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감성카페 공간의 표현감각연출에 따른 실내공간디자인요소에 관한 연구

감성카페 공간의 표현감각연출에 따른 실내공간디자인요소에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on Design Elements of Interior space by Expressing sensation in sensibility Cafe space : Rudolf Steiner‘s Theory of
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Saem
Issue Date
국내의 ‘커피문화’는 1999년 세계최대 커피 전문점인 ‘스타벅스’의 입점을 통해 판도가 바뀌었다. 소비자들은 스타벅스만의 독특한 감성을 통해 단순히 음료를 즐기는 것 이상의 휴식과 위안을 얻게 되었고, 이를 통해 ‘카페’라는 공간은 현대인들을 위한 ‘여가 공간’으로 탈바꿈하게 되었다. 또한, 최근 소비자들이 여가 활동에 투자하는 소비 패턴도 변화하고 있는 추세이다. 전통적인 소비 방식이 제품의 품질과 가격을 중시하는 방식이었다면, 정신적으로 피폐해진 현대의 소비자들이 고독이나 우울증을 숨기지 않고 건강하게 밖으로 분출하고자 하는 글루미족(Gloomy-generation), 자발적으로 회사를 그만두거나 휴직하고 자신만의 재충전 시간을 갖고자 하는 배터리 족(Battery-generation) 등 다양한 소비형태가 등장하고 있다. 이처럼 기능보다는 자신의 감성에 이끌려 가치를 부여하는 소비 형태가 등장하면서, 카페 공간 역시 그들의 감성을 자극하고 휴식과 위안을 주는 공간으로 자리매김하고 있다. 수많은 카페가 범람하는 이 시점에서, 어떠한 디자인이 현대인들의 감성을 자극하고, 어떻게 그들에게 정서적 만족감을 줄 수 있을 것인지에 대한 연구가 필요한 시점이다. 감성디자인은 지금까지는 주로 공산품에 한정하여 적용되었지만 근래 들어 “공간”에 대한 디자인이 공간속에서 판매되는 제품의 이미지와 매출에 많은 영향을 미친다는 인식이 확대됨에 따라, 공간디자인의 중요성이 높아지고 있다. 특히 공간을 어떻게 디자인 할 것인가에 관해 “감성디자인”이 화두가 되고 있다. 감성디자인(Emotional design)이란, 소비자의 욕구가 다양해지고 개성화됨에 따라 소비자의 감성적 욕구를 디자인에 적용하고자 하는 디자인 방법을 말한다. 특히 실내 공간에서의 감성디자인은 이용자가 어떤 형태에 대해 가지고 있는 이미지나 감성 욕구를 공간을 구성하는 구체적인 물리적 디자인 요소와 연결시켜서 디자인 요소의 특성을 이미지나 감성 욕구에 알맞게 결정하는 디자인 기술이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 여가생활의 공간 중에서 카페의 정서적인 측면을 고려한 감성 디자인을 적용한 새로운 브랜드인 ‘감성카페’를 정의 및 분류하였다. 따라서 감성 카페공간에 사용되는 감성자극요소를 루돌프 슈타이너(Rudolf Steiner) 감각 이론 근거로 표현감각 연출을 제시하여 실내공간디자인요소와 관계성에 관한 연구를 하고자 한다. 여기서 표현감각 연출이란 인간의 감각요소로 공간에서 연출된 표현을 말한다. 루돌프 슈타이너(Rudolf Steiner)12감각 이론이란, 인간의 외부의 자극에 작용하는 오감을 통하여 반응하고 공감각적으로 작용하게 되는 지각의 과정을 통하여 형성된 경험을 말한다. 즉 인간의 기존 오감에서 확장하여 열 온도, 균형운동, 고유운동, 생명감각을 있으며 인간에게만 존재한다고 분류한 언어, 사고, 자아감각을 포함하여 12감각을 존재한다고 본다. 또한 슈타이너는 이모든 감각은 단독으로 존재 할 수 없으며 서로보완하거나 대립하는 상호작용을 통해 작용한다고 보았다. 이러한 점을 착안하여 12감각의 바탕으로 자아와 타인과의 존재성, 관계성, 소통으로서 인지, 행동적 결과로 가져온다. 결국 루돌프 슈타이너(Rudolf Steiner) 12감각은 외부세계를 지각하고 인지하기 위한 매개체이자 수용체 라고 할 수 있다. 결과적으로 루돌프 슈타이너의 감각 이론 특성으로 각 감성카페 유형 속에서 어떠한 감각들이 중요해지는지, 그 감각을 자극시키기 위해서는 표현감각연출이 어떻게 변화되어야 하는지에 대하여 추출 할 수 있다. 따라서 루돌프 슈타이너(Rudolf Steiner)의 감각이론 기준을 참고하여 감성카페 공간연출을 위한 도표로 재해석하여 적합한 표현감각연출을 제시하였다. 또한 실내 공간 디자인요소는 선행연구과 문헌조사를 통해 크게 ‘구조적 요소’, ‘가구 요소’, ‘장식적 요소’, ‘조명연출 요소’, ‘색채 요소’ 로 분류하였으며 각 구조 요소마다 빈도수가 높은 요인들로 도출하여 표현감각연출과 관계성에 대해 분석 하였다. 감성카페 공간은 일반적 카페 분류를 참고하여 감성카페 공간을 정의 및 분류 하였다. 그 방법으로는 현재 많은 이용자의 현황을 알 수 있는 카페 애플리케이션을 참고하였으며 디자인 전문가들의 의견들로 감성카페공간의 유형을 카테고리를 정리 및 정의 하여 연구를 진행 하였다. 결과적으로 실내공간디자인 요소 바탕으로 총 5가지로 유형으로 분류 하였으며 실내공간디자인요소 기준으로 ‘자연환경형’, ‘개방형, ’개성형‘, ’체험형‘, ’스터디형‘ 으로 분류 하였다. 또한 연구방법 및 분석 부분에서는 루돌프 슈타이너(Rudolf Steiner) 감각이론 기준으로 추출된 표현감각연출과 선행연구와 문헌연구로 도출된 실내공간디자인요소로 분석매트릭스를 구성하였다. 이와 같이 감성카페 공간의 5가지 유형을 대표하는 감성카페 공간을 선정하여 매트릭스를 적용시켜 평가하였다. 따라서 평가된 결과를 바탕으로 설문을 진행 하였다. 실질적인 이용자들에게 설문을 통해 표현감각연출의 인식과 감각연출에 따른 실내 공간디자인 요소의 관계에 대해 알고자한다. 분석도구로 IBS SPSS 24 프로그램을 사용하였으며 감성카페 공간을 사용하는 이용자들의 통계를 알기 위해 빈도분석을 실시하였다. 그리고 연구 변수의 내적 일관성 및 신뢰성을 측정하기 위하여 신뢰성분석을 실시하였으며, 측정요인에 대한 단일 차원성 분석을 위해 확인적 요인분석을 실시하였다. 마지막으로 감성카페 공간의 표현감각연출과 실내공간디자인요소에 대한 연계성을 분석하였다. 즉, 감성카페 공간영역에 있어 인간의 감성이 중심이 되고 있는 현 시점에서본 연구를 통해 루돌프 슈타이너(Rudolf Steiner)의 감각이론을 통한 감성자극요소인 표현감각 연출 특성을 이끌어 내고, 그 특성과 실내 공간디자인요소간의 상관관계를 제시하고자 한다. 결과적으로는 향후 감성 카페 공간디자인연출에 기여할 수 있는 요소를 찾고자 하는데 그 의의를 둘 수 있을 것이다.| The set up of “starbucks”, the biggest special coffee dealer in the world, in 1999 caused a change in the domestic coffee culture. The consumers had got more rest and bigger comfort than drinking itself through a peculiar emotion which only star bucks could give, and the café has been changed to the recreation space for modern peoples. The pattern of the consumption that consumers invest for their recreation activities recently trends to be changed. The traditional consumption pattern is focused on the quality and price of the goods. On contrary, diverse consumption patterns as like gloomy-generation who gushes out their sense of isolation and depression without keeping them secretly and battery-generation who decides to take time off from the company by himself to arrange the recharging time only