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고객경험관리(CEM)을 활용한 로컬 브랜드의 국내 성공전략에 관한 연구

고객경험관리(CEM)을 활용한 로컬 브랜드의 국내 성공전략에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on winning strategies of local brands in the domestic market based on CEM theory
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Ki Han
Issue Date
지금의 기업들에게 최우선 화두가 무엇인지를 묻는다면 아마 답은 동일할 것이다. 결국 최우선 화두는 ‘소비자와 고객의 마음을 얻는 것‘이라고 말할 것이다. 오늘날의 마케팅을 아주 간단하게‘고객의 확보와 유지’라고 정의하는 것도 소비자나 고객을 기업 활동이나 마케팅 활동의 시작점이자 중심으로 보기 때문이다. 여기서 중요한 것은 이러한 고객과 기업의 활동을 어디에 두느냐이다. Bernd H. Schmitt 교수는 이러한 고객과 기업의 활동을 ‘고객인터페이스(접점)에서 발생하는 고객경험’에서 시작하라고 주장한다. 이러한 고객경험을 이해하고 분석하면서 기업의 역량과 마케팅을 어떻게 키워나가고 집중시키는 지의 전략이 필요하다는 것이다. 지금의 소비시장은 철저히 ‘고객경험’에 기반을 두고 있다. 매일 접하는 음식 하나부터 고가의 자동차까지 소비자들의 선택은 자신의 ‘경험’에 기초해서 이루어지고 있다는 것이다. 바로 고객에게 좋은 경험, 다시 찾고(하고) 싶은 경험을 만들어 주는 것이 중요하다는 것이다. CEM 전략은 아주 단순하면서도 명쾌하다. 고객경험을 분석하고 경험을 기반으로 전략을 확립해서 지속적으로 브랜드와 고객접점을 혁신해나가는 것이다. 하지만 이러한 단순 명료한 전략을 실제 비즈니스에 적용해나가려는 기업들이 많지 않다. 이는 기존의 마케팅 믹스에 갇혀 기업중심, 자사 역량중심으로만 전략을 짜기 때문이다. 많은 기업들이 고객가치나 고객중심의 마케팅을 부르짖으면서도 정작 실행에 접근하지 못하는 이유는 무엇일까? 어느 장소나 어느 산업 군에서나 고객은 존재하고 경험은 발생한다. 점점 더 산업과 서비스는 발전하지만 고객의 마음과 선택은 점점 더 복잡하고 예측하기가 쉽지 않다. STP, 4P, SWOT분석으로 잘 분석한 고객과 시장도 한 순간에 감정과 분위기에서 다른 선택을 하고 돌아설 수 있는 시대가 된 것이다. 이론적 마케팅의 한계가 왔다고 주장하는 근거도 바로 여기에 있다. 기존의 마케팅 믹스는 아직도 유효하고 적중될 순 있지만 이제는 좀 더 세밀하고 감성적인 접근이 필요한 시대이다. 바로 “모든 고객접점에서의 고객경험관리(Customer Experience Management)‘ 전략이 필요한 이유이다. 본 논문의 연구는 이러한 CEM 전략을 작은 로컬 커피전문점 브랜드인 '이디야(EDIYA)'를 통해서 거대 글로벌 브랜드와의 경쟁 시장에서 어떻게 적용해 나가고 어떤 프레임으로 성공할 수 있었는지를 보고자 한다. 또한 이러한 성공사례를 통해서 많은 로컬 브랜드에게 어떤 시사점을 줄 수 있는지도 살펴보고자 한다.|If you ask companies what their priorities are now, they would give the same answer: “captivating consumers and customers.” The reason why we define today’s marketing simply as the “activity for attracting and retaining customers” is because we see consumers or customers as the starting point and center of a company’s business or marketing activities. What is important here is where such activities should start. Bernd H. Schmitt argues that such activities should start from customer experience at the customer interface. He means that companies need to give thought to how they will increase their capability and develop marketing and where they should focus while understanding and analyzing customer experience. Today’s consumer market is based entirely on customer experience. Consumers make choices on everything from food to expensive cars based on their experience. Accordingly, it is important to make customers have good experiences that can impact their likelihood to visit or purchase the same brand again. The customer experience management (CEM) strategy is very simple and clear: analyze customer experience, establish a strategy based on the analysis, and innovate the brand and customer interface. However, there are only a handful of companies that apply such a simple strategy to their actual businesses. It is because most companies establish strategies centered on the companies and their capabilities, trapped in their existing marketing mix. Why do many companies not actually practice customer value- or customer-centered marketing although they say they pursue such marketing? Customers exist and customer experience is created at any place and in any industry. Industry and services are making progress, but customers’ minds and choices are getting more complicated and unpredictable. Even customers or markets which a company has well analyzed and understand using STP, 4P and SWOT analysis can make unexpected choices and turn their back to the company depending on their feelings and emotions in the moment of choice. This is why some claim that theoretical marketing has reached its limit. While the current marketing mix is still valid and useful, it is time we needed a more detailed, emotional approach. This is why we need a CEM strategy at every customer contact point. This study is designed to show how EDIYA, a local coffee franchise, used the CEM strategy to compete against global coffee giants and how it framed itself to succeed. In addition, we will look into what implications EDIYA’s success has on other local brands.; If you ask companies what their priorities are now, they would give the same answer: “captivating consumers and customers.” The reason why we define today’s marketing simply as the “activity for attracting and retaining customers” is because we see consumers or customers as the starting point and center of a company’s business or marketing activities. What is important here is where such activities should start. Bernd H. Schmitt argues that such activities should start from customer experience at the customer interface. He means that companies need to give thought to how they will increase their capability and develop marketing and where they should focus while understanding and analyzing customer experience. Today’s consumer market is based entirely on customer experience. Consumers make choices on everything from food to expensive cars based on their experience. Accordingly, it is important to make customers have good experiences that can impact their likelihood to visit or purchase the same brand again. The customer experience management (CEM) strategy is very simple and clear: analyze customer experience, establish a strategy based on the analysis, and innovate the brand and customer interface. However, there are only a handful of companies that apply such a simple strategy to their actual businesses. It is because most companies establish strategies centered on the companies and their capabilities, trapped in their existing marketing mix. Why do many companies not actually practice customer value- or customer-centered marketing although they say they pursue such marketing? Customers exist and customer experience is created at any place and in any industry. Industry and services are making progress, but customers’ minds and choices are getting more complicated and unpredictable. Even customers or markets which a company has well analyzed and understand using STP, 4P and SWOT analysis can make unexpected choices and turn their back to the company depending on their feelings and emotions in the moment of choice. This is why some claim that theoretical marketing has reached its limit. While the current marketing mix is still valid and useful, it is time we needed a more detailed, emotional approach. This is why we need a CEM strategy at every customer contact point. This study is designed to show how EDIYA, a local coffee franchise, used the CEM strategy to compete against global coffee giants and how it framed itself to succeed. In addition, we will look into what implications EDIYA’s success has on other local brands.
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