2014 월드컵 중계방송의 특징과 시청률 결정요인에 대한 연구

2014 월드컵 중계방송의 특징과 시청률 결정요인에 대한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Characteristics of 2014 World Cup Broadcasting and the Determinants of Viewing Rates
Alternative Author(s)
Bae, Jay Song
Issue Date
국문 요지 본 논문은 2014년 브라질 월드컵 중계방송의 특징과 KBS, MBC, SBS 등 지상파 방송 3사 간의 시청률 경쟁의 결정요인에 대한 것이다. 2014년 월드컵은 2010년 SBS가 독점중계를 한 이래, 다시 방송 3사가 중복중계 시스템으로 회귀한 대회였다. 이와 같은 지상파 방송 3사의 중복중계는 오랫동안 반복되어온 월드컵 중계방송의 고질적인 문제였다. 이 결과 방송 3사는 월드컵 경기중계를 통해 치열한 시청률 경쟁을 할 수밖에 없었으며 시청자들의 볼 권리를 침해한다는 비난도 직면해야 했다. 이런 한국 월드컵 중계방송만의 특수한 상황 속에서 본 논문은 4년 만에 지상파 3사의 공동중계로 회귀된 2014년 브라질 월드컵 중계방송에서 부각된 주요 특징과 3사 간 시청률 경쟁의 결정요인들을 문헌연구와 관련 전문가 9명의 심층인터뷰를 통해 분석하고자 한다. 먼저 2014년 브라질 월드컵 중계방송에서 나타난 특징은 중계의 예능화를 들 수 있다. 지상파 3사는 월드컵 중계방송을 준비하는 과정에서 캐스터나 해설위원의 자사 예능 프로그램 출연을 장려했고, 실제 중계방송 중에도 엄숙함이나 진지함보다는 진행자들의 재치 있는 코멘트에 의존하는 경향을 보였다. 또 다른 특징은 전문적이고 분석적인 해설위원이 각광을 받았으며 해설위원의 소신과 신뢰성도 부각됐다. 이외에도 월드컵이 국가대항전이기 때문에 발생할 수밖에 없었던 국가주의적 정서가 2014년 브라질 월드컵 중계방송에도 지속되기는 했지만 시청자들은 방송진행자의 절제된 국가주의 표출에 오히려 좋은 평가를 한 것으로 분석된다. 지상파 3사가 실시한 월드컵 중계방송 시청률 경쟁에서 가장 중요한 부분은 해설위원의 영향력이었다. 해설위원의 영향력에는 여러 가지 요소가 존재했지만 축구 경기 자체를 심층적으로 분석해 줄 수 있는 전문성이 큰 몫을 차지했다. 비슷한 맥락에서 월드컵 중계를 담당한 해설위원이 과도하게 예능 프로그램에 출연하는 것은 시청률 경쟁에 좋은 영향을 미치지 못한 것으로 보여 지며 이는 해설위원의 신뢰성과도 관련이 있었다. 한편 월드컵 때마다 반복된 중복중계 체제를 완화하기 위한 대안으로 코리아 풀의 확대가 필요하다는 의견이 많았다. 이는 기존의 코리아 풀이 지상파 3사에게만 한정돼 있어서 현재와 같은 다채널 시대에는 맞지 않는다는 전제하에 출발한 것이다. 심층인터뷰를 통해 전문가들은 시청자들의 볼 권리 침해 문제나 과다한 중계권료 지출을 막기 위해 이는 필수불가결한 요소이며 일본의 제팬 컨소시엄 모델을 한국 상황에 맞게 활용해야 한다는 의견이 다수를 이뤘다. |ABSTRACT A Study on the Characteristics of 2014 World Cup Broadcasting and the Determinants of Viewing Rates Bae, Jae Song Dept. of Physical Education The Graduate School of Hanyang University This thesis is on the characteristics of 2014 Brazil World Cup Broadcasting and the determinants of viewing rates competition among the three terrestrial broadcasters: KBS, MBC, and SBS. The 2014 World Cup was once again broadcast in Korea with overlapping live telecast among the three terrestrial since the 2010 World Cup broadcast with the exclusive live telecast made by SBS. Such overlapping live telecast has been a chronic problem of World Cup broadcast in Korea. As a result, the three terrestrial channels had to have an intense viewing rates battle, which was a main reason behind the criticism in which the overlapping live broadcast breached viewers’ right to watch another programs during the World Cup finals. Under these unique circumstances of World Cup broadcast in Korea, this thesis is to analyse the major characteristics brought about by 2014 Brazil World Cup broadcast and the determinants of viewing rates competition among the three terrestrial broadcasters through archival research and in-depth interview with those who have an expertise on the World Cup broadcast. First of all, the most important characteristics created by 2014 Brazil World Cup broadcast was related with the fact that the broadcast became entertaining. In the run up to the 2014 World Cup, the three terrestrial broadcasters encouraged their casters and commentators to appear their entertainment programs and the World Cup broadcast itself has a tendency of relying on witty comments rather than stoic and serious comments. Another characteristics is that commentators with expertise and great analysis were in the limelight, and their conviction and credibility was important for viewers to select the channel. In addition, nationalist sentiments were also found in the 2014 World Cup broadcast, but it could be analyzed that viewers liked rather restrained nationalist expression spoken by commentators and casters. Commentator’s ability was the most important part in deciding viewing rates competition among the three terrestrial channels in the World Cup broadcast. Of commentator’s ability, the level of expertise was a key factor to select a channel. In the same light, any commentators in World Cup broadcast who appeared in entertainment