goes on the floor. At the same time that the consumption pattern to give a considerable value in accordance with his own emotion instead of their function goes on the floor, the space as like café has been positioned to stimulate their emotion and to provide a rest and sweet comfort. The study on what types of design can stimulate the emotion of the modern people, and how to arrange an emotional satisfaction to them is absolutely required at this point when many cafes are oversupplied. The emotional design has been applied to only the industrial products till now, but the importance of space design grows higher because the design on the space have put a heavy influence on the image and total sales of the products sold in the space recently. The emotional design on how to design the space becomes important. Emotional design means to apply consumer’s emotional desire to the design on the base of diversified and individualized consumer’s desire. Especially, the emotional design for interior space is a design technology to apply a characteristic of design elements to the emotional desire of space users by connecting an image or emotional desire on a form with the physical design elements constructing the space. This paper defines and classifies the emotional café, a new brand applying the emotional design in consideration into the emotional phase of the café among many spaces for the recreation life. Accordingly, this paper aims to study the elements for the interior design and their relationship by presenting the direction of the expression sense as an emotional stimulation element on the base of the theory on the sense by Rudolf Steiner. The direction of expression sense in this paper means the expression directed in the space as an emotional element of human being. The Rudolf Steiner 12 sense theory can be inferred as an experience to react on five senses acting against the stimulation from outside and to be formed through a perceiving process to be acted in multisensory way. So to speak, 12 senses are composed of a heat, a temperature, a balancing motion, a proper motion and the sense of being alive expanded from the existing five senses, and a language, a thought, and the sense of self classified as what only human being holds. In addition, Rudolf Steiner judged that all these senses can’t exist by themselves, and therefore can be acted through an interaction to supplement each other or to come up against each other. These points results in confirming the existence of oneself and other, and their relationship on the base of 12 senses. In conclusion, Rudolf Steiner 12 senses can be thought to be a vehicle and acceptor to perceive the external world and recognize it. In addition, it can be inferred by the characteristic of sense theory by Rudolf Steiner what senses become important in the emotional café type, and how the direction of expression sense can be changed to stimulate the sense. The adequate direction of expression sense is suggested by putting a new spin on the diagram for the direction of space for the emotional café in reference with the sense theory by Rudolf Steiner. The design elements for the interior space is classified to structural element, furniture element, decoration element, element for the light direction, and color element through the advanced study and data investigation, and the relationship to the direction of expression sense is analyzed by drawing the element having a high frequency at each structure element. The space for the emotional café is defined in reference with a general classification of café. Its method is referred with café application to know the present condition of many users and the opinion of professional designers is defined as the category of the emotional café type and is reviewed. In a conclusion, the design for the interior space was classified into the category of natural circumstance type, open type, individual type, experience type and study type as 5 types of design element for interior space. As the method on the study and analysis, its matrix analysis method classified the direction of