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R. Steiner 인지학을 기반으로 한 Formen의 미술치료적 기능 탐구

R. Steiner 인지학을 기반으로 한 Formen의 미술치료적 기능 탐구
Other Titles
A Study on Formen's Art Therapeutic Factors based on R. Steiner's Anthroposophy.
Alternative Author(s)
Chang, Mee Sung
Issue Date
국문초록 본 연구는 Steiner의 인지학(Anthroposophy) 사상을 기반으로 하여 발도르프 학교의 교육예술 중 하나인 Formen의 미술치료적 기능을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. Steiner는 인지학으로부터 인간의 본질과 보이지 않는 고차원의 세계를 인식하고 이해할 수 있는 통로로써 예술로 이뤄진 교육을 제안하였다. 즉, 이는 예술을 통해서 초감각적인 세계에 대한 인식과 경험이 가능하며, 이러한 수업방식을 통해 Steiner는 아동의 신체와 정신이 조화롭고 균형 있게 발달할 수 있는 전인적인 인간상을 꿈꾸었다. 이러한 교육예술은 영혼훈련(Seelenübung)으로 언급되는데, 이는 의지, 감정, 사고의 훈련을 통해서 아동 내부의 깨어진 부분을 다시금 균형 있고 새롭게 하는 치유적 의미를 지니고 있다. 이에 본 논문은 영혼교육의 이론적 근거를 기반으로 포르멘의 치유적 기능을 도출하고자 다음과 같은 연구 과정을 거쳤다. 인지학의 이론적 배경을 위해서 Steiner의 번역서를 중심으로 인지학을 연구한 전문가들의 문헌 및 학술지와 학위 논문을 참고하였다. 또한 포르멘의 치유적 기능을 도출하기 위해서 Steiner가 제안한 포르멘을 중심으로 연구, 발전시킨 포르멘 전문가들의 저서 4권을 중심으로 학술지와 학위논문을 연구하였다. 포르멘의 치유적 의미 분석을 위해서 우선 외현적으로 직선과 곡선, 나선, 매듭, 원, 반복, 대칭, 변형, 선과 선의 관계의 총 8가지 형태로 분류하였으며, 8가지 각각의 Formen이 내포하는 치유적 의미를 이론적으로 뒷받침하기 위해서 심리학, 의학, 철학 등의 문헌을 참고하였다. 분류된 치유적 의미들은 교육예술이 목표로 하는 영혼훈련에 관한 이론적 배경과 통합하여 최종적으로 치유적 의미를 도출하였다. 영혼의 주요 3가지 역할인 의지, 감정, 사고를 각각 촉진하는 포르멘에 관한 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 의지(willing)를 촉진하는 포르멘의 치유적인 기능으로서 내적 균형과 조화, 사회성의 함양의 치유적 기능을 직선과 곡선, 대칭, 나선으로부터 도출하였다. 그리고 감정(feeling)을 촉진하는 포르멘의 치유적 기능으로서는 내적 역동성을 느끼며 생명력을 고양시키고, 기쁨의 감정을 부여하며 승화의 치유적 기능을 나선, 원, 변형, 반복의 포르멘으로부터 도출하였다. 마지막으로 사고(thinking)를 촉진하는 포르멘의 치유적 기능으로서 대칭, 변형, 원, 매듭의 포르멘으로써 관찰을 통한 상상력의 확장과 자아의 내적통찰을 가능케 함으로써 자아의 통합으로 이끄는 포르멘의 치유적 기능을 도출하였다. 포르멘의 임상현장에서의 직접적인 적용에 앞서서 포르멘의 치유적 기능에 대한 이해는, 치료사로 하여금 대상과 질병에 따른 치료에 대한 구체적인 계획과 프로그램을 수립하는 데 도움을 주는 데 큰 의의가 있다. 이러한 기본적인 치유적 근거를 바탕으로 한 포르멘의 연구가 향후에 대상과 질병에 대한 연구뿐 아니라 포르멘의 매체 및 방법론에 대한 연구 등에 초석이 될 것으로 기대한다. |ABSTRACT A Study on Formen's Art Therapeutic Functions Based on R. Steiner's Anthroposophy. Chang, Mee Sung Dept. of Art Therapy Education The Graduate school of Education Hanyang University Directed by Prof. Kim, Mi Nam The aim of this study is to derive Formen's art therapeuic functions, one of the educational arts of Waldorf school, based on Steiner 's anthroposophy idea. Steiner proposed the educational arts as a method for recognizing and understanding the human nature and invisible higher dimensional world from the science of knowledge. In other words, it enables recognition and experience of the supernatural world through the art and through this teaching method, Steiner dreamed of the whole human figure that can develop harmonious and balanced body and spirit of child. This educational arts is referred to as Seelenübung, which has a healing sense of rebalancing and renewing the broken parts of the child through the training of willing, feeling, and thinking. In this paper, the following researches were carried out to derive the healing function of Formen based on the theoretical basis of soul education. For the theoretical background of the theology, I refer to the documents, academic journals and theses of the experts who have studied the theology with the help of Steiner's translation. In order to derive the healing function of Formen, we studied the journals and theses focusing on four books of Formen experts who have studied and developed the Formen proposed by Steiner. In order to analyze the healing meaning of Formen, eight types of externally divided straight lines and curves, spirals, knots, circles, repetitions, symmetries, metamorphosis, relations between lines and lines were categorized. In order to theoretically support the healing meaning of each of the eight Formens, I refer to literature such as psychology, medicine, and philosophy etc. The categorized healing meanings were combined with the theoretical background of soul training aimed at the educational art and ultimately led to the healing meaning. The following are the results of the study on the three main roles of the soul: willing, feeling, and thinking. As a healing function of the Formen that promotes willing, it derived the inner balance and harmony, sociality through the Formens of straight line, curve, symmetry, and spiral. As a healing function