program, it seems, had a negative impact in the viewing rates competition. Meanwhile, there was many suggestions to expand ‘Korea pool’ as an alternative to lessen overlapping broadcast. This starts with a premise in which existing Korea pool was restricted to the three terrestrial broadcasters, a structure being incompatible with current situation of the age of multi-channels. Many experts interviewed by the author suggested that this expansion was indispensible part to prevent excessive spending on broadcasting rights fee and not to breach viewers’ right to watch another programs during the World Cup finals. The major opinion voiced over by them was to transform Japan consortium model into Korean circumstances.; ABSTRACT A Study on the Characteristics of 2014 World Cup Broadcasting and the Determinants of Viewing Rates Bae, Jae Song Dept. of Physical Education The Graduate School of Hanyang University This thesis is on the characteristics of 2014 Brazil World Cup Broadcasting and the determinants of viewing rates competition among the three terrestrial broadcasters: KBS, MBC, and SBS. The 2014 World Cup was once again broadcast in Korea with overlapping live telecast among the three terrestrial since the 2010 World Cup broadcast with the exclusive live telecast made by SBS. Such overlapping live telecast has been a chronic problem of World Cup broadcast in Korea. As a result, the three terrestrial channels had to have an intense viewing rates battle, which was a main reason behind the criticism in which the overlapping live broadcast breached viewers’ right to watch another programs during the World Cup finals. Under these unique circumstances of World Cup broadcast in Korea, this thesis is to analyse the major characteristics brought about by 2014 Brazil World Cup broadcast and the determinants of viewing rates competition among the three terrestrial broadcasters through archival research and in-depth interview with those who have an expertise on the World Cup broadcast. First of all, the most important characteristics created by 2014 Brazil World Cup broadcast was related with the fact that the broadcast became entertaining. In the run up to the 2014 World Cup, the three terrestrial broadcasters encouraged their casters and commentators to appear their entertainment programs and the World Cup broadcast itself has a tendency of relying on witty comments rather than stoic and serious comments. Another characteristics is that commentators with expertise and great analysis were in the limelight, and their conviction and credibility was important for viewers to select the channel. In addition, nationalist sentiments were also found in the 2014 World Cup broadcast, but it could be analyzed that viewers liked rather restrained nationalist expression spoken by commentators and casters. Commentator’s ability was the most important part in deciding viewing rates competition among the three terrestrial channels in the World Cup broadcast. Of commentator’s ability, the level of expertise was a key factor to select a channel. In the same light, any commentators in World Cup broadcast who appeared in entertainment program, it seems, had a negative impact in the viewing rates competition. Meanwhile, there was many suggestions to expand ‘Korea pool’ as an alternative to lessen overlapping broadcast. This starts with a premise in which existing Korea pool was restricted to the three terrestrial broadcasters, a structure being incompatible with current situation of the age of multi-channels. Many experts interviewed by the author suggested that this expansion was indispensible part to prevent excessive spending on broadcasting rights fee and not to breach viewers’ right to watch another programs during the World Cup finals. The major opinion voiced over by them was to transform Japan consortium model into Korean circumstances.
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