expression sense extracted on the standard of Rudolf Steiner’s sense theory, and the design elements for the interior space derived from the advanced study and data review. In addition, the space for the emotional café representing 5 types of the emotional café is selected and is evaluated by applying matrix-analysis method. The survey has been under ongoing on the base of the evaluated result, which aims to know the relationship between the recognition on the direction of expression sense through survey of real users and the design element for the interior space. IBS, SPSS 24 program is used as the tool for analysis, and then the analysis on the frequency is executed to know the statistics of users to utilize the space for the emotional sense. The analysis on the reliability was done to measure the internal consistency and reliability of the study variable, and at the same time the confirmatory factor analysis is also exercised to practice the single level analysis on the measurement factor. Finally, the relationship of the expression sense direction in the space for the emotional café to interior space design element was analyzed. I hereby dare to draw the characteristic on the expression sense direction element as the emotional elements through Rudolf Steiner’s sense theory, which was based on this study that the emotion of human being is the center of the space region at this time, and to show co-relation between the characteristic and the interior space design factor. It comes to the conclusion to search the factor to contribute to the direction of the space design for the emotional café in future.; The set up of “starbucks”, the biggest special coffee dealer in the world, in 1999 caused a change in the domestic coffee culture. The consumers had got more rest and bigger comfort than drinking itself through a peculiar emotion which only star bucks could give, and the café has been changed to the recreation space for modern peoples. The pattern of the consumption that consumers invest for their recreation activities recently trends to be changed. The traditional consumption pattern is focused on the quality and price of the goods. On contrary, diverse consumption patterns as like gloomy-generation who gushes out their sense of isolation and depression without keeping them secretly and battery-generation who decides to take time off from the company by himself to arrange the recharging time only goes on the floor. At the same time that the consumption pattern to give a considerable value in accordance with his own emotion instead of their function goes on the floor, the space as like café has been positioned to stimulate their emotion and to provide a rest and sweet comfort. The study on what types of design can stimulate the emotion of the modern people, and how to arrange an emotional satisfaction to them is absolutely required at this point when many cafes are oversupplied. The emotional design has been applied to only the industrial products till now, but the importance of space design grows higher because the design on the space have put a heavy influence on the image and total sales of the products sold in the space recently. The emotional design on how to design the space becomes important. Emotional design means to apply consumer’s emotional desire to the design on the base of diversified and individualized consumer’s desire. Especially, the emotional design for interior space is a design technology to apply a characteristic of design elements to the emotional desire of space users by connecting an image or emotional desire on a form with the physical design elements constructing the space. This paper defines and classifies the emotional café, a new brand applying the emotional design in consideration into the emotional phase of the café among many spaces for the recreation life. Accordingly, this paper aims to study the elements for the interior design and their relationship by presenting the direction of the expression sense as an emotional stimulation element on the base of the theory on the sense by Rudolf Steiner. The direction of