험강화를 위한 기획의 기초가 되기를 희망한다. 사례 분석은 증강현실이 활용된 박물관을 포함해서 국·내외 7 곳인 전통문화콘텐츠박물관, 국립중앙박물관, 한성백제박물관, 지질박물관, 일본 시구레덴박물관, 샌프란시스코 아시아 아트박물관, 런던 자연사박물관 등 디지털 박물관을 대상으로 선정하였으며, 디지털 매체의 이용현황을 살펴보고, 디지털 매체를 적용한 전시환경이 어떤 체험요소 항목에 해당되는 지 분석하였다. 디지털 박물관의 사례를 통해 디지털 기술이 전시매체에 적절히 활용되어 박물관의 전시 효과에 긍정적인 영향을 준다는 결론을 도출했으며, 증강현실 기술이 적용된 박물관과 그렇지 않은 박물관의 전시환경에서 해당되는 체험적 요소의 차이를 알 수가 있었다. 이로써, 이론적 선행연구 및 사례분석 등을 통해 증강현실이 적용된 디지털 박물관은 체험적 요소가 풍부해져 전시효과를 극대화한다는 사실이 입증되었다. 대한민국역사박물관 전시현황의 문제점은 디지털 디스플레이 유형의 전시형태로 전개되어 일방적이고 단조롭다는 것과 관람객 등을 대상으로 한 전시해설이 큐레이터 담당자의 전시안내만으로 이루어지고 있다는 것이다. 이런 문제점은 관람객의 수동적인 견학과 전시 내용에 대한 이해 부족, 재방문 의지 약화라는 결과로 이어진다. 대한민국역사박물관이 우리나라 대표적인 근현대사 국립 디지털 박물관으로 거듭나기 위해서는 이러한 미흡한 점을 찾아 보완하고 개선하는 것이 무엇보다 시급한 실정이다. 대한민국역사박물관의 문제점을 개선하기 위해서는 증강현실의 체험요소를 반영하여 관람객의 적극적인 참여를 유도하고, 감각적이고 감성적 체험을 통해 전시물에 대한 이해를 향상 시키고, 박물관과 관람객이 인터랙티브한 소통의 관계를 유지하도록 하는 것이다. 본 연구가 향후 디지털 박물관의 다양한 콘텐츠 개발과 고품질의 전시환경을 구축하는데 구체적이고 지속적인 연구조사 자료로 활용되며, 관람객 등 이용자들의 실제적인 요구사항 도출과 개선을 통해 이상적인 디지털 박물관의 모델을 구축하는 데에 기초적인 역할이 되길 기대한다.|This study aims at applying experiential elements of augmented reality to exhibitive environment of the digital museum and providing effective sympathy and satisfaction to audiences and users, based on understanding today’s emerging digital media technology. The object of this study is the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History as the first and the newest contemporary history museum. It has educational function in the variety of scope, such as history, society, culture, economy, and international relationship, and it plays an important role to inform the people of Korean sublime and excellent cultural inheritance internally and externally as the essential cultural space of Korean history, culture, and tourism, contributing to improvement of the national image. Therefore it’s meaningful to be researched. Researching the overall digital exhibitive environment of the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, I found it needs experiential elements to satisfy audiences. So it is suggested to use the augmented reality to improve these problems, and the specific improvements are also proposed by the categorized experiential elements of augmented reality. The concept and characteristics of augmented reality as the high technology are introduced, and it is found that the technology is applied to a variety of contents like exhibition and performance. The importance and necessity of experiential exhibition in a museum are found, based on the previous studies and theories. Also it is researched how the digital museum provides the information about an exhibit and explains with digital technology. And the digital museums are categorized as a virtual museum, a cyber-museum and an experiential museum. Recently the interest of augmented reality technology is increasing every day, and the scope of the use is expanding. Especially being familiar to audiences who are accustomed to digital media, the augmented reality plays the important role as the media to help the people to understand exhibits and convey information effectively. As it results from that the experiential elements of augmented reality are applied to the service, the audiences experiencing the augmented reality about the exhibits are motivated to behave actively and participate positively. The experiential elements of augmented reality are suggested as the realistic sense, participatory behavior, sensitive engagement, amusement, perception, and interaction. I hope these elements are applied to the method for case study of digital museum, and they become the base of the plan to reinforce the experiential exhibition of the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History. The cases are studied with 7 museums including the augmented reality applied museum. They are the Traditional Culture Contents Museum, the National Museum of Korean, Seoul Baekje Museum, the Geological Museum of Korea, Sigureden Museum in Japan, Asian Art Museum in Sanfrancisco, and London Natural History Museum. It is researched how the digital media is used and what of the experiential elements are applied to exhibition. From those digital museum cases the conclusion is deduced, that the digital technology is properly applied to exhibition media and it influences positively on the exhibitive effect of the museum. And the difference of experiential elements is found between the augmented reality applied museum and not applied one. With this, it proves that the augmented reality applied museum has the great variety of experiential elements and maximizes the exhibitive effect. The problem of exhibition in the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History is that it serves the simple one way system with just digital display, and a curator serves the explanation about the exhibits. It results in the audiences’ passive visit, lack of understanding, and weakening the will to revisit. Those problems are to be improved so that the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History becomes the Korean representative digital museum. The experiential elements of augmented reality are to be applied to exhibition, audiences are to be motivated to