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dc.description.abstract이 글은 3ㆍ1운동기 조선인들이 조직한 만세시위 회유단체인 자제단(自制團)의 등장과 활동에 대한 연구를 통해 일제강점기 친일인사들에 대한 분석을 시도하였다. 일제강점기 독립운동에 대해서는 이미 상당한 연구 성과가 축적된 것과 달리 일제의 식민통치에 대한 한국인들의 협력을 다룬 연구는 상대적으로 부족한 편이다. 더욱이 일제강점기 부일협력에 대한 연구는 대부분 친일인사 개개인의 친일 행적과 이들이 친일 행위를 하게 된 사상적 배경을 밝히는데 치우쳐 왔다. 이러한 점에 주목하여 이 연구는 3ㆍ1운동기 만세시위를 진정시키기 위해 전국적으로 조직된 만세시위 회유단체를 살펴보고, 단체의 활동에 참여한 참여자들과 단체의 활동 분석을 시도하였다. 일제는 통치 초기부터 조선귀족을 이용하여 조선사회를 안정시키려고 하였지만, 조선귀족의 방탕한 생활로 인해 이를 수행할 수 없었다. 3ㆍ1운동이 발발하자 총독부는 중추원 의관들과 지역의 유력자들에게 만세시위를 진정시키는데 앞장 설 것을 요구하였다. 이러한 총독부의 요구에 따라 중추원 의관들과 지역의 유력자들은 각 지역에서 만세시위를 진정시키려는 움직임이 나타났다. 이러한 움직임 중 가장 대표적인 것이 바로 이 논문에서 살펴볼 자제단이다. 자제단은 1919년 4월에 조직되어 6월경까지 활동한 단체로 조선인 사회를 안정시키기 위해 만세시위의 회유를 주요 활동 목적으로 하고 있었다. 1919년 대구지역에서 중추원 참의 박중양 및 대구 유력자들의 발기로 전국 최초의 자제단이 조직되었으며, 3·1운동의 확대에 따라 단체의 조직도 전국적으로 확산되기 시작하였다. 그러나 단체 간의 결속력은 없었으며, 지역의 필요에 따라 각지에서 조직되었다. 자제단의 활동이 일정한 성과를 거두었던 것으로 보인다. 때문에, 일제는 만세시위의 진정에 자제단을 적극으로 활용하였으며, 일본인 관료의 참여가 확대됨에 따라 자제단의 성격 또한 관변단체화 되어갔다. 자제단은 3ㆍ1운동이 진정되어감에 따라 단체의 기능을 상실하였고, 6월경 자연적으로 해산하였다. 이는 자제단이 1910년대 총독부가 조선인 단체를 공식적으로 허가하지 않은 상황 속에서 총독부의 요구에 따라 일시적인 목적을 달성하기 위해 조직된 단체였음을 보여준다. 일제는 만세시위 회유단체를 공식 지원하지 않았지만, 만세시위의 진정에 자제단을 적극적으로 활용하였다. 조선인들이 조직한 단체에 일본인 관료들이 대거 참여하면서 자제단의 활동에도 변화가 나타났다. 자제단은 친일조선인들에 의해 조직되었지만, 일본인 관료들이 단체의 운영에 상당한 영향력을 발휘하였다. 만세시위 회유 단체의 활동에 적극적으로 참여한 친일인물들은 단체의 활동을 통해 자신의 정치적 입지 강화를 모색하였으며, 지역 유력자들은 시장개시 청원 운동을 통해 그들의 경제적 안정을 도모하였다. 이처럼 자제단은 3ㆍ1운동기 대다수의 한국인들이 일제의 강압적인 통치에 저항하고 있는 상황 속에서도 친일인사들은 오로지 자신들의 경제적ㆍ정치적 이권을 지키고자 하였음을 보여준다. | This study aims to analyze Pro-Japanese organizations during the colonial rule, in particular the case of Jajedan (自制團), an government-affiliated group established by pro-Japanese Koreans during the 3.1 Movement. Although there was many studies on Korean People’s independence movements during Japanese colonial periods, most of studies didn’t focuse on Korean people’s spontaneous cooperation with Japanese colonial rule. Besides, former studies merely analyzed on the deed and ideological background of pro-Japanese Koreans as an individual, not as a group. The purpose of this study is to reveal how these spontaneous appeasement groups were constituted by Pro-Japanese Koreans and how they emerged nationwide during the 3.1 movement period and to examine their activities. At the beginning of the colonization, the colonial authorities attempted to stabilize the indigenous society of Joseon through the local aristocracy., However, the attempt of the colonial authority was largely failed, since local nobles, whose interest lied in the well-being of individual life, did not willingly cooperate with the colonial rule. As the 3.1 Movement took place, The Government General of Joseon asked Jungchuwon (the Governor-General's Secretariat) and local leaders to appease the independence movement. Jajedan was the most prominent organization among the spontaneous local groups that supported the colonial government’s attempt to cease the independence Movement. Jajedan was first established by Jungyang Park (an Jungchuwon official) and other influential local leaders in Daegu. As the independence movement extended across the country, the appeasement group also spread throughout the nation. Interestingly, although a number of appeasement groups were organized throughout the country no bonding was found between the groups. Since Jajedan waseffective organization to pacify Korean people’s independence movement, Japanese colonial government took the full advantage of Jajedan in defusing independence movement. Furthermore, Japanese officials took bigger part in Jajadan’s activity, thereby making Jajedan more like a government group. On the other hand, as 3.1 Movement had come to a lull, Jajedan lost its purpose and naturally dissolved around June after all. In conclusion, this study argues that Jajedan was a group which was organized on the purpose according to Japanese rulers’ demand to achieve their temporary objective to calm down independence movement Although Japanese colonial government did not admit nor patronized any group organized by Koreans in 1910s, they effectively utilized