expression sense in this paper means the expression directed in the space as an emotional element of human being. The Rudolf Steiner 12 sense theory can be inferred as an experience to react on five senses acting against the stimulation from outside and to be formed through a perceiving process to be acted in multisensory way. So to speak, 12 senses are composed of a heat, a temperature, a balancing motion, a proper motion and the sense of being alive expanded from the existing five senses, and a language, a thought, and the sense of self classified as what only human being holds. In addition, Rudolf Steiner judged that all these senses can’t exist by themselves, and therefore can be acted through an interaction to supplement each other or to come up against each other. These points results in confirming the existence of oneself and other, and their relationship on the base of 12 senses. In conclusion, Rudolf Steiner 12 senses can be thought to be a vehicle and acceptor to perceive the external world and recognize it. In addition, it can be inferred by the characteristic of sense theory by Rudolf Steiner what senses become important in the emotional café type, and how the direction of expression sense can be changed to stimulate the sense. The adequate direction of expression sense is suggested by putting a new spin on the diagram for the direction of space for the emotional café in reference with the sense theory by Rudolf Steiner. The design elements for the interior space is classified to structural element, furniture element, decoration element, element for the light direction, and color element through the advanced study and data investigation, and the relationship to the direction of expression sense is analyzed by drawing the element having a high frequency at each structure element. The space for the emotional café is defined in reference with a general classification of café. Its method is referred with café application to know the present condition of many users and the opinion of professional designers is defined as the category of the emotional café type and is reviewed. In a conclusion, the design for the interior space was classified into the category of natural circumstance type, open type, individual type, experience type and study type as 5 types of design element for interior space. As the method on the study and analysis, its matrix analysis method classified the direction of expression sense extracted on the standard of Rudolf Steiner’s sense theory, and the design elements for the interior space derived from the advanced study and data review. In addition, the space for the emotional café representing 5 types of the emotional café is selected and is evaluated by applying matrix-analysis method. The survey has been under ongoing on the base of the evaluated result, which aims to know the relationship between the recognition on the direction of expression sense through survey of real users and the design element for the interior space. IBS, SPSS 24 program is used as the tool for analysis, and then the analysis on the frequency is executed to know the statistics of users to utilize the space for the emotional sense. The analysis on the reliability was done to measure the internal consistency and reliability of the study variable, and at the same time the confirmatory factor analysis is also exercised to practice the single level analysis on the measurement factor. Finally, the relationship of the expression sense direction in the space for the emotional café to interior space design element was analyzed. I hereby dare to draw the characteristic on the expression sense direction element as the emotional elements through Rudolf Steiner’s sense theory, which was based on this study that the emotion of human being is the center of the space region at this time, and to show co-relation between the characteristic and the interior space design factor. It comes to the conclusion to search the factor to contribute to the direction of the space design for the emotional café in future.
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