participate actively and understand well with sensible and sensitive experience, and the relationship between museum and audience is to be managed to be interactive in order to improve the problems of the museum. I hope this study is used as the good material to develop a variety of the contents of digital museum, and build high quality exhibition environment. As the audiences’ practical demands and improvements are suggested, it helps to build the ideal digital museum model.; This study aims at applying experiential elements of augmented reality to exhibitive environment of the digital museum and providing effective sympathy and satisfaction to audiences and users, based on understanding today’s emerging digital media technology. The object of this study is the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History as the first and the newest contemporary history museum. It has educational function in the variety of scope, such as history, society, culture, economy, and international relationship, and it plays an important role to inform the people of Korean sublime and excellent cultural inheritance internally and externally as the essential cultural space of Korean history, culture, and tourism, contributing to improvement of the national image. Therefore it’s meaningful to be researched. Researching the overall digital exhibitive environment of the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, I found it needs experiential elements to satisfy audiences. So it is suggested to use the augmented reality to improve these problems, and the specific improvements are also proposed by the categorized experiential elements of augmented reality. The concept and characteristics of augmented reality as the high technology are introduced, and it is found that the technology is applied to a variety of contents like exhibition and performance. The importance and necessity of experiential exhibition in a museum are found, based on the previous studies and theories. Also it is researched how the digital museum provides the information about an exhibit and explains with digital technology. And the digital museums are categorized as a virtual museum, a cyber-museum and an experiential museum. Recently the interest of augmented reality technology is increasing every day, and the scope of the use is expanding. Especially being familiar to audiences who are accustomed to digital media, the augmented reality plays the important role as the media to help the people to understand exhibits and convey information effectively. As it results from that the experiential elements of augmented reality are applied to the service, the audiences experiencing the augmented reality about the exhibits are motivated to behave actively and participate positively. The experiential elements of augmented reality are suggested as the realistic sense, participatory behavior, sensitive engagement, amusement, perception, and interaction. I hope these elements are applied to the method for case study of digital museum, and they become the base of the plan to reinforce the experiential exhibition of the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History. The cases are studied with 7 museums including the augmented reality applied museum. They are the Traditional Culture Contents Museum, the National Museum of Korean, Seoul Baekje Museum, the Geological Museum of Korea, Sigureden Museum in Japan, Asian Art Museum in Sanfrancisco, and London Natural History Museum. It is researched how the digital media is used and what of the experiential elements are applied to exhibition. From those digital museum cases the conclusion is deduced, that the digital technology is properly applied to exhibition media and it influences positively on the exhibitive effect of the museum. And the difference of experiential elements is found between the augmented reality applied museum and not applied one. With this, it proves that the augmented reality applied museum has the great variety of experiential elements and maximizes the exhibitive effect. The problem of exhibition in the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History is that it serves the simple one way system with just digital display, and a curator serves the explanation about the exhibits. It results in the audiences’ passive visit, lack of understanding, and weakening the will to revisit. Those problems are to be improved so that the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History becomes the Korean representative digital museum. The experiential elements of augmented reality are to be applied to exhibition, audiences are to be motivated to participate actively and understand well with sensible and sensitive experience, and the relationship between museum and audience is to be managed to be interactive in order to improve the problems of the museum. I hope this study is used as the good material to develop a variety of the contents of digital museum, and build high quality exhibition environment. As the audiences’ practical demands and improvements are suggested, it helps to build the ideal digital museum model.
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