Jajedan to suppress independence movement. The participation of Japanese officials in pro-Japanese appeasement groups such as Jajedan brought changes and gave huge influence in their activities. Pro-Japanese Koreans and local leaders who composed Jajedan only sought to reinforce their political status and economic stabilization through the activities in Jajedan. Therefore, it is possible to infer that Jajedan, largely made up of pro-Japanese Koreans, had interests only in maintaining their political rights and economic benefits in the situation that most Koreans resisted against the oppressive colonial rule during the 3.1 Movement.; This study aims to analyze Pro-Japanese organizations during the colonial rule, in particular the case of Jajedan (自制團), an government-affiliated group established by pro-Japanese Koreans during the 3.1 Movement. Although there was many studies on Korean People’s independence movements during Japanese colonial periods, most of studies didn’t focuse on Korean people’s spontaneous cooperation with Japanese colonial rule. Besides, former studies merely analyzed on the deed and ideological background of pro-Japanese Koreans as an individual, not as a group. The purpose of this study is to reveal how these spontaneous appeasement groups were constituted by Pro-Japanese Koreans and how they emerged nationwide during the 3.1 movement period and to examine their activities. At the beginning of the colonization, the colonial authorities attempted to stabilize the indigenous society of Joseon through the local aristocracy., However, the attempt of the colonial authority was largely failed, since local nobles, whose interest lied in the well-being of individual life, did not willingly cooperate with the colonial rule. As the 3.1 Movement took place, The Government General of Joseon asked Jungchuwon (the Governor-General's Secretariat) and local leaders to appease the independence movement. Jajedan was the most prominent organization among the spontaneous local groups that supported the colonial government’s attempt to cease the independence Movement. Jajedan was first established by Jungyang Park (an Jungchuwon official) and other influential local leaders in Daegu. As the independence movement extended across the country, the appeasement group also spread throughout the nation. Interestingly, although a number of appeasement groups were organized throughout the country no bonding was found between the groups. Since Jajedan waseffective organization to pacify Korean people’s independence movement, Japanese colonial government took the full advantage of Jajedan in defusing independence movement. Furthermore, Japanese officials took bigger part in Jajadan’s activity, thereby making Jajedan more like a government group. On the other hand, as 3.1 Movement had come to a lull, Jajedan lost its purpose and naturally dissolved around June after all. In conclusion, this study argues that Jajedan was a group which was organized on the purpose according to Japanese rulers’ demand to achieve their temporary objective to calm down independence movement Although Japanese colonial government did not admit nor patronized any group organized by Koreans in 1910s, they effectively utilized Jajedan to suppress independence movement. The participation of Japanese officials in pro-Japanese appeasement groups such as Jajedan brought changes and gave huge influence in their activities. Pro-Japanese Koreans and local leaders who composed Jajedan only sought to reinforce their political status and economic stabilization through the activities in Jajedan. Therefore, it is possible to infer that Jajedan, largely made up of pro-Japanese Koreans, had interests only in maintaining their political rights and economic benefits in the situation that most Koreans resisted against the oppressive colonial rule during the 3.1 Movement.-
dc.title3ㆍ1운동기 自制團의 등장과 활동-
dc.title.alternativeThe Appearance and Activities of the Jaje-Dan (自制團) during the 1919 Independence Movement-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorYoon,Ju Han-
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