of the Formen that promotes feeling, it derived the sublimation, feeling inner dynamics, elevating the vitality, giving emotion of joy through the Formens of circle, metamorphosis, and repetition. Finally, as a healing function of the Formen that promotes thinking, it drived the integration of self expansion of imagination through observation and inner insight of the self through the Formens of symmetry, metamorphosis, circle, and knot. Prior to direct application of Formen in clinical settings, understanding of Formen's healing function is of great significance in helping therapists establish specific plans and program for treatment of clients and diseases. Based on this basic healing rationale, Formen's research is expected to be a cornerstone in future research on art media and methodology as well as research on various clinical applications for the clients and diseases.; ABSTRACT A Study on Formen's Art Therapeutic Functions Based on R. Steiner's Anthroposophy. Chang, Mee Sung Dept. of Art Therapy Education The Graduate school of Education Hanyang University Directed by Prof. Kim, Mi Nam The aim of this study is to derive Formen's art therapeuic functions, one of the educational arts of Waldorf school, based on Steiner 's anthroposophy idea. Steiner proposed the educational arts as a method for recognizing and understanding the human nature and invisible higher dimensional world from the science of knowledge. In other words, it enables recognition and experience of the supernatural world through the art and through this teaching method, Steiner dreamed of the whole human figure that can develop harmonious and balanced body and spirit of child. This educational arts is referred to as Seelenübung, which has a healing sense of rebalancing and renewing the broken parts of the child through the training of willing, feeling, and thinking. In this paper, the following researches were carried out to derive the healing function of Formen based on the theoretical basis of soul education. For the theoretical background of the theology, I refer to the documents, academic journals and theses of the experts who have studied the theology with the help of Steiner's translation. In order to derive the healing function of Formen, we studied the journals and theses focusing on four books of Formen experts who have studied and developed the Formen proposed by Steiner. In order to analyze the healing meaning of Formen, eight types of externally divided straight lines and curves, spirals, knots, circles, repetitions, symmetries, metamorphosis, relations between lines and lines were categorized. In order to theoretically support the healing meaning of each of the eight Formens, I refer to literature such as psychology, medicine, and philosophy etc. The categorized healing meanings were combined with the theoretical background of soul training aimed at the educational art and ultimately led to the healing meaning. The following are the results of the study on the three main roles of the soul: willing, feeling, and thinking. As a healing function of the Formen that promotes willing, it derived the inner balance and harmony, sociality through the Formens of straight line, curve, symmetry, and spiral. As a healing function of the Formen that promotes feeling, it derived the sublimation, feeling inner dynamics, elevating the vitality, giving emotion of joy through the Formens of circle, metamorphosis, and repetition. Finally, as a healing function of the Formen that promotes thinking, it drived the integration of self expansion of imagination through observation and inner insight of the self through the Formens of symmetry, metamorphosis, circle, and knot. Prior to direct application of Formen in clinical settings, understanding of Formen's healing function is of great significance in helping therapists establish specific plans and program for treatment of clients and diseases. Based on this basic healing rationale, Formen's research is expected to be a cornerstone in future research on art media and methodology as well as research on various clinical applications for the clients and diseases.
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