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무용창작을 위한 즉흥 콜라보레이션 작업 참여자들의 심리적 충돌

무용창작을 위한 즉흥 콜라보레이션 작업 참여자들의 심리적 충돌
Other Titles
Psychological Collision of Participants by Imrpovisation Collaboration for the Process of Dance Choreography
Alternative Author(s)
Choi Moonea
Issue Date
국문요지 21세기 새로운 문화 콘텐츠 개발을 위해 많은 분야에서 콜라보레이션 작업을 시도하고 있다. 더 많은 관객층과 소비자를 확보하게 해주는 콜라보레이션 작업의 긍정적인 효과는 공연 예술작업에서도 증가하고 있는 추세이며, 문화와 언어의 장벽을 넘어선 다국적 예술가들의 협업 작업도 공연을 통해 활발하게 진행되고 있다. ING 즉흥 그룹은 한국, 미국, 프랑스, 핀란드에서 국립 대학교나 사립 대학교에서 교수로서 재직하고 있거나 국제적인 초청 공연자로서 활동하고 있는 예술가들이 매년 신 작품을 창조하기 위해서 일 년에 한번 한국에 모여서 작업을 하는 다국적 협업 단체이며, ING 즉흥 그룹 구성원들은 즉흥 메서드를 활용하여 한국무용가, 컨템퍼러리 무용가, 즉흥무용가, 음악가, 댄스비디오 예술가, 사진예술가, 작가 가 같이 공동 작업을 하는 다국적 협업 크로스오버단체이다. 연구자는 다국적 크로스오버 ING 즉흥그룹의 대표이며, 총 감독자로서 다국적 협업 작업의 심리적 충돌을 인지해왔다. 다국적 협업 작업의 심리적 충돌 연구를 위해서 2015년, 강동 아트센터에서 발표한 한국 문화 예술 위원회 다원예술 선정 작 <백발백중>과 2016년에 아르코 소극장에서 발표한 <일곱 개의 섬> 창작 과정에서, 문화적, 환경적, 장르별 격차로 인해 발생했던 심리적 충돌을 연구 분석하고 있다. 또한 다국적 협업 작업의 다른 사례연구로서 한국인 즉흥예술가 N과 프랑스 예술가 이완 루이(Iann Lheureux)의 다국적 협업작업에서 발생했던 긍정적, 부정적 심리 충돌을 연구했다. 다국적 협업 참여자들이 실제 작업 현장에서 느낀 심리적 충돌은 무엇이었는지, 어떻게 그 충돌을 극복 했는지에 관한 심층면담, 화상통화, 이메일로 인터뷰를 진행했다. 문화적, 환경적, 장르별 요인에 의한 3가지 측면에서 연구 분석한 결과를 토대로 해결방안을 모색한 결과 첫 번째, 성공적인 창작 즉흥 협업 작업을 위한 기초자료를 완성하고 두 번째, 관객의 다양성을 유도하는 새로운 공연예술 창작 법을 제시하고, 세 번째 미래지향적인 다국적 협업 방법론이 제언 되었다. | This study has been researched psychological collisions which were caused in the collaboration processes of and which were produced by ING group, Multinational Crossover Improvisation Group in Korea. selected in the field of crossover art of Arko Foundation in 2016 in Korea was presented on August 13th and 14th at Kang Dong Art Center in 2015. was presented on August 10th and 11th at Arko Theater in 2016. The study is focused that what kinds of psychological collisions were happened, how the differences between culture, environment, and genre are related with the difficulties to create the dances, and how each participants would try to overcome the conflicts in the process due to different cultural and social backgrounds. In addition, this study has also been researched two improvisational artists: One is korean improvisation artist N and the other is Iann Lheureux, french Improvisation artist. The researcher of this study has worked as an executive director of ING group since 2012 and has observed a lot of psychological collisions during the choreographic processes of each dance work between 2013 and 2016. Also, she found that the more they created the dance pieces, the more they created successful works by finding out good solutions for the unexpected conflicts in the processes. The researchers created some questionnaire lists based on: what psychological difficulties (Collision) in the collaboration process were, what cultural things would caused for difficulties in the collaboration, what environmental things caused for difficulties, what genre gaps caused for the difficulties, what is the most important elements to overcome some collisions. She interviewed those things by e-mail, skype and meetings. Through the study, she has tried to find out important informations and experiences for successful collaboration works with foreign artists, which would be useful data for the future collaboration works with foreign artists in Korea.; This study has been researched psychological collisions which were caused in the collaboration processes of and which were produced by ING group, Multinational Crossover Improvisation Group in Korea. selected in the field of crossover art of Arko Foundation in 2016 in Korea was presented on August 13th and 14th at Kang Dong Art Center in 2015. was presented on August 10th and 11th at Arko Theater in 2016. The study is focused that what kinds of psychological collisions were happened, how the differences between culture, environment, and genre are related with the difficulties to create the dances, and how each participants would try to overcome the conflicts in the process due to different cultural and social backgrounds. In addition, this study has also been researched two improvisational artists: One is korean improvisation artist N and the other is Iann Lheureux, french Improvisation artist. The researcher of this study has worked as an executive director of ING group since 2012 and has observed a lot of psychological collisions during the choreographic processes of each dance work between 2013 and 2016. Also, she found that the more they created the dance pieces, the more they created successful works by finding out good solutions for the unexpected conflicts in the processes. The researchers created some questionnaire lists based on: what psychological difficulties (Collision) in the collaboration process were, what cultural things would caused for difficulties in the collaboration, what environmental things caused for difficulties, what genre gaps caused for the difficulties, what is the most important elements to overcome some collisions. She interviewed those things by e-mail, skype and meetings. Through the study, she has tried to find out important informations and experiences for successful collaboration works with foreign artists, which would be useful data for the future collaboration works with foreign artists in Korea.
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > DANCE(무용학과) > Theses (Ph.D.)
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